Nick Kroll Met His Girlfriend on Nikki’s Favorite Dating App - You Up w/ Nikki Glaser

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no one unnecessary packaging these are feel-good flats in more ways than one check it all out at Roth East calm slash Nikki Rossi's calm slash Nikki Roth East calm slash Nikki and we're back gets you up with Nikki Glaser in studio comedians Casey Casey bullsháá Robbie Slovak and now joining us his new movie Olympic dreams is in theaters and on demand tomorrow Friday Valentine's Day February 14th it's called Olympic dreams welcome to the show Nick Kroll [Music] I'm sustainable as well are you just toss you in the machine I'm John I'm trying to be yeah and it's so hard dude what do you do to like be better to the planet like do you feel like it's all ending well I use a diva cup that's my fetish nikki is so scary cuz you have to like change it and like you're it Harry if you in a public restroom you haven't what it's like it's so dangerous but it's really good that you're doing I couldn't I don't like the idea of pulling something out of me one finger and but yes so no I I do the Diva Cup obviously first and foremost yeah I try to throw away all my plastic bottles mhm is that is that what sustainability yeah I get them out of sight out of mind and so I'm sustainable in that way so hard yeah turning off lights I've been trying to turn off lights I am weirdly much more all of a sudden in the last like six months I've just become weirdly more aware of stuff I think that I saw some National Geographic to a planet earth or whatever where you saw birds and birds that were dead and they like you opes other carcasses and you saw like multiple like bottle caps inside of their stomachs in there and I was a vacuum cleaner just like all the debris yeah Lord the inside of my Diva Cup I [Laughter] don't know I think there might be at this point like yeah there's just some pathetic but the animals all look so happy with these plastics and them before they died like the thing is birds never look like yeah like they look at shells there are they're so chill I have 40 Birds in my do you know anyone with a bird in their house I mean I want to get one you do oh yeah Angela trimmer do you know Angela she she's a bird yeah she seems cool yeah but I did I my early days in LA I was like when on date and went home with this woman and and I got in her place and it was like this place smells so weird and it was like oh she had a bird and it was like he smelled it wasn't Angela whoever it was like I was like who would this is not gonna work out oh wow you guys stinky bird in your house it's not gonna work out so that's why I got 40 so that's life so it's all about balancing I'm into pigeons me and Mike Tyson do carrier pigeons no I don't have a dog now I had dogs growing up yeah and I do love I do love a cutie do you have a dog no I mean I gave them away to my parents I had them for two years I know your parents happy to have them yeah it's so happy I just realized I fostered two dogs for like two years yeah I mean I just think like if you get a dog you have to be truly ready for the responsibility of being like around and available to the dog and and at this point I just have not I'm like oh what I'm gonna have my dogs sit in my house for like 12 hours a day or just pay someone to come over and walk it all the time and then you have someone in and out of your house all day I pay a dog to hang out with me on weekends it's probably more cost-efficient it is but the dog just eats the money it's like know what's going on yeah I mean I do cover the money and peanut butter NIC's new movie olympic dreams you this is your first feature film that you wrote and star in and everything like this is your first no I you know this is a weird it's a interestingly specific project because it it's the I made it with this couple Alexei Pappas and Jeremy Teicher and Alexei is a summer Olympian she ran at the Rio games she runs long distance and at that game she like was in the gym and met this doctor there volunteer doctors and dentists and chiropractors who go to volunteer to be at the game so they can go to the Olympics and meet the athletes and stuff and this this doctor like asked her out and she was already with Jeremy and so they sort of thought though like oh that would be maybe an interesting premise for a movie of like this athlete and this doctor or volunteer and they got a grant from the Olympic Committee to do like an artist-in-residence grant to make some art at the Winter Games and they decided they were gonna try to make a feature film and so they brought me this this like outline scriptment for the movie and like two weeks before the Olympics and I signed on to do it with them and then I started to like help shape the script and and the whole movie is is really improvised based around this outline so it to say that I kind of like wrote it is I mean I wrote it with them and it's but it's really like their project that I joined in on and and and we went to Pyeongchang in Korea and the three of us shot this film on our own there was no crew like why it's yeah there was no crew at all because they only give out so many passes when you go to the Olympics like and we were in the Olympic Village and because we were there with as like a part of the Olympics itself we had kind of unprecedented access to the games we got to kind of go to all the events we shot at the events which is unheard of and we shot in the Olympic Village like nobody gets access to that side of the Olympics you kind of see the like gold medals and you see the like you know the the dramatic video of them training at home but you don't actually see their lives