Nicole's Childhood Bully | Gumball | Cartoon Network

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now a very important part of friendship is sharing imagine you both have ice creams oh but what's this darwin has dropped his ice cream i said darwin has dropped his ice cream you got it on my shoes everyone to share mine very good ice cream tyrone oh thanks you don't have an ice cream want to share mine sure [Music] dude this is so gross why don't you pretend you have your own ice cream no why don't i think of that friends also high five like this high five okay now no i meant slap let's move on to the next lesson how about we all play a game like friends do here's one we made up it's called let me take that pick another when miss simeon's back is turning actually let me pick one for you no commercially in slug juice drop water balloons on simeon forget the cards here's a dare make the most annoying noise possible okay that was good but we know that you can do better like when you're mad at us oh you mean this little thing that was awesome high five that still needs a little work i've got my eye on you simeon [Music] do it again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i'm so pleased to finally have such great friends sorry kids miss simeon can i have a word with you in private please yes nicole how can i help you listen simeon you might have the rest of them fooled but i don't trust you for a second i remember you from school i remember the horrible name you used to call me every day do you remember that yes i do and i'm sorry what i was that horrid person for so long and look where it got me no friends no family just bitterness and wrinkles but even an old ape can change will you give me that chance i don't know it's all happening so fast okay i'll i'll give it another shot what do we do now best friends ah let's see i know best friends write letters to each other about how great they are wow what a friendly idea what shall we write [Music] how about we the aforementioned unanimously agree that this civilian is worthy of this year's favorite teacher award favorite teacher award [Laughter] [Music] look how happy she is that's the power of friendship wow you baked that cake from a simian yeah i think she deserves a second chance is miss simeon around nah dude she just drove off you should have seen her all dancing and laughing saying she finally got some losers to write her a favorite teacher nomination what was the word she used [Music] nice first steps loser nice cycling loser nice poem loser nice hair loser nice husband loser [Laughter] everyone get back in the car now the trophy will be flying we'll see about that you too there's nothing you can do about it loser mom what are you doing something i should have done a long time ago
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 13,081,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball baby anais, baby anais commercial, gumball commercial break, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, gumball jealousy, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball funny moments, gumball cartoon network, cartoons, the amazing world of gumball (tv program), Darwin's Yearbook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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