New York City's Best Steakhouses |

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good morning New York today yes you do chapter one she adored New York City no matter what the season this was still a town that existed in black and white it was the only place in the world that could have invented the steak house for nearly 200 years New York City has been the place to go if you want to eat the best steak on planet I'm here old homestead the oldest continuously own steak house in America they've been around since 1868 which is you know a casual 150 years old and I gotta say they look damn good for 150 they've been around forever which means they must not make a lot of mistakes just a lot of steaks see what I did there I'm funny hey Mark with a/c what's up how are you what's going on with the old homestead tell me about the way I think about it if steak was a religion this would be its Cathedral now the old homestead is do you originator of the big fat steak what do you do when you can't finish the big fat steak so the old homestead was the creator of the doggy bag ah yep thank you so much and you're the reason why I can enjoy a meal at the table and then again in my own apartment I love you what would you recommend me eating to sort of transport me back into a different time 1868 classic steak from the beginning is to Gotham lipstick that's a 4th of July in your mouth explosions and then it happens again and then it happens again so that's the steak that is made this place famous and that's what you should be eating today I'm already there you transported me but what would I eat in 2018 well you know because we're getting along so good yes I agree I'm gonna give you something that no one else in the world has it's called prized Wagyu designer steak we are the only American restaurant that's allowed to go to Japan and actually bid on this beef we sell two three hundred and fifty dollars of steak it has threads of bauble that is not to be believed talking about flavor after flavor and I want you to have that see when your brother that run this joint correct that's correct my brother Greg and I graduated the man that knows more about food than you and I we're gonna have Greg meet you in the kitchen and show you every step of the way all right I'll miss you man I'm gonna go hang out with food ologist let's go hey okay so thank you thank you so much lucky to have you I'm very excited to be here I'm also a little thrown because I feel as though I might have died and gone to meat heaven folks call you mr. beef yes they do 40 years there's nothing that I don't know about you okay what's first this is a Gotham really we take this in scientifically controlled boxes for approximately 38 days at about 38 to 42 degrees with age is becoming more tender more flavorful and drier and you're also gonna taste and aging flavor when we taste Ami's I'm gonna ask my a professional butcher here to give you a little demonstration he's gonna show you how we trim it and he's gonna take the flap off first and he'll show you how he does this and notice the knife he's using he needs a long knife because this meat is very very tough but these things have a lot of marbling also in sorry this is gonna give a tremendous flavor I'd like to give you the knife right there yep you're on your way yep that's it along you see yes I do hell yeah we have a butcher in the house oh we do gosh that's gorgeous what we want to do is get a little crust how about if we throw this on the fire now I would like you to grab it by the long bone let's let the meat cook we want to get a nice sear should I do right here that is correct right here that's it just pick it up and flip it you got it we finished it off in the broiler for how long five minutes you keep the bone on like that of course this is the final plating so world-famous this is the gagarin steak all right so that's the old-school beef tell me what's up with the new wage stuff this is prize whacker I've never seen marveling knows they mentally to not allow the cow to get upset so they don't tense up how much would it cost me $20,000 holy hell we would not allow to bring the bones back to the United States it can only be because as you could see there's more marbling and you could ever possibly imagine in the world and take a little salt pepper that's it that's it I'm sorry the meat is so rich you don't need much I'm not dropping this who's like half my rent drop it beautiful you hear it struggling I hear it that's the fact it's not heavy it's not fatty it's like weak suit I gotta be sure what I'm doing hmm this is gorgeous beautiful and a little soy and that's it it's my pleasure mr. bean it's been amazing I feel like I am mrs. beef oh you've earned it and I'd like to thank you for spending some time with me in my kitchen so what do we need first well we're gonna have our Gotham rib steak on a long bone well marbleized very tender bursting with flavor it's time to go back in time what do you say we pop on back to 1868 I'm along for the ride bring it in thank you hands that's a picture on a plate it is a picture on a plate let's dig in right let's do it so why do you say to have a nice glass of red wine with your steak you know if you pair it properly it will look enhance the flavor of the steak [Music] that's safe Wow I've never had a more beautiful outer crust that wasn't salty flavorful without overpowering the nice juicy tender meat that's the key to a great steak you need to have the proper char lock in the juices the aging doesn't necessarily just affect the tenderness but it also adds an earthy nutty quality talking it's just the purest expression of beef now I know why celebrities and royalty comes here because this makes me feel like a superstar that's what steak does of the home set it it puts us warmth in your belly some grease on your face but makes you feel like wow a superstar you have set it all you want cheers me it's getting I've done the past I think I'm ready for the future now let's go forward I'm nervous that it's gonna just make everything seem like it hasn't been as good that's the way the future should be it is it is the way the best in my book the world's finest beef available it's the most well bred well taken care of cow in the world he says this cow has been taking really well care of like well someone missed the mark cuz it's dead oh we don't even need a steak knife that's a butter knife yesterday part of knife [Music] I love you I can't believe you can call that state cuz that's heaven the actual beef and the fat changed places you don't even have to chew it it melts when you think there's no more flavor left it comes hit you again you would think that it's so fat for that you wouldn't be able to really taste that hearty beefy flavor but it's so pure and so rich yeah but here's the fury when you're charging three hundred and fifty dollars per steak every state must be perfectly balanced it's good so elegant and so precise it's just the least amount of work in the kitchen for the most insane complex flavor on the plate this is the future and it tastes