Nickelodeon and Disney TikToks

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[Music] [Music] uh where's hugo bathroom oh no that means i'm in charge for 30 minutes [Music] in french class oh yeah yeah you're alice wheezheimer it's wartheimer are you sure is that what people call me behind my back louise hyper no not at all nobody calls you weezheimer or wheezy he's my boss i have to no alice you don't this part always gets me hello will you help me i'm lost you're lost will you please call my mom and tell me where i am uh sure girl always call your mom what it's a trick so we'll use our phones it's not a trick who sent you i have asthma was it andre robbing back home i just got lost i took the wrong bus well you know what happens to little girls with asthma who take the wrong bus no they get a facebook up in now you're looking like a damn clown [Music] [ __ ] bottle five things we all secretly did as kids part six we always drink these capri suns finish them and then when we were done we would blow them back up again and act like they're full don't lie i know you did that [ __ ] we couldn't just eat teddy grahams regularly like we had to like pick out each body part like we were gonna eat first like i would start with the head and then the legs [ __ ] that drew this as a kid are probably immune to coronavirus now you're lying if you say you didn't break off your pencil and then like sharpen the other end so you have a double-sided pencil because like this [ __ ] just made us feel cool for some reason and i know y'all remember these math plugs like these right here the amount of inappropriate things i built with these what things and tv shows are based off of nick edition first up we got the one and only inside out burger this one right here is based off the super popular west coast burger chain and an outburger up next is bf wings from icarly this one's based off of the asian food chain peep chains up next we have sky store aka the catalog that cat was obsessed with the victorious and kept buying stuff off of now that's actually based on the catalog sky mall a popular catalog you could find on airplanes it's known to be very addictive and a lot of people end up buying stuff they don't need permit unnecessarily up next is techmate from zoe 101. this one was simply based off the t-mobile side kick 3 then of course we have the dingo channel from that episode of icarly now that's actually based off disney channel they even made sure to give a homage to walt disney's frozen head by making charles dingo have a frozen head instead then of course we have the paraphone this one's obviously just based off of the iphone up next is the game sphere from drake and josh this was just simply based off the nintendo gamecube now while they don't make the gamecube any longer you can still get one used online and i actually have one and it works like a charm and finally nozu from victorious knows it was a japanese restaurant victorious and it was based off of the widely popular japanese restaurant nobu i'll do part two if this gets enough likes you know what i just noticed ever since disney channel changed the logo from this to this things have just been going downhill at this point you need to just cancel disney channel [Music] hey what'd you get for number 12 uh x equals five how about you banana aren't we doing math uh-huh wanna go to the arcade later totally i heard they got a new game boom boom kaboom awesome the only thing is brad has the highest score that turned muffins going down ready to go yeah just one sec are you putting on sunscreen i have really sensitive skin who is that my least favorite person in the world karen that's the queen of darkness empress of evil princess of pain honey you remember that's so sweet oh my god this is where it all started thank you so much for helping us make that possible i'm gonna miss you teddy i'm gonna miss you too charlie and we call it the ipad uh yeah i'm just happy to be back mr mosby it's my last day what's it gonna do fine and what do you what do you do you kids collect them they wear them they trade them they use them as a fashion accessory i don't know it's kind of mind-blowing just like coming from a little town in canada and just being able to have this opportunity it's been it's been great my oldest son always had a stuffed animal he was sleeping with and he ended up flattening it out and that's when the light bulb came on and i realized wait we can make plush animals actually functional i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will talk to you guys soon i actually came by to say goodbye to you i love you guys love you too love you too kid [Music] what are you really doing in here looking at your photos what are you really doing in here looking at your photos what did your family do for dinner oh they went out i had dinner with whatever nanny my mom hired that week since they usually didn't speak english things were pretty quiet it's kind of sad not really i learned how to say let me stay up late i'm calling immigration 18 different languages i was a girl in the village doing all right then i became a princess overnight now i gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see [Music] me i find you fascinating tell me more i find you fascinating tell me more my cousin has an alpaca farm feel my cousin has an alpaca farm feel it's trish i don't want her to see me here it's trish i don't want her to see me here i've been told i have irish eyes and latin hips i'm told i have irish eyes and flattened hips anything let's rock for you mitchy anything let's rock that was nice what you did up there i'm giving you the fire you know what will really intimidate our competitors oh oh my gosh who are they we're so intimidated yeah it's working shut up mitchy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] better now we gonna tear it down five things we all did as kids part eight we all did these multiplication tables and like we had like race to finish them and if you were the first one to finish this was the biggest flex in elementary school i don't know why we all did this but like when we were eating like lucky charms we would just separate the marshmallows we wouldn't even eat the regular cereal we all made sure as kids that when we went to sleep our feet were not dangling off the bed like this because if they were we thought some boogie monster was gonna [ __ ] eat them yes we all did this in the shower no you're not the only one and yes we all thought we were airbenders we all would go to the library and check out these goosebumps books did i read them no but did the cover look interesting yes let's get this party started yo and let's get this party started yo i'm really glad we did thank you ah not another step not another step zoe sorry [Music] hey max hey max hey max what you are taking a test what are the answers for questions 1 through 300 i am not telling you that is cheating no it's not okay maybe just a little come on what are the answers or maybe if you weren't up at 3 a.m last night making 600 quesadillas you could have been studying like me max are you talking during a test what no i was just detention wait what but no i wasn't would you like a double detention my opinion on who would win in a fight check part five first up we have ruby for max and ruby and peppa pig now i don't condone animal cruelty but peppa pig will beat this [ __ ] up and i would pay to watch all that anger from not knowing how to whistle gotta come out someday and ruby she might be the world's most annoying sister but she's not a fighter peppa pig would win this fight next up we have mr mosby from zach and cody and bertram from jesse i just don't think bertram has the stamina to win a fight he was really lazy and he ate and slept like a pregnant woman mr mosby would have won next we have flow from progressive auntie annie from popeyes first of all can we talk about that commercial lady smile annie would have won this fight that three-piece combo would have came with an ass whooping last we have andre's grandma from victorious and mrs dabney from goodluck charlie i'm personally convinced that andre's grandma has the strength of a thousand crackheads so i feel like she would win this fight mrs dabney is very mean but she's not a fighter oh careful now that's four we only need one more to break the world record hey guys what is going on here whoa no now we'll never be famous oh hey jenny we were just practicing for the talent show wait the talent show you guys are doing it without me um well you know we thought that with your new job at this surf and smoothie hat you'd be too busy guys i've been practicing all summer for the talent show jenny i'm sorry we'll talk about this after class everyone take your seats i hope you all remember to study last night because we have a pop quiz today um the quiz wouldn't happen to be about the art of book stacking would it very funny miss johnson oh just in time everyone this is justin our new student guys i did it okay this is the only time i'm gonna do it okay okay hola soy can you say delicioso i hate that
Channel: The Tik tok Compilation Channel
Views: 618,489
Rating: 4.9504132 out of 5
Id: mXfpMNxw5hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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