NHL Players Going Undercover

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hi guys Kevin Bieksa here pre-season right now I'm obviously not playing tonight so you can be a shovel boy and head out on the ice see if any of the guys can figure it out [Music] we how long [Music] yeah butter I want them to think that I can clean the ice better than anybody who's ever cleaned ice before skates are on let's do this [Music] I might have hit him in the ankle a little bit hard with my shovel ground to will step it up a bit we don't want to get figured out too early but we'll turn some heads this time for sure right the Coyotes my favorite animal they'd leave coyotes we need coyotes thank you and make sure there wasn't a speck of snow in the crease of the opposing goalie I don't think he's gonna like that because I took a lot of a lot of time in his crease and most bullies don't like that like I don't want to make them blog here this is the NHL [Music] their goal some of the players that aren't playing are gonna come down and they think they're posing for a group photo with the ice girls and myself and we'll see if we can pull this this guy's off on that we've got grease here hair at me or Gibson congratulations I thought when I grabbed your side unit you were seriously upset about it I think it went pretty well out there pretty sure I turned some heads probably the best first period I've ever had in this building so I'm happy see you later everyone Cory Schneider here gonna be going undercover as a guest services representative and let's see if we can have some fun with a few of our fans of the game tonight [Music] this my place my boss didn't recognize me that's a good start hello sir how you doing good thank you hello kind of Jersey is that oh he's a new guy right yeah excellent excuse me guys they're having us has the ring staff handing out some stuff from the players for opening night for the three seasons so hope you guys enjoy that you got it I think that's the guy you're wearing so I think that's what they told me it was [Music] you guys find everything okay guys in your seats you're all set okay great excuse me sir I'm with guest services I notice you had it more outdated yours there with Scott Gomez so we thought we'd give you a brand new one wait seriously yeah and it will all go around play accordion Eider yeah we figured we'd give you a new one get it updated for you you're very welcome hey Devils here we go guys guys see me every night at home games for four seasons they recognize me huh here we go red here we go here we go I got one all right man you have a ticket for this seat are you in the right place you didn't fight huh you didn't bite on it I thought he was gonna really I bet you're gonna buy that one all right all right game over man game over got it hey guys it's Ryan Kesler today I'm gonna see what it's like to walk in the shoes of an Anaheim Ducks fan let's go [Music] thank you who is this guy hey Cory can you sign my do please thanks man gets off carries you all the time good to see you lost some weight over the summer can I get like this whole rack this guy makes nine million he's gonna take it for me thank you [Music] oh la Dressler holstering Lynam they don't have tesslar out there I heard he's a king tiller yeah yeah born and raised you should play your player pal Ryan Kesler he's pretty good eh they really don't pay attention should we start the wave we should do it yeah let's do it all right it's pre-season you got to the regular season to get your gaming back hey can I have your hat can I see it I want to look at the autograph [Music] [Applause] I [Music] hey buds you're welcome how are you how are you I'm Ryan Kesler nice to meet you well thank you for your support I appreciate it Hey Piazza force behind just careful analyst - Kemp from lower lung we'll do that yang hocus know but how to Stockholm my first exclusive in custody on [Music] yep what's me to pull my tank an ad for floor cam from Orleans Columbia / holding a hawkish veteran tanning octatonic the identity of interest Korea's most haunting amberyan spiel adalat threatens mink Brittany Lynn said Oh puke a new trust on me and Dawn microphone and so on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kenta for Emily telephone oh hello lovely new skeptics loveliness cactus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me you Luther something I wrote I may be holy and yes 30 Cal DeLorean a Chilean from who some some and they'll take you in fiscal Tahiti I can you can prepare anything overseas c-can I have no struggle for mi'jita Catalina Vietnam dhamaal 2 soch na EMA rail up through a parallel about Oct 10 s ki Baraat IET to do go foul tipped up a born on Estella I mean SPO me first mutt Chile successor Omaha 50 new yeah our cuneiform a allah follow recycled a drawl Anglophone Ronaldinho emboss found eto language in Lima Peru border very cool very cool et Dona sudden