NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Tutorial: YAML & Helm | Example | Prometheus | Grafana | EKS

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Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from  outside the cluster to services within the   cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules  defined on the Ingress resource. An Ingress may be   configured to give Services externally-reachable  URLs, load balance traffic, terminate SSL/TLS,   and offer name-based virtual hosting. An Ingress  controller is responsible for fulfilling the   Ingress, usually with a load balancer. An Ingress  does not expose arbitrary ports or protocols.   You must have an Ingress controller to satisfy an  Ingress. Only creating an Ingress resource has no   effect. There are a lot of different ingresses  available for Kubernetes. In this video, we will   use the most widely used nginx ingress controller.  There are two different implementations. One   from the Kubernetes community and another one from  Nginx inc. I've been using the community edition   for years, so I'm going to stick with it. In this  video, we will create seven different ingresses.   Since we're going to monitor our nginx ingress  controller with Prometheus and Grafana,   we're going to create Ingresses for them  first. Then we will create a simple fanout   example. A fanout configuration routes traffic  from a single IP address to more than one Service   based on the HTTP URI being requested. An Ingress  allows you to keep the number of load balancers   down to a minimum. The fourth example will use  name-based virtual hosting. Name-based virtual   hosts support routing HTTP traffic to multiple  hostnames at the same IP address. The fifth   example will demonstrate how to use a TLS  certificate and secure communication between a   server and a client. You can secure an Ingress by  specifying a Secret that contains a TLS private   key and certificate. In the following video, I'll  explain how to use certificates from letsencrypt   and automate renewal using both HTTP-01 and  DNS-01 challenges with the cert-manager.  Next is a little bit rare example when you  want to use ingress and route traffic to the   services in different namespaces. By default,  ingress must be created in the same namespace   where you have a service. The last example will  demonstrate how to use ingress and route TCP   and UDP services. We will deploy  the Postgres database, create a TCP   service for the nginx controller and expose it  on the same load balancer that Ingress uses. Let's get started. For you to follow along,  you need a vanilla Kubernetes cluster. I will   be using AWS in this video, but those ingress  examples are pretty generic and should work in   most public clouds. You can create EKS using the  config that you can find in the repository. I have   to say that all the commands that you see I run  in the terminal and the source code are available   in my GitHub repository; you can find a link in  the description. Let's check that we can connect   to our Kubernetes cluster by running kubectl  get svc. To make this video self-contained,   let me quickly create Prometheus and Grafana.  I'm not going to go over all the details.   If you want to learn more about how to deploy  Prometheus and Grafana to Kubernetes and find   some examples of how to monitor services, I can  suggest watching another video, How to Install   Prometheus on Kubernetes Cluster? First, let's  create a Prometheus folder where we're going   to place all related files. Since we will use  Prometheus Operator, we need to create Custom   Resource Definitions. I'm going to fast forward;  you can always find all the files in the git.   The last CRD is Thanos rules.   Let's go to the terminal and apply all  of them. Let's see if we have them now.   Alright, all of them were created. Now,  let's create a Prometheus Operator itself.   It will monitor those custom resource  definitions. When we use them, Operator will   create corresponding objects in the Kubernetes,  such as statefulset for the Prometheus server.   We're going to use the monitoring  namespace for Prometheus and Grafana.   Here is an important label, monitoring equal  to Prometheus. By itself, it's not going to   do anything, but we will use this  label to instruct Proemtehsus Operator   to watch any namespace that contains this  label. If it discovers the Service Monitor,   it should update the Prometheus config. You'll  see later how it works. By default, Prometheus   will select Service Monitors only in its own  namespace. I'm going to skip RBAC and deployment,   and the last object is a service monitor for the  Operator itself. Now, let's go and deploy it.   The last folder is for the Prometheus server. We  also need a service account and RBAC policies.   Now, let's spend a little more time  on this object. We need to configure   the Prometheus to watch specific namespaces; also,  I'm not going to attach any persistent volumes   for this demo. That means if you restart this  Prometheus instance, you will lose all the data.   We're going to deploy just one single replica; for  production environments, you may want to have two   for highly available setup and have something like  Thanos to deduplicate data from those instances.   Then we need to specify the service  account with RBAC policies attached to it.   