New York World's Fair 1964-1965

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the 1939-40 fair had a storybook magic about it that delighted everyone architects had let their fancies run and enchanting shapes proclaimed a wonderland this was going to be fun Ali's head her Wonderland and Dorothy her land of ours but New York had the fair and it was pure enchantment you now physically commissioner what will the new fair look like do you think well physically it looks not on like the 1939 1940 fair only better bigger taller buildings there will be more elaborate exhibits that be more modern exhibits will be more costly exhibits than at the last fair what do you feel will be the overall results of the 1964-65 fair the effect on the world and so forth well it's very hard to answer left a aside from amusement aside from attracting people to New York benefiting New York by bringing great many visitors here from the hinterland and from abroad I think it's likely to have a very substantial effect on international affairs as the people meet here on common ground there aren't any ideologies involved there's no diplomacy involved and here on this floor and a half acre site is rising the Magnificent Federal Building it's themed challenge to greatness here will be exhibit halls a theater and tributes to our American heritage at the groundbreaking ceremony our late President John F Kennedy met Robert Moses president of the fair we have rolled these United States and literally calm the globe for pavilions and exhibits which will reflect the achievements of all men in industry culture of the Arts and harmless entertainment we confidently expect more than 70 million visitors to an unforgettable pattern then the president I want the people of the world to visit despair and to come to the American exhibit the exhibitor of the United States and sees what we've accomplished through a system of freedom from these aerodynamic tests came the data that made design analysis possible the mathematics of analysis posed its own peculiar challenge Unisphere had to be completed by April 1964 I speed computers were used to solve the thousands of problems that would have taken years if attempted manually perched atop a sculptured bass which must suggest lightness and grace Unisphere would have to withstand the enormous and changing forces of the wind as well as its own weight the continents and islands would act like sails and wind pressure could exert forces nearly equal to the weight of the entire structure because Unisphere is open at its land areas irregular in size and position the wind blows on either the outside or the inside the front of a continent or its bank [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thousands of different pieces had to be cut form assembled and welded box girders Jews beams channels angles [Music] special automatic and manual welding methods were employed an Upper Meridian section is welded [Music] the South Pole is assembled [Music] land areas were fabricated and assembled on this turtle shaped fitting table which duplicated the exact curvature of Unisphere [Music] conformed to United States Army engineering Corps contour maps mountains and valleys are shown and exaggerated relief in order to achieve effective visualization of elevation wrapped to protect the stainless beauty sections were shipped by rail and highway the Unisphere site [Music] just ahead of the construction of the pedestal 30 USS t1 steel anchor bolts are set and the concrete base poured around them [Music] first structural member to go into place is the South Pole [Music] [Applause] [Music] next one of Yunus fears largest members a lower Meridian is carefully fitted into the South Pole and laid across the pedestal actually welded girders the lower meridians will support the entire structure right at the site many of the members are field welded into sub assemblies nicknamed orange peel sections [Music] to provide support and access a temporary mast is placed along you know spheres polar axis [Music] when the structure is complete Unisphere will be self-supporting and the mast removed [Music] the southern hemisphere like a giant bowl is completed in 83 days [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the bowl becomes a world of stainless steel when the last flag top section is set in place [Music] now edition of the land areas can begin delicate work no job for windy days though because the sections act like big kites have not securely held [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] continents and islands in place it remains only to raise the three orbit rings weighing three tonnes each the orbit rings are filled welded into a continuous single piece 450 feet around the special care is taken to protect the polished surface to prevent bending each orbit ring is lifted by four cranes each attached at three points an intricate communication plan and network links all hats precision teamwork means that the orbit rings rise slowly and evenly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] about 50 stainless steel guy wires connect each ring to Unisphere just as spokes tie a bicycle wheel drum to its excellent strong and light they are so difficult to see that the Rings seem to float in space only 162 days after construction was begun Unisphere is complete its challenge successfully meant Crystal Palace Eiffel Tower trial on and Paris fear Unisphere now joins these and the other memorable time keepers of progress [Music] [Music] at the Port of New York New Jersey exhibit building there'll be a restaurant movies in the round and a heliport offering flights direct from New York City to the fair here making the first official landing is the governor of the state of New York Nelson a Rockefeller New Jersey Governor Richard Hughes and other distinguished guests [Music] [Music] the fair sports program is exciting in the stadium the lets home games and the all-star baseball game many of the 1964 Olympic Trials will be held at the fair here in the arena and in the pavilion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so close to opening day the tickets are already on sale all over the country [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Wilson family is driving in from out west [Music] [Music] [Music] the eye-catching circular station is surrounded by three circular pop islands [Music] [Music] [Music] and the Wilsons got here at last [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Wilsons