NEW TOEFL speaking question 4 - How to study in 1 hour with NoteFull - Current Question 6

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hello this is Joseph from know full and I'm excited to talk to you today and help you improve on the new TOEFL speaking question 4 which is the old TOEFL speaking question 6 so we'll talk about that in a little bit of detail but first I want to prepare you for this video because I want it to be kind of a training session between us so that you can really feel improvement at the end and on your next TOEFL be in a position to get your dream score so the way I want to do that is that most students when they interact with Note bullets either through an email first or they register for a program or maybe a phone call but in this in the first interaction it's very casual right kind of back and forth learning about you what you want your TOEFL for what your dream score is so at the same time I want this not only be kind of like that to support you and guide you but I also want it to be like a tutoring session so we're really gonna work on an actual question together I'm gonna train you on some things to help you improve so it's easier from what we learned that other students get a lot of help with when we train them so to begin I want to make sure to have that and that's gonna take some time so maybe about 30 minutes to an hour so I know a lot of videos you know sometimes they're popular when they're three minutes and things like that but our goal is really to guide you and to work with you when you're kind of struggling or when you're new and you really want to be walked every step of the way because that's kind of what that's what we focus on and that's what I want to make sure to provide you with so if that sounds good you know let's jump right in and get started and so we're gonna go into the video here into the screen so it's like a little chalkboard and so the first thing I want to tell you is just to prepare you depending on when you're watching this video I'm sure you're pretty aware that the TOEFL is gonna change in August 2009 teen and so before that change when this video was made you know there were six questions on the TOEFL speaking question section right one two three four five six and so what's gonna happen after August is that two of those are going to get you're gonna disappear was gonna get rid of them question 1 and question 5 are going to be gone so what that means is that you're only gonna have after August 4 questions 1 2 3 4 which is great news because even though each question will have more value in your score so you can say there's a little bit more pressure to perform fewer chances to make errors because you're only working on four questions you know you can really train effectively for them so this is the old question 6 which is gonna be the new question for after August and so question 2 is gonna turn into question 1 question 3 will turn into question 2 and question for you know right now before August is gonna turn into question 3 so I'll put then you confuse you but just to add some clarity now what I want to do is kind of talk to you up here for a minute again because one benefit is that we've been through TOEFL changes for the last decade so we were training on the TOEFL when it was paper-based you know way back when then when it was computer-based and then when it turned internet-based so we've seen how the TOEFL and ETS goes through the changes and so what we've learned is at least from before often times it takes about 3 to 6 months for the TOEFL to stabilize so you'll see variations happen a little bit more when the changes take place and then after 3 to 6 months it becomes quite predictable over the years they'll change a few things but not too much so the purpose of this video is to guide you in a way that prepares you for anything that doesn't mean they're gonna be huge changes but maybe you'll see little variations more than you're used to for example one thing that you can consider is since they're eliminating question 1 you know question 2 for the TOEFL speaking before August is a choice question you know an opinion about whether you agree or disagree with something whether you prefer A or B what you think should be done that kind of thing so that question is gonna stay pretty much the same but I imagine that maybe some elements of question 1 you know which is like an open question sometimes you have three choices might find their way in the question - you know that new question one and the other questions you know that are going to be in the toefl after August I think they're gonna be pretty much the same pretty predictable so I just wanted to give you a sense that as you take the TOEFL to be a little open and that's why we train students with comprehension first strategy second because when you comprehend what you do you're doing you're going to be more prepared for variation you're not going to be you know thrown off and that way you can be confident when you take the TOEFL and we know we've done our job for you and so that means that there's gonna be some critical thinking there's gonna be some challenge in this video but it's going to be good because it's gonna build your strength so that you can succeed on your exam I hope that sounds good so now what we're gonna do is you're gonna go back into the screen and what I want to share with you is in that focus on comprehension first you know strategy seconds which is definitely going to get you to success faster today's video focus on focus is on the new question for the old question six now before we start training we need to have some perspective and so I want to talk to you a little bit just as a quick reminder of how the TOEFL grades you so what's gonna happen is that on the TOEFL of course your answer is going to be recorded we're going to talk about the structure of the question and everything soon but you're gonna have a recording for question four new question four old question six is going to be sixty seconds and that recording is going to be listened to by two Raiders and each Raider is going to assign that recording a rating of one two three or four over all the questions right and what's going to happen is your ratings are going to be then converted into a score out of thirty right that's where you get your 24 out of 30 your 30 out of 30 your dream score now what this