New Yamaha Revstar Shootout: Not Sure Which Revstar to Buy? Watch This

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laughs [Music] [Music] hello fellow guitar Geeks welcome to my video here on the Yamaha rev Stars I'm at Gear street four wow 42 Gear street 4 in 2022 and I know a lot of you prefer and in fact collect more affordable guitars and Yamaha I've got you covered with the element guitar in this series and it's right over here which is this one and that's the one I'm going to focus on because firstly I love the colors that they've got in this this particular elements you've also got the standard which is just this one yes and then we've got a pro which is just that's lovely comfortable on that couch and of course we all want to go for the more expensive guitars but I really thought that I would focus on on this one so we can hear the differences and the playability now uh this one's coming in at around 4.99 and if we go over here to the standard that's coming in at around 800 this is coming in around 1900 Euros we've got mahogany we've got mahogany with Maple Maple cap mahogany with Maple cap let's hear them I'll do a bit of playing when I can find the the cable I am running through the orange super Crush which believe it or not is a solid state amplifier and I've also got a Friedman b-e-od pedal on the floor just here so that's for my clean and my my crunchy stuff um I do something crunchy on all three guitars and I'll edit it in a way that there's seamless so you won't even miss the bits in between so here is something Rocky bluesy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I will say there is a significant difference in the sound that I can hear I can hear a lot more clarity in this pro model out of all three there is a less significant difference between the standard and the pro now if I went to magically ask this element to appear one more time I want to compare it directly thank you very much mysterious person uh we'll compare it directly to that Pro and listen out for the clarity [Music] um foreign there is a difference but don't tell Yamaha I don't think it's like 1400 euros worth of difference I think what I'm trying to tell you is I think that this is definitely my favorite of the whole refstar range because it's light it's a phenomenal color and it is just it's one of those guitars it's going to get overlooked in the 500 euro range and I think that's really really sad I think if you're going to be spending 1900 or 800 Euros on a guitar you might look at the Rev Stars I think this one might get overlooked and I think that's a big mistake so I'm going to stick with it for a bit and we'll do some cleans and what I'm trying to achieve in this video really is showing that you don't need to spend 1900 Euros to get a great guitar there are some differences between the models now this has a three-way switch and the others have a five-way switch this has also got a high pass filter there we go I always get confused with high pass filters and low pass filters you pull that out and it's going to change the tone adversely so this is clean [Music] so you should be able to hear that there's a little less a base in that tone I think it's beautiful it's really nice the obvious question I should have um sort of asked myself at the beginning is the neck and the neck is one of those necks that if you like thin necks you're going to be happy if you like thick necks like me you should still be happy this is somewhere in a happy medium that isn't one of those modern sea necks that I hate so much on um other guitars that are released by budget Brands what would you call a mysterious person the neck profile of this what would you call it I think we refer to it as a modern C okay they refer to it as a modern C that's a slightly thicker modesty than I'm used to or maybe it's wider because modern C is often disappoint me [Music] I'm going to switch to the pro momentarily pass that to a mysterious person and I have to remember which one the pro is good that's how close the standard and the pro is it's Pro is made in Japan am I correct and standard has made in Indonesia the elite the element also Indonesia see that's what you're getting so you're getting basically more money more attention to detail and more specs but uh what pickup was I on for that I was on the bridge was that okay there we go do that [Music] thank you okay now what we've got here is a five-way switch volume tone but when you pull this out it's going to give us a mid boost which should um I've told by the people at Yamaha is it's more useful on the cleans so let's let's do that again just on that lovely a chord that I seem to love in this video [Music] pushing that super super Crush into a little bit more crunchy tone I like it but I actually like it with this Freeman foreign [Music] all right now I'm going to accept a challenge here on this channel I hope I've illuminated slightly that the differences between the guitars but the challenge I'm going to accept that I'm setting myself up here is uh bo do you mind being on camera is that okay right both here what this is the lovely bow firstly I do hey Bo what I'd like you to do is I'm going to close my eyes and you are going to hand me one of these rev stars and I'm going to try and guess which one it is okay I have very limited time with these guitars oh my goodness however I could just take my glasses off which like all of them or just the hamburgers uh no it's it's between that one there this one and this one and hang on let me let me put this on yeah I'm stuck in my throat where did this mask come from is that for something else right now you're gonna have to plug it in for me also of course hello Belgian that's that I'm gonna plug it in okay no I'm not allowed to touch the the switch because that would therefore give it away if it was the um so you can switch it to the I'll just leave it as it is okay foreign [Music] ly I thought that was the standard because the neck felt uh more polished rather not polished but certain more satiny yeah okay all right let's switch them again see if see if anything changes I genuinely can't believe that was the element that that kind of proves the the point of this video but genuinely not staged Bo is not are you being paid if you are I'm not paying you sorry okay ah if you give me back the element again that would be super fun [Music] [Music] laughs Bo yeah I don't know which guitar this is oh I've touched the are you cheating I did feel the lower back there I think it's the standard again or you've left me with the element Pro I got it wrong again I spat as well spat in that general direction okay um there are two two things we can take from this video but okay either the distance between the quality and everything of the Rev stars is pretty close or I'm really bad at my job no it's pretty close thank you thanks for saying that no no the previous video also really concluded that yeah but I I can hear like the clarity is a little bit more on the um the more expensive models maybe you couldn't hear it then obviously no when you're blindfolded everything is quite different because we play with our eyes that we do well um I gotta say I look amazing with a blindfold holding my throat like this yeah I'm not normally to pump my own trumpet but I do think I look great right now let's do it thank you um I don't know if this has proven anything but it has proven to me is that my theory about the guitar is being quite close to each other yeah is correct and that I was wrong in my guesses and I'm comfortable in that I will say that this looks fantastic that gold binding is gorgeous however I feel that I'm the kind of player that would fit more with the element there's a white one have you seen the white one ever no Beauty warrior style yeah I really really love it guess which color I would choose the yellow the gold top no the black black and black legs black just black just black okay well this has been um eye-opening for me and for the first time ever I'm gonna say goodbye without being able to see you Bo don't leave me hanging yeah thank you for watching thank you Yamaha for letting me play these guitars and if you want more information there is stuff in the video description links and all that kind of stuff thank you to Henning and all the team here and I get the feeling that I'm on my oh no there's a creek of the chair if I was still there thanks for watching bye excuse me [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheGuitarGeek
Views: 25,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theguitargeek, guitar, the guitar geek, andy ferris, andy, yamaha revstar, revstar, revstar element, yamaha revstar element, yamaha revstar element rse 20, revstar element rse20, yamaha guitar, yamaha revstar element electric guitar, yamaha revstar review, yamaha, revstar professional vs standard, yamaha revstar element vs standard, yamaha revstar standard, yamaha revstar 2022, yamaha revstar demo, 42gearstreetfour, 42 gear street, henning pauly, guitar demo, harley benton, thomann
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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