NewJeans Ditto Will Change How You See K-pop Forever

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new jeans ditto is something I've never seen before in Kpop the song itself is so addicting this is legit the first time I've listened to a K-Pop song on repeat for over a hundred times and the crazy thing is I don't even stand them the visuals are beautiful it's calming but at the same time it has a very dark and Eerie feel to it I mean I still get goosebumps every time I watch both of the music videos but for me what makes ditto really really special lies in its story ditto tells the story of a woman named hiso who was watching back a recording of her back when she was still in school as we watched together we were first introduced to six of her friends that is the new jeans members themselves and the recording we saw that they had a lot of fun back then they were never sad or angry or disappointed they were always smiling and every single clip they were either dancing laughing or joking overall they were just having the best time of their lives but for some reason throughout the music video we never really got to see much of hiso's face it was always covered up with her camera or zoomed in on all we know about her is she had a cast on her left arm and she was always holding a camera with her she was never really involved in their activities it was always her her camera and new jeans and then after that we were introduced to him the guy from 2521 who is in the story The love interest of hiso throughout the music video we knew that hiso was clearly interested in this guy but just like any other teenage girl out there she tried her best to avoid him I so far this is looking pretty normal this is looking like your typical high school K drama plot line Esau was probably going to ask new jeans to help her get closer with hyunduk but then hyung could probably instead start developing feelings for one of the new jeans girls you know it's going to be the good old love triangle plotline right right no because after this one particular scene Tang starts to get dark after this dear sighting scene the story took a whole different direction as it was all revealed that after all this time Esau our main character was alone it was all in her mind new jeans they were never there so okay what [Music] the story continues as we finally get to see for the first time ever he saw a new jeans expressing sadness we watch as he saw Christ while being comforted by her imaginary friends she saw hyundo looking at her crying alone like a weirdo so she decided to run away inside B we finally get to see what he saw actually looks like she stopped using her camera and we get to see hiso slowly coming into the realization that she's alone and then we finally get to the scene which for me is the final turning point for hiso she watches new genes from distance as per usual but this time no camera was involved and new jeans was not aware of her presence she watches as new jeans continues to dance being happy and expressive like nothing happened even though moments ago she was literally crying she had a breakdown but now they're just dancing like nothing happened she continued news to watch and disappointment as she looked down at her cast seeing Pure White and that's when she fully came into the realization that she's alone after that she ran to the rooftop of her school building giving birth to one of my favorite scenes from a K-pop music video she dropped her camera and just like that the one thing that identifies her whole character is destroyed this scene is Then followed by another dear sighting scene this time it's in the school hallways and in between the scene we finally saw hiso walking together with her love interest Janu and then it cuts back to hiso theory-eyed Frozen as she watched the deer pass by the screen slowly Fades out and now we're back to the present time adult hiso is watching back the recording and her eyes gets teary but at the same time she was also smiling and then the door suddenly opens as the memories of her past start entering her room and that's it the way I see it is new jeans are trying to tell a story about us K-pop fans see most K-pop fans most of you watching right now assuming you are a K-pop fan got into K-pop when you were at your lowest whether it is you were depressed lonely chronically online mentally unstable maybe you had a bad breakup maybe someone you loved the most disappointed you maybe you didn't get into the College of your dreams maybe you were fighting with your parents the point is you're at your lows and you're searching for an escape same here I was not at my lowest but I was low and I was searching for an escape from real life and for People Like Us K-pop was that escape and you know we hear it all the time from several K-pop fans that K-pop changed my life for the better or K-pop saved my life and back then I didn't really have a problem with that statement because I felt it myself I personally felt like K-pop did change my life for the better until recently because of ditto I've changed my mind see the whole story of ditto actually tried to Contour the statement K-pop saved my life and after understanding ditto even more I agree I agree K-pop cannot save no one's life let me explain ditto introduced us to three characters ESO new genes and ESO represents us K-pop fans new jeans represents K-pop idols