means is this is why it can be really challenging and you want to be compact with yourself if it's tough to improve because these are huge shifts that means they're dividing every single speaker of English across millions of students through every country into four categories only so that means that you can be a high three right you can really be doing well and you can sound quite different from the three that might be a lower three you know three a student who recorded an answer that just barely got that rating so that's why sometimes we have to improve several habits we have to study for several hours over several months to make that significant shift to the next rating and see our score jump from a 22 out of 30 to a 24 out of 30 to a 26 out of 30 so we're gonna train you to consider your evaluation whether your recording is going to earn more likely a three or a four now how are we going to do that well we've got to go to the basics right comprehension first strategy second let's actually see the rubric the rules that the ETS Raiders are given to evaluate your recording by now I want to be you know practical because we've taken the TOEFL we've been doing this for ten years we've worked with thousands of students we've seen and we hurt so much that when you look at this it is quite general right so it's not necessarily the best thing to look at when you train because it's so general that you kind of don't really know where to go or how to improve but with our guidance we can mix them both and with this idea of comprehension first strategy seconds just by connecting with the language they use to rate you of three or four I think it's really gonna open your eyes and help you to train to improve and to just know what to do to succeed so they're gonna rate you a one two three or four we've only included the scores of three and four because our experience is that most of you watching this video one score in the 20s either in the low 20s or the high 20s and of our students want to get you know 24 25 26 for physical-therapy dentistry pharmacy you know practicing medicine law going to graduate school so we know we're working with you and you're serious about success so we're gonna talk now about what we've done which is just deleted a couple of things so that we really get to the root of what's the difference between a recording that earns a three and a recording that earns a four so you know how to move up and how we're gonna train you so let's go over this language together so we have general description delivery language use and topic development so when you deliver your answer and this is the ratings that are used right now before August for questions three four five and six and after August they will be used for questions two three and four so the question we're training on today so when you look at this you see it says fulfills the demands of the task that's basically that you answered the question you did what they asked you to do now here's another one that's pretty good highly intelligible and exhibits sustained coherent discourse that just means that when we listen to your recording from beginning to end we understand we see the logic we see the connection were not lost in your sentences so this is really important because sometimes students forget that nothing is assumed everything must be expressed to create the main idea now we're gonna train you because that might make you feel too much pressure to say a lot but we're gonna talk to you about the details not being as important as the connection now how does that compare with the three rating if fall short of being fully developed essentially what that means is your answer focuses so much on the details that it's not really clear or easy to see that you understand the connection of things and again we'll talk about that noticeable lapses in the expression of ideas that just means that when we're listening to you there's kind of a jump in logic so for example if you think about the alphabet we kind of hear you say a B and then pause and then D and then F so it's like something's missing if we follow you carefully there's there's something that leaves us with a question mark now delivery is how you sound speech is generally clear fluid and sustained so that just means you flow smoothly from beginning to end you know you can have some hiccups some difficulties some arms and ahhs but overall it's easy to listen to you now I want to kind of talk with you about this because you can have any accent I want you to feel confident it's just that the sounds that you're producing are clear enough so that we understand the words you're saying so accents are perfectly fine but when words are difficult to hear and that creates a difficulty in following the sentence then we have trouble and that shows itself as minor difficulties with pronunciation and intonation this is a really often skipped point for students we're gonna talk about that today you notice my intonation right you see how my pitch changes to create emphasis there's kind of a sing-song nature to the speaking English and here it says require some listener effort right so that's pretty clear so now we know that we need to fulfill the task and be logical we need to speak from beginning to end smoothly now this can be hard this can take hours and weeks of effort depending on where we are but it gives you a sense of how you're being evaluated so thank you for being patient really important for us to set the foundation so that when we train you know exactly why we're focusing on what we're focusing on so you don't have weeks of effort that don't result in improvement now we have language use so that just means that you're using the appropriate words I think this effective word choice makes the most sense not difficult words not tricky words the simplest clearest words that are through it for example let's say a student is going to blank the bus right we hear many answers for example the students going to get the bus now get is kind of awkward right it's not the ideal word choice we don't really get the bus what do we do we take the bus now take is also strong but another stronger word that's a bit more accurate might be right right so word choice means that you're thinking carefully and just choosing the simplest words that mean what you want to say so for example would you make food or would you cook food