The service monitor selector will use a  label lesson equal to 082 to select service   monitors. We will use this label for the ingress  controller later. Also, as I mentioned earlier,   by default Prometheus Operator will only  select service monitors in its own namespace,   in this case, monitoring. We can use label  selector, monitoring equal to prometheus to select   different namespaces. Later, we would need to  update the ingress namespace to have this label;   otherwise, Prometheus will ignore it.  That's all for now; let's deploy Prometheus.   Let's check if our monitoring pods  are up. Looks good we can continue. Now, let's deploy the Nginx ingress  controller; I'll show you both ways   YAML and Helm installation. Even if  you don't use helm in your environment,   it's a good starting point to generate YAML  definitions using the open-source Helm Chart.   Let's add the ingress-nginx  repo and run helm update.   If you search for nginx, you'll get a helm  chart. I would advise you to use the same   version and upgrade when you install  it successfully. There are a couple of   ways to override default variables,  either to use helm cli flags or if   you have a lot of changes, you may want  to create a values file; let's do that.   Now, let's see want we can change; if you go to  the official helm chart, you'll find all default   parameters. There is a bunch of stuff that you  can adjust. Let's start from the controller;   we can add any arbitrary nginx configurations  in the config map; I'll attach a link for   your reference in the README file. Let's  modify a couple of default nginx directives. First, let's add compute-full-forwarded-for  equal to true. It appends the remote address to   the X-Forwarded-For header instead of replacing  it. Also, add use-forwarded-headers. If true,   NGINX passes the incoming X-Forwarded-*  headers to the upstreams. And the last one,   proxy-body-size equal to zero. It disables  the limit, which is 1 megabyte by default.   Helpful if you allow users to  upload some images or files.   The next ingress class. This name will  reference this particular nginx ingress;   in case you have multiple ingresses, you can  use ingress class names to differentiate them.   Very often, we have external and internal  ingresses in the same Kubernetes cluster.   New Kubernetes api starting from 1.18 version, let  us create an ingress cluster object to reference,   it replaces the old  annotation on the Ingress. That annotation was   never formally defined but was widely  supported by Ingress controllers. Optionally, you can mark the ingress  class as default if you want.   Next is a standard pod anti-affinity rule that  deploys nginx ingress pods on different nodes;   it's very helpful if you don't want to  disrupt your services during Kubernetes   rolling upgrade. Try always to use it. Now,  replica count, I'll use 1, but you should use   at least a couple; optionally, you can configure  autoscaling; this chart allows it. Optionally,   we can deploy the admission webhook. It just  verifies the configuration before applying   the Ingress. In case some Ingress objects  have a broken configuration, for example,   a syntax error in the configuration-snippet  annotation, the generated configuration   becomes invalid, does not reload, and hence  no more ingresses will be taken into account.  Ingress is always deployed with some kind of load  balancer. You may use annotation supported by your   cloud provider to configure it. For example,  in AWS, you can use aws-load-balancer-type to   specify that you want a network load balancer  instead of the default classic lb. Also,   if you want to have an internal load balancer with  only private IP that you can use within your VPC,   you can use aws-load-balancer-internal annotation.  The same thing applies to most of the clouds.   We also want to enable Prometheus metrics on  the controller. We will use a custom resource   definition service monitor, which is provided  by the Prometheus Operator. Let's add the lesson   equal to 082; this label must match the one on the  Prometheus object; otherwise, it will be ignored. First, before installing nginx Ingress,  let's use the helm template to generate   yaml files. We still want to  provide the helm release name,   helm chart name, version, values that we  want to override, and the output directory.   Let's check them out. You have  an admission webhook with RBAC.   Then you have Ingress itself.   Here, for example, we have the ingress class  equal to external Ingress and the config map with   our custom nginx directives. And a bunch  of other files, including ingress class.   Now, if you don't want to use helm, you  can just use kubectl apply on this folder. We will use helm to install it. The result  will be the same. You just need to watch   out few helm hooks for admission webhook and  clean them up manually, not a big deal. Also,   you may face connectivity issues in some cases  with admission webhook since it needs access   to the Kubernetes server. For example,  in the GCP private Kubernetes cluster,   you would need to update your firewall.  Alright, let's use a similar command,   but instead of template, let's use install and  instead output-dir, let's add create a namespace.   