into Samanta is and what kind of tenant a toilet what is in surah al-ahqaf ik figurin on thing that we cannot pass polluted before it's pyramid also edited a unit a petite body and calculated by Orion and my neighbor the neighbor or nullity after student blow a log it Baburam go back a table for populism Cashner overslept epoch and it snapped somebody ishani enhance click behind scholarship or not the vahana biblical it enamel so what's wrong you hi I'm Clark McArthur at the Toronto Maple Leafs Sam fill employees a month at sport check we gettin ya a handy shoot right ready yeah total drag back and she'll ride you never played so no more of a racquetball guy but don't mind the cameras or film because I was Employee of the Month so did you look at any of the leaf gear it's 20% off leaf gear here today yeah no no not a leaf man go Ahead's Co oh hi how are ya you need a hand with anything you're looking at some leaf jerseys huh she's a loophole Jersey can't beat that I'm Phil huh bill swear yeah Phil Johnson Phil Employee of the Month someone else said that too I same hair same hair so this one slipped you said you went right on you had to see how you can move in it let's let me tote this up to the front for you then we'll enjoy the rest your day attention all customers its 20% off all leaf sale for the rest of the day really got me working here now it's a nice shoe right there anything else you're interested in 20% off the all the leaf stuff you want to head over there and take a look or McArthur's on a bit of a roll on you ever see him it's going pretty good right now yeah we're gonna do it yeah yeah what a beauty this guy is put inside when I'm inside or do you want to pull over your bed no and so I love that he finally broke the egg sold my first McArthur Jersey don't worry about these cameras I was Employee of the Month so we're just doing audio thing on me yeah so all I do is sell all I do is win yeah I don't know what that's like but I'm guessing they're probably comfy once yeah okay one fill let me know if you need anything enjoy the day and they had like four or five sales in 40 minutes you can't really beat that and I sold MacArthur Jersey it's not easy I'm Niles McCauley from the Toronto Maple Leafs here at the downtown prayer mile five foods location both to go undercover to see how the customers react so should be interesting [Music] [Music] hi my name is Samir here I'm employee at Paramount very excited very excited pretty nice so I wipe it down how yes okay well shoulders will shoulders a okay oh they don't need bad luck here no bad luck yes let's try to kick some Windex my friend and we can back some people towels are going to make sure that are very nice hello very good very good job very good job promotion promotion right away you want to promote promotion second day on the job which tables left the guy who drive to share in the bald head around the bald head hummus there you go sir enjoy I may not have been the best person to ask today they spell rule the club is done at $20 tequila it was really nice very very nice the only way you get telev it's nice as you opt to try one why I love what I love working here hey guys how you enjoy the food very good yeah you mind if I sit down for a quick second you know what I've never had these fries before I have to take one just to try but it's my first day so don't tell my boss I just come here from from Palestine right I want to show my family that I meet new friends so let me take a picture of all of us is that okay can I do that right now I don't mind while we're eating I'll have another fry just you know just to keep you comfortable okay what solve it for us yes bounce time jeez no my family is gonna be so happy yes both of salt I'm gonna have to throw Oh Oh sorry brother that's what happens you spill the salt you gotta throw it over your shoulder you know no he doesn't know he doesn't know that's okay [Music] welcome sir could you just help me out one second hold onto these plates for just two seconds that's good right there so it's my first day you know I gotta try and turn my best to put these here yeah thank you for thank you thank you put those over there napkins okay I'll put that in there okay I'll be right back one second please that employee first job that's okay next time I'm sorry if you a few for that if you want extra bread I bring you extra bread big boys miss your food let me tell you I just just started working here I'm not gonna be honest I do not like anything on the menu so don't order any more food why I love what I love working here all-you-can-eat yeah I just I mean I'm just first-day I just trying to look out for you guys so just saying like I don't I don't and don't tell my boss see that this will kick all right who's got this one these fries look delicious I gotta have a couple buddy I'm sorry there you go man good one you enjoy that [Music] hey there since Vince I'm Bobby Ryan