inside of the games and so the whole movie takes place like in the dining halls in the dorms in the medical centers in the athletes lounges in the you know all these places that cameras never are and and and and because we had all this access we didn't have space or room to have a crew so literally Jeremy directed it and was the sound guy and the you know carrying the camera bag and the sound bag and me and Alexi we're doing our own wake up and you know wardrobe and and we would just run around and shoot wherever we could very like gorilla style inside of the game did you prefer that because that kind of sounds fun not dealing with because I think when productions get big it just there's a lot of time that's wasted where you're sitting around waiting it sounds like you yeah you're much more mobile I mean there were moments where it was like freezing cold in Korea during the Olympics like even the athletes were like you winter Olympians like no this is [ __ ] cold so there were elements that made it really hard just because you know like we didn't have a driver to like move us around so we're trying to navigate like being at the Olympics in Korea trying to get volunteer drivers to like take us where they're not supposed to take us so there are elements like that they were like this is felt really hard but you're right like once once we were able to figure out like where we were shooting and what was happening then we could just start shooting and there wasn't like normally when you're shooting a movie or TV show you're like okay that you talked to the director and then you then all of a sudden you're ready to go and then like hair and makeup and wardrobe comes over and they start touching you and then you have a conversation and then though you like the light doesn't work and so then you stop and all of a sudden it's like 20 minutes later and you haven't shot a thing yeah and this was just like we're like alright this work like we're gonna be in the dining hall like he's gonna have a long lens we're gonna be 40 feet away nobody's an even knows that we're shooting yes you know you just get to like be very much in the real world and that's how we got to shoot the movie so in it was cool or we'd be like whoo this ice village in the middle of Pyeongchang that they've constructed is beautiful like let's get out of the cab let's shoot the fight scene here or like my god you know so and and we were incredibly mobile was it exhausting it was how many how long were you doing this for how long I think I shot I think they had me for about 15 days like because we were in the middle of writing big mouths the Valentine's Day episode and they brought me to offer to do the movie and I was like ok we had to stop writing the Valentine's Day episode they flew to Korea shot for like 15 days or whatever it was landed back in LA finished writing the Valentine's Day episode and then me and Mulaney hosted the Spirit Awards for the second time like after that so it was like it was a it was a intense kind of month or so but it was so it was just such a weird like I don't know you're a sports are you Olympics no nothing I like the Olympics I like that that weird all of the like kind of that I like sports where there's a stakes like I like the final four I like the you know Olympics I like playoffs I can't really watch like every basketball game or whatever but that's what it gets down to it when the stakes feel really high I really dig it and and seeing all these athletes like at at this moment in their life because the movies really about Alexei who plays this character Penelope in the movies in the movie she's a cross-country skier and it's really about like an athlete who gets to the Olympics has her race and is then like now what what am I supposed to do with the rest of my life you know for us like as comedians it's like you know we keep trekking along and figuring out the gig and then you're like well that gig was good it wasn't the one now it's on to the next one for like an Olympic athlete they're 22 they've been training their entire life for this one moment and then it happens and either they win a medal or they don't they have a personal best or they don't have the race they wanted to have and all of a sudden they're like now what am I supposed to do yeah and that's like a it was really and like that was the movie the story were telling and then I met all these athletes who were genuinely kind of going through that similar thing in real life I mean that's we were just talking about it how yeah you just were what's next what's whenever you finish the project you can't even celebrate it because you're what is gonna what am I what's next for me but when your Olympia like it really the the the come down after the Olympics must be so hard I mean probably the week after it's good cuz you're doing a lot of press and stuff yeah but the week after that must be so depressing yeah and you're like am I going to you know and I was watching these athletes in the movie but in real life to be like am I going to now train for another four years yes for this next version of it and it's intense 22 I can give this while my body is still like yeah and they have to be and also like to be an Olympic athlete you have to be so crazy laser focused on this one thing yeah that you can't like you know like we can be like I'm taking six months off stand up and then I'll come back and get on the road or whatever they can sort of do that but they can't and they've never conceived of that like you can't conceive of like yeah I mean I I know for us I mean I would assume it's similar for you guys like I can't conceive of not like doing comedy but there are times where I'm