hello guys this is your uncle bigfish and on this video I'm going to talk about a couple more things that I found out and I think from a lot of different uh well sort of aspects of me looking at this game there's really not much else that I found very useful after this video that's why the next video regarding night crows might be either a different format talking about different things or I'm probably going to be holding on to making a night Pro content for a while as I told you once before on my previous videos I don't like wasting people's time that's why I don't do copy pasted content like pretty much every other content creator you see I don't really talk about things that are obvious like things that you can get from the tutorial cuz that's a waste of time and I also don't really talk about things that you can read yourself you see I am an Asian person and I have been told from a very young age not to waste people's time and so I always hope I wished and I expected that my viewers are people who have eyes in which I don't need to tell them what's in front of their face and this is going to be explaining regarding a comment talking to me about the fact that I did not tell people regarding the fact that if you have a weapon outfit and you actually get the weapon that's not yours you can change it with gems say that I get a sword and shield instead of a twin sword I can actually change this weapon from a sword and shield to a twin sword by paying 5,000 gems now there is a reason to I even ignored this in the first place and that's not because I don't know but it's actually because if you are someone who is capable of spending 5,000 gems just to change a weapon's type then you're someone who probably don't really need a tips and tricks video after all a tips and tricks video is mostly talking about little details that might be missed for someone who's afraid to play or a small spender now this is something that needs to be taken with a lot of new on cuz this is very important if I tell you every single detail that you can see yourself I'm just going to be wasting a lot of time time and that is why I ignored those in the first place now let's talk about today's content and things I found out these are going to be very important the first one is going to be spell infusion and you can actually find it over here once you reach level 35 once you reach level 35 you'll get to this icon and most of you at least some of most of my friends don't actually know what this is and where to get it they assume that there is going to be a future content and that is just a mistake now you you need these spell stones or whatever it's called and in order to get that you need to go to craft and this is one of the few things that you can actually use the normal craft for that you can't use in specialized craft as you can see here you will not see spell stones or spell infused stones but if you go to here and you go down you can actually go to spell infusion and make this you need metal fragments and gold to make them and once you craft you'll be able to get these now once you get those you can actually go to infuse and you can press Auto infusion or Infuse and you will get random stats which will be these on the screen now if you get maximum grade for three of them at the same time like so PV PVE bonus damage three is the maximum amount HP potion regenerate at 5% is also at the cap of the second one Max mp60 is the final cap for the level three stat if you get three of the highest possible grade then you will get a bonus stat which will be defense plus two and this might look kind of intimidating for most of you considering that oh that's a lot of odds for you to get like all three at Max values is that even possible and the answer to that question is yes it's actually not that hard c i got this on my eighth poll so I only made about eight of them for me to get all this my friends that were on the call in Discord that were doing the same thing with me also only bought maybe about eight or nine so this is not difficult to achieve you can definitely do this the next one is going to be Amulet of life and for that you want to go to artifact this is going to give you some CP that you might need to push a boss that is quite difficult for you or to get some CP to bypass a main um a main quest to DPS check and that's to actually get Amulet of Life which will be this one you can buy it for 200,000 gold and this will give you effectively 3,000 CP that's a joke it's actually going to be closer to 300 CP to 400 CP comparing on how much you're willing to enhance it you can buy one a day and you can try to enhance this every single day make sure that you don't um go a bit overboard cuz after plus one it can break so make sure to really think about your odds and you need to really be careful before you enhance this cuz if it breaks you need to wait another day to buy another one next I want to talk about is going to be one of the most important things and going to be the thing that you can see on the thumbnail and that's going to be how do you whale for free now this is something that a lot of people are having been asking me is how free to play is this game is this game free to play at all and how pay to win is this game well to be perfectly honest with you guys this game is 100% paid to win as most mmpg games are this is just how it is however there are some new ones that that this game allows us to exploit and that's the fact that it's because of the existence of whales that this new mechanic is born for us free to plays are low Spenders to abuse and that's the fact that there is a market system in the game that that sells pretty much ingame currency that is paid most mmor PG games create a subversion of the paid currency for example in this one there is diamonds in most games there'll be purple diamonds or some other kind of sub currency that is for free to play not something that you bought with real money however in this game they don't have those in fact whatever you gain from selling here will go directly to Diamonds which will be paid credits now this is impressive because of a couple things number one if you sell Goods like say this one I sell brave adventures boots and I get 45 diamonds I'm going to get diamonds immediately okay and from here you can actually buy stuff using the diamonds do you see where I'm getting with this if you look at my history I've been selling a lot of stuff all right I've been selling a lot of stuff and this allows me to spend money that I normally should spend by using real cash instead I can actually get the same treatment from just selling in-game items now this is going to be a puzzle to help you to the next thing and that's going to be how do you gain 3,000 CP or 3,000 growth it's a CP or combat power how do you gain that well the first thing that I want you to do is to gate 240 diamonds it's not difficult to get I myself have gotten close to 1,000 at this point and what you can do is you can actually go to shop so you press this right here V and or you just press the shop and you want to go to this menu you want to go to night Crow's gear and you want to buy this one not this one this one night Crow claw Talisman chest and there's a reason why you want this one now if you buy this you will get a Talisman and 10 enhancement Scrolls for this talisman now this Talisman in retes pack only shows you getting one accuracy however if you look at mine you'll see assessor its accuracy four and basic damage plus two this is an offensive kind of Talisman this this is offensive so this gives you more damage to make you farm faster and for for you to know the worth of this one item it's roughly around 3,000 CP I'll show you what it looks like when I take this off I lose 2,200 CP the moment I unequip it now this is very interesting because you can actually get this by not even paying a single penny into the game and simply by selling off these items that you can get I will explain a little bit a little bit more on how you can actually get those items to sell but the first thing that you need to do is obviously hit monsters in the world now you can just open here This is Where I Stood yesterday to farm I actually went to basum and I was farming in silane Meyer for about 8 hours while I was going to bed and when I woke up I got four green equipments and a lot of other um white Rarity equipments which I sold in this exchange and this is pretty much what enabled me to buy this [Music] this gave me enough CP to actually maintain my momentum for my main quest cuz without it you won't even have enough accuracy to even hit the monster now this is very important cuz if you this part up you're going to be very very lost not knowing what to do to progress with the main quest cuz the moment you reach about 184 or 18 the quest difficulty will will jump by a lot so the moment you go to about chapter 18 Battle For Truth the quests are going to be very hard the difference between 17 and 18 is very very high so you need to be very careful regarding how you're going to progress with the game and if you don't do this if you don't do what I just told you if you're free to play progressing will be very hard cuz if I take this off it's going to be very tough for me to even hit anything cuz I don't have enough accuracy with that being said that's going to be it for today's video and I'm going to see you guys again very soon on the next one I'm still going to be looking for some important stuff like I said again for the third time I don't like wasting people's time and so if I don't find anything worth talking or anything worth covering then I don't really think that I'm going to be making any videos cuz I'm not really a fan of content farming with all that said and done thank you for watching I hope you guys learned something new from this video and I'll see you guys again on the next one this is your uncle bigfish and I'm [Music] out