Newmillerdam Bluebells

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[Music] so who walking down to new Miller damn woods this Marnie and I'll see what the bluebells are like I'm a feeling they're gonna be in full flow so hopefully you get some nice pictures a nice video of them a little bit of birdsong it's beautiful so we're head off down I'll catch up with you later bye now we're on the path the the back path which will be the south-facing path so we're on the path down to the woods now and nice little path and you see the bluebells er they're out looks like they're out in full full blossom as well I think we're gonna get a good show when we get down there some nice lumps in the field there we're down this path all the way down into the woods got a nice reputation for some good Bluebell having a good bluebell wood as new Miller Dam and this is a nice spot right at the back of the woods which most of the crowds don't get - quite a lot that new it's there just wander up and see this beautiful swear the bluebells it's worth a look and it's where I usually direct my fellow togs if you want to go get a great quiet space the only problem with it it's there because the bluebells are on the hill then I'm sort of slanting down on there it'll be a west-facing hill and so when the Sun comes up it doesn't get above the hill until about and now we're after sunrise so if you do go don't be tempted to go at sunrise because the the light doesn't come over at the top of the hill until later so there we go a little bit of insider information there there are king fishes on this little patch of water just a little stream that runs into the new miller dam into the big lake I've come early in the morning you might cozy spot a Kingfisher there's a lovely suede up that hill there I'm gonna work his way around to that when we've taken this little path here and this will lead us to the back of the woods and we're getting really nice swathe of bluebells up there and we're on our way to the best part of the wood which is quite hidden and not as many people get up here but she was the best place for the bluebells it's going to appear I'm gonna walk right at the top of the woods there we'll hopefully come across a lovely beautiful Bluebell Miguel the smell is gorgeous wish you could be here beautiful just around this corner you should get a lovely swathe of bluebells some lovely lush green leaves beautiful so we're gonna get out the camera now and see what we get [Music] this is one of the loveliest parts lovely lush green and the bluebells all under the canopy down here just have to watch where I'm walking it's quite steep under this beautiful green canopy it's gorgeous I'm bucking you Miller dem Awards this morning we've got some missed I've got a camera set up she's looking absolutely beautiful down here this is really wrong sad for the mist I need something at the other side the sun's gonna come up behind the back but it's just nice to be here taking photographs so there we go right I'm doing a little bit if I see em now so I thought try and show you how I do it oh and you show you the camera machine the camera I've got got the telephoto lens on and I'm shooting at f/8 lowest ISO which on the Fuji is 200 now I'm only getting a tenth of a second which is a little bit too fast but and you can get you can get some movement out of it now I'm just looking for some subtle movement so let's just try it and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna I'm using all all to focus on this but you can use manual focus let's just do a quick movement and we'll have a look at what we've got now so you see I've got a nice little bit of a supple movement on on that look if you can see it with the light let's just turn around a little bit not as much shadow in there you see I've got a nice little bit of subtle movement on that and that was just with a tiny bit of movement now come to slightly darker area in the woods see if I can get a little bit slower shutter speed I'll show you the sort of two to three second technique that I used right well reset the camera 32:14 but to be honest don't like to go about well with the I don't like to go that high with the f-stop like to get a nice open s-stop if I can so I'm normally using an ND filter haven't brought them with me today but got one and a half seconds on there so I'm just going to do if I can a half a second and then a hold for a second so it's it's a hold and let's see what we get with that so we've got a nice bit that might come out quite nicely that because it's it's quite subtle let's get away from the reflection again it's quite subtle and probably go for a lower exposure on that but quite like that one so I held this one for about a second and then just shook it for the last half second so I'm getting much better a little bit of definition in the trees and some lovely soft bluebells down below so that might that might be good on that we'll have a look at that one what you need to think about with ICM is you still need to think about good composition it's still applies because you don't just want and will she mess you want something that's going to stand out in your in your movement otherwise you just get a lot about you but the lines and things like that look now I said the quite abstract but I quite like to get a little bit of the first definition in my year my ICMS so we feel ma and I might show you some ones I've taken before because I'm not probably got that many this morning sometimes a bit it's sunlight can help because you get a little bit a nice shadow and a little bit a nice shade and things and some nice contrast sometimes these missed Iman is out always ideal for ICM so there we go so I'll do a few more and you'll see some on the video so a nice walk in the blue girl woods at new Miller dam this morning I hope you've enjoyed that it's been lovely pleasant walk I've not done a lot of photographs I'm gonna come back early morning probably and take a few shots with math or the camera been out with the Canon today doing multiple exposure so we'll see how they look but hopefully when I put this together there'll be plenty of photographs okay bye [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Glenys Garnett
Views: 1,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9LcxNIxNdgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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