like for them there's no choice knowing that one day I will not be able to do this anymore like I will yes I mean and there's parts of being like you know young like relatively young that you think maybe that's why I'm successful and then like will this all go away when I get older and people don't care I mean they're examples of comedians that are older and then make it but there's always a part of me as a woman who started when I was young that was like when do I have I think our time I think art and I I would say I for everybody it's different but I think like the time line for a comedian or for an artist while you might have a moment where it's like this is my window where I'm young enough and relevant and all that like it physically doesn't go away like whereas for athletes and specifically these Olympic athletes there is a moment where it's just like it's physically untenable for them anymore and and that and and it's different ages it's not all like you know gymnast is like whatever they're so young and and I don't have to be young to be able to do it but then like Alexia's a long-distance runner sometimes long-distance runners like mature and RF they're fast in their late 20s early 30s and so it's like it changes from sport to sport and also like how your burnout is in a thing you know so it was I don't know for me it was super interesting to just be inside that world and it's kind of the movie I think it gives access to a space that we just people have not really seen before the Olympics yeah literally and and and just like also dealing with an issue in sports that you don't see a lot yeah the movie is Olympic dreams it's in theaters and on demand tomorrow it stars Nick Kroll he shot it at the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang in Korea in 2018 like that's I mean your schedule talked about burnout I mean have you I mean have you felt it have you almost like collapsed from exhaustion at some point yet I have moments I have moments where it can be like what am i do like write that little run was that was a intense Spirit Awards and writing your show and shooting a movie yeah do you just go I mean when I've been in those positions I'm like who's taking care of me do these jobs know that I have other jobs yes because you show up at that one job in eight yes yes there one job yes you're like this is one of six things I'm doing yeah I feel bad that you can't give it all I mean yeah I'm I'm weirdly uh let's see I mean I'm very communicative with my the people in my life like whether it's my the mark and Andrew and Janet bigmouth who are like my partners in making that show and then like you know I obviously talked to John about it before I left and we had a great team like writers and producers around us for the Spirit Awards and Jeremy and Alexei you know did what they could I mean it's the circumstances of shooting that were very specific and I'm like decent at getting sleep like I'm decent when I can of getting like eight hours if I can in those situations and then you know I don't know I just like I it's really on me it's like you know you're I think similar where it's like you can't quite stop yourself from like taking stuff on and then and then I have like but the problem was we did the Spirit Awards and then I was like all right I can relax then I was like no then just jump back into like writing big mouth full time but that to me feels weirdly like when I'm when I'm just doing big mouth it's like oh okay that job is just like ten to six ten to seven and I'm like that feels like a break yeah which is crazy that is crazy and it's fun yeah that's the thing is like I love doing it so all of these things are work but they also feel like I can't believe I get to do these and I I think it's partly maybe based on what your timeout of like how long do we have to do the things that we do so when I have the shot to go like to Korea to make this weird movie or go on the road or do big mouths or whatever it's like I'm gonna I can't stop myself from doing it because I know there's gonna come a day where I don't get to do it yeah you know yeah like being busy like it you just since you're already like operating on that way seems like things just get done cuz it's like you function better almost in I agree with that like the less I have to do the less I calm yes and I mean so I'm I'm like keep me busy cuz oh yeah I'm not great it I'm not great at free time although I'm getting better at it like my girlfriend I have like travel like this past year and like got a little bit of time away and that like makes me kind of read generates you know rejuvenates me yeah well you got a girlfriend last I feel like I've last talked to you I was at your birthday party and your mom was talking about how you were single and wanting to find you someone and was really upset about set about but like very concerned about it and then I looked on Instagram and I was like you found a lovely woman how did you two meet we met on riah second you guys have already been talking about right yeah I'm so glad to hear was it work totally so you matched you started chatting yeah who chatted first uh I think she sent the first message I think which is which I really liked about it and then it was it was and then yeah and then we she was in New York and I was in LA and we had a long kind of where we didn't see each other we just chatted very casually and then met at some point in in New York and like each other and and then slowly progressed nice yeah and how long has it been you know from when we first connected I mean it's you've really been dating like like boyfriend/girlfriend for like about a year and a half I mean you got to get through a lot