right would you make a cookie or would you bake a cookie so just little things that show the difference between a three and a four because of three some imprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or grammar now this can be tricky because some is not a lot so we noticed that students tend to struggle with you know every student has their own difficulties and challenges but where we notice is delivery with smoothness being a challenge for students and word choice the students just don't seem to concentrate on the words they're using just kind of want to get through their notes but we're going to talk about that now topic development okay clear progression of ideas basically it kind of copies this idea of is highly intelligible from the general description I think the only thing that really makes sense is conveys the relevant information I'm gonna circle this because you're literally being tested on what you're choosing to say because the convert the lecture will always be longer than 60 seconds but your speech will be limited to 60 seconds so they're actually testing you if you try to say everything you've not passed the test and will earn a three dropping your score to maybe a 22 or 20 or 18 out of 30 and you see appropriate detail that means you're not saying just anything but you're saying what expresses the point now thank you for following me with this because we're gonna refer to this later and it's going to be really important right the foundation for your success now what's a three sum in completeness and accuracy or lack of specificity sorry specificity and choppiness in the progression of ideas again that's kind of like this idea so they're repeating themselves a little bit so I hope you can really take this in and now I want to talk to you one on one all right thank you we spent I don't know like 15 minutes on that so far we haven't even talked about the question yet now this is the biggest thing that separates us because our whole focus is not on practicing with you but on training you so after every hour you're more skillful and able to do what you need to do to get your dream score so it takes a little effort takes some thinking so I'm really happy you're with me and I think it's gonna contribute to at the end of this video really feeling more able to succeed I hope so so now we talked about that so let's take a deep breath and remember that it would be great if you watch this video three times if you're working hard to improve you know if after once a one watch you got it that's perfect and awesome but our experience is it usually takes two or three times to watch you know the first time to get the idea the second time to really understand it right first time it's kind of awareness second time you understand and third is when things start to make a lot of sense and we can even say we're developing mastery now under the timed pressured conditions of the TOEFL we can still perform so that's my hope for you and remember that on YouTube you know if you hit the little gear icon you know YouTube's always changing but I hope it remains a gear icon for a while you can speed up the video so it can even improve your listening comprehension if you watch the second time a little faster or the third time so we're having our conversation we're moving in right I got to throw in a you can do it stay strong and now let's go ahead and practice an actual question right don't I'm done the fun begins okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a question from our program right we have courses in the speaking all sections of the TOEFL so we're gonna get right to it and what we want to do is again train you and from what we've learned from students so if we prepare you what I want to say is that most students that we have that are working to improve need some support with how to take notes in a way that supports them and here's the most important thing understand first take notes second so a lot of students what they do is fail so if we kind of work together right here they'll start to almost try to take dictation like just every word they hear they write down and so that means the words are kind of bypassing or jumping past your brain and going to your hand but what you want to do is you want to understand the idea that you're hearing first and only after you understand take notes because if you think about it you're being tested on your ability to explain something on your ability to pick the relevant details how can you do that if you're if you didn't understand and then you took notes that's going to be really challenging because that means when you're looking at your notes and you're talking you're stressed about the time you're thinking to yourself about the notes you're really probably not giving much attention to the story or the explanation itself and that's going to keep you at a 3 rating keep you out of 20 to 20 or 18 out of 30 when my experience is most of you want to get to the mid-20s to high 20s right and that's what we're gonna do so how do we train that right over the years what have we learned we'll change that immediately for you very simple all I want you to do is close your eyes relax and listen with full intention just as if you're listening to a documentary watching a movie you know it's just I'm learning about something new I can I assume that most of you love learning maybe you don't love the TOEFL but I imagine a lot of you like picking up magazines or academic professionals so if we engage that you can really find interesting information from the TOEFL oh I didn't know that that's kind of interesting so let's listen to an example question six let's just listen and then afterwards we'll talk about the structure from your comprehension of what it is and how we can create our answer to create success so let's listen to a typical common standard what you can expect question six before August question four after August on the TOEFL so here we go jean piaget a famous swiss psychologist proposed a theory to explain how children learn to adapt their thinking to better understand and function within their world according to Piaget they adapt their thinking in two important but different ways through assimilation and accommodation in assimilation individuals observe something that they've never seen before and then incorporate what they've observed into their existing knowledge