take the motor train for an overall view of the fairgrounds [Music] there is the symbol of the fair the great Unisphere [Music] [Music] [Music] here's a pavilion with a musical spectacle [Music] here pepsi-cola tribute to you Michelle here's a salute to the children of the world [Music] johnson's wax has the suspended theater a suspended theater with a film on the joy of living at General Electric this amazing animated figures then there are those who are attracted to a dramatization of the history of electricity from its beginning to the mighty bang of nuclear fission and here's the spot they had for the General Electric exhibit a show where the audience revolves around the stage stories of the states places to stroll places to rest our country's challenge to greatness this theme has a special appeal to men in the United States pavilion colorful presentations tres America's progress from the dramatic past to the challenge of space travel [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Chandra is find a machine that playfully demonstrates the law of averages [Music] here's a new way to go to a show the whole grandstand is lifted up into the theater [Applause] [Music] the teachers find new ways of presenting complex ideas to their students soap bubbles reveal the beauty of geometry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] miss Abbott and mrs. Todd are going into a show and the history of communication from TomTom to Telstar [Applause] [Music] [Music] fascinating exhibits of photography by Eastman Kodak some folks head first for the exhibit where they can see the world's largest outdoor photographic prints in color here 15 exhibit sections demonstrate dramatically the influence of photography on many aspects of modern life the Wilsons set off to explore the pavilions [Music] [Music] the Wilsons enter a pavilion with a roof like a stained-glass Rose window [Music] [Music] [Music] New York City's exhibit a scale model of the entire New York metropolitan area in a stunning detail [Music] right AMF exciting monorail [Music] [Music] take the flume ride if you wish here you can rush over green flowing water like a carefree lumberjack [Music] the teachers have lunch at the Chinese pavilion [Music] there is a world of travel the Chandra is go to Spain [Music] [Music] [Music] miss Abbot and mrs. Todd visit Indonesia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] country after country displays its treasures the Pieta of Michelangelo [Music] for the Japanese the art of drinking tea is almost a religious ritual [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's only a short walk from Asia to Africa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here's a late arrival coming to the fair in his own way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Wilson kids need a rest and so do their parents so they leave them in a nursery for a while [Applause] [Music] [Music] by chance the Wilsons and the Chandra smeet Joe sightseeing [Music] and at the board exhibit they will enjoy a unique and exciting trip through a fantasy land of the past present and future [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they decide to see another show together at General Motors take an auto ride into the future [Music] [Music] welcome to the world of tomorrow climb aboard you are about to take a journey out of this world into the world of the future forget the world around you forget the people around you you are entering Futurama alone with your own thoughts have you ever wondered where we will find the food clothing and shelter we will need to sustain the world's exploding population in the years ahead in the timeless distances of outer space [Music] the technology of today is already helping us penetrate the silent darkness of space man himself has taken the first tiny step into this vast unknown and we can only imagine what resources will soon be brought back to earth by these early pioneers but what about our own earth are they're not still resources here to meet the needs of the world tomorrow what about that great unexplored continents at the bottom of our earth larger than the United States and Europe combined already and Arctica has become a great scientific laboratory for men of all nations discover great new land areas rich with natural resources Antarctica is but one area of great promise for the future what about the others what about the sea we have long sailed at surface and fished its depths but at the very bottom is a land of undreamed-of abundance with enough food to feed the Earth's population seven times over there are rich ores and minerals carried by submarine trains to process stations on the coast there is the water itself to be drained from the sea and made precious rain to turn desert lands into fertile lands there will even be new areas for living and working a whole new dimension of life for people of the future [Music] now consider the thick lush lands of the Equator here in nature flourishes in its greatest abundance technology has finally led the way into the wild profusion of the jungle world one day this land will be transformed into lamb for farms and pastures for cattle from the abundance of equatorial jungles to the barrenness of great mountain ranges the future offers great promise once barriers to man's progress the mountains will soon be traversed by multiple highways that will soar over canyons and cut through towering walls of granite they will carry a life stream of minerals and other natural resources to the thriving industries of tomorrow highways too will open up the great expanses of desert lands one day to be made fertile again by waters pumped from sea and River from dam and mountain stream the high waves from great new centres of agriculture and Industry will lead inevitably to the metropolis of tomorrow access will be easy to the heart of the city the core in and around great cities like this will live many of the people of the future a future of limitless hope and promise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] many people have a special interest in the history of transportation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Wilsons have picked up their children from the nursery [Music] they go exploring a belgian village an old european town to wander in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at dusk a new fair comes to life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one way to