#NewProducts 9/28/2022 Featuring #Adafruit PCF8575 I2C 16 #GPIO Expander Breakout - STEMMA QT!

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where's my cable new new well uh we'll edit this at best all right okay first up okay so we have a revision but so revision that I want to talk about because it's a big deal revision so the Ina 219 uh which we revised to add stemma QT connectors people love this it's a high or low side current sensor uh it goes over I squared C which is one of our oldest products I think it's like proc number seven at 904 so it's quite old um but here's the thing so uh yeah sorry uh yeah click here so yeah so we revised it and it looks a little different and I want to explain what changed so we could not get the Ina 219b which is the version of the SAT 23 chip that we've been using for a really long time so instead what we did is we revised the board to use an soic uh sized chip so the chip is bigger and it's the Ina 219a not the two one it may be the two one nine a not just the two one nine B the difference is the 219v I think is point five percent precision and the 219 a is one percent Precision thing is that resistor is only like one percent precise anyways so it's not like it's going to make a huge difference but I do want to mention that the Precision has changed slightly um we never promised that we'd have the two one one nine B we kind of said it was a two one nine um we just couldn't get the 219b chips anymore it was very difficult one to keep these in stock and I think for most people's usage uh the 219a is just fine um if this is absolutely killing you and you absolutely need the 209b I think in the next few months we might be able to revert back to using specifically uh the B subtype um but the next few months basically we could only get the a type and I thought it'd be better to have it in stock even if it's 0.2 percent less precise okay next up okay next up uh we have you know this is actually something um handy for people who have a micro bit or you have a circuit playground Express or circuit playground or any other um you know project where it has like alligator clippy pads so we had Tower Pro which makes the servos that we really like uh create a version of their micro Servo but this time it has alligator clips on it which makes it really easy good for workshops it's great for basically yeah this is gonna if you've ever had to do any like step-by-step instructional learning especially with youngins you'll appreciate this because you can get right to controlling a Servo and not um trying to figure out which way to plug it in yeah wrong stuff wrong wires wrongness okay so it's gonna be overhead and I'll show off this demo okay so basically it's just a demo moving back and forth um but it's the same micro Servo geared plastic Servo that you're used to uh send it one two two millisecond pulses um and you can power it from uh ground and signal and in this case I'm powering from V out which happens to three be five volts but you can also power it from uh 3.3 volts it won't move as fast or strong but I know the micro bit only has three bolts available um but basically we have a Servo to alligator clip adapter cable which you can use with any Servo but if you just want to get started quickly with the micro server this is you know very Compact and easy to use and the wires are color coded which took us quite a few tries to get the right color coding but power is red uh signal is white and ground is black yeah this is going to save a lot of people a lot of time okay so I had the USBC cable right here it was plugged into one yeah and also it takes like three times to plug in the cable tabs yeah I got it all okay uh so we're like our seven segment backpacks all come pre-assembled so people don't even have to solder in the um LED segment displays so these are stem and QT capable seven segment backpacks so they're plug and play and you don't even have to solder in the LED segment so let's go to the overhead because I'll show these off yeah do you want me to show both of them before we go to the overhead because sure they're yeah there's blue and white we also already put in red and green I think that was the last few weeks yeah we had a bunch in so yeah we go to the page too you can select and get all the different colors but here here's the uh also one of our first you know products was the seven segment backpack so it's great to be updating it Okay so uh beef one two three four so this is the two uh blue and white they're incredibly bright um Matrix drivers and what's nice is of course you know now you don't have to solder anything at all you can just plug and play over I squared C you can have up to eight of them if you solder closed these uh jumpers over here but otherwise they're just uh stackable you can put them next to each other they stack up side by side so you can have very long digits if you so wish um and always stem iqt so we're trying to get everything to as little soldering as possible required to get started okay next up okay another update for the oh this is many updates because of this chip shortage which are which is causing a little bit of a back and forthness in the market so I was on this email third oh yeah these came in cool these came in it is it is like that it's like oh these are finally I can get these to you great okay so this is the openmv M7 this is like a you know a smart machine learning camera that you can program with micro python it's a very powerful it uses the stm32 h743 which if anybody knows is basically like total unobtainium but they were able to get some stock to to fabricate some the only deal is they couldn't fabricate the version two with the I think it's the mt9411 camera so this has I think the um ob56 something something camera it's it's basically version one for why we're selling version two but then chip shortage hit uh crushed all hopes and dreams of getting stm32 H7 so you know the one thing we were able to get is to go back to V1 if you absolutely need V2 you really want that you know that new empty 941 or whatever part number camera uh please wait you know maybe in six months we'll have some of the V2s but for most people's uses it doesn't really matter the camera quality is almost identical the chip is the same the software functionality is the same so uh we have a couple hundred of these in stock honestly I don't know when and neuters open in vino when they're going to be able to make more of these um yeah if you're gonna go once again so if you want one maybe a little bit you may not want to wait out until the V2 is available you might want to get the V1 and and it's basically the same new one has been waiting on SD chips is yeah if you're in an stm32 F7 or H7 world you're yeah you're in a world of pain okay and and no parts and look at here's another STM baseboard what a coincidence uh it's actually this is funny this one they went to the GD 32 f-105 which is a giga device um St compatible chip so this is the Blackmagic probe this is a really cool all-in-one uh debugger that has built-in debugging capabilities for um a variety of chips um core chips it's swd programming but what's really neat is it like it's kind of like built into the chip itself so you don't necessarily need to install open OCD it's very popular and uh we were out of stock for a very long time they had to do a