without any change for example consider a little boy who wants to hang a picture in his room he's never used a hammer or a nail before but he sees his father used them all the time he remembers that his father takes the nail with one hand and places it in the position he would like then he takes the hammer in his other hand and swings it to hit the nail so that it will firmly rest in the wall finally his father takes the picture and hangs it though the boy has never done this before he simply takes what he's observed his father do incorporates that information into his own knowledge and then uses it to achieve his desired result that's assimilation during accommodation an individual adjusts or changes his behavior to adapt to new information if we expand on the previous example we can clear this idea up let's say that as the boy copies his father he doesn't quite get the desired result he will adapt his behavior to the situation for instance he knows that his father always holds the hammer from the bottom but when the boy holds the hammer from the bottom he finds that it is too heavy and he can't control it very well and he never manages to hit the nail he adapts to this new information this fact that he can't control the hammer well by holding it nearer to the top thus the child changes his behavior as a result of the new information and succeeds at hanging the picture that's accommodation alright gratulations so kind of it's tough it's not easy but what I hope you kind of got jarred or shaken into is this completely new focus of actually listening to understand following the story picking up the transition words the professor is using hearing the repetition of key words so that your entire focus is on the story the explanation what's being taught rather than oh I missed that what was that word what was this detail so for everyone like depending some of you right now probably got it excellent and some of you probably need to rewind and hear it again and just kind of relax and start to let go of the desire to catch every word to ignore it so that you can get all the words around at the context and find that it's easier to understand the story so now let's go into the structure that you can expect on the TOEFL for this question so you can be prepared for you for success using this as an example so we go back and again you're going to be able to I'll have a link for you to download our notes that we're making here but if we go back to our screen one thing that I want to share with you is that when you heard this it was about two minutes right you're always gonna listen to a one and a half to two minute lecture from a professor on some kind of topic on psychology business animal behavior you know kind of these basic TOEFL topics that you I think are kind of familiar with now the first thing you're gonna do as you've already heard is what was this about this was about a theory about who adults no children right so you're kind of picking it up trust your understanding and your comprehension so the idea was about how children function in their world right so you're gonna get a topic and here I'm just gonna put notes how CH for children function in the world right now what I want to do next is what did they do they talked about that a little bit this was a topic so this this main idea this topic is either gonna be described or defined they're gonna talk about it for a little bit we're gonna spend 20 seconds introducing it 10 seconds 25 seconds depending on the example you get then what do they do well they talk about two subtopics so they'll talk about two ways children function two methods two consequences two reasons two results to something and they might be different you know the first might be how something is done the second might be the result so there's some variation but it's like a topic described and then two subtopics so what was the first one do you remember the name right starts with an A and that's assimilation so I'm just taking little notes your assimilation now do you remember the definition how is that described what is assimilation amazing how much your brain remembers right as symbol is a assimilation what does a child do a child incorporates something they've never done before right into their own knowledge to achieve a desired result then once you get the subtopic and the definition or description you get an example to illustrate it to teach you that teach you that definition better so if you listen you're learning and then when you learn you can explain it better so that example was about what was it about a little girl was about an old man know was about a little boy right and what did that boy want to do right kind of amazing how much you remember that boy wanted to hang a picture on his wall and what how did he incorporate the information he's never done it before right and see how I'm using the words in the definition just training you for it you're gonna hear that repetition you're gonna hear that illustration exactly how they define or describe the subtopic the example will copy it a hundred percent that's why it's a standardized test the boy copies his uncle no his father right and then you get a second subtopic and in the second subtopic it's not assimilation its accommodation and the key thing is now you do something what the same now you change you do something different right so the child doesn't get the desired result has to change live in the situation and what example did we get the same one the little boy and when he tried to copy his father he couldn't do it because he couldn't control the hammer very well now depending on your comfort depending on how you listened you might have gotten different amounts but I'm pretty confident that you got woken up a little bit to the importance of paying attention and understanding first taking notes second and realizing the power of your memory and that when you rely on memory most students immediately start concentrating on what's relevant remember that from the rubric right what is not extra and unnecessary but what's important to explain the idea and that's gonna give you a four rating so let's go ahead and use a different color and just review the structure right so I want you to you know pause the video take notes feel completely comfortable watching this again because we're gonna help you with this question and question the other