New Upcoming Retro Arcade Games 2022

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[Music] action games shoot-em-ups run and guns platformers we love them all on this channel arcade style gaming at its finest and it's time to highlight the ones i'm most excited for in 2022 including some exclusive early demos given to me to provide a sneak peek for everyone a shout out to pixon love games for sending me a collector edition of sturm1dx on switch for the video preview as well as publisher him techodogin for the giveaway code for grand cross renovation that's right as usual there's a bunch of free codes to give away for many of the games that i'm showing you know the drill keep an eye open for secret codes down below during the video for various games leave that in the comments and make sure you're subscribed and you're entered to win no game limit enter one or enter them all 2022 is going to be another awesome year for arcade style action games so let's jump right into it with a game that blew me away from the opening moments the next new game by ng dev team developers of gun lord and razeon only this time for modern consoles and i was sent an early demo of the game to play and show off exclusive footage for everyone to enjoy so check it out [Music] what do you get when you cross the lock on lasers of rayforce and the ultra aggressive gameplay of ketsui then mix in a crank and techno soundtrack that'll knock your socks off as you lay waste everything in your path you get gunbane ng dev teams next and best ever vertical shmup they've made yet it's the most adrenaline pumping shmop that i've played since my review of kai khan a year ago a don makuu you play at the top of the screen aggressively speed killing enemies with your lock-on lasers the moment they appear there's few games as satisfying to play as gunvane and that's thanks to lead designer boghog helping ng dev create one hell of a fun game this time instead of neogeo it's coming to all modern consoles switch ps4 xbox and steam physical and digital for anyone to enjoy [Music] the controls couldn't be simpler with either a main shot or a focus for your lasers the longer you can stay locked on the more lasers and damage you'll fire out when released the game is fast and incoming enemies quickly overwhelm the screen so in gun vein the best defense is a good offense bombs are saved up by collecting fragments similar to battlegrega only here you can use them two ways either as a standard drop to clear the screen or for temporary invincibility by holding it down draining a few fragments from your bar what's cool about playing gun vein is how easy it is to slowly learn the game without even needing any safe states or cheats while at the same time not letting you simply credit feed your way through you respawn where you die but once you're out of lives you're kicked back to a checkpoint however the checkpoints are both generous and numerous basically giving you multiple lives to work your way through to the next one so you're never stuck redoing the entire stage over and over while learning the game that includes the bosses which are both awesome and difficult taking practice to clear with your stock of lives [Music] it makes you want to keep trying until you can clear the next section and see what's up next versus just continuing endlessly while you try to learn the menu even makes it easy to quickly restart a bad run even at this early stage as the game is unfinished it's head and shoulders above most bullet hell shmups that i've played in recent years my demo had four stages of the eventual six and i was asked to only show the first three for now but i can tell you right now this game is going to change how ng death team is viewed within the shmup community and by serious players gunbane is now the game to beat for best new shmoop of the year as in all honesty the gameplay is just too much fun to pass up the graphics are already looking good even though i do miss that old ng deaf team pixel art in flavor the music though in typical ng dev team fashion is freaking smashing and the fun factor is through the roof the kind of fast-paced aggressive bullet hell i can enjoy and i've still got two more alternate ships to try and play around with next playing gun vein gets your heart pumping and is a visceral experience and that's what a great shmup is all about you can bet that i'll be reviewing this bad boy upon release hats off to bogghog and ngdevt for putting together an amazing new schmuck that i can't wait to play again [Music] i'll admit i'm not the biggest fan of beat em ups and always found them repetitive a bit slow and mostly butt mashers they made great co-op games playing with friends back in arcades with konami's turtle series always being a good time but playing them at home never kept my interest long so it's rare a beat-em-up comes along that grabs my interest and injects enough gameplay and variety to make me take notice enter jitsu squad by tanooki studios the first beat em up that i've actually looked forward to in a long time coming this march to switch and ps4 along with steam it's a breath of fresh air into what was for me a somewhat stagnant genre what i immediately liked was the large movalist and gameplay variety making it feel closer to a basic fighting game versus a typical beat-em-up pausing the game shows you the extensive move list of combos specials and aerial attacks you also have a parry for more defensive enemies that require proper timing that's especially true for tankier enemies and bosses where timing your counter attacks are the only way to even damage them as you power up your special weapon you gain