NFL Quarterback Breaking Ankles

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[Applause] brady steps up trying to run for it makes a move on erlacker and has a first down i'll tell you that's one you don't see very often use this defense together as best he can a blitz darnold is able to stay upright wow what a play by darnold wanted to go down still going inside the 10 for the touchdown there are no flags and that is all sam darnold 46 yards jackson takes it himself look at him turn back and forth oh he broke his ankles now he's getting entourage and he's got a touchdown he is houdini what a play 47-yard touchdown run by the magical quarterback lamar jackson just watch his schedule on first to go from the one here is murray trying to deep the defender and he does touchdown by murray and what a dance he put on to get into the end zone tyler murray with the touchdown and the cardinals regain the lead in the seesaw first hand i don't know what you tell jeff bakuto who's out space [Applause] for the seahawks this season off the fake to penny on second and seven wilson is across midfield and still going out of bounds right around the washington 30. problem if these two guys lose and contain you cannot second and 11. block by ferguson here comes vic so dangerous here we got mccain to break his ankles with a good move i can use some basketball vernacular he's down to about the three he picks up on that run 18. red chase still alive will threat his way into the end zone touchdown minnesota and webb showing a lot of what he did in college rolling out fine takes a snapshot of the defense here they come on third and five wilson boys somehow escapes he's gonna run for it first down jake's wilson plenty of green grass wilson stays in bounds he's still going and he's in [Applause] zach touchdown pulling a magic trick first signature play third down and four bronx in there brady gonna run for it right down the middle of the field and he slides down tom showing off the wheels tonight pickup of 11. nothing fires up tom brady more than using his legs everybody tells him how bad of an athlete he is he can't run can't do this everybody plays 2d man over against him and look at him just dropped the ball dropping the mic and that is the kamara isolated again romero's out to the right breeze looking left he's got room across the line of scrimmage he goes into the end zone touchdown drew brees rogers on the fake looking pump in rogers running eddie's in touchdown green bay rogers watching a little lamar jackson tape [Music] [Applause] another third down one here comes ward got always broke free another broken tackle look at the darting back and forth by watson and he saved it from a sack even though he had him coming at him from every conceivable angle then one for the offense of houston they fake it murray is gonna run it he has a first down and murray lunges into the end zone a touchdown on a fourth down gamble and it pays big dividends for the big red you
Channel: Sporting Videos 2
Views: 987,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfl, football, highlights, compilation, tb12 breaks ankles, tom brady run, broken ankles, best qb runs, qb runs, quarterbacks jukes, juke, juked, jukes, best jukes
Id: N9mAAw9DfqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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