New Years Special Compilation - NEW Total Dramarama

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i gotta stop being scared of everything well that's just grape boom pun ah fine come on let's get you some dry clothes well there's no backup shirts in your cubby so we'll have to find you one in cubbies sorry i need a lozenge let's see weird books spooky toy whatever this is what do you think [Music] hold up this might be too cool for you uh that's only for today [Music] yup way too cool for you but it's all we got this is the coolest thing i've ever worn i hope the other kids don't tease me about it [Applause] look everybody there's a cool new kid in a cool shirt where wait me hi i'm harry hey i'm lashanna i'm cool no she isn't i'm duncan i'm cool no you're annoying i'm bad what's your name cool new kid i know i should tell them it's me but this is probably my only chance to be cool all i gotta do is come up with a cool new name hmm um my name is brody grody [Music] guys that's cody courtney of course it's not cody look at his shirt cody would never wear something that cool hey brody you want to play with my remote control car play with another kid sure [Music] oh i guess now you know [Music] so anyway cool new kid brody who's never seen this place before this is the playground you've got your seesaw sandbox all basic boring non-lethal stuff non-lethal can be fun all except for this slide but even this is pretty safe unless you cover it in grease there now anyone who goes in will launch out the bottom at nick break speed who wants to go first whoa granny wants to go wow i've never had my name chanted before and i love it of course i'm terrified but how fast can a greaselight be he's okay [Music] so let me get this straight you gave your hair to a cat uh-huh just look at the chili kitty that got my hair and i got a black that says i'm a good person i want to put my hair on a cat hey i'm a good person too where's my plaque my dentist says i have tons of black first your hair's got to be luxurious like mine was she thinks she can out hairdo lashana i can't wait to cut off all my hair so i can see my brains underneath of course i want to help the kitties but what i'm really looking forward to is growing luxurious hair okay well i can help all of you get your hair good enough for the charity [Applause] okay mowing time safety first gloves check ear protection check safety glasses check all right here we go there that's the last of the seeds you really think this will grow hair well rich soil and moisture works for plants right now who wants a drink so is our hair luxurious or now no just weather and full of seeds oh i bet we need fertilizer no no french wait what's a fertilizer she's gonna put poop on our heads but i don't want poop on my head okay i know my gardening plan didn't work great but this plan can't fail it's science your bottles are filled with hair gain a special drink clinically proven to grow hair is it made of poop too no silly magic hair vitamins [Music] so i am feeling something i feel it too except not on my head it's more in my tummy oh no i took the wrong bottles this is megalax it makes you sorry about the mix-up good thing everyone had backup pants huh but i know this horseradish is gonna work whoa come on bridgette now you're just messing with us what no my dad says eating horseradish puts hair on your chest so it should help grow it on your head too right sounds fun like a salad you can ride to the saloon [Music] oh i wonder what my mom packed me for dessert a grapefruit fruit isn't a dessert or food someone call the police police [Music] my mom didn't pack a dessert with my lunch calling the police to report a crime that's not a crime is actually a crime how about excitement for nothing it's okay tummy we'll be fine no you won't you're gonna starve and turn into a skeleton you should have made a backup plan wait i did make a backup plan [Music] what is this it's my secret pantry full of dessert making ingredients why didn't you just fill it with ready-to-eat desserts because i didn't think of that oh upside down cake yes sugar butter baking powder eggs these eggs have expired what's the worst that could happen you get rabies and your arms and legs fall off um i'm going to risk it take time look like what is going on warning using expired eggs may open portals to other dimensions what they should write that [Music] oh good i thought i'd end up in another dimension but i guess i didn't although something seems different what was that there you are silly goose come on everyone's inside please stop i'm scared why are you singing will you sign my petition i'm demanding the right to be at school every day including weekends duncan you like school and gwen you're happy love school very happy okay now i'm really scared i need to find my cake and get out of here cake you're funny why would you eat cake when we can have all the junk food we want we can of course [Music] no no no no junk food doesn't grow from the ground it's made by people no one gets to push the buttons but me what does it do anyway yeah oh you'll see you'll all see come on man bringing me to the lamest place in the universe isn't gonna get you more sauce wait for it what is happening to me huh interesting you think watching gwen endure her worst nightmare will make me cave well you're gonna have to up your game gwen is a rock too much it stop make it stop there's more where that came a from factory really nice try dude but owen loves cookies we'll see raising but that's the worst kind [Music] what