New Virtual Camera 2.0 Setup in Unreal Engine using your iOS Device

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what up what up wimboys here and today i'm excited to show you guys how we go hook up our ipad or iphone up to unreal engine using a new virtual camera so without further ado let's jump right into it and before we get started i'm actually going to be using this village pack right here and so i'll leave a link in the description down below this is actually on an epic marketplace but this is a pretty cool setup the map is already set up for you and everything and so this is free all you have to do is go to the marketplace or you can click on the link down below and grab this one here so to get started i'm in unreal engine i have that village pack opened up right now and there's a few steps that we're going to have to take in order to hook up our ipad which i'm going to be using right here or if you have an iphone you can use that as well but there's a few steps we need to take just to make sure we can link everything up so the first thing i'm going to do is come over here to settings and i'm going to come down here to plugins and there's three plugins that i need to make sure that i have here so if i come over to search the first thing that i want to look for is virtual camera so i'm just going to type in virtual camera and mine's already checked on but if yours isn't make sure you enable it and then the next thing that we want to enable is called the live link so if i type in live link and right here the one that's at the very top right here we want to make sure that this one's enabled and then there's one more we want to make sure that we enable remote session so if i type in remote session you want to make sure you have that enabled as well so those are the three things inside of plugins that we're going to want to make sure that we have enabled in order for all this to work so once you click enable it's going to restart your unreal engine and you should be good to go and then there's a few more things that we need to set up here and so if i come back here i'm just going to exit out my plugins here and i'm going to come back over to settings and i'm going to come down here to project settings so while i have this window open i'm actually going to come over here on the left hand side i'm going to scroll all the way down to the bottom until i see this little section this is udp messaging and then in here under transport you want to make sure that it looks exactly how i have it here now the one thing is right here where it says unicast endpoint this is going to be our computer's ip address so you're going to need to make sure that you know your computer's ip address if you don't know how to find that let me show you now so i'm on windows 10 if i click on a windows key and then down here in the search i'm just going to type in cmd and that's going to bring up our command prompt i'm going to turn this on and then right here you're just going to type in ipconfig and then once you click enter it's going to give you a whole bunch of information the thing you want to look for is going to say ipv4 address and that's going to be your ip address there and that's what we're going to type inside of our project settings here so once you have your ip address actually let me pull up the documentation because it's going to make it easier for us to see but right here it's going to say that you have to put this semicolon 0 after your ip address in here and so you want to make sure once you get your ip address that you put that in that's very important and so i'm going to do that here and i'm just going to here we go like so and then there's one more thing that we're going to have to need to find so i'm going to scroll up until i find rendering so it should be closer to the top up here right here under engine i'm going to click on rendering and then once i have rendering open i'm going to look for default so let me keep scrolling down until i see default settings which is right here and then what you're going to want to do mine's already set up so this is what it's going to look like whenever you come down to default settings you're going to see a little arrow down here this is show advanced so you want to click on that and then under frame buffer pixel format mine's already set up here for 8-bit what yours might show is the 10-bit one so just make sure that you click on 8-bit like actually let me click on 10-bit you can see that it's going to ask me to restart so it's going to ask you to do that once you click on 8-bit it's going to ask you to restart so you could do that i'm going to hit restart later because everything's already set up for my system but that should be everything that you need to set up here and so the next thing you want to do is make sure you go to your ios marketplace and make sure you download the app which i'm going to leave a description down below for that as well but let me show you here on my screen what it looks like so i'm going to come back over to my chrome browser this is the application it's called unreal remote 2. if you go to your marketplace and you search for unreal engine you should see this pop up and as you can see we have two different versions we have the ipad version and we have the iphone version i don't have an iphone i only have an ipad which of mine is like a 2018 and it still works and so i'm guessing that if you have older devices this should work for you but it's up to you guys to test this stuff out so this is the app that we're going to need and once you install the app this is what it's going to look like on your device and so you're just going to type in your ip address here you don't need that semicolon 0 on this one so whenever i showed you guys how to find your ip address what