bit of a redesign for chip shortage reasons but thankfully we were able to get some they've also updated the firmware it's now V 2.3 um so we got a bunch of these and I think they'll be able to keep these in stock hopefully Giga device can supply them with the chips and um you know basically it's just kind of an advanced programming debugger for folks who are using uh you know if you're using stms or cmds um anything the cortex m0 M3 M4 processor uh this will do the job check out the open source code also on GitHub you can see the changes and also make sure that your chip is supported all right next up okay this is a very weird cable we have a lot of these what is this okay so this is extra weird because we've actually stocked the um we've stopped USBC PD cables already and USBC what's interesting it looks I thought this was like makeup on it was actually a translucent cable yeah um so these are very interesting cables in that you plug in the USBC side into a wall adapter that can supply USB power Delivery 5 9 12 15 20 volts there's like power supplies and they can supply different voltages based on what kind of cable device is plugged in so we stock the cables that when you plug it in they will give you like a fixed nine volts out or you fix 12 volts out it's very handy because you no longer have to have multiple wall warts like you know how we have that box of wall warts at home yes and like we can't get rid of it because it's always yeah there's always like I need that one there's always a thing you need so the idea is to replace those instead of having different wall works with different voltages the cable defines or the device defines the voltage so we had the fixed cables and if you want like a fixed voltage like I always want nine volts or always want 12 volts to get that now if you're freaky like me and you want a cable that can be reprogrammed to request different voltages this is your thing so this cable and this is so dangerous it's like it's like sometimes we carry stuff and I'm like you're gonna hurt yourself so try to like not hurt yourself yeah but this cable comes a little dongle you see the dongle in the top right you can program that there's a some window software that comes with it and you can reprogram the power delivery requester chip to request different voltages so you can have it be 5 7 9 10 12 15 18 and 20 I think and um you you program it with these little kind of like uh you know they're not evids but they kind of feel like either he's a little little code chunks and then the cable turns into that cable so one day you can have it be a five volt requester cable the next day it's a 12 volt the next day it's 20. you know you can have it request the highest voltage up to you or the lowest voltage whatever there's like different programs that you can program it with basically it's extremely dangerous because you don't know what you're gonna you know like if you thought that you programmed it for nine but it's actually 12. this is a super fun cable yeah you could get 12. if you're interested in experimenting with power delivery though I think it's I think this does have some use cases um you know especially if you're not sure what power delivery you want or you want to test a power supply with different voltages so it's like kind of funky I will say you do have to reprogram it between each settings like you can't there's no button or anything to switch to setting you have to reprogram it each time for the different settings but it's one cable that can do them all um you know just try not to hurt yourself with this don't don't forget what you set it to because you think it was set for five volts it's actually set for 20 you plug it in and you um you blow up your electronics so super fun okay and so tonight besides you lady at our team our community our customers our staff everyone who works with us everyone who's supporting this adventure called Ada fruit is the PCF 8575 They Might Be Wondering well why do you have a 16 I O expander don't you have the NCP 23017 yeah we do but we're not getting chips till 2024. so or maybe I mean hopefully we'll get some homework but I wanted to have something out there for people who needed a 16-bit gpio expander and did not want to wait for the mCP 23017 expander to come back into stock this is very inexpensive it's very easy to use it's a bit of a funky chip we stock the f f sorry PF PCF 8574 which is the 8-Bit version um and that's been in the store for a bit and people have liked that so the thing with that is and this is they actually use very similar code there's technically no Direction register for the pins on this there's only two modes for each i o it's either a light pull-up input or a strong syncing output um basically what this means is that if you want to wire up an LED this cannot Source current it can only sync current so you have to connect the LED from the power one of the power rail pins to the gpio and if you want to have a button connected you have to have the button connected to ground so you know when you press the button it shorts the ground and that will use the light pull-up on the input it's not as you know powerful and amazing as like something the mCP 23017 however it's available and it's very inexpensive um and there's a lot of drivers out there we wrote Arduino and circuit python python code uh there's three address pins so you can have eight of these um there is an interrupt output there is an interrupt output pin um all light pull-up inputs are automatically added to the irq so it's a very simple chip right there's not a lot going on there's like one I squared C register but it does work quite well uh so I thought I'd show this demo which is using the USBC cable that I finally found um so I just have it you know one thing that I liked about this breakout is handle space so I added a power rail uh ground and power because again uh LEDs you have to connect the anode to power and the cathode to LED you can't do the other you can't connect it from the i o to ground it will not be able to source code like a sync current and here's a button connected from one of the ground pins to an IL and then I have a little Arduino sketch running on here it reads the button when the button switches when I press the button it switches which led is lit back and forth back and forth all over gpio and then just fell out um second there you go um very simple demo but it's effective I mean one thing that is nice about this is because the I squared C interface is so simple it's very fast like you don't have to read a bunch of registers and and do bitmaps or whatever there's literally you you either write the 16-bit output or you read the 16-bit input and that's it okay and that is new products all is good
Channel: Adafruit Industries
Views: 9,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adafruit, electronics, diy, arduino, hardware, opensource, projects, raspberry, pi, computer, raspberrypi, microcontrollers, limor, limorfried, ladyada, STEAM, STEM, python, microbit, circuitpython, neopixel, neopixels, raspberry pi, circuitplaygound, nyc, make, makers, micro:bit, adafrit, adafruit promo code, ada fruit, adafruit coupons, raspberry pi zero, micropython, machine learning, ai, tensorflow
Id: 1qYDhnnGIcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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