kind of maniac would do this [Music] you gave me the cody [Music] time for some excavation [Music] well how do you like seeing your friends tremble in fear at their very own worst nightmares waiter are you laughing no it's totally working honest i'm gonna crack any minute you will give me that hot sauce to nourish the flames of my hatred then i can finally harness the power to destroy the universe hold on did you say you want to destroy the universe yeah me too maybe you're not such a lame dude after all [Music] [Music] what hello what it's the manager for tubelicious the top tuba band in the country she saw my video and she wants me to audition for the band it's your big break chef what are you waiting for tuber man say yes i mean this is chef's um agent who is real and definitely owns a briefcase he'll be there no no no no i can't audition for tubelicious look at them they're gods i know i'll just tell them i came down with tuberculosis snap out of it chef this is your dream you have to go after it yeah remember you told me never to give up on my dream of becoming queen of the world how you encouraged me to keep failing happy little trees what about when you said i should never stop trying to fit that jar of pickles in my mouth he got it in chef the whole thing remember we needed that special jar surgeon to extract it you know what you kids have a point i'll do it but what if i actually get the gig you kids would need a new teacher sure losing chef sounds scary but what if we ran the interviews we could choose the perfect replacement he gets his dream and we get our dream teacher i like it uh kids i'm not sure if jeff baby don't worry about us we'll find a replacement while you train for your audition and luckily your new coach is ready to rock okay now give me 20 laps around the school you really think you got what it takes to be my new tuba coach what are your credentials my credentials are get your tuba playing butt running lobster you'll be back to playing two-bit wing joints so fast it'll make your head so yes sir [Music] this is so exciting i've never conducted an interview before i know i came up with all kinds of great questions like why is my cat's tongue so rough and why isn't my dog's tongue rough too let me see about tongue stuff come in yes please hand your resume to my associate and have a seat [Applause] it appears we will need another copy i thought that was a scanner for these interviews i think the most important virtual teacher can have is honesty you've asked me this eight times yes this is my real hair and i wish i could take your word for it my cover's blown pull me out pull me out i liked her this is the tw9 deluxe hdr 5k edition fancy letters and numbers that all it got that was just the intro screen the hot multiplayer right now is pain apple it's a fighting game where cyborg pineapples give each other kid-friendly minor injuries playing apple is rotten to the core i hope you like small injuries because this minor is about to give abrasions what's the big deal that is the current champion she destroyed duncan yesterday pounded him like a bongo drum beat him like dough on cookie day collaborate you made your point if it isn't duncan you ready to get dunked again uh no i'll take you on i never played before but i'm sure that won't matter i'm a champion [Music] well you better pack your bags cause you're going on a bruise cruise since when do you talk trash since the game you're going on a cruise cruise that pineapple's a bad influence [Music] whoa hey this pineapple handles horribly ain't no [Applause] [Music] ah just once i want to see beth loose i don't know what happened i was the greatest gamer alive huh don't feel bad you had your day you're just yesterday's news now like a caveman of the washed up fossil stop trying to cheer me up you're horrible at it wait what if we could turn you back into a champion by helping me train hard so i master the game and beat beth in the greatest comeback of all time what no that'll take too long i'm saying we hacked the game to make it look like you got good but isn't that cheating not if you do it it'll be like an old man using a cane well when you put it that way it's hurtful hmm i don't know i found a million different hacks do you want faster ear flicks wedgier wedgies just load them all no wait [Music] i'm free at last wow this is amazing amazing i'll show you amazing the amazing world of paint air flakes ear flip hey my name is [Music] what just happened [Music] duncan zero i'll take on anyone at anything so come on who's gonna be the next you lost loser did i cuddy did [Music] now my bones are on the inside and the outside seriously i take the deepest pull contest have we run out of actual games budgets must be tight cut back it's always children's education that suffers buckle up duncan cause i'm kicking it into second gear hey i got something i wonder why it's black and white who cares do you want to bet it's a ufo full of aliens that use our brains for soccer balls oh i love soccer open it jeepers creepers my peepers when did the world get so colorful whoa who are you hold on to your mules children for this will be a shock seriously the wendell the winningest boy of all time so you're good at stuff yes so much so that i stored myself in this time capsule in hopes that the future might finally provide me a worthy challenger if you're looking for competition you should try and take on courtney what a girl don't make me laugh i'm more likely to make you cry hmm well if your friends say you're the greatest challenger of