Night Walk in Kyoto: Food and Booze in Hidden Gion Alleys

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hi welcome to Japan by food I'm your host shizuka Anderson today I am in Scenic downtown Kyoto it is so beautiful here and today I'm going to be joining a night tour Guided by one of our Japan by food tour guides I'm really excited to see what kind of night life and delicious foods and drinks we can find around here and also we have a really special surprise for you guys so make sure to stay tuned until the end of this video to find out what that is all right let's go see our tour guide come on [Music] yes I'm doing good uh everybody this is Kevin uh he was a he's an art tour guide for today and he was actually in one of our videos a long time ago in Kyoto hi everyone yeah my name is Kevin we are going to show you some great food but first we're going to show you some of the gione and a little bit of culture at yasaka dinza and just kind of get us going get us in the mood to really Savor those Kyoto flavors well I'm very excited for that so why don't we head on to the tour yeah let's go down let's go well Suzuka we have about an hour of walking around and looking at things before we start really eating okay and I don't want you to get hangry I might get hungry I want to introduce you to one of my favorite Mochi places in Kyoto looks so good so good these are miso Dongo that looks so amazing all right so they get the nice rice balls and then they put this miso glaze on it and they've grilled it up and just to preface we we did pay for this already we're not just opening a random one so this is mine this is literally what's my name on it this is two bowls of rice um oh my gosh right that is super super good that's a hangry killer and no joke I was really hungry so this is so nice what stands out is the Miso glaze it's really really Savory it's got a slight hint of sweetness but it's more Savory than sweet and I think that's just perfect and the Mochi is really hearty really really chewy and quite distinctly different from what I normally eat in Tokyo this is a really good choice [Music] so here we are at yasaka Jinja as promised it literally means eight slope shrine Shrine is the giveaway that it is Shinto which is Japan's original religion isn't it beautiful and at night there's so few people there's almost nobody here I'm surprised at how few people there are actually night time it's the time to come these these lanterns actually have the names of people or businesses that donated a little money oh yes keep it going about that well it's free admission they gotta survive somehow right but at least they look pretty so and all around us if you look you can see there's a shrine there or Shrine there little shrines but I'm starting to think it's food time so am I getting hungry again after a little snack I think the Mochi might be uh have done its job it's wearing off a little bit she's wearing off so I've got some good food ideas for us okay well let's go to our next stop we'll do that yeah here we are we've arrived at the food Zone yes yes the Food Zone and this is real nice and very retro yeah it's called kokoro which means heart not in the organ sense like the feeling the heart yeah [Music] so I'm gonna line up a few dishes for you okay nothing's soaking okay indicative of the area I love it so let me let me get a few things going for us and uh let's see where it leads us so basically whoever Kampai is lower um is more respectful so usually there's a little bit of a fight for who goes lower so ready here we go is Cheers Cheers I got a few items for you to try my delicious meal I'm really excited for you to love them or at least pretend you love them for me it smells really good yes I'm gonna Glide right over the grilled heart oh so first and not the last time you'll be lied to all right okay well I mean this place is called kokoro heart so obviously we have to get her we gotta have a heart it's a common Izakaya food so I think that's a good choice it's the mouth feel that really make drives it home foreign [Laughter] maybe more than you should put on there but it's really good very tender you might not even know that it was hard so this was really worth a try that's good the next thing I want to explain and share with shizuka is Yuba and this is the skin of the tofu all right well I'm gonna give this a try again too much spice we're two for two a lot of spice here today let's take a little sip so now I can get into the flavor of the actual Yuba the Yuba was really creamy and I think this is what's nice about a Yuba Sashimi is you can enjoy the uh the milkiness of the tofu so it's really creamy really delicate and the Wasabi gives it a nice little kick the soy sauce gives it a little bit of umami It's a Wonderful Dish as long as you don't choke on the Wasabi the next thing I want to introduce to you is this this is basically tataki how much does this go for this is only 200 yen good deal that's like especially at the current exchange rate it's like a dollar twenty let's give it a try Here