Nigel Farage: Boris Johnson ‘climbing the greasy pole of politics’ with green agenda
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Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 61,832
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Keywords: 6275630451001, fb, msn, opinion, uk, yt
Id: f8Tw2tf4clY
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Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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Mr Johnson is set to announce all of Britain’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2035 and an increased expenditure on investments in renewable and nuclear energy.
Mr Farage said this means that around 26 million homes “would have to get rid of their boiler and replace it with a different means of heating the water, of heating the house".
“That would cost a minimum of £10,000 for every household … already the average family is paying 25 per cent more for their electricity," he said.
“But then what would Boris know about the lives of ordinary people – nothing”.