your time let the games begin suffragette oh bring it on poindexter [Music] so this test of skill is who can take the best photograph or are you scared the camera will capture your everlasting soul please you go first now hold perfectly still it's blurry oh you moved fine let's see you do better [Music] a viking what how did you clearly there's a witch hidden in this device admit it i won perhaps you are worthy of my time [Music] of course they always do that lucky we have a backup genre [Music] [Music] you're good [Music] maybe it's chef what's the password password what kind of game is this guy playing i don't know toilet that's not the password come on i got other places to hit today okay clearly the robber's not gonna stop until she breaks in and steals everything we love she's right this is our school we must defend it [Music] [Music] didn't drive out here for nothing and i ain't leave until i get paid ah what a mess kids are the worst now the front door is open how is it [Music] chef i'm here to fix them don't mess with plumber abs [Music] i'm a blunt object okay it's clear this dumb robber isn't going to give up so i think we're just going to have to trap her how are we gonna do that with a little help from the classic board game trapper the robber won't know what hit her another montage wow that must be expensive are you sure about this courtney the trap is sort of dangerous yeah like sort of really dangerous hey if the robber didn't want to be maimed in a convoluted trap built by preschoolers then maybe she shouldn't be stealing coins hello oh hey kid is your teacher around your gonna get it huh [Music] this doesn't look like somewhere chinchilly would hang out why would this place even need a security system i know that laugh it's coming from over there it's chinchilly life savings on the busted up tours just to show kids huh brightly can we please see how they make the cartoons now that is certainly not what is next on our tour this is the studio's three-story slide it reminds us of our commitment to joy and childlike wonder can i slide down it oh no no no no no no it's far too dangerous for an actual human uh oh we'll need to fix that wall will that be cash or credit since we're coming from inside here stop this area is off limits why does a cartoon studio need an armed guard are you suggesting chinchilly is real and we used an interdimensional portal to pull him from a cartoon universe into our world where we're forcing him to entertain children while dangling the false promise that someday we'll let him return home to his [Music] family that was extremely specific all hands to the lobby another kid got injured going down the slide uh i need to go but you too stay out of this room oh is it time to shoot a cartoon i'm ready let's do it i saw you juggling those mean chainsaws and i was so worried oh you don't need to worry about me especially because today is my last day of filming again uh-huh i've been living at the studio for five years and every day they tell me today's the day you get to go home they say it every day and they said it again this morning and i believe them so you're a prisoner here a prisoner no that would mean that they'll never let me [Music] okay i think i know where they're hiding the portal come on brightly this is the worst tour we've ever been on showed us violent cartoons drained my bank account broke all of cody's bones not my brain bone and you still haven't taught us anything about how cartoons get made we're gonna go find some animators right now there are secrets at this studio that must never be uncovered two of the kids are missing [Music] so you're all under tour guides to rest until we find those filthy stragglers i'm done being pushed around kids do what you do best ruin everything [Applause] put your hands together for the hottest new wrestlers in the whole school district [Music] [Applause] [Music] a towel kids you look amazing i don't think i've ever been so proud what about the time we saved all those orphans nope this in fact we're gonna put on a wrestling show instead of that boring thing courtney wanted to do now let's jump ahead three weeks and see how great you're doing [Music] chef i absorb blood and sweat i don't understand how is this possible because i'm a towel oh i mean how is it possible that you kids are worse than what i started coaching you three weeks ago that's cause your kind of wrestling is boring chef if you just gave us some barbed wire and thumbtacks then maybe oh no no that's fighting dirty and we're not wrestling that way we can do better chef watch whoa this is a disaster everybody will have to watch courtney's horrible thing it's over it's all over he tried to share a special part of his life and we failed him you know what that means chef is a lousy teacher hold on i think i know someone who might be able to help uh can i help you stranger sammy oh baby it's me how you doing soup but i thought you were never gonna speak to me again hey you kidding i've been trying to find you for years really cause i sent a bunch of friend requests i left voicemails i even ordered you a meat bouquet every year on your birthday we told sammy about the big show and it's not too late to cut courtney's boring junk out right i wouldn't miss the opportunity to get back in the ring with my pal soup oh yeah well all right then come on kids we got some training to do oh baby just like old times [Music] oh yeah his laugh didn't sound evil at all what's your pleasure [Music] holy cow am i right it could be yours [Music] okay that's a