and hanuk represents real life and the challenges it brings he saw just like many of us was going through something tough in her life that was slowing her down this is symbolized by the cast in her left arm because of that she tried to find an escape she tried to find something that can bring back a little bit of joy in her life and that's where new genes came in new jeans came in her life and the fact is yes new jeans did manage to put a smile back to hiso's face after that he so became obsessed with new jeans she starts avoiding real life in this case because she already felt comfortable and happy with the presence of new jeans so why would she face on real life that would only give her hard times at least that was her Todd until it hits her when she's crying and she needs physical presence new genes are not going to be there for her she realized that she can't live without new jeans but new genes can live totally fine without her she realized that at the end of the day her and new jeans will always be separated by her camera her camera here represents our phone our laptop our TV she realized that after all this time she was just escaping K-pop is not actually improved her life she was still alone her real life problems are still there even though she felt happier in reality nothing in her life change as a result she decided to follow her intuition that is to quit K-pop and face on real life but then eventually she returns to K-pop crying tears of joy implying that she does not regret the experience now the question is can we say K-pop saved hiso's life no at the end of the day the one who saved her life is herself by making that decision to quit K-pop she managed to save her own life but now I want you to imagine what would happen if he so kept on avoiding real life imagine if he so kept on escaping imagine if you chose to stay being obsessed with new jeans and make new jeans her only source of Happiness what would happen well very likely she would be even more depressed or even worse should not be alive look K-pop Idols including new jeans all of them are mentally [ __ ] up people either not okay in the head and this is shown by Minh hijin through the music video side 8 and side a new Genies in every single clip only showed one emotion happiness the only time they showed an emotion other than happiness was at the end of the music video after the credits we saw minji and Heron expressing nutsingness not happy not sad nothing and you know I think this is their way of saying yo once the cameras are off the cameras are off their Idols are not the people you think they are don't make these Idols your only source of Happiness don't depend on them because you don't know them and there's a very high chance that they will disappoint you see this is why I don't agree with the statement K-pop saved my life no more because at the end of the day it depends on the individual it depends on how that individual uses Kpop will they use it in the right way or the wrong way and my fear is Young K-pop fans young depressed K-pop fans will use it in the wrong way they will become overly obsessed with K-pop and use the phrase K-pop saved my life as an excuse to avoid dealing with their real life issues oh K-pop is the only 10 that's making me happy these Idols are the only time that is saving my life look that's cool and all but it's not a good thing just because you're happy does not mean your life is [ __ ] saved K-pop may make you feel happier but in reality you're still lonely you still have your real life problems waiting for you you're not progressing as a person my fear is they will use K-pop as their permanent Escape their life is just going to be full of escaping and avoiding real life yes they may be happy but how is that a good thing K-pop is not saving your life it's only [ __ ] your life hard pause hold on what what basically what new genes are trying to say to ditto is use K-pop in the right way use it as a temporary Escape or a mood booster to help you face on real life at the end of the day you have to go through a process called life you have to face on real life whether you like it or not you have to always put real life above K-pop because as much as these Idols want to love you they can't as much as they want to know you they can't as much as they want to help you they can't your Idols cannot guarantee you anything tahiso is an example if it ever comes to a point where these Idols become your only source of happiness just stop find happiness and support from real life people or real life activities they can also help you progress in life do what he so did you will never regret it because guess what K-pop is always there you can always come back to it but real life they will grow with you if you don't handle them now if you don't face them now you will regret later on [Music]
Channel: Hyeautiful
Views: 1,157,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NewJeans, NewJeans Ditto, NewJeans ditto theory, NewJeans ditto review, NewJeans ditto video essay, NewJeans ditto meaning, NewJeans ditto reaction, NewJeans ditto breakdown, NewJeans Ditto explained, NewJeans mv, NewJeans ditto lore, hanni, minji, danielle newjeans, hyein, newjeans ditto hanni, newjeans haerin, newjeans omg, the meaning of newjeans ditto
Id: x4ctdHgQRr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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