questions you're gonna have on the TOEFL because this way of taking notes is the same as the other questions when you read or when you listen you want to understand first take notes second so what you have is a topic and then you have that topic defined or described in greater detail then you have a subtopic again you have that defined or described and then you have an example that directly illustrates what the definition or description was and you have that again a subtopic right sub T for topic definition description and an example that illustrates now let's talk about some variations on the TOEFL it's very standard to get a question exactly like this here are some variations to prepare yourself for that will not be a big deal if you comprehend first take note second you might get one subtopic definition and example that happens it's rare but it happens you might get one subtopic definition and two examples more rare but it can happen the other thing you might get is kind of a very big definition a really long description and a short example so it might throw you off because the standard is the definition might take you know 20 seconds and the example is 30 seconds so the example needs more attention when you discuss it because it was more of the lecture but sometimes it's different so again you want to listen understand first take note seconds and then model your answer according to the structure of the lecture so if they spent more time on the examples you do to if they spend more time on the definition then you do that now the next thing that I want to show you is now that you know your memory is so awesome you can recognize that your notes or tools to help you so you don't need to write down everything you just need to write down what you think you might forget some things you know you'll remember and some things you won't and that's where training helps because you can go back and forth a little bit you can you can practice the same question a few times and notice what words kind of help you and what words you don't need and that will help you for the next kind of new question and that's how we train we train with one question with full power so that we gain confidence and we feel certain that on the next question we can do even better so now that we've talked about this you're gonna watch more than once let's go ahead and take notes together so I'm gonna cook play and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take notes now for the sake of the video what would be great is if you we wound right now and you know just take your time go back listen again and take notes on your own and then you can watch me take notes and it's kind of a learning experience because you'll notice the difference so again right now go back listen again and then take your own notes on your sheet of scratch paper and then watch me take notes okay so hope you pause the video do that now and now we'll imagine you did that and let's go ahead and listen together and take notes so I'm going to go ahead and get a new sheet of scratch paper now we want to prepare ourselves for success so even though we know there's variation there are a few things that I'm gonna do to train you in so that you're prepared for success the first thing that you can do on the side of your scratch paper as this question is approaching is you can do something like this so you'll prepare yourself with s.coups I wouldn't put s I put t write the topic so it models the structure that you're already kind of anticipating topic definition subtopic definition example subtopic definition example here's another thing when you take notes to keep in mind you want to indent indent means move to you know kind of push in or out so what happens is when you take notes on the topic it might look something like this and then when you take notes on the definition you indent so you make little bullet points so this shows this information is actually part of that now when you do the subtopic you can kind of restart do something similar like this and then the example so that way when you explain your notes there's a very nice structure to it because you indent every time you move into another level of detail so subtopic definition example so you show what your notes are actually doing it's a nice visual aid so that's these are little tools to help you take notes now let's talk a little bit so as you can imagine you know at note fold we do a lot of training so you're getting a lot of I hope you see helpful information to help you succeed and so what I want you to take in mind is some of you maybe you will just need to watch this video and you're prepared to get your dream score and others of you will need more time so I want you to feel comfortable that just because you know it doesn't mean you'll do it and it's not because you're stubborn it's just because you need training to be able to build the skills and the comfort to be able to do it on the TOEFL that can take weeks and that can take months for example we have an online series for the speaking where we work with students eight hours a week four hours online classes for our self-study material will reevaluate their feedback and give the lessons based on their feedback and students need weeks very focused help because it's not easy everyone's different some of us need a week or two some of us need a day or two and some of us need a few months it all depends on where we're coming from so I want you to feel confident that if after this video you feel oh man that was great that was helpful and then you try a question on your own as I go what's going on you know I'm not applying anything you feel comfortable you review the video you know below this video is a link where we have you know I'll talk to you more about that later but there's always more help and you just because we've been through this a lot you know so we know that depending on your experience with the TOEFL it can get stressful and even a little depressing sometimes right because for some of you you've never had an exam that challenge do you like this in your entire life and you've taken a lot of intense exams so just know that you're not alone it takes time so you you give yourself that comfort and that space and maybe you jump into training a little sooner than you'd like with us or anyone else so you really start transforming and maybe not jumping around