Nightmare On Elm Street Movies - NitPix

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this video is sponsored by brilliant horror movies we all love them apart from the people who don't those people that go oh I can't watch horror movies I can't deal with horror I hate those people those people and people who can't handle any degree of spice in their food both those types of [ __ ] are bland - [ __ ] and I refuse to socialize with weak plebs like that if you can't deal with a curry and some fake blood unsub right now anyway you can't have a good horror film without a good villain apart from in like The Shining where the antagonist is more sort of abstract like it could be insanity it could be a ghost it could be Popeyes wife but when you think of classic horror films what naturally comes to your little noggin is the villains since the start of the horror genre we've always had iconic figures like Dracula Frankenstein's monster and clock eye however as the genre has developed a new roster of terrifying demon creatures has developed with it these new antagonists that were popularized in the 80s were generally huge [ __ ] who just tracked you down and killed the [ __ ] out of you but there was one guy who was a little bit chatty oh he wasn't as much of a beefcake and this was the revolutionary sex icon known as Freddy Krueger The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is the one that stands out to me the most they made seven of these [ __ ] films over ten years and each and every one of them has a unique charm so in this video I'm going to go through each film chronologically and give you some insight into my favorite horror movie franchise this man is Wes Craven and he had a Craven to make a movie and damn it's pretty okay I mean that conceptually is good Freddy Krueger died years ago and he's in these teenagers dreams Buchan out for them when he kills them in their dreams they die in real life oh why is he killing these kids it turns out that Krueger used to be a child murderer by child murderer they actually mean child rapist Loki he was arrested for his crimes but was freed on a technicality or the local disgruntled parents banded together formed a committee and burned him to death now he's back to get their children in their dreams Freddy can control every aspect of the dream and they can't wake up so they're basically trapped in his twisted playground allow space for the most visually insane and creative deaths young Johnny Depp who is dressed in the sexiest crop top get sucked into his bed being blended and brutally shot up onto the roof sadly the plot is very standard eighties slasher film group of teens the adults don't believe them they all die leaving one person standing which in this case is Nancy who manages to defeat Freddy by not being afraid of him anymore because that's how he gets his power your nothing wants but then it turns out all her friends are alive again and the whole thing was a dream this makes no [ __ ] sense and not even the fans can figure this [ __ ] out Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddy's revenge is the antithesis of the first film whence the first Nightmare on Elm Street is a slow and the intense film with a true sense of horror the second film is a colourful garish over-the-top surreal cheese fest it's oddly culturally significant as well since its heralded as one of the gayest horror movies ever made the homoerotic subtext is pretty blatant with a gay director and a gay lead actor the standard horror story is told from a completely different perspective and the result is something marvelously campin unique usually horror films will have a female protagonist the view being their weaker or more vulnerable but this time it's Jesse and he's got a big problem his family have just moved to Elm Street and now he's been possessed by Freddy Krueger everytime jesse falls asleep Krueger takes him over and kills people so yeah it's not really that scary but there's some great body horror scenes and dream sequences which take cues from Salvador Dali in one scene Freddy just openly slices people up at a pool party like he's actually there no one is sleeping Freddy's motivation for the whole film is just that he wants to kill people I guess he just likes it so the film doesn't really make any sense at all like Freddy is honestly defeated through the power of love [Music] [ __ ] bro abusing dream warriors bro you haven't seen dream warriors bro you need to wash dream warriors this film is the best in the franchise in my opinion is everything you want in a Freddy Krueger movie with a little bit extra and that little bit extras Laurence Fishbourne Nancy makes a return and she be looking fly as hell Wes Craven is back not directing but he worked on the story and damn is tasty it all takes place in a mental institution for teenagers with sleep deprivation and suicidal tendencies but they're not actually hurting themselves it's the crux