New York Apartment of Indian Students 🔥 #NYU

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you won't end up on the street hey everybody my name is vikram i go by vic  i'm a fourth year in the nyu dental school   and this is my girlfriend jess hi  i'm jess i just graduated nyu dental   oh nice so let me first begin with a few  questions related to dental college so just like   mbbs like you go to medical school in the us  you first have to do four years of undergrad   or any degree and then you go to medical school  so the same for dental correct yep and then you   just take a different entrance exam yeah like a  usmle or it's different no so usmle is an exam   you take while you're in medical school right  uh as you're in school you kind of take that   to graduate from school and apply to residencies  um to get into medical school you take the mcat   mcat and to get into dental school you take the  d-a-t d-a-t yeah so where did you do uh undergrad   from university of florida oh yeah and then  you came from grad school i don't know have you   you ever visited uf or no i have visited  fsu fsu okay that's our arrival yeah yeah   yeah and what about you where did you do  your undergrad i went to indiana university so this is one of the best coffee  shops here let's try it out   so finally we are in the restaurant area of nyu  this is McDonough street so students come here to eat  have one of the best restaurants one of the most  expensive as well per meal less than 10 dollars is impossible six dollars was just the coffee and talking about apartments  that's the biggest challenge in new york city These 2 are housings and New York typical apartment cost is that average 1B / 1Bath is $1250 and the biggest challenge in new york is securing  an apartment any apartment that you are trying to   secure in new york city will require you make 40  times the rent in order to secure the apartment   40 times yes so if your rent is 2 000 you  need to be making 80k to live there oh god   yes because new york has a rule saying that they  know that the real estate here is expensive they   know that mortgage payments rent payments all  of it is so expensive that people barely make   it by so they want to make sure that your  rent your mortgage whatever you're paying   is under 40 of your total income oh my god in  atlanta the rule is 30 33 2.5 x or 2x but here   it's 40 percent double yeah and here's the here's  the kicker uh-huh if it's not you you're let's say   like i'm i live with my parents right like my  parents make more way more than i make right i   make zero so anything more than zero is going to  be a lot so if regardless of that if they're the   ones applying for the apartment because i don't  have a paycheck my parents are the paycheck they   have to make 80 times the amount because they're  guaranteeing the apartment and i'm living there   oh so if you make as a student zero dollars  and if you want to take the apartment based   on your parent salary this has to be easy this  is so interesting so in a 2k apartment all of   a sudden your parents need to make 160k free to  live there oh my god this is insane yes and then   now if we were let's say we have a roommate  situation right so we're living together if   we have if we're roommates and i'm paying the  branches four thousand dollars for a two bedroom   he has he's paying 2k i'm paying 2k my parents  would have to make 80 times the total so for   40 times 80 so 320 thousand 30. so between us our  parents have to combine make 320k for us to secure   the apartment oh my god you can use a third-party  guarantor there's companies that'll come in step   in and say hey like we'll guarantee it for you  because your parents don't make 80k which is   normal right now you're looking at like the one  percent of americans that are making these like   high uh salaries so these bearing companies  will come in and guarantee it for you but they   collect a fee right so living in new york  is hard oh my god just come with yeah yes could we have a hundred thousand dollars we  come out there that is nothing in terms of   cost of living or apartment secure cannabis so  that's one more tip for international students   my cousin um she's from india she  went to bu and then she moved to my cousin uh is from india she  went to bu moved to new york city   because she's international her parents  don't have paychecks from the us   right they required her to pay three months  rent up front to secure the apartment oh my god   it's so hard to secure an apartment because she  doesn't have like social security she doesn't   have like american income pay stubs anything  like that they had to pay way more up front   to get an apartment and this apartment was up  on 92nd street not even like like all the way   up so you need to get here at the end of july  august here's something for your september first   starting it's not as hard as it seems though  like you know you won't end up on the street but students could persevere to live on campus so   that's why they try to move off campus but  salary requirement boards so it becomes difficult   oh that's one of the best bar in new york city  in new york cities i think the number one bar for   17 maybe 2018 i'm not sure but they're  really known for their negroni number yeah but they're both good hard to  get reservations always always packed   yeah people drink all day here too like so that's the main library of nyu bob's library is   on campus housing these are the  most popular housing of nyu right   opposite library so close but still be coffee  students libraries because that's 24 hours open a lot of undergraduate students live in this  building so we finally made it to one of the next   main state of nyu broadway yeah it's actually  one of the main streets in new