Nicki Minaj - Anaconda
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Channel: NickiMinajAtVEVO
Views: 1,001,743,468
Rating: 4.0918236 out of 5
Keywords: Nicki, Minaj, Anaconda, Cash, Money, Rap/Hip-Hop
Id: LDZX4ooRsWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 19 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Nicki's always like, "Drake? Oh he like my brother nothin else." C'mon now
At the end drake is clinging to his seat like he's on the tower of terror in disneyworld thepowerofthebooty
guys is drake ok is drake alive im so concerned
Is this a real song? What the hell is this? I feel so out of touch. I feel like she has to be joking. I mean that in a good way, it made me laugh during parts of it just due to the sheer ridiculousness of the lyrics. I'm wondering if this is a parody of some sort on Nicki's part.
i need earl to help me make sense of all this
drake shoulda fake sneezed like damn ight lets do it over
Before the shitstorm of comments that are bound to appear prosecuting anyone that even so much as comments on her ass, I'd just like to point out that this video does not look like it was meant to incite interesting conversation or opinions. It's supposed to make you randy. Should people be castrated for saying someone's got a nice bum when the point of the video is to make you notice it in the first place?
Butt for real, this song is terrible