like $350 thank you mark I don't want to leave it was fab it was fab it was fat it was tasty this should be natural fake date a happy national steak day everyone every day is national steak day I agree give me a hug man New York City is the biggest most beautiful city in the whole world so what is the best steak in the best city in the world tastes like for that we have to me a hot young gentleman by the name of Peter Luger clocking in at a casual 130 or so years old Peter Lugar's has been voted number one steakhouse in NYC for as many years as I've been alive plus a whole bunch more before that they say their porterhouses can change lives and make grown men cry so change my life steak I'm ready notice it's definitely this play cool [Music] okay I'm going in hey David how are you I'm good how are you thank you so much for having me here of course so I really appreciate that you like me so much that you brought me to this private dining room that's really nice and this place has been around since 1887 which is nuts and the system kind of really hasn't changed you don't take credit cards right no online reservations I overheard the hostess say something along the lines of I'll call you if something opens up maybe a few weeks from now it's a good problem to have but it does get busy and we do booked pretty far in advance how many diners do you have usually a day 800 to a thousand people that is a lot of steak literal totals there all right what do you say we quit chatting you get down to business let's go to the dry-aged room and we'll get started hey guys what's up welcome to Courtney's grave as well as you know that this is where the magic happens we don't really take people down here but I thought I'd give you guys a peek the far side that's when the fresh meat will come in and as it ages it works its way down to its journey to this end the water is being pulled out of the meat and the muscle tissue is breaking down more tender more flavorful this process has not changed in new years and one of our big beliefs is if it ain't broke why fix it how long do you dry agent for it's unfortunately our one secret so what happens to it we absolutely bring it right over here to be butchered and I think we'll go over there now please all right so here we have the finished dry aged short loins what Moe is now we're gonna do is he's gonna take these short Lloyds and trim it down into the steaks will soon meaning turn on us all right moe okay oh my gosh Moe is now trimming it into steaks that you'll soon see but obviously you still have all this excess fat right that Miguel will doubt trim away and make it ready to go because then it ends up looking like this perfect steak emoji so now Miguel's gonna trim away the excess fat to make it into the finished product and the key is to leave a little bit on the edge but not much I'm hungry let's go to the kitchen [Music] this is our steak for two this is our bread and butter this is what we're known for how do you like your steak cooked I like it medium-rare good answer so we're gonna sear the steak with some kosher salt the boiler is really tough I can feel it from here my eyeballs are already dried probably somewhere around 800 degrees and now we're gonna sear it briefly about two three minutes so you're really locking in the juice and that kosher salt really helps to give it across so now we're gonna flip it should have some nice grill marks we add as you'll see a tiny bit of clarified butter now he's gonna remove the fillet and the strip from the bone and cut it into strips we're gonna give it another dose of heat and it should be ready to go so this is the finished product of everything we saw downstairs from the dry-aged room to the butchery to the kitchen cooking you hear the sizzle I hear it so now we really like to serve one piece from the fillet which i think is the best thing we offer then one piece from the strip this platter is so hot if that wasn't cooked to your temperature you could cook it a little longer on the outside edges so everyone's happy because we dry aged the meat I think it really has a profound beefiness along with like an incredible texture but all have you try it and you can tell me what you think yeah y'all excited you barely need a use for knife the knife is just a mere suggestion so we need some sides to compliment the sake of these or our famous German fried potatoes and some creamed spinach which interestingly enough does not have cream lies [Music] holy I can't talk right now no I just go I'm speechless but because I forgot how portions work sorry ready for that two bytes can make you be down for the count to healthy portion the areas that are very charred kind of bring out the aged it gets funky when it gets closer to the bone you definitely get more flavorful concentrated pieces I think the dry aged element really adds textural component but also the flavor and then the broilers lock it in we're big believers in simple goodness is the phrase they've always said I mean you've really seen it from A to Z practically and this is the finished product a little butter a little steak juice and a so we have our German fried potatoes and our creamed spinach which is almost the healthy vegetable probably my favorite side probably what we sell them at so like I'm on the verge of eating a soup I just kind of put in my mouth and it slid down right when I'm old and I don't have any more teeth I'm gonna come here and keep eating this this is some of our German fried potatoes little caramelized onions they're so good I want to keep eating but it fills you up so fast but you want to keep going you know it's just this beautiful buttery delicious symphony of flavors when I was a kid I would always over indulge here and every time going back over the bridge I would just vomit every single time just on the bridge I would vomit New York is the best city in the world no question and to sit here in my own private dining room having the best steak in the best city in the world I could keel over right now be smiling take a little nap we'll have you back for dinner well thank you so much for for feeding me and make me happy and really showing me what it takes to to make the best steak you guys have dog you back plenty great New York City center of the universe in the city that invented the steak house you're gonna find a good steak if you look hard enough there's a steak for every moment there's a steak at every price point there's a steak that could cost your rent you know they say if you can make it here you can make it anywhere but when it comes to steak if you can eat it here you should probably continue to eat it here because you're probably not gonna find it as good anywhere else just being honest you you
Views: 809,211
Rating: 4.2691402 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, recipe, homecook, genius kitchen, culinary, steak, steakhouse, beef, meat, carnivorous, new york city, nyc, nyc food, restaurant, grilling
Id: ThlqgPs2cCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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