york city so   um if you go down downtown this way downtown's  towards the world trade center which you can't   see right now you have um all the shopping  districts you have every store you can imagine   um and if you go up this way which  is uptown you'll go into times square   and broadway is just you know you've probably  heard of broadway like theater all the musicals   so that's kind of why like it just goes through  new york and it's a ten minute walk from boats   which we were just over there library exactly  from the library so it's uh it's nice because   it's very accessible and all the trains run  in this area so yeah that is awesome yeah so apple pay was added to these stations like  only a year ago but this saves a lot of time this is fancy stations so now we are  going to see the high-rise apartment view   from jess and vikram's apartment super excited  so basically right how far it is from the vessel   uh you see it right behind it oh it's  so high rise it's the it's the tallest   building to find the vessel that's so cool  it's that way it's not it's not this one   no no no that one's too expensive it's the  other one the other one with the middle one so how much the apartment your apartment costs  uh like the high so you can explain the covert   and non-cover yeah yeah yeah yeah so before  coded it's 5400 a month for one bedroom or two   two bedroom two bedroom two bathroom two  bedroom one bath okay then um after covid   they dropped the rent to 40 200. oh wow but  they also gave us a few months of rent free   two months free yeah so because of that the total  you pay after the 14 months is like 37 total   oh yeah so i would not have been able to afford  if it wasn't for coke okay otherwise the target this is so cool this is like completely  different side of new york there's green right   yeah green green um this mall here has like  rolex fendi cartier dior uh all the nice boozy   stuff and then like that's on the first floor and  then the upper floor is like zara h m normally millionaires like actors also live on those  high rise buildings right yeah there are a few   celebrities who have apartments around  right there right i've never seen them   um but there's like rumor that they have  apartments in some of these buildings yeah   some nfl players ariana grande has an  apartment this way about 10 minutes oh so that's highline for the skyline   you can see the ocean right yeah that's  the hottest river right there oh okay this is my apartment this is beautiful   oh you're so shoes off right yeah she's out she's  an indian household and you know that's because i   just had a party night and stuff so excuse some  of the clutter but it is literally so so pretty this is the view you get amazing i mean yeah it's really really nice it does this phone work oh it's like a hotel system yeah  so you can talk to hotel and   and like if let's say a delivery boy  comes outside for food so they'll call   here yeah oh so you can get uber eats and  all deliveries inside the apartment so nice in atlanta it doesn't it doesn't work like   that they just you know they  call you they say come down r is for roof on equinox and you can like see  the vessel oh yeah on the ground so you can watch   the movie in public yeah like theaters right  there that's a theater at this open theater yeah   oh nice this is really nice view do  you see that oh my god this is so cool so that's hudson river there's one  of the city right there one of the   nicest view i've ever seen yeah it's  crazy oh that over there is an edge   it's like a tourist attraction you  see there's like a glass bottom floor   you can walk on that glass bottom floor and like  see down to the ground and that's like the tallest   viewpoint i think in the eastern hemisphere  you can see all of new york in there amazing you can see that ball dropped from here as well  a little bit h m that is the ball drop area yeah and one question i forgot to ask you  since uh dental school is very expensive right   i have seen the average debt in  the us for medical school is around   200 thousand dollars do you think it's  worth it uh after paying all that in nyu   this is a mixed question because at the end of  the day i think people on social media think that   there are so many new viable career options and  nine to fives aren't a thing anymore but i came   from a upbringing that really emphasized education  so having my doctorate gives me the ability to   always have a backup so even if i want to use  it don't want to use it like it's still there   is it worth the price like nyu students leaving  there are in about five hundred thousand dollars   five hundred thousand dollars yeah do i think it's  worth it i'm gonna have to see because most of the   kids that come out of dental school medical school  uh medical school you have residency so there's a   bit of lag before you see the actual money dental  school you start making about 160 out of the   door 150 out of the door so those are like base  starting contracts people have shown me things   they've signed for 220. so there's like a range  and it only goes up from there if you like own a   practice and things like that the debt is still  a lot though right the debt to income ratio so   it's possible but it's you have to ask yourself  you have to be committed to the profession   right besides just the money you have to really  love what you're doing because you're going to be   paying it off for a long time totally agree  thank you so much though oh god it's hard league
Channel: Singh in USA
Views: 735,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian students in usa, apartment tour, Expensive new York apartments
Id: mfn36mE5lno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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