Night RAIN Street Photography.

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let's get out of the road oh yeah oh you're that guy with the damn umbrella yes hey how's it going I hope you having a good one like we've had a good day so far apparently it's going to be raining tonight but because I live in Melbourne Australia the weather is constantly changing the plan for tonight is to go into the city and go and do some night photography because that's probably my favorite type of photography I'd say when it's raining and when it's not in terms of the shots that I want to get there isn't really any ones that I can plan because whenever I do night photography it's just whatever happens so I'm just going to go and see what I can capture the lens that I want to use is this beast here which is a 70 to 200 the day I got this lens my photography changed you can just shoot bangers from anywhere so if there's like your photo that you want to get that's 50 meters away you just tuck this lens on you just zoom in and done you got the shot so I meant done my photography in a while so I'm came to shoot tonight and I'm praying please I just wanted to rain I'm about to go pick up LeMond it's raining which is good and it's light rain so it's not too heavy I'm hoping that it's not just bucketing down because then my camera is gonna get wet we all know the story about what happened to my camera I saw my shot in the rain when I was in New York you know the story the camera broke so if it can stay like this sort of rain I'll be happy [Music] the first location and I've really shot here before it's a cool low angle of the city because we've got this bridge that runs along here if we can capture a tram running along that and then have the city in the background just get creative with this little area around here I'm gonna be using the 70 to 200 F 2.8 the actual bridge is quite far away so I need something that I can zoom in to capture the shots so this lens will work I'm not really liking this spot because it's too low I can't really see what's going on there I think he won't be able to see the tram marker we'll just head up there and just you know from a straight level [Music] whenever I say taxis and night that's like a really good photo if you get like the top little bit of the taxi where it's the lit up oh yeah perfect just great on your home but you'll love that when you try vlogging and everyone just decides to be see a lot about night photography when it's raining is this everyone goes crazy off everyone forgets how to drive everyone's walking everyone's in a rush so there's just a lot of chaos which just looks awesome in the photos and everyone's got their umbrellas out like even people just here they've got their umbrellas this would be a cool shot there's always water coming off the roof other system tracking shots like I was following the water at the same speed shooting at it one 125th 2.80 so three thousand bucks pretty cool also your truck yeah [Music] probably one of my favorite spots to shoot trams when it's raining at night in Melbourne we're gonna wait all the people to start crossing the road and then we'll get a photo as they're crossing with the umbrellas and we'll get some trans in the background as well well I'm going up to run in the middle of the road for this shot whilst it's raining partly we got to do it now but this is worth yeah oh yeah oh you're like always with their umbrella yet [Music] you just swapped over to the Sigma 105-millimeter which is like a beast of a land look we got big dish lenses this lens goes all the way down to F 1.4 that pretty much means at the aperture I'm gonna be really wide open so that I can let a lot of light in and because they're doing night photography that's perfect [Music] so I'm already in love with this lens watch I'll watch this ones I'm taking it from you well that's mine [Music] oh my God look at the depth in this lands holy Oh dah from the foreground to the background my god what's up is that F 1.7 [Music] another night rainy photoshoot done I figured it out the reason that I like doing night rainy photography in Melbourne is because there's just so much chaos going on compared to if it weren't raining for example if it's not raining no one has the umbrellas out when people have their umbrellas it just adds another thing to a photo something else to look at all the reflections that the rain creates that is a huge factor because all those reflections actually create light which makes it easier to shoot at night if that makes sense so it's not as dark as it would be if there weren't any rains whenever I see taxis I'm like oh this is a great photo opportunity because they're yellow and they contrast against the surrounding environment which is why I like taking photos of them plus I like how all the little bits of rain are just slightly out of focus and they've got all these little balls of bouquet on them and then you have the rest of the background which is just nice and out-of-focus this was shot on my 72 200 at 195 Mill at F 2.8 I always keep it on 2.8 the night photography just so I can let as much light in which means that I won't have to push my ISO has high meaning that I won't get as much grain I saw this black umbrella and the way that the light fell on it looked cool it's just a simple shot I like the black on black like there's not too much contrast going on with the umbrella in the background you can just clearly see it because of the depth of the lens this was also shot on the 70 to 200 130 mil no real reason as to why I shot it on that focal like this just whatever looks good when you're looking through the viewfinder you just zoom in and out I'm like yeah that looks good so I just took it at that focal length then this photo here is probably one of my favorite spots in Melbourne to shoot because there's just so much going on always it doesn't matter whether it's raining whether it's sunset sunrise even in the middle of the day this spot always produces a good photos because there's the two tram tracks here the road sort of dips down so you can shoot it from the slightly higher angle class we've got the people and the trends just help fill up the frame and we've got the trees at the top and then the powerlines of the tram there's just so much going on and there's not that much negative space I got another photo of this one person just walking there with a slightly different edit all these photos I've edited using with my Lightroom presets if you want to go get them I'll leave them down in the description to be like one of the first links there you'll see it if you like that blue sort of faded tone effect definitely go check out my presets leave me on to the next photo here it's a pretty simple composition we've just got an alleyway we've got that light at the top you can see all of the rain as it reflects off that light which is why I chose to take the photo as well as we've got the street cleaner there with its brake lights on which just add that contrasting red colour which looks good as well then we got someone walking into the frame and that just helps fill in that negative space of that side of the image we swapped over to the 105mm lens by sigma a prime lens is a lens that does not zoom so it's fixed at one focal length so it could be like yeah I've got so this year is a prime lens this is a sigma 35 millimeter we've also got this which is a 40 millimeter so you can't zoom because you cannot zoom they're purely made to just be really sharp so if you see those photos on Instagram and you're like how they so sharp it's most likely they either shot on a zoom lens or a prime lens like this if you want to get a prime lens I would recommend the 35 millimeter for sure I wanted to test the depth of this one so I was thinking and I thought of photographing a mirror so we got this shot here and there's just look at the bokeh on that like literally everything else is out of focus even in the foreground so I leant up to the side of a car and you can see the back tail light in the left-hand corner of the image is out of focus nicely focused on the mirror with all the raindrops on it and then the background is just fully out of focus and this is it's just so nice to look at all that out-of-focus nice once again chest the other 105 we got a portrait of I don't know what it is but LeMond can just is just so good at modeling like whenever I try model for a photo I'm just like I don't know why you're doing but teach me I'm just editing this vlog and I realized that I didn't even talk about this photo the top raindrops that are falling are in focus and they're nice they're sharp but the bottom ones are out of focus and that's because of the water it's got velocity to it so the top particles are moving slower than the ones that are at the bottom so it because it's falling like it's going faster I would have hoped that it would all be in focus and no motion blur but if I was to do it again next time I just pumped my shutter speed up to like one six hundredths of one 500th of a second anyway let's get back into the resolution can't go wrong with a night rainy shoot if you want to get good photos and have fun with editing definitely go out and do some night rainy photography also if you want to go see the rest of the photos from tonight because I was just a couple of them head over to my Instagram at seventh year because that's where I post all my content that's pretty much all for today's video you did liked it and remember to leave a like help me out by hitting subscribe but yeah that's all hope you enjoyed it and as always don't think just do [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 112,135
Rating: 4.926734 out of 5
Keywords: street photography, photography vlog, night photography, night rainy photography, night street photography, how to shoot in the rain, how to shoot in the rain photography, how to do night photography, night photography no flash, rainy photography, low light photography, sony photography, photography, 7th.era, northborders, hayden pedersen, low light sony, night photography without flash, urban photography, urban night photography, 70-200 sony 2.8, sigma 105mm f1.4 sony, melbourne
Id: 62LcP4-6YLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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