you saw there under the ipv5 address this is exactly what you're going to want to type in here then you're going to hit connect which i'm going to do on my device right now and then you should see it saying connecting to your ip address in which i'm going to show you guys how we can connect it now so i'm inside of unreal engine again and what i want to do now is come over here under place actors on the left hand side where it says virtual production i want to click on this and let me scroll this out a little bit because we want to use this camera here the virtual camera 2 actor so i'm just going to click and drag this blueprint into my screen here i'm actually going to pull it up a little bit and you can see that we actually have the picture and picture in here that's showing us what our view is going to look like so i'm just going to move this camera back a little bit here maybe start it at the beginning of the path if you're wondering why we don't see the camera i just got to click on it and then click g and now we can see everything in our screen here i just had everything turned off and so all you have to do is click g on your keyboard that's the shortcut to get into game mode and that's going to turn off all your icons and everything but now we see our camera so i could just properly paste this into my scene so somewhere right there might work and so there's a few attributes inside a virtual camera that we need to turn on and we should be set to go and so what i'm going to do now is right here under my details panel you'll see this little blue sphere here it says vcam i'm going to actually click on this one and then i'm going to scroll down to right here where it says virtual camera and so right here where it says output providers i'm going to click on this one and then i'm going to click on this again until this screen pops up we should see output here and you should see something that says is active we actually want to click this one on and once we click this one on that should be the only thing that we need to click on there i'm just going to leave everything else as is i'm not going to mess with these attributes at all so i'm going to scroll back up here to the top there's two more things that we need to enable here but first we need to come over to window and then i'm going to come down to where it says live link i'm going to click on this and then this live link window is going to pop up so if you have your ios device already connecting to unreal you should be able to see your device pop up here when i click the green button and come down here to message brush source there we go jonathan's ipad i'm going to click on this and that should be the only thing that we have to do in there so i can actually close this window out now and then now under live link subjects i'm going to click on this and i'm going to click on camera transform so if i didn't connect my ipad inside that live link window the option wouldn't showed up at all it said the last thing to do from here is i'm going to actually pick up my ipad i'm going to click enable and now my ipad is connected to my scene here and the one thing that you'll notice right off the bat is the screen is completely different to how it used to be we have a lot more controls in here we have some more options and i just like the interface a lot more like the one cool thing is if i click right here on the map and you can see it correlating on my screen there as well my pc screen it actually pulls up a map so we can actually place like your different cameras in there and you select where you know you want to have your camera at and you can select it here on the screen which is really cool and so i'll leave a link of how all this stuff works inside the description there's a lot of different options in here to play around with we can actually do you click the camera here and it's going to do a screenshot for you and everything and then down here if you wanted to record down here actually click the camera down here now i have my camera movements recording and everything which i'm going to turn that off and you can see down there it's actually doing a take right now of my scene move which is really cool we could do this all from the ipad so i'm going to turn that off right there i'm going to hit the lock button again and this is going to bring up some more attributes here and so the coolest thing is if i click this little arrow right here you can see now we have our controls here in which i could push this forward to walk forward in my scene i can rotate with that there which it looks like it selected everything in my scene there which i don't want and so the cool thing is i can rotate it with that little gyro looking icon there or i could rotate it by moving my camera here or moving my ipad here so that's cool in itself it does have a little bit of room scale so let me pull a little bit closer to it as well you can see as i move in closer so as i moved in closer and further back we did have some cool room scale movements in there and everything the only thing that i'm noticing on my ipad is i'm getting a little bit of lag and a lot of motion blurring here i have to play around with this a little bit more to see if there's any way to fix that but as you can see it's kind of one-to-one with my screen there so as i'm moving my ipad it's actually working in real time and unreal which is really really cool so that's basically how we get our ios device with the new virtual camera set up in unreal so we're after we're done recording with our virtual camera and everything remember we hit this little camera button here which is actually recording our camera movements is so to be able to find that first we want to get rid of all this ui info here so you want to come back over to your vcam right here