How to get a Job as a Newly Licensed Truck Driver

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all right guys so many comments on how in the world do i find my first trucking job you wouldn't believe how many comments i get i'll share some of them with you and i thought i would have to do a video to dedicate a full video for this ronin how do i get a first trucking job if everybody's asking for two years of experience does et provide all these training for newbie drivers we need two years of experience well if nobody hires new drivers how in the world do we get two years of experience how do i get a job as a truck how do i get a job as a newly licensed driver it's non-stop comments on guys that are having an issue finding their first job so i thought i would dedicate a video for this i can assure you that by the end of this video you will know how to get a job as a newly licensed driver okay so stay with me on this all right we're gonna break this down into four sections the first section we're gonna talk about is why companies do not recruit newly licensed drivers so first we need to understand what's going on why is it so hard to find a job then i'm gonna tell you the second part of this video is how to get a job as a new licensed driver the third section is what to expect when you find your first trucking job so what are you going to expect from this company and then the last section stay tuned i'm going to share with you a pace statement of a driver a 15-day pay statement for a lease operator so everybody loves to know what do truck drivers make so stay tuned at the end of this video i will share with you a pace statement for 15 days just to give you a little motivation just to give you a little push that you know it is hard at the beginning but you will get to this and you will get to this pace statement then you will be making the same amount of money that these drivers make so let's get to it who's going to benefit from this video so drivers that are thinking of getting into the industry you are definitely going to benefit from this video drivers that are currently in school getting your class one license and drivers that have just completed and received their license so if you just got your newly your if you're newly licensed you just got your your class one you just got your truck license you will definitely benefit from this video because it's going to teach you how to get your first job and what to look out for when you're getting your first job let's get into the first topic is why do trucking companies not hire newly licensed drivers okay so you guys need to understand that these smaller companies okay anywhere between 10 15 20 trucks even 25 trucks some of them 35 trucks they do not have the blanket insurance that these mega carriers have that these bigger fleets have now bigger fleets i'm talking about anybody that has probably 75 plus trucks they are considered a medium to a medium-sized fleet they all have blanket insurance coverage and that's who can put you on the road if you're going on the road with somebody who has 20 or 30 trucks and they don't have fleet insurance they really should not be putting you on the road and you really should not be going into a company like that so insurance companies they do not allow for newly licensed drivers just because the claims are so high on them so if a trucking company has 10 15 trucks or 30 trucks they have to submit to the insurance company anyone that they want to insure well they know that the insurance companies will not insure somebody who's newly licensed so that's an automatic x okay you cannot go into a company like that you need to go into a company that's medium-sized carrier large carrier that has that blanket insurance why do they not want to hire you because the stats show that you are more likely to get into a collision in your first year of trucking so that's why the insurance companies do not want to insure and do not want to deal with newly licensed drivers so you're a lot more likely to have violations so the way that the insurance companies work they basically rate the company based on their violation rates so every company for example has a score between 0 to 100 100 meaning you're amazing and 0 means you are horrible so when you recruit new drivers then they're more likely to get violations and these violations are going to give the company points and then it's going to be harder for them to get insurance or cheaper insurance at the end of the year so they just prefer not to deal with new drivers the next thing we'll talk about is the damage in the fender benders now when when we talk about collisions when we talk about you know newly licensed drivers it's not like you're going to go out on the road and get into a big accident no you're actually the stats show that you are more likely to get into minor things like fender benders so small damages like for example you know you reversed and you you hit you hit something with the back of the trailer or you hit a trailer with another trailer so you're more likely to get into these minor fender benders than somebody who's obviously had has experience for two three or four years and then lastly let's talk about the cost of training a newly licensed driver okay so the cost of training a newly licensed driver is astronomical okay so in order for a a proper training program okay it would probably take between three to four months to train you the amount of money now you guys are not going to be working for free nobody's expecting you guys to work for free the amount of money that the company spends on training you okay there is a stat out there that shows that after the first six months uh or even eight months you will no longer be at the company that trained you so here we are we have these companies that are going to train you that are going to invest all this money in into you and then stats show that after half year to eight months you will no longer be working for that company okay so that's why they just gave up and they're like you know what we're no longer recruiting new drivers we'll stick to the drivers that are two plus years experience so there's your little background information on why people do not hire newly licensed drivers so the magical question how in the world are you supposed to find a job so if everybody's asking for two plus years experience how in the world are you supposed to find a job well follow these next five steps and you will find a job okay i'm all about helping these new drivers so let's look for a company that has team drivers okay so in order for you to find a job you need to look for a company that has team drivers and usually servicing long-haul trucking so you need to look for a job that that that hires drivers for long haul okay when when companies have long-haul drivers they are more accustomed to recruiting drivers who are newly licensed and plugging them together with somebody who is a driver trainer or somebody who will make you work in a team so that's number one you're gonna look for