access to yet another moveset which drains the gauge as you use it or you can save it up for a super special which pretty much wipes the floor with anything on screen combine that with additional throw mechanics and assist icons that you grab throughout the levels and there's a lot more gameplay depth here than most in the genre and do i even need to mention the presentation with artwork that's up there with some of the best aaa titles there's so much nuance and detail packed into every level that it's hard to believe it was done by such a small team of indie developers the demo was pretty extensive and takes you through a fun tutorial with the coolest panda since ronaldo won half okay maybe since kung fu panda then before throwing you into a few different stage sections to check out capped off with a boss fight that'll test your skills and punish any button-mashing behavior the final release not only has the four main playable characters but a bunch of extras that were added due to the kickstarter doing so well and reaching additional stretch goals i'm calling jitsu squad as potentially the best new beat em up to come along in years it combines amazing presentation with frenetic and deep combat you can bet i'll be picking this game up in march to play with my son or friends online maybe they'll even throw in some tanooki nutsack humor to round out the experience as that's about all i could find missing in this otherwise exciting new beat em up [Music] [Music] iron meat breakfast of champions for us contra fans after playing through the two-stage demo i had to give it a shout as it plays just like the konami classics we love right down to the power-ups tricky enemy placements and how it controls yeah even the part where you meant to jump but just run off the ledge instead it feels like playing a sequel that we'll likely never get from konami themselves at least not this fun it's gorier and more violent than the classics kind of a contra do mashup the vertical shaft stage will bring back memories of the original game and its waterfall ascent including leaving your friend behind to die by moving upward too quickly and i love the stage boss that gives you several different looks and attack types to learn if the developer can keep up this level of quality throughout the final game they'll have a must play on their hands as i definitely wanted to keep going and see what's next when it ended it felt just right with both levels being contra hard but also very learnable to where you can run them deathless once you figure them out the music is also outstanding so far with a metal vibe that suits the game's doom-like aesthetic perfectly [Music] doesn't have a release date yet though we're hoping for 2022 but you can already download this free demo on steam and wishlist this bad boy because it's the most fun i've had playing a run and gun in a while looking forward to more and definitely can't wait for this one [Music] never awake is a twin stick shooter with crazy nightmarish visuals and a ton of content to explore as you slowly unlock the mystery behind the main character's eternal slumber trapped in a hospital bed developed by nyotro and releasing early this year it's the perfect game for those who like a mission-based structure similar to natsuki chronicles while you slowly unlock stage after stage while upgrading your weapons and defense with this early build i had access to three of the eight worlds each with six stages and three boss battles to complete taking you a couple hours just to work my way through and that was just a taste leaving me an anticipation to progress through the rest of the game [Music] the controls are simple with the left stick to move and the right to aim and fire a right trigger uses your equipped item and the left is a dash which allows you to face through bullets and obstacles it's deceptively simple but the stages get very tricky quickly the levels are short just over a minute in length and the goal is to collect enough souls to progress once the stage completes it auto loops and becomes progressively harder with more enemies and bullets each one is like a mini puzzle with all forms of obstacles to solve and just like any good mission based game you can replay them all you want to gain more currency and upgrade so if you hit a wall that seems too difficult you can redo stages or grind the current one and beef up your offense and defense making the stage more manageable your base shot seems to remain the same to maintain game balance but there's tons of special attack upgrades to unlock from spreadshots to shotguns to powerful missiles along with passive abilities like increased defense more soul spawns longer iframes after taking damage and more and you can change your loadout from stage to stage to try new approaches a big part of what keeps you going is the killer artwork in bosses some of the most fantastic and unusual that i've seen outside of akira goya games since each world has three bosses just my short playthrough gave me access to nine and each one was a visual treat it makes you want to keep going to see what's around the corner and new enemies are in store each world has a theme related to her journey why does she hate dogs and dream of them attacking her who's this beautiful girl and how do i know her never awake is a game with style and a story to tell along with really solid stage design that keeps you going until you've worked through them all [Music] after putting in a couple hours i was barely a third of the way through through the eventual eight levels that means the final game will have a total of 24 bosses and i'm told multiple endings unlocked by