New uk knife law thoughts and opinions!

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YouTube Mad Dog here welcome back to my channel hope y'all having a great to start to thee watches over here the bank holiday weekend and unusually enough over in the UK it's nice hot and sunny today so room after I've shot this little video get me someone with those rays George move out York makes you feel great and it bit of sunshine so the subject of this video in short is I've been asked well by one or two people what my thoughts and opinions are on the proposed new dreaded UK knife floors so before I start I'm not going to go into a full runs i've try not to swear because i like to keep my channel clean and but it is something I do feel passionate to about and from the from the offset these are just my thoughts and opinions so please apologies in advance if I do offend anybody or if any of you guys Weiss's disagree with what I think then I apologize straight away but you know that's what makes this whole democracy supposedly a great thing is the freedom to have different opinions so let's get into it without going into all the detail um the main one for all guys and lasses over in the UK is the fact that we are no longer going to be allowed to order knives online and have them delivered to your door to your home address however that being said there is the most likelihood of you still being able to order knives online and have them sent to a post office or a place of work we don't actually know yet for sure the detail then beyond the laws haven't been properly released so just getting into the meat and bones of this then for me personally I think is like everybody else I as far as I can see are coming to the same conclusion that is just a knee-jerk reaction by our government who have got to be seen to be doing something to manage this epidemic as though the media like to call it of this knife crime that we're currently seeing in the major cities of over in the UK my stunts point on it is it isn't a knife issue behind all the media and the hype and we've got to ban knives and exaggerate cetera for me it's deeper than that it isn't a knife issue it's a culture issue it's a people issue of course for me as we all know statistically the knife crimes that are being committed are usually committed by younger offenders who are in some way shape or form connected to either gang lifestyle or drug-related crime and theft that type of thing that criminology that's that group of criminals not your Joe Bloggs average person in the street who was going out to commit a knife drop so again the majority are yet again paying the price for the actions of the few moronic stupid people for me having knives delivered to your door will not either way stop or deter a gangster or if you want to call it a gangster mobster thug whatever from committing is is crimes in for example I'm sure as a bushcraft or outdoors person hopefully that's the people and they're I guess targeting in my ear videos I'm sure when you've ordered your adeno file raven swedish knife you've waited two weeks for it to be delivered you take it out the packaging you've paid two or three hundred pounds for this thing you're going to inspect it admire the craftsmanship you know that Scandi grind is going to be perfect right down to the point excuse me I'm getting hot and sweaty or in the shot you got to admire the woodwork you know and the general skill and craftsmanship and you're going to love it and treasure it the croc on the other hand he's gonna nip into wilcos or a cheap pawn shop or maybe even buy one maybe steal one or just take one from home something like this a kitchen knife one pound fifty from a cheap store this was now as you can see if I want to stab somebody I will use that over something like this this will open all here that I can no longer order online and I've delivered to my door so I can't have that but I can still acquire that mmm so if I was going to stab somebody or attack somebody which one of those two what I choose it's a no-brainer it really is 90 percent of UK knife crime as we all know and is a proven statistic or carried out using kitchen knives etc not bushcraft or hunting knives I would ask the police when they make these arrests and make a big deal out of it on the media please show your evidence and show the type of weapon that was used during the knife fights life crimes all this is doing in my opinion is making life even harder for would-be small self-contained businesses and do-it-yourself businesses UK British businesses the Thai government are on one hand are saying we want to encourage entrepreneurs mmm new staff too little businesses you know let's stand up and look after herself especially in the light of this impending brexit to situation let's let's start to you know encourage growth within our economic community and then they go and do this which completely kills a lot of business for a lot of small artisan professional knife makers build it because of this ridiculous law it still won't stop the criminals I think the only way around this is we've got a one the clock back 60 years and we need discipline starting at home parents should be allowed to discipline the kids again properly not just sit them on the naughty step and have a little chat to them they need disciplining so they know the difference between wrong and right from the offset that needs to follow through to schooling College and the workplace now workplace being said a lot of the gang land activities are usually committed in poorer impoverished areas of the country where work is not available so then you have two classes of people emerge from that you have the people that are intending to use drugs to get over the depression make themselves feel good for a few hours because they have no work no morning you know it's a lift a temporary fix and then you have the sellers who feed that habit the gangling drug dealers if there was Equal Opportunity Employment and jobs for both of those sets of people there will be no need for people to go out and try and get high on drugs there will be no need for gangs to fight over whose turf it is to sell those drugs to include using baseball bats knives guns excuse me and the rest of it so by getting to the root of the problem it's a culture problem it isn't a knife problem that's my opinion that's my take on it we need employment when he discipline we need an effective police force not some 22 year