and we are in downtown Ottawa and we're gonna be doing some interviewing today and trying to find out if anybody knows who the heck I am yet talking sense hockey and most notably what they did with the summer process of bringing in Clark MacArthur Bobby Ryan joke horrible and you know just your feelings on what I guess we'll start with Bobby Ryan what he can bring to the team I think Bobby Ryan is a great acquisition I like him I like his stats I like his attitude I like everything about him talk about on the ice what do you think about him playing with Spezza and those two performance in chemistry what a lineup yeah spaz is the Peter he's a goal scorer that line has to be one of the top top three lines and a whole NHL you would hope so what can you tell us about Bobby Ryan because he's not very well known around here yet well he seems again like a younger player and hopefully hopefully some of these guys will turn into franchise players absolutely you would hope so he scored four times he scored 30 goals and that's in the dred at Western Conference so we just need you to look right in the camera and say go Sens go go Sands go go so we were just talking about the new topic here and the new acquisitions that the Suns brought in most notably Clark MacArthur and Bobby Ryan what's your take on these guys I'm happy of Bobby Ryan's coming in because he's gonna provide some leadership outside of I Jason Spezza and I think he'll just make everyone else around him that much better okay oh that's good sorry you say you're calling Bobby Ryan speedy that doesn't happen very often and I think he's gonna like that good for him I probably end up going to more games just because he's a name and people recognize him well we're over three and nobody seems to know so far so I'm gonna start carrying this around and hopefully it's a hint for people think I blew a tire in the photo shoot and did a little pose for the boys on my way by what can you tell us as a fan about bringing in Bobby Ryan Ryan will score 50 goals just like he leads it 50 goals that's that's a lofty bar but we're gonna take this back to them and let them see it but just to keep it light-hearted cuz Ryan's a bit of a jokester so this is what he did he laid down and took half a nap but do you think there's a modeling future there for him no stick to hockey Bobby Bobby he's come into the city recently and has done all the media side of things we found this and we just wanted to know if you thought there's a modeling career for him it depends what are we modeling here ice he's got a face of an angel doesn't he if you take this part of it off yeah he could model ice really nicely that looks really good you know that's not nice what do you know about who they brought in most notably Bobby Ryan not a whole lot about the guy I'm gonna see the stats I've read some of the articles on the internet about him he seems like a good player so we're trying to decide if he's gonna be a heartthrob by any means so what do you think about that there Ryan's obviously goal scorer as best as a playmaker so it seems natural but what do you think they could do and accomplish if they mold wall together out of the gate well I'd like to see them obviously be both good pluses even strength put up you know 80 to 100 point range each would be would be something I think we're gonna need the question is do you think he has a modeling career not a good one I'm sorry man what your name my tika martica okay that's a little different when we like it would you notice him if he was standing right here next year all right all right we got one have you heard about the Suns brought in Bobby Ryan this year yes there we go all right what are the expectations for us you're gonna win the Stanley Cup who's your favorite player in the team probably that's a great answer in yourself coach coach oh no Carlson okay those are two good names there do you guys know anything about the new guy that they brought in Bobby Ryan no no no no that's a note from Ben how about yourself no so you guys wouldn't know if you standing right next to you on the street mmm does this guy look familiar to you at all yeah yeah starting to figure it out Karina has confessed that she is not a big hockey fan and doesn't know much about it but we're gonna pick her brain a little bit what's the name of the team here in Ottawa the Ottawa Senators there you go good start do you know anything about the new guy that they brought in Bobby riding the American kid I heard the name hasn't even heard the name so you wouldn't know if he was standing right next to you at all pretty kill me but okay does he look familiar at all have you ever seen him before I saw somebody dressed like that a few times so I may have seen him around dressed like in all the hockey gear yeah as a hockey player perfect thank you that wasn't so bad was it no thank you I appreciate it no it's fine you know what for for most of it