New Warriors Trailer | Marvel Comics - Reaction (I hate it, so much!!)

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hey guys and welcome back so i've just been sent a trailer for the new warriors um it's a comic book series by marvel and i read a few of the older comic books way back when i was a child but i never read many of them because i could never get a hold of the first few issues so i'm really excited to see where they go with this name is daniel kibblesmooth and i am the writer of new warriors number one i got interested in the new warriors later i remember seeing them on the shelf when i was a kid doing your comics in the 90s and just feeling like they were too cool for me like i was intimidated by you know knight thrasher had a blade coming out of his wrist comics were never cool they were all the edgy characters for the 90s as the as the cover said new warriors i thought were really interesting characters because they occupy this really cool space they're forever young but they've now been around for 30 years my editors on the previous books i've done like loki and black panther versus deadpool asked if i would be interested in doing new warriors tie-in that actually poses them as the authority figures in this conflict instead of the rebels that is pretty cool the attention of that so because the new warriors or the authority figures in this story they have to be mentoring new new warriors who are under 21 and subject to the laws that triggered the outlawed event this new law is making it illegal to be a vigilante under the age of 21. as modern as the new warriors costumes to sort of feel classic and instantly familiar so the first character that we're introduced to is trailblazer she's uh your opponent foster kid who is volunteering at a senior center when this mysterious threat shows up and knight thrasher runs to the rescue and because she helps him she ends up in the crosshairs of this new outlawed law and she inherited from her grandfather a magic backpack of divine origin we pick the name trailblazer because she's somebody who charges into action she knows that she can do some good with this you know mysterious gift that she's been given screen time is a internet kid taken to its sort of logical conclusion as a youth he was exposed to his grandfather's experimental internet gas and that has catched him permanently world the word screen time is only ever used in a sort of restrictive sense and because we're doing a story about teenage rebels a lot of the names are about teens fighting against labels that are put on them so with screen time we liked the idea that he has infinite screen time snowflake and safe space are the twins and their names are very similar to screen time it's this idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet that they don't see as a derogatory to take those words and kind of wear them as badges of honor safe space is kind of a big burly sort of stereotypical jock you can create force fields but he can only trigger them if he's protecting somebody else catholic is non-binary oh no snowflake has the power to generate individual crystallized snowflake-shaped shurikens implications of the word snowflake in our culture right now are something fragile and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp snowflake is the person has the more offensive power and safe spaces the person has the more defensive power the idea was that they would mirror each other and complement each other e-negative is the goth kid when he was a baby he got a rogue life-saving blood transfusion that we assume from michael morbius and now he has a very similar look and very similar vampire powers v negative also is obviously a pun it's a bloods type which is great for a vampire character and it's also a proud ownership of the idea of having a bad attitude no the people who read our new warriors no feel all of the excitement that they felt uh if they read the 90s one i wouldn't want it to have big colorful characters personality clashes uh don't feel that excitement cast which is something that the new warriors titles have always strived to make a priority every new warriors comic has always felt like a reflection of the the year that it came out and i don't think we're worried about being dated i think we're way more interested about it being now i think they've missed the point and i hate it i hate it i hate it hate it hate it um i have a lot of opinions on this and if you are easily offended i'd say leave now if you're not then i'm sorry this might be a long round it might not be but i have quite a lot to say about it um i'm going to start off where he started off he said that he felt the comics were so cool and yeah i thought that they were pretty cool but they were always hidden when i was a child if you read comics or watched anime or were into anything geeky or nerdy you would get bullied for it like straight up bullied um i i think i might have misinterpreted what he said but he pretty much said that it was too cool for him to read but he read them anyway like no no nobody ever thought oh the comics look too cool to read um yeah the characters in there might have been really cool and you might have related them to them and even more if you were getting bullied meaning that you'd read more but i kept mine as a really really really deep secret that i locked away for a long time and i did carry on reading them in at most quiet and disguise really um but yeah skipping on from that i know a lot of you might say that this comic is not made for me um darkness witchblade x-men rogue alien vs predator spawn there's a lot of comics that were not made for me especially as a child um and i don't care i read them anyway and i don't think that comics now are made for males or female females or non-binary i think comics are a lot more mainstream now so comics are made for everybody so you can't go and say oh it's not made for you because back then comics were made with a gender in mind so um i'm just going to put that out there that i don't care if it's made for me or not and giving my opinion on to the characters trailblazer um i don't understand i just don't understand her character yeah it's cool that she's visits and helps