I love Titus, but he is not
the neatest individual that's ever ridden in an ambulance. I see we're not doing
the floor thing. Why does this upset you? Because it's in the way. How's it in the way, D? You are a pain in my side, man. Look, just leave-- just leave the son
of a bitch up there. Golly. We should start
calling this 32 Titus. Just take my name off the truck. We just do whatever
the hell Titus wants. How about that? I've been saying
that for years now. You should have been 32 Titus. You've been paramedic
for, like, 17 minutes, and I got to turn the
old truck over to you. [laughs] DAN: Man, we're starting to
sound like a married couple. I need you to calm down. We got a call for
a lady that have short a breath after using the
insect foggers in her house. TITUS: 32, [inaudible]
we're on the scene. Hello, how y'all doing? Insecticides are
bad, no matter what. But, you know, when you're
talking to someone that's, you know, up in
age, you know, they typically have pre-existing
medical conditions. And then when you introduce
an inhaled insecticide, it can make someone very sick. Oh, you are so cute. T, you want to hold?
- No! Why not? That dog look
like it's a killer. [inaudible] dog, killer? Look at that--
that look in his eye. Oh, stop yourself. TITUS: All right, baby,
come sit right here. DAN: All the way up in
the crease, sweetie. I promise we will let him out. [coughs] TITUS: Oh, no, we're
enjoying ourselves too. TITUS: What? We'll get you a
little oxygen, OK? DAN: That's why this probably
bothering you so much. TITUS: Oh, you have emphysema. And I've never smoked
a day in my life. Well, if it matters to you,
you got great oxygenation in your blood. I'm sure your-- your
lungs are probably irritated from that stuff. TITUS: All right,
baby, you anything? When I pass, I'm going to
make sure I count all of them. The little small brown,
grab it so I can take it home. No. TITUS: All right. DAN: Thing's cute. [siren blaring] All right. Aw, let's just say
she got four on there. Look, make sure they
don't get out the gate. What year was this you
were doing all that or years? '60s, yeah. I bet you did. Never had a Playboy
bunny in the truck. She out there, you know,
partying and hanging out with huge celebrities
of the '60s, you know, before
I was even born. You know, I think that
stuff's kind of cool. A Playmate and a Playboy
bunny, what is the difference? A staple-- a
staple in her navel. And you mean this literally. Oh! I see what you're saying. All right. all right.
All right. All right. I got you. That is definitely one of
the best parts of this job is meeting people
like that from all these diverse backgrounds
and all the things that they used to
do or currently do. TITUS: Did you ever
meet the man, Hef? Yes, and I didn't like him. DAN: Really? Well, I sure am glad we're the
ones that got to pick you up. DAN: Because I can tell
you that's a first for me.