of noise you do and that's interesting about she reached out to you because I'm always reluctant to do that because I'm like guys don't want to be pursued they don't want the girl to make the first move but seems like it's I've been hearing recently I mean I just think like you have to figure out who like what you're like I don't like playing games and so I wasn't I'm just not in the business of like what's this strategy of this thing like yes I just because I'm not good at it I'm not good at I'm like I like you you do like me great like the older I've gotten the less I'm like I don't want to have a [ __ ] dance here like I don't have time I'm like I want to know if you want to meet up and hang out and if you do great and if you don't great oh no problem yeah exactly I just don't have the time or energy so so yeah I think like you know if you if if there's someone you kind of and I and I'm not great like I'm also not very funny over text or like I'm not great in that space like I'm like you know like get me in a room let's meet up let's meet up a chat yeah Shyne that's where I'm gonna shine let me show you let me show you my diva kheh right like these gate this game [ __ ] it's just getting so old but the thing is you can convince yourself that guys are playing games when really they're just not interested in you you can be like oh he's just like he is trying to seem less like no he's just not just it's it's it's hard because you just as a girl that's single in her mid-thirties all your friends just fill your head with like you're amazing you just serve someone so good and then when you get rejected it's just like am I really then I'm like over and over am i no one's really feeling the way your guys are feeling well but just remember there are plenty of guys who are feeling if it makes you feel better rejected by you as well that's the thing and that's the bummer about the human experience is that you're like you can't remember like all you can think about it's like that person rejected me and you're like you're like what about the five people that you know it was like you were like no thank you about that yeah that's part of what makes this so difficult is like dealing with guys and chatting with them on Ryan like I feel like their expectations might get to a place where like oh she's gonna have sex with me and then I don't even want to meet up with them because I'm like what if I don't wanna have sex with them they'll have to oh that it's just that it's so much but is there a couple and they're both comedians and and I'm yeah I'm interested in dating comedians and you are yeah yeah it's like all that I like you like funny you got they got to be funny yeah they gotta be funny and like smart and smart that's just like a sign of being smart and I just don't want to be funny in a relationship like I don't want to be the one carrying the funny load or less sure make me let roast me on a date I get that a lot if people write for me for the Rose okay everyone just understand that then I'm not someone who can just like rose it is that you are expected to be funny at all times in like I think my girlfriend now realizes like oh I'm not I'm not funny all the time she's like I thought you were gonna be funnier but she's funny she's got a good Simon she's not in the business but she's got a good sense of humor and is really smart and like that was realize like oh I need I need someone I need someone who is like smart like a comedian yes yeah in the way that comedians are smarter thinking quickly and but I also you know it was like nice I think the beauty of something like a dating on like you know and it often app is that you do get to connect to people who you wouldn't normally meet in real life yes and that's like to me I'm like that to me or and sometimes you're like oh I know that person in real life but I've never had the chance to like yes it seems super modern but it's very old-school to start a relationship with like a correspondent yeah yeah that's okay I have hope for Ryan now like that so thanks for admitting that you met on there because people are just like just through mutual sorry I think it's there's I think there's something kind of romantic about it's like these two people would never have met in real life and and and then of course like we you know started dating and realized we had various connections to each other in different ways but I don't think we would have ever met in real life yes then that's that's really cool about it okay I have a new perspective Olympic dreams is the movie it is in theaters tomorrow and on demand you have any Valentine's Day plans other than like attending maybe your own premiere you know we're we're we're apart we did a little thing last week that's nice yeah so I'm know and well in big mouth right now is where where you add in that big mouth is we are writing we're way ahead of whatever has aired so I don't know I never know what I'm supposed to say or the process but season four will come out like probably in October Wow but we are chugging ahead we've worked work we there's we got a lot of we got we got a lot of episodes to make so we're plugging away and just but you know we're I'm in the room right now writing and voicing and and it's great congratulations thank you everything you're so [ __ ] funny you're one of the funniest people who exists like the Kroll show I mean if you haven't watched if you're listening and have never checked out the Kroll show when it was on on Comedy Central brilliant one of the best Comedy Central shows ever like it just thank you how did you do look back on that often are you able to celebrate the things that you've done in your past I'm trying to