Nicole Kidman honoured with AFI Lifetime Achievement Award | Today Show Australia

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Cole Kidman has become the first Australian to be honored with the esteemed American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award Dicky was there in LA when Nicole became the 49th Honore [Music] e it's not every day of the week that an Aussie actress gets to close down half of Hollywood Boulevard but that's exactly what's happening here today as the American Film Institute pays tribute to to Nicole Kidman and gives her its highest ever [Music] award Co Kidman you look absolutely gorgeous hearty congratulations this is so wonderful crazy I'm so happy I I'm happy you're here thank you thank you you've walked many a red carpet I have over the years but never W quite like this no this is overwhelming and fun and I'm just going to like enjoy I have to give a speech if I didn't have to give a speech I would really be enjoying you don't do the work to to get a prize but but when you do win an Oscar a Golden Glove a b or something yeah it's nice but this is the ultimate isn't it when I looked at the list of the honores I was like you're kidding and to be able to be the 49th on that list is yeah probably one of the highest honors I've ever received and to do it as an Australian and the first Australian is pretty amazing so it's wonderful yeah and I'm happy to represent Australia could you ever have dreamed back in the day of this moment um not this moment but I dreamed of having a career as an actor definitely I dreamed of it I wanted to make it happen I didn't know what else I could do when everyone would say you've got to have a backup because that's what they say to you as an actor you better have a backup plan um and I just never had the passion for anything else as a backup plan no plan so no there wasn't there was like oh maybe I could try that but not really and that's probably part of this reason I'm still here is because you just go well this is all I know and and I still love it well you've still deeply love it which and You' still got Petrol in the tank I mean you life achievement you I think what happened s is you get experience and the more world and life experience you have the more you have to give so it's a terrible shame if you don't get the opportunity to keep letting that sharing that and growing that you know so it's tough it can be really tough and the heads are tough and all of that but if you have those people behind you that just keep going ah just keep going don't worry just get up keep going keep going that means the world so that's why this is for all of those people that are stuck up for me to have the family to share this special my mom is not here so a big like to my mama you know my mama so I know your mama and your mama will be right in your heart yes she sent me a card and I was weeping so um I'm just yeah so this is for her as she said she's been there through all of it since I was a little girl crying on the bed going Mama they didn't want me I'm not pretty enough I'm Too Tall I'm covered in freckles I'm this I'm that and she's always cheered me on and so this is for her well enjoy and congratulations thank you love you from BMX Bandits to big little eyes from Eyes Wide Shut to Australia throwing a showstopping performance in Mulan Rouge and an Oscar winning role in the hours and Nicole Kidman is a dead set Superstar yeah congrats Nick what an awesome achievement long time so good brilliant thank you Dicky hey there today fans Sarah and what's my name again Carl hey thanks for watching our YouTube channel though subscribe now for more news special reports and amazing Aussie stories and Kyle misbehaving of course that never happens always happens she talking about
Channel: TODAY
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Keywords: Nicole Kidman, AFI Lifetime Achievement Award, AFI, Life Achievement Award, afi life achievement award, nicole kidman afi, AFI Life Achievement Award: Nicole Kidman, Nicole Kidman honoured with AFI Lifetime Achievement Award, TODAY, Today show australia, today australia, karl, karl today, karl stefanovic, karl funny, today show funny, today show hosts, today show australia hosts, hosts today show, Karl Stefanovic, funny, funny moments, hilarious, trending, viral, funny viral
Id: J0_94TgbJ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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