to who's making it look like suicide oh you clever bastard this time the teenagers aren't bland basic [ __ ] 80 stereotypes this guy loves D&D this girl's a recovering addict and this guy is mad into puppetry and then Kincaid is just hilarious but all those cool and quirky characters are about to get [ __ ] in the most brutal and disturbing way remember that kid who loves puppets well let's just turn his tendons into strings and make the kid jump off a building this poor girl is so terrified of sleeping that she's giving herself cigarette burns to force herself to stay awake when she does fall asleep Freddie grows out the TV with little antennas and slams her [ __ ] face into the television all the while giggling like he's having the time of his life this soft depraved twisted humor that's both disturbing and entertaining radiates through the entire film Nancy's in this film to help the kids unlock their special dream powers so they can fight Freddie that's right [ __ ] this is also a superhero ensemble film but it's all set in an abstract dreamscape world so this is legit 80s Avengers on acid it turns out Freddie's only killing these kids because his soul isn't at peace his bones need a decent burial and a bit of holy water and then BOOM there you go after free movies they tell us for sure Freddie is fully dead right Nightmare on Elm Street for the dream master is the first film in the franchise to continue directly from the last one but how do they justify Freddy coming back when they definitely killed him in the last film well okay so King K dreams he's at Freddy's burial site and then this happens [Music] so now Freddy's back and it gets back to what he does best killing kids not molesting them just killing oh god no Freddy stop it's established that Freddy needs or wants children's souls they all congeal on him like he's an absorb a lot and one scene is eating their souls as topping on a pizza which is a pretty gangster the plot of this film is the same as dream warriors except with a different band of teenagers and one person special power is they can absorb everyone else's powers so everyone dies apart from her and Alice becomes the dream warrior this means there are a ton of def sequences the dream sequences are suspenseful dark grimy and just dripping with filmic flair there's a character who only has two traits she likes exercising and hates bugs so she falls asleep on the workout bench and I'm all like what's the worst that can happen in the Alpha Alice ends up having a major fight over Freddy and she destroys this ultimate evil by showing him a reflection of himself this is probably the laziest way they could kill off Freddy yet yet this is the last film in what I would call the dream trilogy but I only call it that because I have autism you can call it whatever the [ __ ] you like I don't care Freddy is brought back this time by literally being reborn again by Amanda Krueger in Alice's dream then little fetus Freddy runs about for a bit and grows to full size pregnancy is like the main theme of this film Alice is pregnant and Freddy is trying to turn the child evil the weird narrative device of this film is that every time the unborn child dreams which is basically all the time Freddy can just kill anyone he wants wherever they're asleep or not this guy gets sucked into a comic book or take on me style and he uses his dream powers to be a superhero and Freddie turns into a super Freddie there's this honestly horrific scene where this girl gets overfed to the point of death and that genuinely got under my skin and made me squirm they give Freddie's mother a proper burial which allows her to enter the dream world and Freddie is literally sucked back into his mother's womb that's how I want to go Freddy's dead the final nightmare this film is so goofy and stupid that it's not even a horror film but some people could argue it's their favorite in the franchise and I can understand why it would be final nightmare fan I sniffed you out a mile away mostly because you smell of dank Kirsch when you're gonna stop watching really dumb horror movies the death [ __ ] job yes you haven't paid the rent in months Martin why are you calling me a fool I'm calling you out and no I don't want to smoke weed with you mine in fact why don't you just [ __ ] talk about the film yourself did you love it so much go on go on the mic what do I just speak like this yes Freddy's dead is uh what do I say this film goes balls to the wall with weird [ __ ] it starts with this expositional text the gist of it is that everyone in Springfield has psychosis like in the mid-60s when they put acid in the water but this time it's not acid they've all lost their minds cuz Freddy Krueger has killed everyone's kids it's pretty creepy like an episode of Twilight Zone but it's also really funny for Freddy 101 1,493 Freddy these kids from a children's home visit Springfield and no matter where they drive they keep coming