Nicktoons Unite All Cutscenes | Full Game Movie (PS2, Gamecube)

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ah bikini bottom a paradise on the ocean floor home to many undersea creatures living their lives in peace and tranquillity good morning Gary what are we gonna do today great idea let's visit Patrick I wonder what's going on I can't do that the people huh Oh No if pythons in charge he'll steal the krabby patty formula and shut down the Krusty Krab ah don't eat me hello swap we haven't met but believe me I'm your friend plankton has joined forces with villains from other worlds and with their help he's taking over bikini bottom come on SpongeBob wake up oh I must have had too much ice cream last night I've been gathering information about coral and I know you've dealt with him before please spongebob regroup okay I'll do what I can to help follow my dog and he will lead you to me I'll be able to tell you more when you get to my lab Gary stand guard and don't let them in I'll be back soon Wow I'm Jimmy Neutron welcome to my lab this is amazing he's a giant block of cheese Timmy spongebob is a sponge from a place called Bikini Bottom oh that reminds me my neutronic moisture sealant will keep you moist outside of water this is the strangest morning I've had since well last Tuesday wow he can talk of course he can Danny where spongebob comes from all sea creatures can talk spongebob we need to bring you up to speed on what's happening this all started with my latest invention the universe portal machine it's a device that lets us travel to other worlds lesser calamitous has somehow gained access to my project plans and created a copy of my machine I've been tracking calamitous is portals and he's been visiting your world he's found a while each world and they've cleaned up to form a syndicate he must have some sort of master plan that they can all benefit from they've combined their powers to create an army of syndicate troops and they're stealing energy from each of your worlds we don't know why they're stealing this energy but whatever looks for it won't be good don't be such a science nerd if you think about it this is actually pretty cool it's just like one of my games now Timmy this is a lot more serious than one of your video games we've lost our powers because of this syndicate and we won't be able to do anything until they're stopped yeah Jimmy right now this one is just a glorified back scratcher you're holograms are right to me we must work together to stop the syndicate I know you've each defeated these guys individually that's why I brought you all here if we combine our knowledge we can beat them calling saying is that it's exciting to work as a team and save the day well now that the entire team is assembled I think it's time we get started okay since we don't know where calamitous is secret laboratory is our only leads lie in each of your worlds to begin with stop them from draining the energy where should we start how about Amity Park let's go huh where are we I set the machine to take us to Dani school I must have made a miscalculation oh you've made no mistake I've taken up residence at Casper high or at least where Casper high once stood I'm glad you could finally make it I've been waiting for you all to arrive sorry we were late but now let's get the party started yeah it's not that simple daddy I have the upper hand all you need to do is join me and I will let them go I told you before I use my powers for good you cannot resist Dani The Syndicate cannot be defeated with every passing moment this ghost portal provides us with power for the Syndicates ultimate plan and provides me with unlimited ghost energy I will never join you ah you'll have plenty of time to consider my offer further as you rock for eternity in the gosun prison this is my prison I make the rules you boys are never getting out of here so how are we gonna get out of this ghost zone wait a minute if this is a ghost zone then those things before been ghosts you know Vlad's not the only one with a ghost portal you have access to another ghost portal it's nearby follow me fascinating this looks like ghost hunting technology did you make these devices yourself uh no the Benton family are the ghost technology wizards uh not me the Finns are they the freaky couple Vlad had trapped in his throne room if they're ghost experts we should try to rescue them we can't Vlad's too powerful with this ghost portal open we need to find some way to shut it down if I spend some time studying these devices perhaps we can build a gadget to close the portal this is no time to be studying yeah we're heroes heroes don't just sit around and study you're right heroes go out and save the world all right let's get going we'll figure out a plan once we get to Vlad's castle oh my Amity Park is a ghost free zone not quite there's still one big ghost we need to take care of