New Tricks, Old Tractors

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so proud I am so okay you can do it it's good for you loves that look at his mouth look at there wait I want to try this this is proof we're fancy so it's almost as old as I [Music] am okay y'all we are up I'm up here in Wesley's I'm going to call it your studio this the corner of his bedroom and um I am so proud I am so okay so this is what he's this is what he's working on this is what he did so these are our show Numbers we have to use when we show and so when we started showing last year we it was very hard for me to find these for one thing and they were very expensive I'm pretty sure they were $100 a set and we have to have two you have to put one show number on one side of the pad saddle pad and one on the other now you don't have to use a holder you can pen these but these help you got to use the same numbers all year and if you just pen them then they tend to get ripped and torn and so we're using the same numbers that we used last year so anyway um so he's look what he's done he's used this one that I bought as a um what do you call it babe a template yeah like a template and then he's making this for our friend pton that we show go with and I think he could sell quite a few of these actually cuz they are so hard to find online anyway I'm so proud of you buddy look at all this he's got going on here it's just it's a lot I don't know so smart so proud of you mhm so proud of you okay that's awesome I I told him I like this even better I like I like his better than the ones I bought and we've ordered the the little buckles all that stuff so I'll show you the finished product when he gets done I spy a farmer and his son oh goodness are youall working on something for the same thing you're doing something different what are you doing he's making a holder for his um stamps what's happening over in this corner what's that a driver a router a router excuse me it's a router okay here's his finished product look at all those little what's word I'm looking for what are they called the things you're putting in them stamps stamps little stamp holes is what I was trying to say and then he use like a I call it a router it's not no it's a spade bit a spade bit to Dish all this out and he's going to put wood putty in there and then that's just like a little tray good job buddy that's a fun Little Couple Hour project yeah now you're going leather oh leather to woodwork leather working work they all kind of go hand in hand yeah oh we're got to show you what he made for the show too I didn't I don't have that on video I'll show you that next time we ride Flack holder yeah all right it's time to get some more water for the why is that there I don't know I thought we were supposed to get one of those big totes of water but that hasn't happened a what a big water tote to have over here but anyway do you need your mother to help you sit going like this you can do it you can do it it's good for you you just get a video the whole time no I'm not going to video the whole time just part of the time hello hello hello hello we ended up not bringing a horse or two over here today I don't know why because the weather was cool it would have been a great day but um I don't you know because light anyway we're going to get them some water you still got a little bit but needs some more is that good seven is that good good night sleep tight I'm going to take away your I was going to say [Laughter] license we had to make a pit stop look he loves that look at his mouth look is that the spot hanky is that the spot finger let me put your hand under his mouth what what he should usually rub it you're silly boy all right we've given everybody some love everybody everybody has gotten some attention yep okay I'm heading out y'all I'm heading out I need to put this little this little video thing higher up it's like hello hands um it is cool I had to find a little jacket I put most of my stuff up for the winter but um for the summer however that goes it's in the 50s so got the kids going working on a working on a history paper with Wesley but he's going to he's going to Hash it out and finish it up good I know Austin's doing her math I don't even know where alces he disappeared he's around here doing something I am going to do something fun today so I'm heading out let's see that's too like bumpy isn't it I'm heading out to do I'm going to our local County 4H Livestock Show okay it's actually a combination of our County and the neighboring Virginia County because we're right here on the line Danville Pennsylvania County Pennsylvania casell county okay I'm not going to say it right any Who and the barn beer women's committee is serving lunch to the kids that are there showing so I'm heading to do that so that'll be fun to get out and get to see some of these kiddos and their animals I think it's supposed to be a really big show this year so um if you were around a few years ago you know we were we we were going to do that we were going to do that the kids got sheep and um then the whole world stopped and the show got cancelled and they decided they didn't want to do that anymore they just want to pet sheep so that's how we ended up with Rusty and Rea yeah uh speaking of which you need to go over there and check on them here in a little while um so that's today y'all that's what we're doing I really want to try to ride today because it is so cool and so lovely so maybe we'll get a trail ride in this afternoon and um I don't know what he's doing I don't see him he was working on the backhoe I need to check on that our backhoe has been out of operation for like 2 years and he used to use that all the time and it really is needed so he's been working on that and what else I don't know I don't know we're going to hang tight around the farm this weekend we need a little break Wesley's going turkey hunting twice with our friend Doug so hopefully he'll get get at least one and then um we're just going to stay here and take care of things that have been neglected from being gone and doing so much so that's where we're at it's a beautiful day to ride a horse hey hey hey or should I say nigh neigh nigh um Lawrence just came in we didn't know where he was he gets on Austin for going out and not telling anybody when she's on her horse which she's got to stop doing that um but we never know where he is and he's like well I want to ride I said well go get your horse so maybe he's going to get his horse we're going to so I missed a bunch this morning I'm super sad about it so we had a calf that was out so Austin saddled up rip and went over with him and I don't think they had any trouble getting the cap in but then she decided to just um work with rip and the ring with seven and she was talking about how she did roping and she used the hard rope which we don't do a lot and um well Rippy well Rippy um and then Lawrence said he taught her how to throw a calf down and all this stuff so we're going to I want to see all that and I want to try it well maybe not throwing the calf down but roping anyway so we're heading over there it's a beautiful day it's getting warmer y'all I think our our 70s are on their way out Austin just looked at the weather and the next 10 days it's going to be in the upper 80s but that will be hay weather for next week so you know you got to look at it both ways I reckon all right let's go see what we can do okay all right she rugged him which I should have got now she's oh oh is that how daddy T you to do it you just keep going around okay there you go now she's ready for Brandon y'all she's ready to she's ready to do some brandons look at there very good Brandon doctorin whatever would need to be done