and and kind of getting these different tutorials if you don't find that helpful because students can spend months on that before they start doing focus training and lose some time and gain some frustration and stress that way so again this is just the conversation and a tutoring session that's long that I hope you found helpful now let's go ahead and show you how I take notes and then we'll do some more training and finish up this video so that there's full power okay so let's listen again and you can watch as I take notes jean piaget a famous jean piaget a famous swiss psychologist proposed a theory to explain how children learn to adapt their thinking to better understand and function within their world according to Piaget they adapt their thinking in two important but different ways through assimilation and accommodation in assimilation individuals observe something that they've never seen before and then incorporate what they've observed into their existing knowledge without any change for example consider a little boy who wants to hang a picture in his room he's never used a hammer or a nail before but he sees his father used them all the time he remembers that his father takes the nail with one hand and places it in the position he would like then he takes the hammer in his other hand and swings it to hit the nail so that it will firmly rest in the wall finally his father takes the picture and hangs it though the boy has never done this before he simply takes what he's observed his father do incorporates that information into his own knowledge and then uses it to achieve his desired result that's assimilation during accommodation an individual adjusts or changes his behavior to adapt to new information if we expand on the previous example we can clear this idea up let's say that as the boy copies his father he doesn't quite get the desired result he will adapt his behavior to the situation for instance he knows that his father always holds the hammer from the bottom but when the boy holds the hammer from the bottom he finds that it is too heavy and he can't control it very well and he never manages to hit the nail he adapts to this new information this fact that he can't control the hammer well by holding it nearer to the top thus the child changes his behavior as a result of the new information and succeeds at hanging the picture that's accommodation okay so you saw me take notes and what I hope you noticed is the indentation and that you didn't see me take notes non-stop you heard you probably saw me take some time and go through the I think you witnessed me understand first take note second and you see how I cross things out how I use arrows to kind of save time and how I put key words that I think are going to help me explain so these are my notes now what you have on the TOEFL right because we've gone through it I'm gonna go ahead and get a new sheet of paper and tell you a little bit more specifically about the structure is that you will get in question number four after August question number six before August you will get a lecture with the structure that you just heard and that we just went over then you will get a question that asks you essentially to always kind of reteach the lecture so if we look at our question using points and examples from the talk explain Jean Piaget A's theory about children always something like that very helpful if you miss something because this can show you the keywords that you want to make sure to explain in your answer or maybe see a word that was a little tricky that you can see how it's spelled so you get a lecture and then you get a question then you get twenty seconds to prepare your response to that question to organize your notes and then you have 60 seconds to speak to answer that question to deliver the information so we're gonna skip for now the twenty second prep time because we've we're already 40 minutes into the video and so I want to make sure to give you a chance to train and to know there's a lot of stuff that we can cover but here's the important elements for us to improve to train to get better in the link below we'll take you to more training and to feel comfortable that yeah if you really want to improve on a question and you're struggling it's normal to spend you know eight to ten hours mastering it and the wonderful thing is with that much focus you can really transform your score some of us might need 30 hours per question some of us might need 2 hours some of us might need 30 minutes but again you want to be comfortable with whatever it takes you so what we're gonna do is I'm not gonna prepare and you're not going to prepare either with your notes if you'd like you can listen again and take new notes using what you learned from my example I think that would be great and I encourage you to do that now right pause go back listen again and take notes as you watch me to kind of model that because that's the way you can take notes for question number 4 before August and question number 3 after August got a little tricky to say that I hope it doesn't confuse you but when we answer I want to remind you because I am a genetic event that you will probably say but Joseph I've heard this more than once so of course I'm gonna speak better than I would if I only heard it once I agree with you that it would will be easier but one thing that we had all the time is just because you understand it doesn't mean you'll answer in a way to get your dream score that's the challenge a lot of skills we teach so what we're gonna do to go back into the actual rubric is to make sure we're going to change the color here hope you're still with me right long video saw the tutoring session is trained ourselves to convey the relevant information and make sure we're delivering in a clear comfortable and sustained way to boost our score into the 24 26 28 and even 30 out of 30 for this and all questions so we have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak to answer I'm going to give us only 30 seconds Wow I'm gonna punish us now why am I gonna do that because I want us to see that many students struggle with the main idea versus the minor details and consistently as a result earn the same score of 18 20 or 22 out of 30 instead of 24 26 28 which you and others are capable of so just like listening without taking notes pushing ourselves to speak in 30 seconds