where it says virtual camera enabled i'm going to click this off and it's going to bring us back to how we're normally able to see our viewport here so if i come down here into my content browser we see a folder now that's automatically made called cinematics i'm going to double click on this and then double click on his takes folder and then we have another folder with today's date double click there and we're finally here to where we have our level sequencer so i'm going to double click on this one and it's going to bring up our sequencer which we have our camera cuts track here so if i click on a camera here it's going to take us into that camera view so now if i click play there we go we have our camera movements and everything that we did with our ipad connected to our sequencer so now we can take that move and render it out now if i can make a suggestion like it's cool if you have a shoulder mount or something else to stabilize your ipad or your iphone like i got this short amount here from amazon and then i actually got a mount from my ipad that you can actually adjust depending on your ipad size but i'm able to get like really cool smooth camera movements whenever i'm moving this hair in my scene and so whenever i have just my ipad in my hand i notice i get like a lot of wobble which i guess that gives you more naturalistic effects on your camera and stuff but if you want to smooth it out a little bit i would definitely get something like a shoulder mount or some type of glider and i'll leave a description where i got this one it wasn't that expensive but i think this is a cool one to have just to you know do some cool moves or if you have enough room you can actually walk around your room and stuff like that and so this is just you know a suggestion i want to make to you guys that i think is really cool to get some really cool shots so if you've been on the site before you've actually seen me use this before so this is called the game device it kind of turns your ipad or your iphone into something like a nintendo switch like we have the joysticks we have the xbox controller layout with the buttons and everything here we have a d-pad and with the other virtual camera the old one the only thing that really worked i think was like the left joystick like if you wanted to have the buttons work or anything you had to manually program those or blueprint those in yourself but with the new virtual camera there's actually game by support in which if i pull up the documentation here if i scroll all the way down here to the bottom you can actually see it's inside the official documentation from epic games so this is a really cool add-on if you do have a game device i would definitely suggest trying this out the one caveat is with the game vice like i wasn't able to get like the gyro movements to work or anything like everything pretty much goes to the controls on the buttons and the joysticks so that'll be the way that you're going to work it which actually let me show you how we do that now so this is my game device it's hooked up to my ipad and everything so what i'm going to do from here is i'm going to connect the app make sure i click connect on here and then everything is nice and tight and snug in here so i'm going to come down to my v cam i'm going to enable it it looks like everything is coming up now so if you look at my ipad you can see the screen is 101 i'm moving the controller around we're moving around the scene and everything but as you notice when i move my you know my ipad around we're no longer getting that handheld camera movement so this is more i guess if you want to use it just to get a little bit more cleaner camera moves and actually the buttons are linked up and everything so we can take screenshots with uh i guess the right trigger up top all right the right bumper so i just hit the right bumper i got a screenshot if i hit the right trigger it's actually bringing up the different lens types here which i can scroll up and down on my lens here which is pretty cool and so all the buttons and what they do are actually listed inside the documentation i still need to play around with it a little bit more but i thought it was cool how they added gamevice support for this because it's something that i actually own and that i can actually use a lot and utilize a lot more now without any type of programming knowledge so i just wanted to share this with you guys in case you're interested in the game device i could leave my amazon affiliate link down below but yeah this is giving us really cool camera movements so if you're a gamer like me you're playing your nintendo switch or something this is excellent you know this is a cool way to get some cool camera moves in here so i know i had a few people asking me how to use the new virtual camera inside of unreal engine 4.26 it's finally updated on the ios device i know when i tried it back in december i don't think it was quite working yet but i tried it today and it's working so hopefully these steps help you guys get it worked out if you did find this useful and you're new to the channel make sure you click that subscribe give me a big thumbs up and until next time stay fresh keep creating and i'll catch you in the next video thank you guys again take care you
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 31,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, winbush, tutorial, immersive, school of motion, mograph, creating the unreal, create the unreal, unreal engine, unreal engine 4, 4.26, unreal engine 5, ue4, ue5, gamevice, virtual camera, virtual production, ipad, iphone, ios, setup, overview, getting started, virtual set, new virtual camera
Id: dromSISl4m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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