a long-haul carrier so the fleet insurance so you best to look for a carrier that has over 50 trucks why do i like that 50 trucks because when a company has 50 plus trucks they can spend a lot more money on infrastructure they can spend a lot more money on properly training drivers they don't need to report to the insurance company every driver that comes on board so you're going to find a carrier that does long-haul trucking that has over 50 trucks and you're going to contact them and you're going to ask them if they will recruit you to work in a team so if you're working in a team they will bring you on board they will do the orientation they don't expect of you to be a superstar they know you're newly licensed but they will put you with somebody who's willing to take the time to train you okay now a normal training program just so you understand should take between three to four months if anybody is gonna put you on the road after a week or two run the other way okay you will not be ready within a week or two it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter how good you think you are you are not supposed to be driving on your own within one to two weeks remember that a good training program should take between three to four months okay i recommend that you get your license through mega carriers also okay so mega carriers when you get your your class one through a mega carrier they usually recruit the people who they train okay so mega carriers will do the licensing for you and then you can work for that company and go through their training program so mega carriers are known to take newer drivers and be able to shape and form them they have the money they have the um they have the infrastructure in place they have the driver trainers and they will put the money to train you so there you go that's how you're going to find a job you're going to find a trucking company that services long-haul trucking you're going to get into a company that has 50 plus trucks they will recruit you and look for a training program between three to four months don't settle for a company that's going to put you on the road after one or two weeks so the smaller companies are more likely to put you on the road faster the bigger companies will not take a chance to put you on the road and your safety comes first remember that and your license comes first so what to expect when you find your first trucking job so let's talk a little bit about that so finally you know you found a company that's willing to train you you went through their orientation and now you're going into your first trip so things that you need to expect so number one is you need to understand that your pay for the first three months is not going to be a full pay okay they're gonna pay you either minimum wage a little bit above minimum wage it's more for to pay you something in order to learn the job so they don't expect you to work for free but you are going to be you're not going to get paid as a truck driver's full salary so another thing that you should you should um keep in mind is when you're doing your three-month program month number one month number two and month number three don't forget that you are in month number two you're probably ten times better than you are in month number one and then in month number three you're probably ten times better than you were in month number two so the way you're learning is substantial so month number one you are fresh you don't know much month number two you already accustomed to the job and month number three you're already working more almost like a a professional team where you're doing eight hours uh the other driver is doing 10 11 hours and and you're driving and you are producing the miles another thing that you need to be ready for is that when you're a newly licensed driver you're going to be out on the road for longer periods of time so anywhere between 7 to 10 days is probably that magical number until you get home you'll probably have a break for a day or two and then they're gonna want you to go back out again keep in mind that this training program of whoever is willing to train you is just a means for your goal you gotta keep that in your mind that this training program this three months that you need to sacrifice is just the way to get to your actual goal in life which is to become a solo driver be to become an owner operator to become whatever it is that you want to become or the reason that you got into this industry is obviously uh financially then you need to understand that this training program is just a means to get to your goals and you need somebody to teach you the ropes now when somebody teaching you the ropes is somebody's actually taking the time to teach you how to do proper border crossing how to how to actually go into uh to e-logs and how um you know the rules the regulations when it comes to e-logs when it comes to fueling when it comes to scales when it comes to dot inspections paperwork bill of lading commercials invoice all these things are things that you're going to need to learn and inside your training program that's what it does it teaches you the ropes of our industry and it also gives you the security that you need in order to drive okay and then drive on the highway to drive for long periods of times and now let's get into i mean i get a lot of comments on whether or not we have a training program here so as you've probably seen through the videos yes we do have adela and she's a newly licensed driver here she is i mean she's completed already i think uh between 60 to 70 days she is a natural okay and she is well above our expectations for a driver who's been working with dave and dave has been training her so we really only have about four or five people in this company that are willing to train other drivers okay so they're usually owner operators they're usually guys that have their own trucks and they're willing to take students upon themselves now why do they take students upon themselves you need to understand the real reason why it's beneficial for an owner operator to take a student so an owner operator when he takes a student he takes advantage of the lower pay scale so for example when i get a new student okay i won't pay them a full salary of a team i will pay them a partial payment okay for month number one and then month number two they would get paid a little bit more and then month number three they'll get paid more than month number two so it's a training program it's beneficial for me as an owner operator because instead of doing 11 000 miles in month number two and in month number three i would be able to push to 14 15 and 16 000 miles with this team driver so it's beneficial for me and it's beneficial for the students because the student really needs to know how to work so i get there's a benefit for me being an owner operator to take a student and then there is the benefit for the student to come in and get taught by this driver trainer now do we have here driver trainers yes we do there's only about