he's like I'm just going to lay here thanks I don't like this game very much I wish I had videoed you roping him oh me trying to ride and video and do all the things at the same time is proving to be hard but anyway that was cool so she roped them and then just kind of circled around them at first the Rope was going all the way around his body but then it just went around his back legs all the way around his body it supposed to but it still worked that way legs yeah okay supposed to go all the way well it started that way and then it slipped but it still worked get him all righty oh that went all the way went all the way through that's all right she hasn't missed well that worked perfect okay y'all the burkers are ready and I got to I got to tell you I just did something different so I've showed you my like the way I like to make patties in the past where I use um plates and smash them between the plates well tonight I did something different so Austin has been using this in the mornings for her eggs and I was like wait I want to try this so I had these all in balls and I put the ball in there and I just smashed it till it was even around there then flipped it look at that I like this I might like this even better they might be they're more uniform they're a little thicker yeah okay what do y'all think I didn't know Wesley was back but he just came in here he didn't they didn't have any luck hunting he said that um he said what did he say there was other people hunting close by no there was people shooting and then they were hunting down by the river and a bunch of kayakers came by were they making a lot of noise yeah they were making a lot of noise so didn't have any luck my hands have been so dry y'all I'm loving this stuff so this is body satin hand cream it smells good and it feels so good we'll just make that this video switch away switch away product of the video if you're interested and switching away from big box stores that don't have your interest at heart that don't care about you or our country and you want to make a switch to USA owned USA made products like this and this amazing dishwashing soap everybody uses lotion and soap am I right where do you buy it Walmart Amazon you don't have to you can um go to switch withth and join the team okay that's all um let's go make some burgers and um if you missed my last video where I talked about my my new mocktail I'm calling it yeah go check that out so yummy getting my fiber and my ACV and my little seltz for water and I made it Fancy with a glass straw I mean who says we're not fancy around here this is proof we're fancy okay that's all we're going to the grill the horses are just here hanging out with us tonight hey guys how you doing just trying to keep the flies at bay we got to find the rest of our um mask and get them on you we need to fix that fence too honey that looks rough and here we are we're done we're done we're done had to do some real cheese and some fake cheese tonight cuz I ran out of the real stuff but guess what my family does not care so I do not care I mean I care but don't anyway okay we're just going to leave at that that's what we got they do y'all they love this processed mess I can't stand it but I keep a little bit for him and it was nice to have tonight okay got a mess here too d yes we do and I just turned the girl off she left it on okay we we'll deal with that another time later this look like Gourmet Wesley yeah I didn't have any real lettuce bless his heart he's having to eat a rugal up but it's pretty it looks like something here we are a fancy again oh that's fancy too guess said I want some no sorry that um who is it that does that well chefs do that but anyway yeah all right y'all we are going to put on fly mask it's in the low 80s today flies out the kids just took off going fishing with some friends with Will and another friend Gracie they're growing the the the crew is growing y'all I love it it makes me so happy so um Lawrence is we'll go check on him in a minute he's doing air condition stuff because we're going to need air conditioning this week on these tractors we're going to need it and hopefully we'll be in the hay before long what we got here whippy which color do you want which color do you want this one or this one this one okay oh think how I'm so easy so easy I'm just going to let that okay show everybody you're good this those big mu ear okay everybody looks so handsome super cool super cool all right you're welcome y I have to show you the cutest thing so Duke has been staying in the trailer it's like his little I think it's like his crate he thinks it's his crate he's asleep are you sleeping are you sleeping oh my goodness good gracious yeah I see okay is this your little bed is this your place y'all if we leave him outside this is where he is always he's right here we drive by he's sitting here looking at you or he's sleeping is it because you stay in here all the time when we go ride it's like he thinks it's his crate it's it's his it's his place it's my safe place it's my happy place all right it's so cute okay one's leaving he said that one he's done with that one he's not sure he got it 100% that's the four-wheel drive so he's going to get another one and bring it up what he's doing is he's charging the air condition so I guess he's going to go get one of the 444s which are the two that we use for hay so we we really need to make sure that those are working in working condition air conditions in working condition it's warm today y'all I'm not lying in the meantime I'm going to switch out my ferns it's time to water my ferns do you remember me showing you this I'm sure some of you do it this way just works so good put some water in a 5 gallon bucket Let Them soak and um water them once a week like this and it'll keep them I just push it down in there push it down down down so the water soaks it really good and um I don't know I let it sit 30 minutes an hour Whatever Whenever I remember to get it out and then you're good to go for the whole week that's very high there the drop C drop cord okay I see the drop cord and hand in the vacuum CER okay can you reach that first needs a vacuum [Music] himself okay we get food from ins side that way first okay all right we are going to help here I was saying that filter says 51904 so it's 20 years old it's a filter I reckon that's what you call it for sure yeah what year is this trater it's 80 80 two okay so it's almost as old as I am it's getting Mighty [Music] close all right now he's got everything dusted off and he's hooking up the what do you call him gauges for the air condition and this is what gives it um well do it put coolant in it that's right yeah it puts a coolant in it be free on there 134 used to be free on now it's something else okay and this process takes a while if I remember correctly right you have to wait for it to do something put it in slow put it in L okay you said this is called purging your line yeah purging the line could had that in look like a helium tank okay that's loud and that's a whole process and I think it might take a while I got to go check I think I got to take Wesley to um Bible study I don't know what's going on but going to find out and um we're going to wrap this weekend up going to wrap it up hope yall had a great one some wild stuff going on on here whatever um stay tuned will we be in Hay this week I hope so I hope so I'm ready I'm ready for a little bit of tractor therapy and I hope you'll come back thanks for being here
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 83,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Id: _nHSyDD1FH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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