out with the elderly and stuff and she's from a foster home but i don't understand what she's doing in there all the other characters seem to have special abilities and she has a backpack that was given to her now before you say anything um in comics like witchblade sarah pazzini um gets the amulet now the amulet which is the witchblade goes and finds a rightful owner somebody who's worthy to own the witchblade it's not just given it's not passed on to to the next person to the next person at one point sarah does pass it on to dany um but the amulet does end up making its way back to sarah so it'll always hunt down who the they think who that the artifact thinks is the best choice for it to wield same as dr doctor strange didn't get given the cape um the cape hunted and found him rather than him just taking it like it's so aggravating that she's just given this power and she seems like one of the the team leaders in this group i just i don't understand what she's doing there next was screen time and yeah he was a pretty okay character i don't have many qualms with him his outfit is fine considering he's like a cyber character um but i just think that the internet gas is completely laughable it's it sounds so stupid and the whole concept of this comic book is just it should have been released on the first of april as an april fool's joke i just i don't i don't like it snowflake and um oh well let's go into snowflake first snowflake there's so much wrong about that character you don't have to call somebody a snowflake and make them non-binary and make them black and make them like i just there's so much going on with that character it feels like they're walking talking stereotype and i've got friends who are non-binary and i don't think that they would enjoy being represented as a snowflake even though you're trying to push the boundaries of making it not an insult i think it's still an insulting word currently and i feel like if i was to pick up and read the comic as a child now i would probably go and call my friend who identifies as non-binary a snowflake because i wouldn't see anything wrong with that i'd see it as strong and that would cause a massive rift because not everybody reads comic and not everybody would know what the hell you're talking about also i don't feel like they should make who you are your walking talking personality your stereotype like i i just don't understand why they've done that why have they made a stereotype a person like i feel like that character won't have any personality apart from being non-binary and i just oh and can summon snowflakes like it's not very original it's not very now because a lot of comic books and series we have now they're quite in-depth they're quite advanced they're quite technical non-technological it's there's there's more to it than just pens and i just i hate it so much safe space um they called him a jock like when i think of jock i don't think of somebody who's wearing pink and is dressed the way he's dressed um i it's like calling peter parker a jock he's like peter parker is geeky he's nerdy he's very smart but yeah he's quite muscular um when he gets his powers but still i just i i can't i can't understand where they're coming from with us i think his powers are quite um [Music] quite unique and i think that it could be pretty good but i just hate the fact that they're all named after what they are not on you know what i just i can't really describe it but i just hate it i hate it so much that the non-binary character is called snowflake and i hate the fact that the twin is called um just safe safe safe space or oh my god i can't remember his name but it's just awful it's so bad and lastly we have be negative a pun um he is a goth character a broody goth and i hate it you can have happy goths you can get sad guts goth characters doesn't don't have to look like a vampire they don't have to brood like i just oh it's so stereotypical every single character is very stereotypical there's like no different personalities with any of these characters like they're all different personalities from each other but as far as stereotypes go no they don't have a separate personality for their stereotype and i hate it i just hate the whole series ah i'm getting my words tied up because i'm just so angry and annoyed and i don't think that this is inclusionary i think that this is offensive i don't like it i'm not part of the lgbtq plus community but i don't care i'm saying this that i find it offensive and not because they have a non-binary character in there i find her offensive that they're calling in um a non-binary character a snowflake and i find it that they're calling um like a jock who wears pink safe space and it just ah just no stop marvel what are you doing your comics used to be so good um your new warriors used to be very powerful and they all had their own different quirks but you couldn't look at them and be like oh yeah she's she's gonna be quite like promiscuous no you couldn't do that they were all different they they had their own personalities who sometimes they did reflect what it looked like on the outside sometimes it didn't i'm just so angry with marvel just no stop please anyway that is just my thoughts and opinions and i hope that i haven't offended too many of you but and i'm hoping that i got my words correct because i just tried to be very pc and i don't think that i could with with this trailer i feel like they brought out the worst in me so i'm gonna go now so thanks very much for watching bye guys
Channel: DizzieDee
Views: 63,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NEW WARRIORS Trailer | Marvel Comics reaction, NEW WARRIORS Trailer | Marvel Comics, Marvel's New Warriors goes SJW, Marvel | New Warriors Comic Trailer Reaction | The CRINGIEST SJW Comic EVER Created! This is REAL!!, Marvel's New Warriors Comic Book is Woke SJW Garbage, Marvel's New Warriors unites the internet! Even NPC Puritans HATE it!, Marvel Comics Introduces Snowflake and Safespace - Non-Binary Characters, New Warriors trailer reaction, new warriors reaction, marvel warriors
Id: kVmwUehvSiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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