four or five of them here and we do take on students now we don't take everybody we're very very selective i get emails non-stop about newly licensed drivers the driver would need to be able to cross the border and would have to have a legal status here in canada i get so many requests for you know can i hire a foreign driver no i cannot hire foreign drivers will i will will i help people with lmias no i will not help people with lmias there's more than enough drivers here in canada and in the us uh that that want to get into the game and we would need to help our own first uh there's absolutely nonsense about this driver shortage i don't believe in it there is no driver shortage here in canada maybe in the us it's a different story but here in canada there's absolutely no driver shortage now we almost come to the to the finishing of this video so what to expect when you are finished you're 90 to 120 days realistically speaking your driver trainer will give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down so after 90 days you will get tested so adela over here for example after 90 days she will have the thumbs up from her trainer he's done with her and she knows how to work now so what do we do with a newly licensed driver who just finished their training usually they get put on a very simple route or you or they get placed into a team where they now get paid for a full salary so they either get placed in a team or they get or they get placed on a very simple route what do i mean by a simple route so a simple route would be toronto to moncton moncton to toronto so the gta from our terminal to terminal and she'll do that for a couple of months something simple something easy and something repetitive where she doesn't we would never send her up north we would never send her into city centers like chicago new york new jersey pennsylvania that's not something that you would do with a newly licensed driver okay so after 90 days you know the driver trainer will give her a thumbs up and she is good to go but on something much easier so what to expect after you're 90 days so your 90 days will come to a complete you know to a finish and then your driver trainer will say yes uh he does feel comfortable with you going on your own or no now if it's a no then it's okay because then you extend it for another 30 days okay so you would get assessed again probably after 120 days the companies that do this after two weeks or after three weeks that is a recipe for disaster that's how you get accidents that how that's how you get claims and a newly licensed driver is not equipped and does not know what he's doing after 30 days you know we see it all the time we don't put newly licensed drivers on their own after 30 days so now let's get into a little bit of motivation so let's give you a little snapshot of a full pay after 15 days so i mean most likely after your newly licensed driver your goal is and it should be to become an owner operator to become an owner operator there's a lot of advantages to becoming an owner operator ideally those are the guys that make you know a lot of money it depends on which division you're in it depends on what you're doing but you know a year or two from today that should be your goal is to become an owner-op i don't recommend it before the two-year mark probably at the two-year mark is when you should start looking into becoming an owner operator or a lease operator so here i'll post it up here's a a paycheck so this is a 15 day paycheck for somebody who is in our lease program so here he is in our flatbed division the driver grossed out 10 222. so how do you look at this pay statement so this is a 15 day pay statement this is from september 16th to september 30th 2021. so here he is he grossed out ten thousand and twenty two dollars he is in our flatbed division doing roll tights to the midwest usa and southeast usa his truck lease is one thousand two hundred and thirty five dollars so he is an owner operator and he leases the truck from us so he takes one of our fleet trucks he buys it out and we do the financing for him it's called the lease purchase program okay so here is his deductions disability insurance buy down insurance fuel canadian and fuel us okay so after all of his deductions the driver took home five thousand eight hundred and nineteen dollars net to his pocket that's in 15 days you multiply that by two well now that driver is making about ten to twelve thousand dollars a month this is what you got into the game for okay this should be your goal and this is what you need to be working towards it's to become an owner operator it's to become a lease operator to be able to make about 10 to 12 thousand dollars per month is what owner operators should be bringing home a net to their pocket i know that they can the american guys they make a lot more money in the u.s um these figures probably would be about eight thousand dollars and 15 days net in their pocket if you're in the us in canada our pay rates don't pay so much you know we are a very high paying company and these are normal pays here in ontario so for those of you who benefited from this video please give it a give it a thumbs up you know i do these videos it's not like i expect you guys to come work here we don't have enough enough positions here for the training program the only thing that i ask of you guys is if you found any benefit from this video if you learned something from this video then just give it a thumbs up and if you if you don't mind just share the content because there's a lot of truck drivers out there or guys that want to get into the industry that need to hear this information okay a lot of drivers are doing things wrong and a lot of drivers are picking up their hands because they can't find a job within the first two or three months and they just give up on our industry they shouldn't be giving up on the industry they need to watch this video in order to be able to find a job and this will guide them in the right way on how to find a job i will if you are interested in our training program and you are newly licensed then please i will link something below fill it out and our recruiting department will get in touch with you but hopefully this teaches you how to find a job as a newly licensed driver i'm ronan r-o-n-e-n and thank you for watching this video you
Channel: ET Transport
Views: 43,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finance, trucking, Truck driving, Trucking, freightliner, How to become a truck driver, truck driver, new truck driver, Class 1 training, How to find a trucking Job, cdl, cdl school, ET Transport, truck driving, flatbed trucking companies, owner operator, kenworth, 2022kenwortht680, review, truck, driver, trucker, Kenworth, Freightliner, volvo, w900, international, peterbilt, interior, steering wheel, dash, learning, money, career, advice, dealerships, sales, debt, repairs, debate, management
Id: AJvpkVgd7RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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