It will create a namespace in case it didn't exist  before. This will be a problem later, and we will   need to address it. It's deployed, and helm will  generate a couple of examples of how to use it.   Let's list the helm charts; with helm three, you  also need to specify the namespace; in our case,   we deployed nginx ingress in the ingress  namespace. Let's also see if those pods are up.   Ingress always comes with the Service of a  type load balancer; let's see if Kubernetes   successfully provisioned our network load  balancer. Sometimes it takes a minute or two   since we have the public dns name, which  means it was successfully provisioned.   Later, when we create ingresses, we always  will use the same public DNS name of this   load balancer. For each new Ingress, we  will create a CNAME dns record. In GCP,   for example, instead of dns, you will  get an IP address, and for Ingress,   you would create A record that points to that IP.  Let's go to the AWS console and make sure that LB   is ready. You can find your load balancer  in the EC2 section under load balancers.   Here you can see that this load balancer  is internet-facing means it is public lb,   and the type is a network and  not classic as it will give it   by default without that label that we specified. Let's confirm that we can monitor the ingress  controller with Prometheus. We don't have the   Ingress for the Prometheus yet, so let's get the  service name and use the port forward command to   access Prometheus on the localhost. Right now,  we have two services, one for the Operator and   one for Prometheus. Let's use prometheus-operated  Service and port 9090 in the monitoring namespace.   Now, if we go to the Prometheus target section,  we should see two targets. One for Prometheus   operator and the second one for nginx ingress  controller since we created two service monitor   objects.; let's see. As I expected, Ingress is not  here since the ingress namespace does not have the   appropriate label; let's fix it. In this video,  I'm going to be modifying some Kubernetes objects   directly using the edit command. You should  probably have at least yaml definitions in   the git under source control. Now, let's  edit the namespace to add monitoring equal   to the prometheus label. Let's save, and  it should take a minute or so to update the   Prometheus targets. A little tip, you can use  the KUBE_EDITOR environment variable to change   the default editor from vim to visual studio  code, for example. Let's go back to Prometheus   and refresh the page. Alright, we got ingress  target, but it's not ready yet. Now, it's up,   which means Prometheus can scrape and save  those metrics; we will configure Grafana next. First, we need to provide the admin  user password for Grafana in base64   encoding format. You can use echo then  it's very important to use the -n flag   to avoid a new line in the secret.  Then pipe it to the base64 tool.   To decode, just pipe it back to base64 with the -d  flag. We're going to use that secret in the yaml.   Let's create a folder for Grafana, again it's  going to be a very simple deployment only to   demonstrate how to monitor Ingress.  Let's create a Kubernetes secret.   We also need to provide admin user in  base64 format, so let's do that as well.   Next is a simple deployment object for  Grafana without persistent storage.   Then service object, that we  will use to configure Ingress. Standard port 3000 for Grafana. And let's  deploy it using the same kubectl apply command.   Alright, the pod is ready. Next,  let's port forward Grafana to   localhost and create a dashboard  for the nginx ingress controller.   Localhost 3000. username  admin and password devops123.   Before importing the dashboard,   we need to create a data source that  points to the Prometheus server.   The only one parameter that we need to  provide is the URL. Since prometheus is   deployed in the same monitoring namespace as  Grafana, we just need to specify the service   name prometheus-operated. If it would  be deployed in a different namespace,   you need to use that namespace in the  URL as well after the dot. For example,   prometheus-operated.monitoring:9090.  Monitoring is a namespace. Here we can omit it.   Let's find a dashboard for nginx ingress. You can  simply google nginx ingress grafana dashboard.   The id is 9614; let's copy it. To import  dashboard, go to manage and click import.   Enter Id and press load. Select the default  Prometheus dashboard data source and click import.   We already have some data in it; later, we will  come back to it when we have more ingresses. Now, let's create our first Ingress, which will be  for Prometheus. Often you would create Ingress by   using internal Ingress only, but for this demo,  this Prometheus will be exposed to the internet,   which is a bad idea in general. Let's  list services in the monitoring namespace.   Create an example-1 folder for the first Ingress.   It's pretty basic Ingress. We're going to call  it prometheus, and it must be created in the same   namespace where you have the Service, in this case  monitoring namespace. Then let's use the ingress   class that we created external-nginx. In case you  have multiple ingresses, here is a place where you   can choose the one you want to use. Then specify  the DNS name All   our ingresses will point to the same load  balancer dns name. Then define the path,   which is the root, type of prefix. That means  all the requests with all the paths will be   simply routed to this Prometheus service. Later we  will do more advanced stuff with those paths. Then   you just need to select the Kubernetes service  and the port. That's it; let's go and apply it.   