see the fair is on your father's back this of course can lead you to some wonderful sights you can also do the fair on wheels not big wheels little ones [Music] to find your bearings don't be afraid to ask questions especially a personnel who wear bright uniforms or dresses the fair police can help you too and they're always present if you need them [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Billy Graham prevailing [Music] happily the fair has catered to fountain lovers their waters refresh the spirit and delight the eye someday all this will be a great city park and many future citizens will find this net plus summer's day [Music] a lot of people prefer to make eating at the fair a kind of picnic which is not a bad idea if you have a heavy schedule of sightseeing ahead of you [Music] [Music] 60% of the visitors carry cameras to the fair and they've got a billion dollar backdrop against which to pose their subjects [Music] you will see the strange and the exotic the unusual of the colorful speaking of the unusual at the fair taken the daring Eagles of Mexico they do an act from a high pole that's worth traveling a thousand miles to see [Music] every fair has pied piper's to attract violence a lot of young fair goers seem to want their wearers especially hats caps with waving plumes [Music] and not only do mothers people watchful eye upon the fair police stand ready of a single one of them should stray for older children Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs bring the magic of storybooks alive [Music] is it the real world or the unreal world here you can hobnob with celebrities of make-believe no wonder children like the fame [Music] look around in the lake amusement area for a rollercoaster built just for the younger self [Music] [Applause] [Music] 90% of the visitors write to someone about the pair [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] each family receives a special coupon good for a free gallon of gasoline at their local Sinclair dealer station [Music] these are a few of the millions of car owning travelling Americans who will be telling their friends about the fair and about Sinclair Dino land for years to come Sinclair Dino land in a prime location surrounded by titans of American industry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the miniature of brontosaurus is one of the highlights of Dino land visitors make their own souvenirs this is helped make it a favorite in fact Dino is the most popular souvenirs sold at the fair [Music] [Music] [Music] coca-cola's world of refreshment and here is the world's largest electronic Caroline more than 600 Belle's a replica of the flagship of Christopher Columbus the Santa Maria lies moored by the shore of Meadow Lake and neither Ferdinand nor Isabella ever saw it as well as you can [Music] a restaurant from Switzerland and the Swiss sky ride [Music] exhibits for your home - at the better living pavilion for Micah's World's Fair house [Music] a refrigerated cart ready for wheeling into a game room or out under the patio perfect for keeping foods and drinks cool for informal entertaining yes that's a wonderful idea now let's continue our journey into imaginative design and new concepts from the far corners of the world [Music] how wonderful [Music] beautiful and all that room for fresh food too [Music] just look at how much this dishwasher holds [Music] well like much say I certainly am getting around I can sure use a good cup of tea about now [Music] look what's over here our laundry sentence how convened how can we [Music] how simple these controls are it happened again look at them a second of it how wonderful just pull it out for easy cleaning oh that's hot [Music] [Music] [Music] this World's Fair parking lot accommodates 10,000 cars a day and anytime you have 10,000 cars in one place there are going to be service problems all kinds including this a motorist in need is a Sinclair service opportunity envy that's why fast efficient Sinclair help is always ready just around the corner thanks to special service facilities throughout the parking areas 25 service telephones connect directly with Sinclair service calls for help or answered promptly by specially equipped service car this is another example of the kind of service Sinclair is telling motorists at the fair to expect wherever they see the name Sinclair across the fairgrounds there's another ten thousand car parking lot here to a Sinclair service station welcomes travelers from all parts of the nation to the excitement of the fair incidentally the fleet of more than 300 buses that takes motorists from parking lots to the fare gates also uses Sinclair products but not everybody comes to the fair by car one of the outstanding features of the world's fair is this modern marina the largest on the eastern seaboard equipped a handle of thousand boats at regular births and at the many offshore moorings in addition to private boats visitors also come by speedy hydrofoil these run on a regular schedule from New York City [Music] a feature of this marina is an ultra-modern floating service station a completely new concept in marine service designed by sinclair boat customers are served the way they like to be served at sea another example of pioneering by sinclair [Music] [Applause] this marina will continue an operation after the fair is over another way Sinclair makes favorable impressions impressions on which you can capitalize if your service station what a day my family will never believe me hey mom just been delayed coming right out how does it look delicious [Music] and you can tell us about going back to the World's Fair today give you that fun I sure did everything I saw was out of this world [Music]
Channel: Lars Johansson
Views: 78,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: word's fair 1964, world's fair 1964-65, world's fair 1964-1965, robert moses, ny world's fair, ny world's fair 1964, ny world's fair 1964-65, new york world's fair 1964, new york world's fair 1964-65, new york world's fair, unisphere, queens, flushing meadows, new york, futurama, pieta, the fair, fiberglas, to the fair, dinoland, sinclair dinoland, magic skyway, carousel of progress, giant tyre, the giant tyre, monorail, tyrannosaurus rex, mold-a-rama, brontosaurus, fiberglass
Id: j0weXcJlE1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 35sec (5375 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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