collecting secret items and meeting gameplay goals it's another game i can't wait to pick up and complete now that i've spent some time with it there's a free steam demo out now and you can check it out via link in my description don't sleep on never awake and keep an eye open later this year as it's looking to be a good one [Music] [Music] no sturm1dx isn't a new game it's actually an indie dreamcast game released way back in 2013 then updated and re-released digital only in 2019 for modern consoles but for those who wanted a physical they were out of luck unless they wanted to pay a pretty penny for the original dreamcast game well no more as pixen love just released it physical for nintendo switch in both regular and collector edition the presentation and music in stormwind blew me away back on the dreamcast and it's a game i always wanted to cover but never got a chance it makes you wish we'd seen even more indie games for the dreamcast as that system was really capable of some great visuals now sturmwind isn't a perfect game but it's one i come back to despite its flaws as you know i'm always a sucker for great sound in a shmup and sturmone delivers on all fronts not only is the music awesome but the sound design is great overall with a lot of atmosphere and audio cues to heighten the experience when sturmwind is on it's a hell of a good time with some really breathtaking moments that span over 16 detailed levels you heard me right aside from a couple that are more of an extended boss battle sturmwind is one very long game with a ton of content there's creativity to spare with each level having some type of impressive sometimes jaw-dropping moment that shows how much effort the devs put into the set pieces it never gets repetitive and is always surprising you with something new thankfully it also has a shortened arcade mode with six condensed stages for a shorter one cc type run and it's mission mode that lets you play the entire list of stages one at a time saving your progress along the way it's also super accessible on easy mode for beginners though the initial learning curve to understand the weapon systems takes a bit of time between three weapons shot direction drone position a charge beam and a bomb there's quite a bit of buttons to learn forcing you to learn how to use everything at your disposal by the time all said and done [Music] sternwen's biggest flaw isn't its core gameplay which is actually quite good it's all the unintended jank that comes along with prioritizing visuals at the expense of game design the backgrounds aren't just for show but also interactive with a lot of the environment constantly attacking you which is awesome when you can actually tell what can hurt you and what can't but stormwind can often be really confusing and trial and error is often the only way to learn once you've played through the game taking your lumps and learned how each area works then it becomes less of an issue but your first few times through will often have you wondering what the hell even hurt you or what part of a boss to attack it's the most basic element of shmup design that fails here it took precedence over the rest whether you enjoy sternwood or not will completely depend on how much of the change you can tolerate up front as you learn the game as navigating the environments is pretty much the game's biggest challenge because i've already played it enough times i know what's what and can just relax and enjoy the spectacle great art design and cool soundtrack if sturmwind is new to you or a game you've wanted a physical copy of for a while now you can find a link in my description to pixen love and the order page the collector's edition comes with a second steel game case some additional materials and a nice booklet detailing the making of the game and a lot of info on its development you can get it digital or pick it up physical for the extras and enjoy it just mind a bit of that jig as you figure it out [Music] the term toward a force gets thrown around way too often but there's no other way to describe grand cross renovation a visual and oral assault that'll often have you wondering what's going on and in awe of the presentation the set pieces and effects are endless the boss battles constant and your firepower legendary all to pumping tunes that fit the epic feel of the game to a t [Music] it will give you vibes of treasure games like radiant silver gun and ikaruga introducing its own unique mechanic the sunblade grand cross is a game of risk reward and resource management using your insanely powerful sunblade to carve up everything in sight it cancels bullets enemies anything on screen it's all powerful and a joy to use [Applause] triggers control its direction and your life bar it's duration release the button and your life refills allowing you to take some damage drain your life too far using the blade and take a hit and it's game over so it's a constant back and forth of unleashing your blade of destruction then letting off to refill some light before using it again [Music] don't do a lot of dodging in grand cross instead using the sunblade to cancel the barrages of bullets and beams shot your way a secondary scatter attack clears the screen around you when things become too crazy but the sunblade itself is what deals the most damage survival is actually pretty easy due to your massive firepower and while all the buttons and mechanics do take a bit of time to get used to it's a far cry from the treasure games i mentioned one knock against the game as it lacks any difficulty modes as of this video so once you've gotten good and can clear the game well all that's left is the