move I'm trying to be better about it and I'm specifically now Kroll show feels like pretty far in the past no I mean like we premiered someone I got a couple like about a month ago yeah early January is like seven years ago Kroll show premiered yeah and that's crazy that's crazy to start being like whoa that was seven years ago and that was like I can't believe I'm gonna have a sketch show and I do look back on it I love it I love like you know I love what we know it was a pretty weird show and we're I guess we're on Comedy Central channel here yes so if anyone at Comedy Central's listening yeah if you want to take it off the [ __ ] app and put it everywhere else it's like you know like it's it's that's the frustrating thing is it's hard to find and I think like when you watch like a YouTube video of Kroll show it doesn't quite capture the show because it's like you know versus like Schumer and I like where there were shows that were like this sketch is a standalone sketch like our sketches were part of these like larger characters and narratives and so like YouTube videos don't quite capture it and it's on Amazon I think and hopefully when this merger I don't know like I just hope it ends up I think like it's best watched in its in its entirety versus like but I love it and I love you know the people that I worked with on it and I just ironically just rewatched the pilot like which I had not watched since it came out and it's super weird it's super weird like you can't even believe the things you got away with or let they let you and it's like weird I mean we have a sketch on the first episode of the show called Sex in the City for dudes and it's like it was like me and all my like my little crew of like UCB it's like me in Seth Morris and Mantzoukas and Helms and Brian Huskey and John Daly and and Adam pally and it's just like these weird vignette moments and then us singing it's just a bit that we all did together and I'm like I get and now looking back I'm like I get being like well maybe in the 8th episode when we're trying to fill now I think we're gonna leave the Sex in the City for dudes it's crazy how did big mouths come to be how did that well I we obviously you and John have a long John right yeah but we ended I ended Kroll show after like that's when I was exhausted okay that was like said we done three seasons of Kroll show I know we're like I'm done and I was like yeah I was like we had done I had been on the league and I was shooting the league and when I wasn't shooting the league we were writing and voicing a writing in and doing Kroll show and then inside of that at one of those seasons I went off and like it was like starred in a film I made that I was like a producer on and with Rose Byrne and Bobby Cannavale II called my blind brother no [ __ ] adult beginners and yeah and it was so I went I just like hit a point where I was doing the league I was doing Kroll show I shot that movie then I toured to promote Kroll show then I the adult beginners came out then we went back for more Kroll show and then one last hit and I was just like it was three seasons and I was like I'm I'm physically exhausted and I'm mentally exhausted in a way that I had never been before and I was like and I felt like we had tied up what we wanted to tie up in the show in some weird way all the stories started to connect and and that's when I was like I gotta end this and I like was like I need to reset and once we reset like out of the Mulaney and I started figuring out that oh hello show on the we did a you know in UCB in LA for a minute and then brought it to off-broadway at the Cherry Lane Theatre and then mark and Jen and Andrew brought me the idea for big mouth because Andrew and I grew up together we had been since first grade we've been friends and he had become a writer for Family Guy and they brought me this idea for this animated show and I was like yeah let that mix I was like yep that was partly like I think there's some health at times I'm like clearing the deck just like being like alright I'm done with this like what do I want to actually do how do I want to do it and and luckily those two things kind of came out of that opening up of my like time and and energy a lot of people must be coming to you with ideas like hey work how do you choose you know because sometimes your friends there are people you really want to work with the idea isn't quite right but you're like hey if I'm able to sink my teeth into this I'll I'll actually be able to make this funny and turn it into what I want but then sometimes you're like I don't have enough time and then I'm signed on to this thing that I'm up now attached to and I don't really like how do you choose it it's really as time has gone on and really the lesson I learned out of oh hello was like only do the things that seem really funny and fun to you liked that seem fun and interesting which is sort of how I ended up doing this Olympic stream Olympic dreams movie was like this feels like something new and different I'm just gonna like I don't know what it's gonna be but I want to take this chance with it and and then like oh hello felt like that and then big mouth felt immediately like yeah this feels like it makes sense and then as people bring stuff you know people have obviously now that we like we have like sort of an animation company that we are doing big mouths and we have a spin-off as well called human resources that will are gonna start writing after we do big mouths which is all kind of a workplace comedy that takes place in the world of the monster it's like the hormone monsters and shame wizards and yeah depression Kitty and all those all those governing kind of