let's close his portal for good this place isn't so creepy bad right guys white this place is awesome it's just like something out of a scary movie we need a way to shut down that Ghost portal we can't beat Vlad while that thing is open Vlad would need a lot of energy to keep that portal open he must have generators in this castle that's why killer the boy genius so Danny you've escaped from the ghost zone and shut down my portal give it up lad you've lost your power and Avenue Park has been saved it's all over just give up you underestimate me Danny with the help of the syndicate I'll soon have it up and running again and we've already harnessed enough ghost energy for our device our device The Syndicate is building something yes and very soon you will all bow down to the might of the syndicate it doesn't matter what you're planning we're going to stop you oh but what if Jack and Maddy Fenton surely you wouldn't risk their innocent lives would you I'm not gonna stand here and let you treat them like puppets get ready to pay for this I don't believe it you better believe it Vlad you've lost for now maybe but soon you will regret standing up to the syndicate this is far from over far far from over that mean old Vlad escaped at least the Tetons are safe well that's a relief okay let's get out of here before they notice us what I was hoping to learn more about their ghost hunting technology trust me ghost hunters and ghost boys don't mix besides Amity Park is back to normal and we've got other worlds to save you're right here we go wow this is bikini bottom I can't believe we're under the sea everyone keep chewing your neutronic air gum it'll let you breathe in this environment I can't wait to introduce you to all my friends there's Patrick and Squidward and mr. a spongebob where is everybody well did you mention it it is a bit quiet too quiet if everyone is missing The Syndicate may be responsible no Jimmy I think it's something much more devious than that I think that someone has prepared a surprise birthday party for me not here surprise nope not here either surprise Wow they're hiding so well it's gonna take me forever to find everyone I don't think that's it spongebob I think that surprise in a castle party I don't think their costumes I knew you wouldn't miss my surprise party spongebob your birthday's not for another month now you and your fans follow me okay guys here's the situation Clank Tintin control of Bikini Bottom he's locked up anyone who's resisted and one of the first to get captured was mr. Krabs hello now he's catching all the jellyfish and jellyfish fields and transporting them back to his fortress Factory where his extracting power from their sting goes poor Joey fish I have a plan to save the jellyfish and overthrow plankton and we need your help we'd be happy to help sandy first we go to jellyfish fields and destroy his jellyfish harvesting machines that should disrupt Plankton's plans and say those wild jellyfish next we will sneak into Plankton's fortress and shut down his machines and save the captured jellyfish in all the chaos we should be able to sneak in the Plankton's control center to stop his operation completely and save mr. Krabs whoo this is like a sky loop we have any secret agents you're smart kid we've already got an agent in Jellyfish Fields your mission is to make contact with our agent and how will we know this agent don't worry he's one of our best men his code name is agent Stark Wow a secret agent I wonder who it could be quietly no one must know beyond clear until we find aging star hey spongebob don't tell anyone but sadly maybe a secret agent ha ha ha Patrick watch out for that jellyfish harvester whoo okay guys hey pickles no uh-uh I spied you how spice mom uh-oh sponge but spongebob don't worry spongebob we'll get him back let's stick the Sandy's plan we'll take out these jellyfish harvesters and then enter Plankton's fortress we'll find Patrick there so long mr. Dutchman that looks like our weigh-in Patrick mr. Krabs all the little jellyfish hang on we're coming we need to shut this factory down we can't let the syndicate collect any more energy from these jellyfish hmm from the look of these plans there are four emergency vents that we should be able to release the jellyfish through oh that ought to do it wait what's that noise badger go hey don't worry buddy we'll have you out of there in a jiffy right now that we've saved the jellyfish it's time to find plankton we're coming to save you mr. Krabs I've tried being reasonable with you Krabs and I've tried being unreasonable yet you refuse to surrender the krabby patty formula why do you resist why won't you give me that formula no mr. Krabs don't tell him what spongebob Piegan you've gone too far this time what would your mother think why I'm sure she would be very proud of me I was always a favorite prepare to be crushed Oh planking what