New York Cheesecake | Pay de Queso Estilo NY | Cremosito y Perfecto 🍰

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Hello friends. how are you? Welcome to my channel, my name is Erika, today I want prepare a delicious cheesecake the famous new york 'cheesecake super delicious, perfectly textured, dense creamy, that melts in your mouth and with a perfect balance between acidity and sweetness, a cookie base super wet, which integrates perfectly to this cheesecake, no doubt you will want to eat it all because it is not cloying, we will accompany it too with a delicious whipped cream and a raspberry sauce that will wonder you and I'm also going to share the number one tip so that it does not crack our cheesecake and well we started and I show you the ingredients CHEESECAKE: 1.9 pounds of Cream Cheese, 1 Cup of Sour Cream, 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla, 2 Teaspoons of Lemon, 1 Cup of Sugar, 3 eggs, BASE: 30 Marias cookies, 1/4 Cup of Sugar, 2.46oz of Butter. well friends then the first thing we go to do for this cheesecake is to prepare our mold, here I have a mold of 8 inches and we are going to grease it We are going to put a little bit of butter, look, I I already cut this one, although I'm going to teach what I cut, all as one option for people who don't have a removable mold and here we grease the mold with butter, we are going to put this for that I can pull it is something that it occurred to me some time ago and that's how it stays there are no excuses any mold works and I'm going to hit it it's going to stick with the butter and then as I already told you my technique when my cheesecake is cold and everything I'm just going to pull it from these pieces well let's put it aside, the next thing we are going to do is crush the cookies here I have 30 marias cookies that are my favorites, but you can also use graham crackers or any vanilla cookie from some neutral flavor, they are perfect I'm going to liquefy them, you can also use a food processor or just pounding you put them in a bag and beat them until they are made dust that they are well ground ready here we have the well-ground cookies they are done dust, here I have 1.7oz of sugar I'm going to mix it cookies are about 4oz are 30 marias cookies, in case you want to use another type of cookie, they are 4oz and is to taste you can use more here I have melted butter put it in the microwave for a few seconds until it melts, we will mix it very good now we are going to put the mix of cookies look how it turned out, it looks like sand let's put in the mold that already we prepare previously all of it and we will smash very well Now you decide if you want to put all edge to top of cookies to taste you can end up with a glass, any glass, anything with a flat base it is perfect try to make it uniform, the same thickness all the whole bottom Well, press the whole cookie with the mold to the edges and also the background looks good pressing all take to the oven for 8 minutes at 177 degrees centigrade or 350 degrees fahrenheit and voila, eight minutes have passed, in fact It already smells delicious, it seems that we are baking cookies and now we're going to reserve, we will let it cool now we are going to do the filling of our cheesecake, here I have four cream cheese bars, in total there are 1.98 pounds of cream cheese philadelphia this is to room temperature that's very important all the ingredients that come they are at room temperature the egg, the cream and the cheese is very important that they are room temperature let's stir a bit very good now I'm going to add the sugar I didn't really beat anything, about 30 seconds literally and now we're going to beat at high speed ready now I'm going to clean the walls a bit As you can see, the cream cheese is soft It was very fast, you don't have to over-beat, now I'm going to add the vanilla a teaspoon of vanilla, of essence vanilla and two teaspoons of lemon juice well I am also going to add the sour cream I have a cup of sour cream we are going to add everything I forgot to say that sugar was a cup also, list now let's mix also at high speed once everything is integrated let's mix the eggs one by one and we will add the following until is well mixed with the rest of the mixture Well done we finished mixing now I want to integrate very well what it was up to the top of the bowl and this is the texture that remains We are going to have a super cheesecake creamy and silky as you see it was super fast and very easy now since it's cold the cookie mold we are going to put aluminum foil let's cover the mold the mold is already covered from below of aluminum foil now we are going to put now let's put our mix cheesecake I feel that I will not fit I'm flattening, make it stay flat ready now how are we going to bake in a bain-marie I need a base this is a deep oven base and we are going to put hot water about 1 inch of hot water is fine since we have it on a tray for bain marie and with the boiling water goes to the oven for an hour at 177 degrees centigrade 350 degrees Fahrenheit in other words, at the same temperature as we pre-baked the cookie after one hour of baking we turn off the oven and we left the door ajar, as you ca see, our cheesecake is ready it doesn't move anymore, I'm going to show you the proof that it is well cooked, is that if you wobble like this if you move it like this it moves ok then this and in fact already is putting a little coffee a little golden of the shores and this is super good, now we will leave with the door ajar and voila, an hour like this now we are going to take out of the oven and there we are going to leave it for a few minutes as maybe an hour until room temperature and then we go to put in the refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours to make our raspberry sauce first we are going to put the raspberries frozen here I have 7oz (200 grams) of raspberries frozen let's add the sugar, I have 3 tablespoons plain sugar white and we are going to put a tablespoon of water this is going to go to the microwave until melted this goes to the microwave once is well incorporated the sugar we are going to put it in the microwave some minutes super easy, I only had three minutes in the microwave and see how they turned out Super good now I'm going to strain them for this I will need a bowl and a strainer and so we are going to omit all little seeds ouch! it's hot so let's press so that only the seeds remain I don't know if I told you but the amount of sugar is completely to taste some people they will feel very acid you can add another tablespoon let's put them aside and let's continue, now I bring these from the freezer I only put it in the freezer for a few minutes both the container and the cream to beat we are going to add to the bowl and also let's add icing sugar to taste if you felt it lacks sugar icing, when the cream is half whipped add whatever you need icing sugar and now we are going to beat we already have our cheesecakes here it was refrigerated overnight we are going to remove the aluminum and see please super flat, flat completely and without no crack now we are going to take it out, without a doubt with a springform pan it would be the ideal and the easiest but as you can see, I took it off from below very easy ready and this mold is clean this mold is very clean now we are going to remove everything we are going to put in our mold too beautiful and perfect look at this delicious cheesecake without cracks as you see, because we made a lot of changes very subtle temperature it is perfect super flat did not sink, did not crack, perfect and the texture needless to say, let me introduce you slice, I put the sauce that they I taught to do super easy in the microwave, there is nothing easier in the world and also a little cream whipped, with a little sugar in order to lighten is a super light cream that lightens a lot of cheesecake and well let's try out the texture the texture is perfect certainly the sour cream gives it a incredible texture and that little touch of lemon is amazing how it balances flavors and gives such a delicious freshness that you can finish the whole cake for real and you are not going to cloak we are going to put a little cream the cookie is also perfect, it is not nothing crunchy integrates too well with the cheesecake I love it Well friends, if you liked this recipe do not forget to give me a like subscribe and activate the bell so you do not miss any more of my recipes, goodbye and bon appetit
Channel: Zelecisne Recetas
Views: 2,312,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pay de queso estilo new york, pay de queso estilo nueva york, new york cheesecake, tarta de queso, ny cheesecake, pay de queso, pastel de queso, pay de queso philadelphia, pay de queso keto, pay de queso horneado, tarta de queso al horno, tarta de queso philadelphia, new york cheesecake recipes, new york cheesecake receta, ny cheesecake recipe, pay de queso estilo new york receta, cheesecake recipe, pay de queso tipo new york, pay de queso new york style, cheesecake
Id: Nm0XTAgmAbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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