We Go Fish yeah here we go foreign I think the flavor of the sauce is more mild than what you would get in Tokyo yes yeah it's a soy sauce based sauce but it's not too rich or too salty or too sweet and I think Kyoto is known for their milder flavors and that's the fourth more of an illusion yeah oh that's a nice way to put it we're still drinking you guys because this is a night tour this is the most important part I mean it just gets better and better right we'll get drug more and more drunk as the night goes by okay here we go [Applause] foreign these buildings are filled with hostess clubs and in essence what these are are modern day Gesa experiences for people that maybe aren't interested in that or maybe you don't want to spend the money and there's there's nothing untoward going on it's just chat and smile and unwinding well that's a little fun fact for you guys Hostess clubs Cabaret clubs they're kind of like modern day geishas in a way in a way very cool okay all right well let's keep on exploring character let's Explore More [Music] now we are at a restaurant called Revolution books it is neither a bookstore nor a place of Revolution but it is a bit of a hipster Enclave with great Kyoto food so what more can you ask for and they do have some books of cute animals that later in the book become steaks oh here we are very nice it's very spacious different vibe there are indeed books there is no Revolution but there are books it's like a little library in here it is a library there are in fact books and you drink in here and you drink and plot revolutions if I'm not mistaken every single book in this bookshelf is related to food because it's clearly a food obsessed shop which is right square foot obsessed channel so this is very fitting all right we've got our drinks what have you got I have a ginger high ball Ginger high ball oh those are good and I'm trying the shio lemon which means salt lemon and it's a summer limited edition drink so I'm excited to try that shall we cheer shall we cheers definitely on fire there it's mostly salty and Lemony um this is great for someone who doesn't like sweet drinks it's very uh I don't want to say it's very salty but it's not sweet at all well it's being Kyoto this is gonna be more tofu so we've got two different tofu dishes now this is a little spicier than your old style tofu might have been but a little bit more modern right but we've definitely got a nice piece of tofu with some dry chili on top yeah and it's called which I think is originally Chinese let's give it a try [Music] nice crunch in that it's filled with crunchy deep fried garlic that's what gives it it's like it's like Fresh Value all right this one looks really good too what's this this is a fatty bit of pork pork belly I guess no fat yes pork belly oh no fat means no flavor in Japan gotta have the fatty Meats they love fat in Japan I see some fat on them and the onions absorb there you go that white layer that's calcium um which is probably included in the fat all right here we go mmm you taste the richness but you also get that those clean flavors it's part of that mint sleeve it's got the Umami and you can enjoy that like cake from the scallions and the shishimi's spice I think or ichimi with a spice on top either way is really nice so now that we've eaten our food and we've made you wait till the very end of this video I think it's a great time to announce this special surprise one of you lucky viewers is gonna have a chance to join this very tour here in Kyoto for free and the way that you do it is by commenting down in the video below I want to join this tour and one of you will be selected to join this tour and you get to meet yes please join this tour yes and you can come explore Kyoto yes and eat well all of this food yes and drink and you'll actually see even more than you've seen in this video because we did a condensed version today so we're gonna show them even more right so you more and feed you more and for those of you who don't get selected for this tour you don't need to be sad because we actually just opened a buy food Marketplace online where you can order Delicious Japanese foods that are from right here in Japan to your very own home if you like this video make sure to give us a like don't forget to comment enter to win and don't forget to subscribe live and we'll see you guys very soon in another video bye bye thank you and come back oh right we got another come by come back [Music]
Channel: Japan by Food
Views: 233,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japan by food, japanesefood, kyoto japan, kyoto travel, kyoto guide, things to do in kyoto, kyoto food, what to do in kyoto, kyoto things to do, kyoto travel guide, kyoto japan travel guide, kyoto vlog, kyoto food guide, kyoto food trip, kyoto japan trip, kyoto night walk, kyoto in 2022, kyoto food vlog, kyoto foodie, japan street food, gion, miso dango, tachinomi, tofu, kyoto tofu
Id: 9ryatLTdrkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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