NFL Scary Hits of the 2021 Season (Warning)

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begin this drive from the 25. ton of time throws deep downfield adams cannot haul it in and devonte is still down so adams took a shot [Applause] there was a late hit coming across the field [Applause] and that was jimmy ward paul is out and that goes right to the helmet down on the field back in a moment for the titans shotgun for mahomes protection initially mahomes broke down and the ball came out [Applause] titans have it david long on the recovery and mahomes slow to get up he was hit down low and then i think as he was going down trying to throw the ball someone hit him in the chest and face area as well oh boy and you can see the concern evident from this kansas city team as their leader contact doesn't stop him another look at mahomes and it's jeffrey simmons leg five right there into the face mask to patrick mahomes those mahomes is going down he's kind of whipsawed by daniko autry forward and simmons coming from that direction goes into him and that created the heavy blow there nothing malicious nothing dirty just a hard here is jones gonna take it and didn't get it he might be hurt gabriel cox made the tackle and joan slow getting up [Applause] the rookie they are going forward oh man [Applause] oh wow and that'll be seen upstairs mike glennon is the backup quarterback for the giants second down and 10. they're coming from the secondary bridgewater doesn't see it and it's incomplete bridgewater took a hit tavon young was applying the pressure on the blitz blitz spencer is still down and we'll step aside with 53 seconds to go in the first deante spencer up on his feet walking to the locker room and gene sterritor back in new york gene a lot of broncos fans think this should have been a penalty what did you see well you you you've got a player that isn't a defenseless posture so any contact of the head or neck area is a foul second one harris gets the first down just shy of midfield pretend to go here i'll tell you it's one of the most poignant moments we saw last season [Music] injured seahawk here on that carry and it is daryl taylor we've talked to has had all those great disruptions in the past game neurological checks with taylor see if we can see what happened on the play [Applause] [Music] just engaged in the block with the guard trey turner got banged and twisted and now we'll be certainly looked at at the level one trauma center the hospital nearby which is third down to 12 for cincinnati bro spins holding to his left takes off needs to get to midfield he will not darnell savage came in oh boy let's hope he's okay [Applause] we talked about darnell savage he goes low nothing malicious about the hit just extremely aggressive and boy he was the the best thing as i mentioned to kenny on the break the best thing is that his legs did come up under him and they were going to go in the air because had he head he hits his head on the turf as well yeah yeah now it's going to say 10 trailing by three with 3 14 remaining in the first half here's madison trying to get to the edge on first down and madison turns up field to get a couple to the 36-yard line how woods tracked him down and this is the kind of complimentary football that mike zimmer was talking about exactly what they've done overcoming a third down and capitalizing on a crucial penalty then they overcome their own penalty in their own territory the offense that is i mean they're they're just really bowing up on defense and confusing russell wilson carrie heider jr down for seattle while they tend to him will step aside that was a group oh [Applause] last 7-0 team the 74 football cardinals stumbling and to the 10 that's it is kylan hill and he was hit hard by jonathan ward and ward can't get up they're both down boy this was a vicious collision right on the knee i believe joe let's take a look but yeah this was a big time hit oh kylan hill and jonathan ward well they're still looking at both players after that collision the rookie kylan hill that didn't look good at all he's at least on the cart and jonathan ward is still down well here's a good picture we were hoping for as jonathan ward with thumbs up as he's carted off the field they took his face mask off but his arms he was moving them before he left two young backup running backs coming together on that play [Applause] he got hammered levitt and mullen there defensively and levitt needs to take a moment here comes the hammer part excellent play look at his shoulder and takes it into him but he's the one who ends up taking the brunt of it but a nice pass break up by levitt coming inside trying to keep the head out of going into head-to-head contact and going up high stayed below the shoulder area right in the strike zone and broke up the pass now the concern right now for has been a shaky start first down pass off the far side it's incomplete and there's a late flag taysom hill lunging for the football obviously defenseless [Applause] yeah just no reason for that at all defense number 23 15 play so first of all we hope that tayson hill is okay as he was carted off just a couple of seconds ago janice winston was down on a knee certainly hope they're just checking his head and checking for a concussion to play in the half tana tannehill gives it to henry crashes down to the four as players come together and you know this whole buffalo takeover of nashville is overrated these titan fans have come out in big numbers to support their team and there's an injured player for tennessee that's taylor the one [Applause] and he was he was fighting and scratching and came over the top of the pile and [Applause] he hasn't moved since he hit the ground that's the eighth year pro out of michigan we'll be right back [Applause] these are live pictures of taylor lawn [Applause] gonna be helped on to the cart in his eighth year his entire career spent here in tennessee he's been a fixture a popular player here a fan favorite see him always fun-loving out and about in the community the predators games and now our thoughts are with with taylor's he's being helped up yeah and his family i mean you know he's uh he's got a young family and and taylor is an emotional leader on this team he's you see everybody on this team coming up to him and and i've known taylor ever since he was you know at school in michigan known him a long time he's a great guy i've got a great spirit about him and uh hope that everything is okay with him as you see him coming over the pile here [Applause] you see the corner of his head hit the back of the defender and as he rolls over the pile he's hoping to pray for the best crash into jerry hughes there [Applause] on first down garnold throws and a flag after the big hit laid on marshall [Music] unnecessary roughness defense number 23 has a 15-yard penalty automatic first down let's xavier woods on a defenseless receiver and you're not allowed to go in the head or neck area gets the necessary yardage first down las vegas and it's derek carr he's run the sneak successfully multiple times this year there's the shot there from roquan smith to put him down it looked like a shoulder pad leading and it was in the shoulder pad to the helmet of derek cox to the raiders sideline and made the motion hey he needs some help it's time for san francisco in the backfield here he is the rookie out of ohio state and he's got a first down on his first run but he lost the ball it's picked up by darius slay philadelphia with a huge take away flag is thrown on the play slay finally takes it out of bounds what a turn here in philadelphia and after all that sermon is still down sermon finally gets the call his first touch in the nfl he loses the ball and had some injury to the play slay takes it back obviously we'll have to sort out the penalty marker as well after all of this or whatever that was a big time throw by wilson who's going back to the air here taking a deep shot down the field and it is nearly intercepted but a flag comes out keelan cole the intended target and wilson is slow to get up and if that is defensive pass interference that's the fourth one of over 40 yards for the jets and unfortunately zach wilson is still down on the ground oh wow pass interference defense number 23 false places part of the foul first step when i say upset i don't think they're upset at judon i think they're upset that wilson appears to be seriously injured and wilson remains on the ground we'll step aside and come right back you
Channel: Ding Productions
Views: 3,813,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfl, ding productions, nfl scary hits, nfl scary, nfl hits, nfl carted off, jonathan ward, nfl scary injury, nfl big hits, nfl knocked out, nfl knockout hits
Id: YjCl_FKzeJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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