Nicole Kelly talks with Maria Stoljar in her studio

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[Music] all of the studio works are from drawings for me there's never any photography involved and it's kind of I suppose that's where memory plays a huge role in my work and drawing upon an emotional memory the drawings kind of trigger that they act as triggered actors like a compositional structure for me but then the rest of it I'm kind of free to push color beyond representation in the studio you can wildly kind of shift and change and paint things that red that shouldn't be red or and I'm really interested in the emotional nature of color and that's where where I can kind of really play with that in the studio works from the drawings I think one of the most distinctive things about your work is the use of the ground in your painting and having it showing through yes so grounds are super super important to me I think my interest in light in painting is not directional it's about like coming out of the painting like light that is from within the painting and the color grounds and exposing them allow me to get close like close to that kind of desire I respond a lot to where I am and what's around me this one specifically is that if painting I made in France and I walk a lot and collect colors and how do you do that leaps or anything that's in the environment that kind of grabs my attention in terms of color and so I took this one beautiful leaf back to the studio and that's what dictated this ground and I put it down rough like I want to kind of honor mark making all throughout the process and then the choice to kind of leave the border of this is again that like honoring of how important that process is to me and how it kind of allows you to pick it up in other areas throughout the painting this is a perfect example of mistakes actually I worked on it over probably two years and it started up as a totally different painting it was me in that kind of composition with the chair against this white wall so it was very totally different painting really stark and quite cold in a way and there was something I liked about it like I felt very vulnerable against all that white and I sat with it for a year and then looks at it and it was always irritating me and then all of a sudden I was like I'm going to like give it some context I was either going to put myself in one of my landscapes and I paint it or again you know against my studio so I did a couple of sketches of the studio and painted despite being in here painted from the drawings so yeah I or despite the fact mistakes hurt like they don't feel good when paintings not working I think they're important like I would never erase that [Music] you
Channel: Talking with Painters - the videos
Views: 143,500
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Keywords: Nicole Kelly, Maria Stoljar, Talking with painters, painting podcast, arts podcast, painting, oil painting, landscape painting, portrait painting, portia geach, hurford hardwood portrait prize
Id: s6yRDLvAeGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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