Nightly News Full Broadcast - May 17

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tonight Prince Harry and wife Megan pursued by Paparazzi conflicting accounts of what happened late last night in the busy streets of New York was it a near catastrophic car chase for more than two hours as a spokesperson for Harry claims or what the police called a challenging trip home as photographers pursued them with no reported collisions or injuries we talked to the cab driver who drove him an Idaho grand jury indicts Brian kohlberg are accused of killing four college students the new details just revealed is a federal court said to restrict access to a widely used apportion pill the battle Bound for the Supreme Court as North Carolina enacts a restrictive abortion law President Biden heads overseas while striking an optimistic tone that the country will never default as negotiators race to reach a debt limit deal a former Green Beret killed in Ukraine what he told NBC news about why he decided to join the fight the teenager missing for six years finally found after a TV show and a tip our thieves are getting into your iPhone and stealing everything the threat how to protect your data the first state of the country to ban Tick Tock but will it hold and the Titanic as we've never seen it spectacular new images that may shed light on why it sank this is NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt good evening and welcome what happened on the streets of New York City last night involving one of the world's most famous couples was either a near catastrophic car chase as their spokesman says or arrived at law enforcement sources say was simply A bit chaotic that spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Harry and Megan describing a dangerous two-hour long Chase pursued by highly aggressive Paparazzi resulting in multiple near collisions the episode rekindling Grim memories of the wild Pursuit that led to the death of Harry's mother Princess Diana in a Paris Highway tunnel nearly 26 years ago but tonight in New York officials are describing what happened to Harry and Megan as something less harrowing than reported and that's where we start tonight with Gabe Gutierrez Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle seen here leaving a charity event in New York and tonight there appeared to be differing accounts about what happened next a spokesperson and for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex admonishing photographers for a Relentless Pursuit that lasted two hours and resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road pedestrians and two NYPD officers adding the near catastrophic car chase came at the hands of a ring of Highly aggressive Paparazzi the briefing I received uh you know two of our offices could have been injured I thought that was a bit Reckless and irresponsible though tonight at least three law enforcement sources tell NBC News the couple was followed not chased and that the incident was a bit chaotic not near catastrophic I would find it hard to believe that there was a two-hour high-speed chase in a written statement the NYPD says numerous photographers made the couple's transport challenging but there were no reported collisions injuries or arrests Harry and Megan had private security as they left this venue and two law enforcement sources tell NBC news that they wanted to return to Manhattan's upper east side where they were staying with a friend and did not want the paparazzi to follow so the law enforcement sources say the couple was driven up and down Manhattan for more than an hour with a police escort then the pair was taken to this police precinct where a taxi picked them up would you describe it as chaotic yeah chaotic you could say chaotic I don't know what happened previous in the day right with me it was a chaotic but not crazy crazy right do you think the paparazzi went to far ah you know I don't know when we were there they kept their distance when they were following us in my cab Sunny Singh told us he's the taxi driver who picked up the couple but he says they drove around for only 10 minutes before the street was blocked by a garbage truck people just came out of nowhere with cameras and started snapping pictures did they seem worried they seem worried they seemed worried and nervous as long he then says he dropped them back off at the police precinct where a different car eventually took them home all right Gabe joins us from outside that police precinct Gabe was there any video of the pursuit well that's their Source close to Harry and Megan says that there is a security video that captured the encounter but it has not yet been publicly released Lester all right Gabe thanks let me turn that a cure Simmons in London and cure a lot of people immediately thought about Princess Diana when they heard about this and you know Lester inevitably that is one of the first things that Prince Harry will have thought of when this happened that terrible night when he lost his mum listen there are parallels Princess Diana was trying to escape the paparazzi just like Harry and Megan this week Princess Diana had lost her royal protection Prince Harry no longer has Royal protector but there's also Lester important context here too Prince Harry is fighting a legal battle with the British press this isn't just about the pass for him this is about the future he seems determined to keep fighting even to change the media but Lester there are those who question whether he can win that fight all right cure Simmons in London thank you new developments this evening in the brutal killings of those four University of Idaho students the suspect has been indicted and as Aaron McLaughlin reports we will see him in court soon tonight in Moscow Idaho Ryan Cove Burger the man charged with stabbing four college students to death now indicted by a grand jury the indictment includes four counts of Murder in the first degree and one count of burglary if found guilty he could be sentenced to death coburger has yet to enter a plea but his previous attorney said he believes he'll be exonerated the indictment follows his December arrest and his family home in Pennsylvania more than 45 days after Maddie Mogan Kaylee Gonzalez Zana kernodle and Ethan Chapin were found brutally murdered in this college house according to court documents