old five four eight ten stone went through policemen that goes around with a laptop when he had the old six foot six copper again on the streets were the truncheon and he will use it if he catches you misbehaving and then when you go home to lick your wounds you're done when he opens the door to let you in gives you another bloody good ID in because you deserve it let's go back to old school methods because me personally this modern softly-softly way clearly isn't working now I know I'm writing what this is my opinion people have asked so I'm giving it Crockett must be one 100 degrees or more in the shed at the moment whew if the jobs aren't available in them communities and if people have already got a criminal record and that stops them from getting any employment or work then let's bring back national service that will definitely instill discipline to some these won't be scumbags let's be honest they have nothing better to do with the lives as for the government banning the sales of knives limiting what we can and cannot buy as law-abiding citizens who have an interest in the outdoors whether it be fishing camping bushcraft in just carving survivalism or just collecting knives because they are a thing of beauty and they are a piece of art the hand made a lot of them craftsmanship is phenomenal you're killing all that for us because of the said scorn bugs what about cars and vans let's apply the same logic that these left-wing softly-softly people are applying to our knives to cars and buns the reason I say that there is a growing horrible trend for would-be terrorists mobsters general nutcases hiring stealing or whatever it may be and cars and vans and trucks in some cases and driving them into the public using the corn van as a weapon so I know let's ban all cars and vans because that's what we should be doing if the same logic and laws are applied to any active terrorism or violence let's ban all cars and lorries now bump and off isn't practical isn't feasible it isn't realistic and it isn't dealing with the actual problem it's not the car that's done the damage is the person excuse me behind the wheel and it's the same with a knife a knife it's the same with the gonpa firearm baseball bat anything a tin of coca-cola if you slam it at the side if somebody's head it's gonna injure them so let's ban all I saw ban all beers and tins of pop crying out loud do excuse me it's hot in here and it makes my throat go dry one I'm talking about something that I'm passionate about I don't care about it but I feel there isn't much we can actually do about it over then write letters to your local MPs and let's start a petition for and maybe even do something here on YouTube if any of you guys and lasses feel strongly enough about this and you're in agreement let's sort something out get the ball rolling you know Lobby your local council events write as many letters as you can and just be an absolute thorn in the side let you opinion be known even if it won't make any difference let's let's be honest and we're not true democracy anymore basically we get to decide which dictator we want to tell us what to do that's the top and bottom of it let's be honest but that being said they're a few of my thoughts and opinions on the knife issue it isn't the knives it's the people it's the lack of discipline the lack of proper policing the lack of love for each other the lack of respect for each other if I'm gonna have an argument with anybody out there on the street and people that know me will know this yeah ok if you want to get an old fat old man now what is a young bloke yeah let's get out in the street you pick your place you know you have your fight out of the public's are you have a disagreement Last Man Standing wins we'll go to the pub together our shaker bums pointer beer that's the end of it Queens barrels let's be gentlemanly lochia but let's have a little bit of humanity and respect I'm gonna go and stab you to death because she affirmed you know dissed me or whatever you know you showed me some disrespect and crying out last I'm not going to go to a massive forum I'm trying to try to keep it relevant to the issue in hand which is the knife law proposed changes for me it's ridiculous I mean even right down to the fact that as we all know currently we're not allowed to carry anything blade wise longer than three inches in length it can't be locking knife can be fixed blade so basically you can buy one of these and open off which is less than three inches in length and it doesn't have this little liner lock so basically you have this and open blade which does that every time you use it and these are good sharp knife so every time you use it if you get that stuck in a piece of wood and pull out a bit sharp there you go off to a knee you've just sliced two of your fingers nearly off thank you very much government for why at all shall be safe to use by the user and a knife is a tall no different to a hammer you can beat somebody's head in with a hammer it wasn't designed for that but it will get the job done are we going to ban all hammers or restrict the sales being delivered to your house from a tool station I mean where's the organ and we need to act as the general public I think and stand up and be counted and show our Parliament ministers that we're not having it deal with these scumbags properly deal with the fact that you can't already uphold the current laws and legislation that you have already put in place you can't manage it deal with it spend some money where it's needed for a change you know instead of persecuting the innocent yet again anyway that's me that's my rant over I'm sorry if I have offended anybody I didn't mean to I'm just giving you a proper heartfelt an opinion and my thoughts comment below let me know what yours think thank you all very much for watching normal rubbish videos will resume soon I've got some ideas that I want to throw out there I've got some cracking em ghost chili or the sauce that I'm gonna be sharing with y'all and a little Meston bushcraft type meal I've got some kit reviews just normal rubbish content resumed soon so have a great weekend all I'll see you all soon take care mad dog signing off yeah
Channel: Mad Dog Survival
Views: 5,955
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: Uk knife law changes opinions thoughts
Id: N4UP6O9MyuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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