Now, let's get ingresses in the monitoring  namespace. Usually, it takes few minutes to   update the address; even in some cases, if it  still is empty, try to create CNAME anyway. I   had some issues previously when the ingress  controller wasn't able to publish its dns   name. For the first Ingress, let's wait  anyway till we get the address. Alright,   we have the public dns that we need to map using  CNAME with Prometheus. Just to show you, if you   list services in the ingress namespace. You'll get  the load balancer with exactly the same dns name.   Now we need to create a dns record.  I host my domain with google domains,   but it does not matter; you just need to create  a CNAME that points to your load balancer public   dns name. The host name will be Prometheus,  type CNAME. The value you can get from Ingress.   Let's wait a few minutes till dns  is propagated. Okay, let's try to   access We got  our ingress prometheus working. As I said,   it's okay with internal ingresses, but you don't  want to keep Prometheus publicly exposed. At least   you want to set up a basic auth with username and  password and put nginx proxy at the front of it.  Now, let's test the nginx admission webhook. There  are two ways to provide a custom nginx directive   to ingress controller. You can use the nginx  ingress config map to apply your configuration   globally, or you can target each ingress resource  separately. There are a lot of annotations   supported by nginx ingress that you can use. If  your annotation is not supported yet, you can   always provide a configuration snippet to the  Ingress. It accepts the raw nginx configuration   block. That can be dangerous sometimes if you make  a mistake and your configuration becomes invalid.   For example, we want to add additional headers to  this Ingress, not like Prometheus would care. You   can use the more_set_headers nginx directive, but  if you make a typo admission webhook will reject   it. The way it works, the nginx controller will  generate the full nginx config, including your   custom directives, and run a test on it; if it is  invalid, the webhook will simply decline to accept   it. Let's see how it works in practice. Let's  break that snippet and try to apply a new config.   Now you can see that Ingress was rejected  and the error - unknown directive   more_set_headers123. Let's fix it and  reapply. It went through. All ingress   rules eventually transformed into plain  nginx config that you can always inspect   if you suspect any strange behaviors. To  render nginx config, just use kubectl exec   to the pod and provide the path to the main  nginx config, which is /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.   Let's search for more_set_headers. You can see  that it is present here with the Foo bar header. In the next step, let's create Ingress for  Grafana. It's pretty much the same as with   Prometheus. Find the Kubernetes service  that you want to use and map it with dns   name in your Ingress. Here  is a grafana on port 3000.   It's pretty identical, just a  different host, service name, and port.   Let's apply and try to access it. As I said, you  don't have to wait for the address to show up;   just create a CNAME to the same load balancer.   It looks like it works; let's use  our credentials, admin devops123.  Now, let's move to more advanced  ingresses. This one is simple fanout.   I created a golang app for this demo.  Let's create an app folder and main.go.   We're going to accept a couple of  input parameters. The first one   is a service name and a port. Then let's  print out some metadata about the request,   such as method, protocol, and headers.  And return to the client the service name   and the path that was requested.  Finally, start that Service.   Next, we need a go.mod file, which will be pretty  empty since we don't have any external libraries.   And let's package our app as a docker image.   Import golang image from docker hub  and use it for the first stage, call   it build. Then you need to define the source  directory since we're using golang modules.   Finally, build the binary. For the second stage,  let's use google's distroless images. In general,   if your golang app does not depend on any  system libraries, you can use scratch or   distroless images. Static  distroless image includes  ca-certificates A /etc/passwd entry for a root user  A /tmp directory tzdata  Let's specify the user and copy the  binary from the previous docker stage.   I already built it and uploaded it to  docker hub; it's a public image that you   can use in your deployments as well. Now  let's create Kubernetes files and place   them in the example-3 directory for this  Ingress. We need a new staging namespace.   Then the deployment.   It will take those two arguments; the service name  is foo and the random port. We need a service.   And let's create similar objects for bar  deployment. The only difference is a name.   Now we have two deployments, foo,  and bar. Let's create Ingress.   