coburger's DNA was found on a knife sheath at the crime scene and his white Hyundai Elantra seen driving here during a routine traffic stop was also allegedly caught on camera in the area the night of the killings one of two surviving roommates telling police she saw a male figure with bushy eyebrows a mask and black clothing in the home that night so this grand jury indictment simplifies the process for for the surviving Witnesses absolutely because they don't have to testify in front of coburger during this preliminary proceeding news of the indictment is the latest twist in a Grizzly case that's left a small university community heartbroken last weekend Kaylee and Maddie both received posthumous degrees coburger will be arraigned on Monday legal experts say once he enters a plea the trial must begin within six months unless he waives his right to a speedy trial Lester Aaron thank you now to the battle over abortion of federal appeals court hearing arguments on limiting access Nationwide to a widely used abortion pill a fight ultimately heading to the Supreme Court while some states restrict abortion further here's Laura Jarrett tonight the most commonly used abortion pills still on the market but its legal future uncertain a federal appeals court appearing deeply skeptical today of arguments from the Biden Administration and pill manufacturer as they try to keep miffapristone available the FDA can do normal how to look at the FDA just like we're allowed to look at any agency the three-judge panel must decide what to do with that controversial decision out of Texas last month which invalidated the fda's long-time approval of the drug one judge hearing the case appointed by George W bush the other two by Donald Trump all have a history of supporting abortion restrictions Judge James ho calling abortion a moral tragedy in a 2018 case the stakes of what happens to a pill women can currently get in the mail even higher now with new abortion restrictions emerging at the state level we needed to take action to protect The Unborn overnight in North Carolina a GOP super majority banned most abortions after 12 weeks with few exceptions overriding the governor's veto the law is incredibly arbitrary and it was crafted by people who were not Physicians it's really important to note that when there's a list of exceptions someone is always left out North Carolina had been an outlier among a sea of states that restricted access after the Supreme Court decided women don't have a constitutional right to an abortion every pregnancy threatens the life of mothers in neighboring South Carolina a six-week ban like Florida's on the horizon so Laura helping understand where we are the it's for the abortion pill the justices agreed last month to keep it on the market during the appeal process that's exactly right Lester and there's no deadline for this appeals court to rule on amiphopristone but once it makes a decision the case is inevitably headed back to the Supreme Court for a final say all right Laura Jared thanks sure President Biden is heading to Asia tonight for the G7 Summit as the U.S inches closer to a critical default deadline Kristen Welker is in Hiroshima Kristen the president with a clear message before leaving today Lester that's right a deal to raise the debt limit or risk economic Calamity while still in Washington the president said he's confident the country won't default calling a meeting with top Congressional leaders this week productive the president has cut short part of this critical diplomatic trip to deal with the crisis but despite that Republican house Speaker Kevin McCarthy blasting Mr Biden this afternoon for going overseas at all before a deal is done Lester Kristen Welker thank you breaking news from Ukraine tonight another American volunteer former Green Beret has been killed in battle there Molly Hunter has more on his decision to fight as new images show the immense toll of war in the east tonight as this grinding War continues to Rob young Ukrainian lives on the battlefield the family of American volunteer Soldier Nicholas maymer telling NBC News he was killed on Ukraine's front lines the 45-year-old Idaho native now one of at least 10 Americans killed since the war started he arrived on his own to join the fight in May 2022 and months before his death he spoke to NBC's RAF Sanchez protecting his identity going by the name SEMA the 20-year U.S army veteran training volunteer soldiers outside of Keith I had that strong internal debate on whether I should what I could contribute you know should I accept the risk and ultimately I decided that it was worth it to help you crave and worth the risk have you been to the east I signed up knowing knowing that but with the statement that I was I was willing to fight Ukraine says they now have the momentum in back move fighting hard for What Little remains today new satellite imagery appears to show the devastating toll from May 2022 to the charred Earth of this month tonight Russia is claiming they destroyed launchers part of U.S made Patriot air defense systems in that massive attack yesterday well tonight two U.S officials telling NBC News a patriot system incurred damage but is fully operational Lester Molly Hunter thank you in 60 seconds a mystery solved a girl missing for six years found the new details about the tip that led to her Discovery all after a TV show about the case stay with us we have new details of the shocking case of a missing girl finally found alive after six years thanks to a tip from a teen who saw the girl's story on a True Crime show Maggie Vespa reports hails in The crucial that brought Kayla on behind home six years after police say her mother who did not have legal custody kidnapped her investigators in North Carolina now say a teen girl working at an Asheville clothing store Saturday spotted Caleb and recognized the now 15 year old the employee of the store had a personal connection through their childhood the tipster also crediting the hit show Unsolved Mysteries which featured Kayla's case last fall the media attention that this case has received over the years up to and including the Netflix documentary uh most likely heightened her awareness Kayla and her mom police say initially giving officers fake names and birthdays Kayla seeming calm she looked relatively healthy didn't appear to