NIER OST - Shadowlord
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Channel: Chaos Shadow
Views: 7,958,303
Rating: 4.958281 out of 5
Id: PqXPW0oBKgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2013
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I don't know if I should name them all since I don't really have a favorite, but I really enjoy orchestral pieces (even if I haven't played some of the games listed):
Child of Light - Metal Gleamed in Twilight
Final Fantasy 14 - Footsteps in the Snow (most FF games in general as well)
Bloodborne - The First Hunter (practically all Souls games)
Monster Hunter World - Keeper of Hades - Vaal Hazak
Bayonetta - You May Call Me Father
Although not a boss, I also really like Detroit: Become Human - Fly on Foot - Kara
edit: another soundtrack that I enjoyed and used to listen to via YouTube: Dragon's Dogma soundtrack was pretty decent—especially the Golem's theme.
I won't bother listing anything from Final Fantasy, since it's super obvious to everyone. Trails, on the other hand, is more niche:
Trails in the Sky 2 - The Merciless Savior
Trails of Cold Steel 1 - Great Power
The following song technically plays during the true final boss, so it counts. Also, it's by Motoi Sakuraba:
Baten Kaitos Origins - Le Ali del Principio
Speaking of Monolith Soft:
Xenoblade Chronicles (DE) - The God Slaying Sword
I'm trying to stay away from the usual contenders, but it's still all JRPGs. Oh well.