Here you can see a new annotation  /$2. It will parse the URL and take   the second half. I'll give you an example later. We will use the same dns   for both services, and we will  use only different prefix paths.   The first one is for foo service. On line 15,  you can see that we take the second argument   provided by the nginx and append it to the path.  Otherwise, if you just use rewrite annotation,   you will not be able to use anything except root  for your Service since nginx will replace it. $2   allows us to pass additional arguments.  The second path is pretty similar,   just a different prefix. Let's  apply and see how it behaves.   Let's add a new CNAME for api.   Let's test foo service first. You can see  that rewrite target annotation will remove   /foo from the request URL path and  provide the second part of the URL   equal to $2. We don't want to pass the  entire URL, including /foo, to our Service,   just remaining arguments. Same thing with a bar.  For example, if we omit rewrite-target annotation,   it will pass the full URL to our Service. If  that's what you want, just remove the annotation. The following example will use host  names to differentiate between services.   Here instead of different prefix paths, we  will use different host names api and a bar.   Let's apply it.   Now under hosts, we have multiple dns names;  we need to create CNAME for each of them.   Let's try to access the foo service by its dns  name. You can see a response from the foo service   with a requested path. If you access the bar,  that should route traffic to the bar service. Next is an ingress that uses a TLS certificate  to encrypt communication between a server and   a client. In this video, we will create our  own CA certificate authority and a certificate   for our domain. In the next videos, I'll  show you how you can get a certificate from   letsencrypt in the Kubernetes using cert-manager.  We will use both HTTP-01 and DNS-01 challenges   for that video. To generate self-sign  certificates, you can use either openssl,   which is usually already installed, or my  favorite tool, cfssl. It is both a command-line   tool and an HTTP API server for signing,  verifying, and bundling TLS certificates.   You can download binary or use a package manager  such as homebrew to install it if you're on a mac.  First, let's create a config  and a profile for the certs.   Let's set default expiration to 3  years and a demo profile with 1-year   certificate expiration. Keep in mind that  the certificates you want to use for the   web cannot be generated with an expiration  longer than 13 months. The second file ca-csr   is a certificate signing request for the  certificate authority. You don't have to   generate CA and a cert; you can just go with one  single self-sign certificate for your domain.   I just want to show you how to upload CA to  the keychain to validate your certificates.   You'll see later. Here is the common name, the  algorithm, which is already default, but I decided   to specify it here explicitly, and then some  names. C stands for Country Name, L for Locality,   O for Organization, OU for OrganizationalUnit,  and then state. Now let's generate the CA.  We got a CA certificate, certificate  signing request, and a private key.   To decode, you can use openssl.   Next, let's create a certificate signing  request for the foo-api subdomain.   It's similar to CA, but here you must specify  hosts which translated to alternative names on   the certificate. If you omit this field, your  certificate will not be valid in the browser.   Now, let's generate it. Provide the  config and the profile that we defined   earlier. You also need to specify  the CA here and its private key.   If you decode it with openssl, you should see  the Subject alternative name with your dns name.   To provide this certificate and a private key,   we need to create a Kubernetes secret and  then encode those files in base64 format.   So, here you need to provide a tls cert and a  key. Let's do it manually; first, a certificate.   We can use exactly the same approach  that we used with Grafana credentials.  Let's use echo and pipe this certificate  to the base64 tool to encode it.   Now, let's copy the value  and use it in the secret.   Same thing for the private key.  Encode to base64 and paste here.   Now we can create Ingress  and reference this secret.   Here is a new tls section; you need to specify  the host name and a secret to get a certificate   and a private key. Rules will be pretty standard;  host and a path with reference to the Service.   Now, let's apply and create CNAME as always we do.   Let's try to access it. Alright, it works,  but since the certificate is signed by our   own certificate authority, it  is not trusted by default. You   can see the  certificate is not trusted. Let's fix it.   You can add the certificate authority  to the keychain on mac. You still can   do it for other platforms such as Windows or  Linux; you just need to find a way to add your   CA and mark it as trusted. On a mac, open  a keychain and import CA that we generated.   If you reload the page now, you get a lock.   Now, the certificate is valid  and trusted. Keep in mind that   it will be trusted only by your host.  In the next videos, I'll show you how   to get a certificate from Let's encrypt to  make those certificates valid for anyone.   If you want to test http2, you can use curl  with -i flag to get additional information.   