emotional states and they it's a workplace comedy in their world and then we'll go down back to earth to like handle other moments in life besides puberty like life and death and birth divorce all that kind of stuff so we're working on that and then basically when other things come in from friends or you know people who are just interested in making something it really kind of ends up it only makes sense when it's like um now it really has to be like about something I know that sounds very vague but the lesson I learned in doing big mouth was like oh this show works helping for me because it's like about yeah puberty it's about something that's like a very clear universal experience and and so when people come to me with an idea I'm like well that's very funny and someone should make that show but I know now that like that's not the show that I want to make because I just know like what I'm interested in like in the animation space like we just have this now very specific kind of like thing that we're creating that is like oh it's about something very specific it's an adult comedy but it's also like some has some weird level of heart to it and that's sort of the that's kind of how we think about like what we want to do yeah because we've definitely been brought really funny things that were like this is really funny but yeah it's just not what we're doing I know I have a hard time saying no it's good to hear that like what do I really want to say will this be fun and we'll yeah yeah I mean like I would say that my advice when people come to me with good stuff that I'm just like I'm always like if I do this I won't be happy and you won't be happy because I'm not enjoying this process so I'd rather say no to you now and nip this in the bud then doing it later or and Boo grudgingly doing something that I don't I know that I won't my heart won't be in because then people are like oh I'm [ __ ] pissed at you that you like are here doing this thing you don't want to be here they'll feel that and I'd rather just like get that out of the way you have to learn that though yes I do it like it's like it's like what people email you to do shows and you're like I don't like I know right now what is it like that email coming like hey will you come do my show it at this bar and get the dot and sometimes you're like and I'm like I'm like no yeah and I will write back immediately like no yeah no it's like it's the hardest thing that's like once you can do it it's like it really changes how you feel about everything when you say no to one thing you say yes to everything and it's like also it's like you run into that person and you're like normally you're like [ __ ] I didn't write back to that person if I'm seeing that person like wanted me there show [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] like I've been avoiding it and like first it's just be like no and then seem you're like sorry can do your show you don't want to come to you know what I do want to go to Glendale you're like I'm I'm ramping up for something I need I need to run spots like great like I'm there and so and I also like yeah so I also have pushed a lot of that off because I remember what it was like booking those you know when I used to book shows in like New York and like an N LA to accept but really when we were starting in New York and like I was doing shows like Rififi all the time and you try to get people to do the show and you're just like trying to get someone who's like got some credit [ __ ] like coming to your show cuz you think that'll like bring people to the crowd yeah and then you're like waiting for a month for them to respond and they don't and you're just like I just like I was like I don't want to be that person yes I want to be the person who's like no yeah they're like great moving on yeah well I'm glad you didn't say no to being here today I like you're hilarious and the show's great it's fun to talk to people like you know you do all this press thing you're like thing you get to come and talk to your people and it's it's fun yeah yeah you're just you're one of my favorites you always have been you just are so [ __ ] funny and everything you do is like a success and I hope it continues for you I mean I'm sure that you could bring up some things that just everything you're just always so reliably funny at the time oh hello on Netflix if you haven't seen that Broadway was like I didn't get a chance to go but everyone thank you most laughs for a minute yeah anyone has ever talked say it's it's currently on Netflix but you gotta go also to see Nick Kroll's newest movie that's gonna be in theaters and on demand tomorrow it's called Olympic dreams Nick Kroll thank you so much for being here thanks for hosting soon buddy thank you so much for watching that clip that you just watched did you enjoy it I hope you did if you did thumbs up it why don't you subscribe why don't you just keep watching more videos let them play share with your friends go share on your Instagram story go just have a great day
Channel: You Up with Nikki Glaser
Views: 107,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikki Glaser, You Up with Nikki Glaser, You Up, comedy central, Nikki Glaser radio show, Sirius radio, nikki glaser, Sirius, Nikki glaser show, funny talk show, talk show, celebrities, interview, Nick Kroll, big mouth, kroll show, Olympic dreams, environment, plastic, waste, diva cup, Olympics, olympic, athlete, burnout, raya, girlfriend, dating app, funny, comedy, comedy show, funny video, comedian, comedians, comedy central radio, siriusxm
Id: qoP0ZqLUZP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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