back to the same place there's this [ __ ] with the map which always makes me laugh I asked you for the map yeah well the map says were [ __ ] they end up in the house from Elm Street which seems to happen in every film mostly because they've all got Elm Street in the title so they sort of have to though this is the first film that doesn't have a mystery in the title so why is it in this one one word man respect and I respect them for that this stoner kid gets sucked into the TV and Freddie starts playing him like a Nintendo game you know how in the other movies if a character died in the dreamer with the life suicide or just be sort of generally dark and twisted when this one the guy just starts bouncing around like he's on a pogo stick getting bashed into everything like a weirdo it's like how can you even be mad at this it's jokes as hell at least as Joe's as a dragon from Mulan and that's saying something all the kids get killed by each dream sequence the film tells us Freddy's complete origin story his mother was raped by a hundred insane rapists and murderers to his come from like a combined super evil semen and then he gets sent to a home where he cuts himself a bunch and his dad is by anyway after the parents burn him to death these weird dream spirits enter his body making him an immortal dream demon shits Raj this woman who's like a child psychologist is revealed to be Freddie's daughter but I usually Chong out at this point and fall asleep so I don't know any other details are they managed to drag him into the real world and blow him up with a pie bomb or something all the demons die or leave or something and the film's just really sick 10 out of 10 best Nightmare on Elm Street movie can I go now yeah Wes Craven's new nightmare this film is meta as [ __ ] Wes Craven is back writing and directing and acting a bit as himself because that's right everyone is playing themselves the original actors are back as themselves and they're all doing Nightmare on Elm Street press tours because it's the tenth anniversary of the first film they started getting Freddy nightmares and the actor who plays Nancy is super paranoid about her son getting sliced up have you ever wanted to watch a 90's meta version of the babadook but with the cast of Nightmare on Elm Street without the grieving subtext then this film was made for you the most interesting part of the film is wes craven declaring himself as the protector of the world by writing stories that keep kruger contained apart from that you've just got some [ __ ] child acting what's this kid's name again [ __ ] so that's seven Nightmare on Elm Street films in ten years they really shut these films out with each installment there is always an element of joy and love for the craft of film the nature of these films are dreams with dreams there are no limits holding you back from writing the most gruesome stylistic aloof ii sequences that are right for fantastic practical effects there's always someone having fun with these films whether that's the set designers the writers or even the actors there's a reason robert englund has never turned down a Freddy Krueger script the energy these films bring is completely unique with every iteration there's a new team new directors new writers but they still have that ticking deadline gotta get it out for Halloween there's no time to try and make anything make any sense just make it fast no I'm being hypothetical it doesn't matter the point I'm making is out of all these seven films there's not a single one that I would say isn't worth watching and that's pretty remarkable that's pretty brilliant brilliant is a fun interactive problem-solving website which allows you to test and push yourself in a whole range of ways brilliant teaches you to think like a scientist by guiding you through problems they take complex mathematical and scientific concepts break them up into delicious bite-sized bits where they present clear thinking in each part and then build up to a sexy conclusion brilliant more for sure have something for you so why don't you sign up today a brilliant org voyage slash nitpicks or follow the links in the description below also to sweeten it even more for you if you're one of the first 200 people to click the link you'll get 20% off the annual premium subscription to help out yourself and help out the channel by giving brilliant ago it's legit brilliant [Music] Oh
Channel: undefined
Views: 124,099
Rating: 4.9041491 out of 5
Keywords: Freddy Krueger, Freddy, Krueger, NitPix, Horror, Icon, Nit, Pix, Nightmare, On, Elm, Street, Nightmare On Elm Street, Review, Video Essay, Essay, Video, Funny, Rant, Friday The 13th, Halloween, Dream Warriors, Dream Master, Dream Child, deaths, kills, Freddy's revenge, Freddy's dead, the final nightmare, wes craven, Robert Englund, 1980s, 1984, movies, retrospective
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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