Nichelle Nichols - NASA Recruitment Film (1977)

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[Music] strong interference on subspace Captain John it must be a natural radio source [Music] hi I'm Nichelle Nichols but I still feel a little bit like lieutenant Uhura on the Starship Enterprise you know now there's a 20th century enterprise an actual space vehicle built by NASA and designed to put us in the business of space not merely a space exploration now NASA's enterprise is a space shuttle bill to make regularly-scheduled run into space and back just like a commercial airline the shuttle may even be used to build a space station in orbit around the earth and this would require the services of people with a variety of skills and qualifications average good health is required and candidates will train right here at Johnson Space Center just outside Houston Texas astronaut Alan bean has agreed to show me some of the training and evaluation that new astronaut candidates will be undergoing I flew on Apollo 12 and I flew I know this whole Johnson Space Center is not just controlling space missions we got engineers that work in developing the hardware here medical people that work on testing and the like and then we've got some simulators over here where we train infrequently and all the shuttle shuttle simulator is the same sort of thing that the new scientists astronauts and which we now call mission specialists and pilot astronauts will be flying over the term that they're here Michelle this is the lower body negative pressure device that we used to check and see what physical condition you're in and if you'll get in maybe I can explain it to you kind of have to put your feet down in through this opening it's kind of ominous okay well it is it looks but it feels good when you get in there and it's got to be up real tight around your body eye so that it can form a airtight seal of vacuum seal we're gonna pump the air out of this lower body negative pressure device and in so doing it'll put a a pull on the blood in your lower body what is that well what it's going to do it's gonna it's gonna check what condition your heart and your cardiovascular system is in so get ready okay you ready how's that video okay I can come down here with these controls and change the amount of suction on your lower body to stress your heart to different levels when the I want to know how to get out when the test is over push right on there fantasy but now we've got the real enterprise well listen this enterprise is half real and a half fantasy why don't you have a seat over here in the commander's side yeah it does kind of well I'll tell you what it does look like it looks pretty much like the real shuttle orbiter since you're sitting in the commander's seat Michelle let me show you how you might fly it it for you were in space boy huh between your knees there is what we call the hand controller the rotation controller it operates just like a conventional airplane stick in it if you pull back on the stick or the hand controller it'll raise the nose the orbiter and then if you push forward to lower the nose he wanted to bank left for a left turn you'd push became controller left just like a regular little airplane one thing that's different about this vehicle is you notice we got some what we call cathode ray tube displays we got three of them you don't see those in conventional airplanes because the need to display a variety of information with limited space isn't quite so critical as here now the shuttle will be taking scientists and engineers men and women of all races into space just like the astronaut cream on the Starship Enterprise so that is why I'm speaking to the whole family of humor economy minorities and women alike if you qualify and would like to be an astronaut now is the time this is your NASA a space agency embarked on a mission to improve the quality of life on planet Earth right now
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 55,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lca9_EDMcX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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