Nicola Coughlan & Luke Newton say the carriage scene is tame compared to ‘Bridgerton’ S3 P2 | Etalk

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I've seen a lot of Tik toks of people like um like just like talking about the carriage scene and like they hear their neighbors playing it through walls and it just cracks me up so much I'd love to know the numbers on like how many times that scene was watched over like the rest of the show it is so exciting to have pollen on the ET talk set first of all you've you've been doing this like Whirlwind press tour and in addition to the story going viral the looks have also been going about the fashion so tell me about like you know bringing it on the red carpet knowing that you're going to be in the spotlight and being photographed nich I'll start with you oh go well this is mosino today and I was like this morning I I was like it's kind of walk of shame in a Chic way shirt and jacket you know love it yeah yeah yeah um it's just been fun I think as opposed to like the method dressing that like let's say la roin and de do amazing you like me no this is perfect but I think once we we play the characters for so it's nice to go somewhere so different you know and yeah so it's nice to do something yeah that's very un Penelope I think but I've got a big look for tonight for got to bring it for tonight that's what I wanted to know what is happening tonight I'm excited yeah you're wearing tonight yeah we you'll see all right Al so she doesn't even know no we don't yeah sometimes I think our stylists communicate so we know that we're on the same PA but it's been cool this year to like for me I've not really dived into it before so I'm really like enjoying my thing oh I se you've been pushing the boundaries there was that red check very very cool um the reaction has been amazing so we all know like something like 45.1 million views in the first week or week n tell me about some of the best reactions that you've seen to people having to the release W A lot of it is like I was actually talking about it in the car on the way here it's like things that you never think are going to either resonate or people are going to like showcase online and it becomes it like Trends and you're like exactly what you're thinking like I okay I don't know it's in the carriage scene when he's putting the dress back on my shoulder there's just something about the way he does it people are like oh my God but I didn't I didn't know that happened I didn't even when I watched it back I didn't know that so for us it's straight over our head but for them it's like a detail that they're really focused on you're it's almost like your characters are giving people lessons because in my mind when I watch that scene I I was like my husband you know maybe you need to try this I love that as a move yeah I love all the people I've seen a lot of Tik toks of people like um like just like talking about the carriage scene and like they hear their neighbors playing it through walls and it just cracks me up so much I'd love to know the numbers on like how many times that scene was watched over like the rest of the show what were you saying earlier about people watching it on planes yeah yeah we had a lady come up to us in the airport yesterday like I was just watching we like that must be weird I see us especially like if we if you pop to the toilet and you walk past and you can see yourself what happened to me I was in a heo airport and I literally walked out of the bathroom and there was a girl right there in a pollen t-shirt wow I didn't tell you this yeah yeah yeah she came out I was like oh my God she was like this is so weird I was like it is so weird it's crazy you have to be careful where you watch your Bridget in because you know there's a certain mood that takes over your body and I don't know if like the person next to needs to be exposed to those I I don't know tonight's going to be an interesting yeah well the last time we talked Nica you referred to bridg your fans Bridgeton fans as horny little devils and I st by every word of that yeah so um you know we've seen the first four episodes the buildup was real good took us there so what is the steam Factor going to be in the second half of the Season how are those Horny Little Devils going to manage their horniness well there's far less clo in Pirate too yeah oh okay I was actually really sort of Blown Away by the response to the carriage because as much as like it's very intimate and it's beautiful scene but in terms of like where we go in the second part it's kind of tame in a sense it is it is um I I just love yeah the next one that's coming up I just love how it's written it's is most because everyone was like Colin's Declaration of love I'm like oh that's not his Declaration of Love yeah oh you've seen nothing yet okay all right all right okay is it fun to shoot um those scenes it actually is you wouldn't think that it is yeah they're a weird it's like there's a buildup and it's frustrating because the week's leading up to it you want to focus on other scenes but it's always in the back of your mind like even just some thought of being completely exposed but you're exposed in every sense you know like it's very um but with like watching it back I think we were both really happy with it and you never really know how you're going to feel when you see yourself like you know it's kind of a on screen so yeah and must be like to watch it back and then to say I'm proud of that oh so yeah it was like a big thing for us cuz we you know we know what the show is so that was from the Forefront even the very beginning we were like how many of those scenes are we going to do what's it going to be but then we had such a say and such control in it too that by the time it came to us doing it it was like oh this is great actually and watching back was scary but it was like oh no that's like what it felt like on the day and it's what we wanted it took us two days to film this one particular scene it was pretty intense but yeah it's it's beautiful watching it's so intimate and G it's really different from any other scene like that will and yeah well you know I wanted to talk to you about like that pressure or you know you know what the show is we now know what the show is and the show features a couple so a leading romantic character each season and Simone Ashley recently said that it's a small little club like only you and Phoebe understood what she so what kind of like you know advice maybe did you get from Phoebe and Simone to to sort of cement this little Club well they were just amazing like what they did was the best thing they could have done but just go we're here for you if you need us and they're busy ladies that are doing a million different things so I didn't really want to bother them but knowing that they were there if I was like I just really am not sure like Luke was probably the one I relied on the most in all honesty cuz we were going through it together but knowing that I could have talked to them was just and they're so kind and generous and they're right we you know this show is a bit like a relay race like we're holding the torch for now we'll pass it on to the next couple and but yeah it's a special special Club to be in yeah and then like also for you you're now in a club with reg Jean and um Jonathan Bailey as the heartthrob like making people burn so tell me about being in that club and you know have you had any text messages is there a group chat yeah there's there's not a group chat I talked to Johnny probably weekly just about you know and like it's I I just feel like very lucky that like we were able to be supported by them and like Nick said they're so busy and like just watching Johnny do all this stuff and still he's able to check in with me and I saw him last week in London you saw him as well what day I saw him Saturday in in London and today is Monday travel can you tell him like where am I yeah I saw him at a music festival and it was so nice just to like run into him and like have a laugh and he was like I'm really proud of you and Luke and lovely it is like a shared experience that they've all had and then now we've had but it connects all of us it is really cool yeah so bridon of course is known for lady whistledown yes she is the voice of our thoughts or you know if there was somebody who could narrate your life a voice of your who would it be I'll start with who wants to go first oh my God I know I've put you on the spot here I I just think I was obsessed with the toner voice and Lisa Barlo from real housewi of solake City hi baby gorgeous yeah I just would like to hear her I just like her voice SS okay I I like you doing the Lisa Barlo though hi baby gorgeous got it yeah thank you I think that's a future role actually I think that's a character we're forming right here in the biopic and I don't think it would be I think this is just me wanting it to be that but like like a Tom Hardy and pey blinders sort of like a yeah but it's actually not me at all so mumbling and unintelligible just like a real geizer but it's probably not that at all it's probably it's probably really high just like oh hi it's just scatty all the thoughts I imagine yeah well thank you so much um for coming to visit us at e talk but also for like pollen and this work that is thank you like the video then hit the button or better yet drop us a comment then check out our latest videos here and and don't forget to subscribe by hitting the button here for more celebrity interviews and entertainment news
Channel: Etalk
Views: 192,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etalk, etalk extended, Bridgerton, Nicola Coughlan, Luke Newton, season 3, part 1, part 2, steamy, sexy, scenes, carriage scene, polin, Simone Ashley, Jonathan Bailey, Phoebe Dynevor, Rege Jean Page, couple, romance, relationship, declaration, love
Id: F_pTM4K4Djo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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