timeout that was hysterical these kids are so easy to make jealous i think i'll stick around [Music] check it out i got the new x-foot highlight real pose sneakerhead since he's so cool wearing shoes that light up what you're gonna do about it [Music] wow harold those shoes are so hot better cool oh [Music] as usual oh yeah well watch this ew bath wait wait wait wait don't you like to win at everything well those picking counts too competition [Music] of heights get on the other swing and show her how high you can go you're crushing it i must have missed a swing for the fences later [Music] what is wrong with you who keeps talking oh right i'm invisible [Music] hey are you not jelly whoa actually i'm jude good guess so little dude i'm not asking if your name is jelly i'm asking why you don't feel jealousy look i'm a jealousy troll cause uncle's the name of making people jelly is my game cool why aren't you ever jealous i can't explain troll dude but it's a long story you see i can't feel jealousy because it's not my thing wait is is is that it yep guess the story was shorter than i thought the judester is all about being his best self you should try it i am by making people jealous and you're ruining it sorry bro i'm just not the jelly type what is going on don't be alarmed but the school board is coming to perform mandatory testing that no one is prepared for today [Music] but why didn't anyone tell me i got an email about it a few months ago but i completely forgot until i saw it on the news worldwide school testing begins today so remember if your kids fail blame the teacher you kids gotta pass the tests i need this job yeah but if we fail nothing will happen to us wrong the kids who don't pass the test get sent to work at the cheese factory i love cheese you won't for long every shift is 28 hours long and there are no gays off there's cheese everywhere but you're not allowed to eat anything if you try you'll get stuck you guys aren't seriously believing harold's fake story about we need to start studying now or we can just order this behold the brain sprain 3 000 it makes you the smartest person in the room it says so right in the ad [Music] i can say with some authority that's true it's cheating only studying can make you smart chef what's going to be on the test no clue math history emotions flavor profiles who knows it was all in the email but then there was a uh terrible administrative error chef and jelly donut time chef and daily donor time whoa what is in this doughnut you don't even know what's going to be on the test uh oh eyes twitching yep storms are coming no i'm okay it's okay that's okay we're okay we don't know what's on the test no problem we'll just have to study everything [Music] okay start with the easy step spell anti-disestablishmentarianism [Music] [Music] courtney so yeah i don't need to study anyway i'm brilliant watch 12 times 83 is i don't know sorry why isn't anyone taking this seriously well we can't study everything so we decided to study nothing wake me up when it's time to go to the cheese factory but if we study we can you're not even gonna try [Music] gwen are you upset about something if you tell us why you're flipping tables maybe we can help i bought something online that i thought was gonna be amazing but when it showed up it was lame disappointment with an online purchase i never knew that could happen i once ordered a book called hard math questions and they weren't i have never felt as close to you as i do right now uh great what i ordered was expensive and i worked really hard for that money blends toy repair how can i help when commander ninja's head fell off you said you can fix it hey i never said i'd use the original head and my dolly doesn't sound right i will swallow your soul no refunds what'd you buy a ghost a ghost like an actual ghost yeah i wanted a cool scary one like in the picture but instead i got a nice ghost okay i don't believe you ghosts aren't real no okay hey everyone meet floaters [Music] don't be scared are you a real ghost or is this a cereal commercial i'm real and gwen and i are bestest friends right gwen no we aren't all i ever wanted was a bestie to play with glenn bonny and i found my wishes come true but it didn't what a waste of a ghost this is so sad i'm considering losing my appetite later i feel bad for the ghost he wanted a friend and got stuck with gwen so what do we do we help floater okay so here's the thing gwen's kinda dark and i think she was hoping you'd be a little scarier or a lot all right floater time to show gwen how scary you can be i wanna but i don't know how i found a great book on how to be scary it's called ghost tips for beginners i'm not a fan of puns but whatever gets the job done let's see here we go can you make the walls bleed yes i can do that [Music] nothing is scary about a happy face it's actually jam strawberry the happiest of all the jams figures the strawberries are local how'd that not work scaring gwen is hard
Channel: Total Drama Official
Views: 6,031,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total Drama, Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Total Drama All Stars, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Total Drama Ridonculous Race, Cartoon Network, Island, Action, World Tour, Revenge of the Island, All Stars', Pahkitew Island, Rodonculous Race, Fresh TV, full episodes, Best moments, Compilations, reality tv, cartoon
Id: MGV9z7P9Jn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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