would your mother think Wow you're right spongebob she would be very disappointed in me being a villain is no way to live that's right go on I can change I can see the error of my ways I'll help people from now on and devote my life to being good I don't know if he's learned his lesson but he's certainly not ruling Bikini Bottom anymore oh I wouldn't be too sure about that I can't believe you fell for that and you spongebob falling for the line about my mother when will you people learn Oh Patrick where did you come from oh there there Haidee the shower you may have stopped my plans but the syndicate is still getting energy from dimmsdale we will soon have enough energy to finish the doomsday machine and then you will all bow down before me nothing could stop the syndicate nothing doomsday machine that doesn't sound good let's find out what Crocker's been up to in dimmsdale we've got to stop them from powering that doomsday machine otherwise all of our futures are at risk Wow is that real gold it must be worth a fortune if only it wasn't so ugly looking Oh Timmy this doesn't look good there's a rainbow of pure fairy magic flowing into Crocker's fortress why is that bad rainbows are simply the result of light refracting through moisture in the atmosphere this is a completely different kind of rainbow one maid a fairy magic fairy magic Crocker must be extracting energy from this computer simulation uh yeah well anyway we've gotta stop him you're right there's definitely a power stream going into that fortress let's find a way in and investigate okay boys on the count of three we'll touch the prison with our wands and transport us all to fairy world still isn't making much sense but if you think this will work don't worry guys this will take a straight to fairy world a simulation we've got to figure out what Crocker's done okay here we go three two was that three two one go or just three two one this doesn't look good Timmy Crocker has taken over fairy world and is draining power from the big wand to feed their doomsday machine Wow at last some help but why do you bring puny children instead of mighty heroes ah don't sweat it dragon big things often come in small packages ask Wanda what are you saying what he means is that these children are heroes they may be small but we've seen them do great things all right we must prepare for battle the human named Crocker may have taken away our magic but with your help we can fight back thirst free all the captured furious we will need everybody's help to take that fairy world well let's get to it we need to stop Crocker as soon as possible this is it guys Crocker's draining the energy from here let's get up there and stop him so Turner you finally made it and I see that you brought your fairies with you don't call me friends fairies what the fairy you're doing age calamitous and the syndicate have more than enough power for the doomsday device and very soon the syndicate will demonstrate the power there's over all worlds by destroying one hahaha with fairy magic under my control I am unstoppable syndicate will rule you and I will rule dimmsdale in fairy world oh he's right Timmy as long as that machine is dreaming fairy magic we can't do anything to him but we can make hundreds of it nice pants we've got to shut your machine down no no you can't take my power away I am the king of fairy world you can't stop me the fairies of the magic back yeah and fairy world has it back - it's over you may have beat me this time Turner but fairy world will be mine again the doomsday machine is fully charged you don't have a chance hmm you think we'd learn by now that they run away when we beat them I'll get to soon that was part of the plan if what Crocker said is true we need to head back to retro Ville right away we must find professor calamitous before he uses that doomsday machine don't sweat it I think I can fix everything now I wish that none of these problems ever happen and that all the bad guys were in jail I'm sorry Timmy but the rules say that you can only wish for changes to our world even Crocker is out of our reach for the moment I guess we got to do this the old-fashioned way okay Jimmy that tourette road is siggi what are you doing in my lab I'm here because you have once again managed to ruin the lives of everyone in retro Ville what makes you think I'm involved it doesn't take a genius IQ if something as bad happens neutrons is the first place to look I want to know what you're going to do about this hi Cindy oh hi Jimmy I didn't know you were back in retro villa we haven't got time for this before he starts his doomsday machine we can stop them if we disable their doomsday machine we've got to find professor calamitous his lab Jenny I think Goddard might need a back he looks like he has fleas oh please get him away from me Connor doesn't get fleas wait a minute that's it that must be how calamitous