most people haven't either so it's okay no problem at all we appreciate it though [Music] [Music] memorabilia videos cuz Neruda sauna : ouya Giacomo touch it - yeah Nevada in Malaya sorrow Scott - it meet Urbano lapel Aparri anyhoo Bhavani Malayala data Nureyev Astana term lockup or Anelka taco [Music] from Allah for Allah my Allah the Stargate Asahi life a Palazzo a top wada jump a spoon or too much go get a feel of Malala [Music] hey guys I'm max Talbott for Boston Bruins TV but today I'll be Tim the interviewer I'm here on st. Catherine Street in Montreal downtown Montreal I'll be asking some some Montrealers what what do you think about the Boston Bruins and in the Boston Bruins players so pull me up and let's have a good time what's up boys I'm Tim how you doing pleasure pleasure we want to ask much well people out do they rate their their sporting sporting teams sure other halfs obviously since I'm young I mean I'm watching you since forever ABS show but drop your pants yeah who would you think is is the biggest rival of the Montreal Canadiens I have to say Boston Boston Boston Bruins you know why why do you hate the Bruins you know you don't like the Boston Bruins no really a traitor because you like to sell six but not the Bruins you hate the Bruins so like on a scale of one to ten like how much you hate the Browns ten is uh you hate them very very bad eleven eleven could you name the two characters that plays in the Boston Bruins yeah Bergeron there is there's one other French King and you guys just got traded there number 25 25 played for the Penguins the haves the Flyers o Dupree still in Pittsburgh max Talbot would that sounds guy want a Stanley Cup a couple times max Talbot yeah what do you think about like Max Talbot like you think he's he's old but he's good fill a locker room since they lost Sean Thornton what would you say like if you see like Mac style but like a Bruins players in the street like he's a French Canyon but still like well if he's french-canadian he picked the wrong team he's a disgrace to his into a city it's great to go back even the province yeah disgrace to come back at this grace to my province my parents will be very glad to hear that I don't like I was gonna ask you towards Talbot but you don't really know him cuz I had I didn't hear like very good things about the guy like I don't know dirty hockey player dirty in what way I said Akash checking you like I normally like you you don't so you don't like him like I like very drawn if you see one in the street it's like what would you say to Hamlet anything dirty look maybe I wouldn't say anything just give em a dirty look really like what's what's your your worst look you can give give a rose flower hi I'm max tablet I play for the Bruins yeah yeah I'm I'm Max tablet for liberals he's gonna say hi of course thanks for telling me I'm a disgrace though you saw the grade in my beard and he's old that's very nice I know I know I'm old I know not too old just old right we asked a couple Habs fan Montrealers what they thought about the Bruns and Bruns pliers so we got a couple interesting questions and I was very fun to spend time with them big success so go Bruins hi this is Jonathan Drouin we're all mature all right now trying to find out what fans think about the new editions this summer and especially the new guy named Roy I think they go in the right direction nice what do you think about their new dishes like John Tudor and red stuff Jon Lajoie I think we needed a fast-forward so I think that's what we missed and yeah how many points you think he's gonna get this year oh I think he's gonna get I'd say oh he's gonna get about I hope that at least 80 guys yeah yeah yeah what would you talk no it's not use it okay good good I would say nice to me and our fans I think he knows that already if I could partner see keyboard rockefeller can Mallya max factory what do you know about how many goes you think that guy's gonna score this 25 45 good number on that he goes that don't go south well what man others rate constants if entrepreneur tell I wanna keep make sure for sure whether I say after a little trip in the Old Montreal today if you figured I got some work to do expectations are a little high but you know that's the way it isn't much real I'm getting used to it and pretty happy about our date and which we roll and then we'll start training in skate to most I'm ready for the season see you knocked over
Channel: Delta Highlights
Views: 3,235,086
Rating: 4.6272726 out of 5
Keywords: NHL, Undercover, Bieksa, Kesler, Forsberg, Schnieder, MacArthur, Kadri, Hockey
Id: rd7km6Au01g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
Reddit Comments

Foppa had to physically practice for years to look that terrible.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KimmoTargaryen 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
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