deep scoring system to fall back on so it'd be good to see an update with some harder modes for more experienced players once you clear the levels you gain access to a stage select for practice you also get access to a pretty wild playing secondary ship that's completely blade based slicing and dicing your way through enemy waves forcing you to play up close and ultra aggressive even compared to the already aggressive gameplay of the original ship if you love melee weapons in your shmups grand cross is definitely the game for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's available now on steam and you already know by this footage whether it's your type of game or not i'm not a scoring junkie myself but i had a great time playing through it for survival alone and look forward to it gaining some potentially harder modes its impressive presentation and killer music will have me coming back for another hit and the second ship is going to be fun to try and complete the game with grand cross came out of nowhere and so far in terms of presentation is the game to beat in 2022 [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you love the 90s compile games then softstar is going to be the biggest surprise of 2022 and the best homage to early 90s shooters since gg olesta iii developed by a small team in brazil it's a labor of love in the spirit of early compile games but with the depth of a modern release it'll give you xanax vibes with a lot of elasta and compile homages throughout but it also feels more modern in terms of enemy waves and bullet patterns its best feature is the massive stable of nine ships each very unique with its own main and secondary shot types play style and teleport mechanic that's right this shmup lets you teleport just hold down a button to place your target let go and watch your ship teleport along with temporary invincibility some ships teleport faster or more often while others have unique variations like creating a copy of itself that all enemies then focus their attack on opening up all sorts of strategic elements after playing through several stages with every ship i can honestly say that each one is really fun to use in its own way and the devs really tested and thought through them all like this defensive ship whose secondary weapon is a spin that makes you invincible until your meter runs out perfect for those who feel overwhelmed when bullets get crazy or want to point blank larger targets i haven't even mentioned the game itself yet which is really really good the controls are tight with a focus button that slows down your ship when desired it starts out pretty easy on the default but after the first few stages the game gets very serious and becomes a wild ride and because you have so many weapons at your disposal and a teleport mechanic let alone nine unique ships there's just so many ways to play it and with several difficulty modes to choose from there's a setting for everyone it's also a pretty long game with eight stages in total and if that's not enough it also has a training mode called cadet school with 60 missions to clear teaching you offensive defensive scoring and other skills multiple time attack in scoring modes and an endless mode that i've yet to explore as you play you unlock additional credits to use to progress farther and learn the game and it even has a host of multiple endings depending on how well you perform that's not to mention the interesting scoring mechanic focused around the green cubes that get smaller the longer they stay on screen so top scorers will have to point blank incoming waves to maximize scoring potential soft star has solid 16-bit era visuals and good music but it's the gameplay that'll win you over if it only had one ship it would still be an excellent game designed by people who know what makes a fun shooter but the sheer variety and depth elevates it to a must play and own for me developer bananabytes has created the kind of indie game us old-school shooter fans want and deserve so i'll be playing softstar a lot more which is the best compliment i could give soft start is a winner and i hope it does well enough to see more games from our friends in brazil [Music] [Music] operation steel is a really addicting roguelike shmup not something you see often in this genre it's got that just one more go feel to see how well you can do on the next run you play with branching paths after each level and everyone has procedurally generated enemies bosses and weapon pickups so each run is a combination of skill and a bit of luck every downed mini boss and boss gives you a random set of three pickups of which you can choose only one upgrade your armor to take more hits your weapon a secondary weapon or a passive shield choose wisely as you never know what the next round will bring but operation steel pulls it off well to where finishing off a run often yields the urge to try it again [Music] and that's thanks to the extremely solid controls and refined gameplay through tons of play testing by other skilled players several months ago we held a caravan competition on my discord for a score attack mode included in the game and even back then we could tell the gameplay was special it never feels cheap and is simply replayable and fun with great variety in its enemies and bullet patterns the graphics won't blow your mind but they're also sharp and attractive with a hand-drawn art style that's easy on the eyes equally important is the great bullet visibility always clear on exactly what you're dodging operation steel is like playing one of those addicting mobile games and i mean that as a compliment or you can't quite put your