New Trailers This Week | Week 30 (2021) | Movieclips Trailers

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[Music] it was a name that sounded so sweet so seductive synonymous with words style power but that name was the curse too i've been a gucci all my life your name is in the history books wow you are gucci you need to dress the [Music] parts [Music] it's time to take out the trash they're my family you picked the real firecracker she's a [Music] handful [Music] i don't consider myself to be a particularly ethical person but i am fair [Music] can you keep a secret [Music] what's going on everybody okay they got a call said there was trouble in the house okay yeah okay well you all need to look around it's a little wet for practice don't you think don't the girls have schoolwork to do they do their homework tandy's first in her class lynn and isha are two nominee mind you saying we hard on these kids you know why cause we are that's our job to keep them off these streets you wanna check on the kids let's check on the kids we got future doctors and lawyers plus a couple of tennis stars in this house the chances of achieving the kind of success that you're talking about it's just very very unlikely okay you're making a mistake but i'm gonna let you make it watch him hit a few balls all right so tell me your names again i'm venus i'm serena so what you think i wrote me a 78-page plan for their whole career before they was even born yeah baby yeah these girls so great how come i've never heard them they're from compton it's okay they're just not used to seeing good-looking people's like us she's nervous take a step up [Music] maybe if you were to take a few more steps up just get someplace safe i think you might just have the next michael jordan oh no brother man i gots me the next two this next step you're about to take you're not gonna just be representing you you're gonna be representing every little black girl on earth i'm not gonna let you down how could you this world they never had no respect for richard williams but they're gonna respect y'all you walk out there with your head up you are a champion and the whole world the most dangerous creature on this whole earth it's a woman who know how to think yes daddy ain't nothing she can't do [Music] you wanna show them how dangerous you are [Music] venus and serena gonna shake up this world [Music] venus williams who is your best friend you daddy serena williams who is your best friend genus than you thank you [Music] you're a great mom i don't know i'm fine with trevor but with phoebe she really keeps me on the outside that's normal she's an awkward nerdy kid maybe a new home can be an opportunity to start fresh i just wish he'd get into some trouble there's still time [Music] what are you doing here in somerville anyway we're completely broke and our grandfather left us this creepy old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere your father wasn't much of a homemaker he could hardly keep the power on you're saying he left us nothing well i wouldn't say nothing [Music] you went with station wagon it's the only one that had an engine what is happening here somehow a town with no fault lines is shaking on a daily basis maybe it's the apocalypse egon came out here for a reason are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic have you or any of your family ever seen a spook inspector or ghost [Music] oh my god [Music] you guys hear that something's coming the whole city it's like the walking dead we're closed hey blue guy what do you got going on to spread the joy house of refuge that that's a great idea man that's genius howdy i'm jimmy jerry lee jones jr this restaurant must be terminated around here we we speak hamburgers and french fries we should not have to put up the foreigners that wish us no good so what man jesus was an a-wrap you loved jesus jesus was a white man wasn't a rat was white man he was a cool arab dude man hung out with prostitutes drank wine hey he did not you're gonna tell me what happened it's the real stuff you see then good to be we have something real i have the sheriff's permission to be here this is not a neck and neck race i used to help him scare chinese people into leaving town do not upset jimmy i'm not afraid i need people in my church it's the german i got it all under control this town is not big enough for the both of us that's your big plan wow talk to her man oh yes sue jesus i looked him up i don't believe in what you just said that's half the fun huh i'm backed into a corner you can't stop a beloved tree jimmy you tried to make me doubt the ethnicity of my creator and everything that i have built my life upon what [Music] there is a weight a man can accrue this is where all the good stuff happens the weight created by his past actions it is a weight which can never be removed all in you count cards right i'm not that smart bet you win you need someone to stay cute that's what you do you run a stable i'm always looking for a good thoroughbred having been sentenced to 10 years in prison i learned to count cards how'd you do that [Music] poker is all about waiting check raise re-raise call then something happens you remember him this is where all the good stuff happens they made you the fall guy you need to back off you've been around him he's a mystery man i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing this is how it starts just the fleeting thought you might want a piece of what i'm gonna do then it builds what is that set thing straight it doesn't matter to me if you did something bad in your past nothing nothing can justify what we did we are each responsible for our own actions you know the phrase tilt just like a pinball any man can tilt you can tilt is it possible to know when one reaches the limit [Music] you have to be the strangest poker player i ever met oh you have no idea when i'm in the mountains life is so incredibly simple who impresses you right now this kid mark andre leclerc he's been doing all kinds of crazy alpine soloing what i'm doing is on rock and then i see mark