going my plans for the universe portal machine he's spying on us through some kind of we bought Goddard run a self-diagnostic search for energy losses within your system the flea is likely to be a parasitic Nano what what are you doing Neutron there is a madman about to destroy the world and you are worried about a little flea inside your pet we need to find professor calamitous his secret lab if he has been watching us through a device inside Goddard then it must be transmitting a signal to his base if we can reach the device we can track the signal back to calamitous we need a plan we can shrink ourselves down with the shrink ray and fly into Goddard's mouth using my hovercraft once we capture the flea bot we can trace its signal back to calamitous is lair according to the reading I took the parasitic drains were strongest in the audiovisual center of the CPU we'll need to make our way through Goddard systems to get them but there were minor drains everywhere so they could be anywhere in his systems this is Goddard's head the flea body weight behind this panel should be in here somewhere we need to retrieve the transmitter unit from it so we can use it to trace the signal back to collect Isis secret love what I was sure that the free bottles here ah you know what you can afford to be wrong once in a while now trace this free watt signal huh I've got the coordinates for clamminess and layer the lair is underground beneath an abandoned warehouse it's not that far from your boy can take the hover car all right isn't it let's go stop the Civic it wasn't wrong this is it professor we are here to stop your doomsday machine and once we've stopped your evil plans you villains are going to spend a very long time in jail it looks like you heroes won't quit unless we give you an um you demonstration of our power Universal doomsday machine countdown initiated retro build destruction will commence in five minutes and countdown have a nice day once started it can't be stopped you see I never got around to finishing the UM no override switch are you crazy you'll destroy yourselves - oh no Danny I assure you we are quite safe inside this protective caps ooh even theories couldn't save you now turn we've got to disable the doomsday machine what kind of amateurs do you think we are that's right it won't be that easy for you computer activate the app you know a doomsday defense systems I don't believe it you've defeated our defense system that's right you've taught me a valuable lesson in teamwork professor but the lesson ends here oh not quite Jimmy Neutron you may have defeated me but the doomsday machine is still going to destroy retro fill and you can't stop it ha ha ha oh no sir only 30 seconds left what are we gonna do come on brain dink dink dink what if I go ghost with Oh guys how about maybe Cosmo Wanda could send it into a black hole I can reconfigure the plasma Watson reversible what happened worked no I am I never finished the backup power supply way to go spongebob ah it's over you saved the day with professor calamitous in jail and the rest of the syndicate in your custody I think it's time we go our separate ways but take these Neutron recallers with you if anything like this happens again we can work together to resolve it thanks Jimmy you're welcome to visit me in bikini bottom anytime you like guess I should get going don't want to lose my job at the Krusty Krab mr. Krabs would fire you after you saved his life well but if I'm not there on time he starts charging me for wasting his time sometimes I have to work all day just to break even but I love working there so long guys ha well I guess it's my turn to say goodbye here Jimmy I've got something for you something to remember me by and you never know when it might come in handy thanks Danny with this I can figure out what those phantasmal projections really were um Vlad's not still in there is he now he's in this one I borrowed your matter duplicator to make that copy good it's good to see you again Timmy but we should probably say goodbye thanks for lending me this hypercube I'll let Crocker out once we get back to dimmsdale bye Timmy I'm missing you already ah wife is almost back to normal just one more thing to take care of siggy you you you
Channel: ★WishingTikal★
Views: 975,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nicktoons Unite All Cutscenes, nicktoons unite full movie, nicktoons unite movie, nicktoons unite game movie, nicktoons unite cutscenes, nicktoons, unite, nicktoons unite, nicktoons unite walkthrough, nicktoons unite walkthrough part 1, nicktoons unite part 1, nicktoons unite ps2, spongebob, gamecube, ps2, gameplay, walkthrough, part 1, episode, nickelodeon, wishingtikal, squarepants, and friends, walkthrough part 1, game, tv show, part
Id: amRphgQWZiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2016
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