You can see that protocol is http2  since we secured our connection with   the TLS certificate. Plain HTTP ingresses  still will be using the HTTP 1 protocol. Next is a little bit rare example,  when you want to use Ingress for   services in different namespaces. By default,  you can only create Ingress, and the Service   must be in the same namespace. Let's create foo  and bar namespaces and deploy services there.   It's going to be example number 6. You can always  clone my repository to get all the source code.   Alright, we have foo and bar  deployments in a different namespace;   let's try to create Ingress now.   Here we reference the foo service in the foo  namespace; it should work. But the second path   references the bar service in a different  namespace. Let's see if it works, apply and test.   Foo endpoint works as expected,  but what about bar endpoint.   Nope, we got an error from the nginx;  the Service is temporarily unavailable.  One of the workarounds is to create an external  service and place it in the same foo namespace.   You can see the type is an external name that  references bar service in the bar namespace.   Now we can just use this service  name bar external in the Ingress.   You can try just to apply and see if it works.   Sometimes you need to recreate Ingress.  You can see that it still does not work.   Let me delete and apply it again.   Since we already have CNAME, we can just  try to use curl right away. Alright, we got   a response from the bar service that references  the Kubernetes service in a different namespace.  Now, the last ingress example that demonstrates  how to add a TCP service. In some situations,   you may want to reuse an existing load balancer.  By default, Ingress only supports HTTP and HTTPS   services, but with nginx, you can add TCP  and UDP services as well. In this example,   we will use the nginx controller to expose the  Postgres database. First, let's quickly create   a namespace and Postgres deployment and use  the same devops123 admin password to access   the database. I'm not going to spend a lot  of time on Postgres deployment right now.   We're going to use a statefulset  and 8-gigabyte volume.   Let's apply and make sure  that the database is running.   Now let's create a configmap for the  nginx controller and not for the database.   Here we're going to reference the Postgres  service in the database namespace. Also,   I'm on purpose mapped it to a different port,  5444 on the Ingress. This config map should   be created in the ingress namespace. By  the way, it's not a headless service;   it's a regular cluster IP type  service, but it does not matter here.   Now we need to update the nginx  controller deployment and Service.   Here you can see that right now, only ports  80 and 443 are exposed on the load balancer.   Now, let's directly edit the nginx deployment.   We need to add additional flag TCP services  with reference to the configmap that we created.   Now we need to edit the Service.  Let's add an additional port, 5444.   When you save it, Kubernetes will also modify the  load balancer in AWS to add an additional listener   and update the security group to allow that port. We can see port 5444 in the Kubernetes   service now. In AWS, under listeners, we got a new  5444 listener, and if we open the security group,   we will find a new rule. When you're  using a network load balancer in the AWS,   the security group that is attached to the node is  used to determine what traffic to allow and deny.   Here you actually will not find port  5444 since it's routed to a different   port on a Kubernetes node, in this  case, randomly generated port 30641.   Let's create our last CNAME  for the Postgres database.   Let's try to connect to the database. Port and   default username postgres  with a password devops123.   Alright, we successfully connected to the  Postgres using the nginx ingress and TCP service.  The last thing, let's open  up the grafana dashboard;   we should have more metrics now since  we created a bunch of ingresses. You   can see ingress request volume  for each Service then the rate.   Also, down below, we have p50 p90 and p99  latencies for each Service. P50 means that   50 percent of requests are completed in  a certain amount of time, same with p90,   90 percent of requests, and p99. For example,   99 percent of requests to grafana were completed  in under 9 milliseconds. There are more useful   graphs that you can explore on your own.  Please do me a favor and like this video.   In the next one, we will create an HTTPS  ingress using certificates from letsencrypt.
Channel: Anton Putra
Views: 1,070
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kubernetes ingress, ingress kubernetes, NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Tutorial, nginx ingress controller, kubernetes ingress controller, kubernetes ingress tutorial for beginners, nginx ingress controller tutorial, nginx ingress, set up nginx ingress, kubernetes nginx ingress tutorial, nginx ingress prometheus, nginx ingress controller eks, kubernetes ingress nginx, kubernetes ingress vs load balancer, aws, eks, devops, sre, kubernetes ingress explained, ingress controller
Id: 9sLHoEyRq8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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