andre free soloing on ice and snow first time i heard about mark was living in a snow cave in the parkway or something he is pushing things that is pretty much unknown i'm marc andre leclair i'm a climber generally speaking he's different than anyone i'd ever met i love him for that he belongs in a different area when it was like wild i can tell mark andre stories all day but he doesn't even care if anybody ever knows what he's climbing there's more just to have a casual fun adventure i just hope he's careful anything can happen i mean i know it's dangerous i'm not like deluding myself that it's not dangerous to go soloing so why do it [Music] solo albinism climbing big technical mountains is more than just a sport it's only for the very best climbers on their very best days it's the art of surviving in the most crazy situation mark andre has some challenges as a kid climbing it's like a form of freedom to be himself when you're in the mountains it's like all of the superficialities of life just sort of evaporate holy some people consider it the hardest peak in the americas is a razor's edge between genius and madness that's a sharp hard edge to ride mark dropped off the radar a climber has gone missing if death was not a possibility coming out would be nothing not an adventure and not an hour how was it scary no not particularly just another day out a really good day out [Music] ah [Music] uh foreign i may not always love you but long as there are stars above you you [Music] know look at this [Music] hola i'm sorry who who are you what are you doing in my house uh you're so dead who are you again i'm your spanish teacher so i have to speak spanish for one day well i actually bought the 100 lesson package will did you buy me a hundred spanish lessons yeah why because you wanted to learn spanish dummy oh [Music] buenos dias adam in dirty dancing how everybody just calls baby baby ah i stalked your social media what i found out that it was your birthday so ready one two three here we go [Music] [Music] though [Music] i just want to make sure that you're okay [Music] hola papa what i wanted to say what i was kind of afraid to say is hit him yes hit him yes stop calling me so late so unprofessional fine so are you single pete i find women intolerable right my dad he sort of hovers by the door while my mother takes a moment god how stifling oh just lovely no i pretty much adore you taxi define letting herself go you get married to a total babe but she's not perfect she has a face shaped like a crescent moon like a punching judy puppet but she's loyal and spirited like a collie you'll marry me in a year i like this we're in practice safe sex no we're not having sex oh god let's just say that if after a year we're undecided about marriage then we'll just park company welcome to my life how long you staying for indefinitely not family friend she's getting married we should go and watch people being happy every wife respect your husband take care of a man he's a delicate flower you're making us sick what is going on here she used to be such a funny child she used to write these little love letters and then often little desperate the man wants to marry me dad you're a gift it will end badly marriage babies these days we wait and wait for everything to align with the stars and it just doesn't happen mandy how'd you find the smothering not as bad as the hateful honesty but do you want i want a man my father lusted after freedom the kind of freedom most free people never experienced the suspect has been identified as john vogel the second largest counterfeiter in us history vocal printed over 22 million dollars he came and went from our lives he always made me feel like part of a bigger world just take good care of her babies okay [Music] dad what do you do trouble [Music] just tell me the truth you're gonna get it when you walk a mile in my shoes i'm guilty to improve an innocence [Music] through the years long and wearing with you my dreams i will be sharing in whatever you choose to endeavor i will support you forever and ever think the greatest hope a man can have is leave something beautiful behind some that he may up who had a great summer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hotel [Music] cuisinart [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] uh all houses where and men have lived and died are haunted houses through the open doors the harmless phantoms all their errands glide with feet that make no sound upon the floors we meet them at the doorway on the stair along the passages they come and go palpable impressions on the air the sense of something moving do and fro [Applause] the night house where did our come down from the tree you can stay with me when it came to music andres and i became so in sync not a moment at a place until the letter came [Music] marta [Music] nothing would mean more to me than for us to sing together again so you guys were like a duo she was also the love of my life but i never told her how i felt all my love i put it into a song you spent your life making real news he will he must deliver this song to mark that she needs to know that i love her mata here i come [Music] martha needs to hear this song and i'm gonna get you there get in my bag ugh the mission for love is han no go to town his name's vivo use the possum gaby that's a pikachu aka the honey bear for the size [Music] you can't stop now [Music] what are you gonna do now i don't know but sometimes you gotta improvise and she missed we [Music] i love lives forever in your heart [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movieclips Trailers
Views: 377,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021 trailers, american sausage standoff, flag day, ghostbusters afterlife, house of gucci, king richard, lamb, language lessons, movieclips, new trailers, official competition, parallel monsters, rare beasts, the alpinist, the card counter, the night house, top trailers, trailers, vivo
Id: 1q1srDEhF6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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