finger on it but you just want to keep playing it you'll do a run and then move on to something else then some hours later you get the itch to do it again something about it is easy and inviting to where playing it again doesn't feel like a chore part of it is not knowing what to expect this time around but the biggest part is knowing what you can expect another little adventure to see where you end up it goes to show that sometimes a simple concept executed well turns out to be greater than a flashy experience that skimps on core mechanics and play testing op steel is a game that both novices and experts can enjoy and a really impressive effort by first time shmup developer under mod games it's now on steam for 14.99 and if you find it as addicting as i did you'll likely get your money's worth too [Music] beijing blasters was the single best beginnership i've had the pleasure of playing since i started my channel and i raved about it in a video review a game anyone could pick up play and enjoy everyone who tried it agreed despite its simple graphics the game was fantastic moondancer picks up right where raging left off and plays so similar it may as well be a sequel with the biggest difference being the lock-on laser mechanic everything that was good about that game is just as good here from the perfect chip control to the fantastic music [Music] it's another home run from developer terrarian who doesn't seem capable of making a bad game yes just like the original the graphics are very basic but anyone who blows off the game for that reason alone is missing out on a must play shooter this year if you're more into bullet hell then yes moondancer isn't for you but if you love the rayforce series and similar 90s style shooters and you're looking for a great beginner shmup it needs to be on your list part of its charm is its simplicity with only one button that both fires your standard shot and launches lasers by releasing it made even simpler by allowing you to use any button to do both simultaneously your main shot can be powered up and you get three types of lock-on laser options that appear as items may palm for big damage with short range multi-shot with double the lasers and a wide lock on circle at the expense of damage and a speed laser that reloads faster has decent damage and good range pickups are plentiful and you're never underpowered making recovery a cinch if you die wait did he say recovery this game has checkpoints yes it does and they work great moondancer isn't a game that you can credit feed each stage is broken into a few sections so death rarely takes you back farther than 30 to 40 seconds another positive is the music again done by hiroki of the previous game and it's once again fantastic [Music] fitting the game perfectly and keeping you pumped for each stage and as a bonus you can select between original and chiptune versions [Music] finally you have another great caravan three minute score attack mode just as in the previous game and it seems just as juicy as the last see how high you can score by maximizing your bonuses throughout the level maintaining your kill chains for as long as possible if you enjoy this mode in the original raging blasters like we did on my discord when we used it for a caravan competition you'll love it here too along with the main game which gives you normal hard and expert with normal being perfect for novices moondancer is another super fun release by terraren and highly recommended for fans of the older pc engine style shooters as well as anyone who already played and enjoyed raging blasters [Music] stellar fury is a game i quickly showed in my last video but is coming along nicely now an alpha build and available to try free on itch io the gameplay has come a long way and it's more fun to play now along with being more accessible on the normal setting you have your typical standard and focus shot but you're also given an ultra focus where holding down the trigger gives you a limited beam that also slows incoming bullets the arcade mode has one hit kills in response for chasing the one cc while the mission mode gives you a three hit health bar and kicks you back to a checkpoint at death along with saving your progress to play across multiple sessions there's also a planned caravan mode still in development it's a good looking game and supports not only y but ultra wide screen modes as well as taute and has a ton of graphic options to play with john bodon world recognized bass player and musician is handling the music and the guitar work is freaking sweet with a dark metal vibe [Music] so i'm looking forward to one badass soundtrack it's still early but you can currently try it for free so if it looks cool go download the demo and add it to your wishlist [Music] [Applause] [Music] of course there's still a ton more games coming this year that just don't have a playable demo yet but are coming soon so here's a taste of even more to look forward to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shmup Junkie
Views: 44,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Upcoming Retro Arcade Games 2022, retro gaming, retro games, shoot em ups, arcade games, shmups, bullet hell, shmup junkie, neo geo, mega drive, dreamcast, video games, STG, jitsu squad, beat em up, run n gun, xbox, switch, ps4, steam, upcoming games, retro game collecting, video games 2022, upcoming games 2022 ps4, new games 2022 ps4, top 10 gaming, new games 2022 pc, bullet hell games, retro games on ps4, retro video game collecting, upcoming games 2022
Id: iV0wWj4YSBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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