be any type of physical trauma police soon uncovered the pair's true identities tonight they say Kayla is back home in Illinois her mother Heather on behan charged with kidnapping the remarkable homecoming following years of pleas from Kayla's dad Ryan iskurka on multiple True Crime shows my daughter was tonight iskurko writing in a statement I'm Overjoyed that Kayla is home safe adding we ask for privacy as we get to know each other again and navigate this new beginning is out on 25 thousand dollars Bond her attorney declined to comment Lester Maggie Vespa thank you still ahead the first state to ban Tick Tock but will it hold plus a new warning thieves stealing iPhones passcodes and even locking you out of all your data how to protect yourself next Montana today became the first state to ban Tick-Tock the governor signing a bill that will bar the Chinese owned video app from operating in the state because of privacy and security concerns it will also prohibit mobile app stores like Apple and Google from offering Tick Tock in the state a challenge on First Amendment grounds is expected as Congress debates limiting Tick-Tock turning out of the important warning thieves are stealing iPhones and passwords to hijack all your personal information Stephanie Goss explains how they're doing it and how to protect yourself just behind the locked screen of an iPhone a gold mine of money memories and connections and thieves have found a way in they're stealing your passcode so Sinister it's so Sinister but also so simple so they go to places where people are vulnerable drunk people are vulnerable they're drunk they're having a good time Joanna Stern covers tech for the Wall Street Journal she's done a series of reports exposing a new crime wave phones being ripped off at bars leading to tens of thousands of dollars stolen and apple accounts locked I was blown away by how many people I heard from that had been to different cities across the U.S NBC's digital team also helped uncover a ring of Thieves allegedly targeting gay bars in Manhattan victims are drugged their phones stolen two men John umberger and Julio Ramirez overdosed and died three suspects are charged with murder Taylor Ashley says he too was drugged and a victim of theft waking up after a night out and realizing his phone was gone I immediately got up went to check my computer to see what was going on had about 20 to 25 fraud alert emails he's as the thieves changed his Apple ID password locked him out and then went on a shopping spree they added my credit cards to Apple pay which I had not previously used and then they went around New York City using my phone as a credit card actually would get roughly fifteen thousand dollars back but what he couldn't get restored was his Apple account hours of conversations with Apple support staff I never received my my information back we're talking about personal photos contacts all the above the key is getting the passcode how quickly can you change my Apple ID all right so I'm going to tap here at the top this is your iCloud or Apple ID area I'm going to password and security I'm going to change password I'm going to put in your passcode it's in is that right and you're there and I'm there it took her 18 seconds but there's more these thieves on the streets know how to enable something that's a pretty hidden setting it's called this recovery key the recovery key is supposed to add another layer of protection the problem is is that the thieves have the recovery key once you've changed someone's Apple ID password and turned on this recovery key it's basically game over for the person whose account that is in a statement Apple says we take all attacks on our users very seriously no matter how rare we work tirelessly every day to protect our users accounts and data and are always investigating additional protections there are some steps to take make the passcode on the iPhone stronger like using six digits instead of four you can also go here to passcode options and do a custom alphanumeric code another option is going to screen time then content and privacy restrictions where there are several places you can add a four digit code that will block access the chain changes will make the phone less convenient I feel like it's Fort Knox on my phone now but with life's most important information in the palm of your hand the hassle may be worth it Stephanie gosk NBC News New York when we come back the astonishing new images of the Titanic like you've never seen it before [Music] finally astonishing new 3D images of a Titanic providing the most captivating view yet of the Shipwreck here's Tom Costello the images are breathtaking in their Clarity and detail the Titan too big for a single photo the new 3D scan combining 700 000 images reveals the full scale of the disaster the bow covered in Rust its anchor still attached the boiler room where workers shoveled coal to keep the lights on the propeller its serial number still legible scattered on the ocean floor unopened champagne bottles shoes hats and jewelry 1500 people died that day in 1912. Edith hazman was just 16 on board with her parents we talked to her in 1996. I never forget this fuel the dead Barbies explosion in the sea was terrible a deep sea mapping company used submersibles to create this 360 degree view coming soon a documentary looking at how an iceberg cut open a ship once branded Unsinkable this makes the Titanic tragedy much more real there's no doubt about that people around the world will be able to walk Round the Titanic for themselves and they'll be able to see the wreck they'll be able to see the debris field this is a history where we can live in the past a virtual view preserved forever Tom Costello NBC News Washington the fascination continues that's Nightly News for this Wednesday thank you for watching I'm Lester Holt please take care of yourself and each other good night thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app
Channel: NBC News
Views: 1,438,845
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Keywords: Health, International News, Lester Holt, Making A Difference, NBC Nightly News, National News, News, Nightly News, U.S. News, breaking news, evening news, politics, world news
Id: A4T1nLSzjJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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