is going to challenge us to say only the main idea so we're gonna take turns and so first I'm gonna go to kind of warm us up and then I want you to go because it's 30 seconds I know it's new and fresh it'll be challenging and we'll try this twice to kind of get used to it to realize what the main idea is now what I'm gonna do is sometimes I think don't use your notes for the 30 seconds because again it challenges you to remember or you might want to use your notes so it's up to you the first one I'm not gonna use my notes I'm just gonna kind of speak from memory because my notes help to integrate that understanding right so let's go ahead watch me trying these 30 seconds listen to what I produce I'll do my best I might not do it well but we're gonna get to the point the best we can here we go in this lecture the professor discusses Jean Piaget x' theory about how children function in the world the first is assimilation that he describes which is where a child observes something they've never seen before and incorporates it into their knowledge to succeed the second is accommodation where a child adjusts what they do to new information to succeed and that's how the professor discusses Piaget theories thirty seconds there's no time for the example right but you see what I focused on was the most critical element so now it's your turn it's gonna challenge you it's gonna be tough but it's gonna transform your feeling of the 60 seconds so work with me nice and comfortable deep breath won't be easy but it's it's gonna challenge you so let's go ahead and give it a try your best 30 seconds go ahead and begin you all right how was that bit challenging right some of you I think did well somebody well that was pretty hard you can retry it okay I'm gonna do it again and this time what I'm gonna focus on is do you notice how I'm speaking right now with you the same way that I'm speaking in the 30 seconds I want you to do that because if you're like most students you can speak more comfortably and clearly and confidently without a timer naturally than with the timer so we want to even that out so try to allow yourself to speak as you do with maybe more energy I personally don't speak faster so you can hear me clearly so that it's a good model so I'm going to boost my speed just a little bit and again work within the 30 seconds to deliver the critical information because that tells you it trains us that in the 60 seconds we have to have that 30 second core and build on it it has to be clear in 30 seconds and then we know we can be full and complete in 60 also it's extra powerful training because the majority of students it's tough we train them to look at the timer four to six times and adjust so you can say the important details and finish on time a lot of students struggle with that because what will happen is in the beginning will will say more about the first example will say more about assimilation will kind of run out of time we'll have 15 seconds left will have a great answer but we won't know how to get to the point and the last 15 seconds just aren't clear and bring us down to a3 bring us back to a 18 20 22 out of 30 on the speaking but if we can learn to adjust to get to the point then even if you have 10 seconds or 15 or 20 you know not enough time as you'd like but enough to get to the main point and the rest of your answer is strong you will have done enough to earn your dream score and that's our goal to put you in a position so you have the best chance of success possible so that's where this training comes from so I'll go again one more time a little faster here we go in this lecture the professor discusses jean piaget theory about how children function in the world so there are two ways the first is assimilation were a child observed something they've never seen and incorporates it into their knowledge the professor gives an example of a boy copying his father to hang a picture the second is accommodation where a child adjusts when they don't succeed for example the boy might change the way he holds the hammer if he fails at first now I didn't conclude but do you see how this thirty Seconds is is just kind of training the focus the main idea is really getting us to look at the timer and not just go through our notes but pick what we're saying so we illustrate the idea as clearly as possible so it's building a muscle so I hope you're with me I know that this comes from years of training so we've been in this video together for a while right fifty minutes but imagine the TOEFL you're gonna have the reading for an hour the listening for an hour ten minute break and then the speaking section so it'll be you know hours of effort so you can imagine this in the TOEFL center that whatever energy you feel you still want to feel it and perform so one more time your chance at thirty seconds really get to the point do your best not to speak quickly but to choose your words so that from the thirty seconds hey I get the idea I don't have all the information but I have enough to understand so one more time here we go go ahead and begin you all right that reaching the end of kind of our little session together but I hope you found that training helpful and what I want to encourage you to do is on all the questions you struggle with for example let's say notes are starting to distract you go back to the basics listen without taking any notes to kind of refresh yourself understand first take notes second let's say you're not finishing on time you're consistently going over time you you don't think you're saying the main ideas you're lost in the details set the timer to 30 or 40 seconds less time than you have and it'll train you to get to the main point now again we haven't even trained our 20 seconds so now when you have the 20 seconds you know and you look over your notes you'll be even more prepared to succeed so we like to do that in training vary things up so that you really feel power under the conditions of the TOEFL now remember we we go through a lot in training to make sure that you're successful so these are just a few of the major points that can help you improve but there's a lot more but before we finish I want to leave you with the experience of the 60 second answer so in 20 seconds to prepare just to give you a sense what you want to do is draw circles around each unit of information and review as you do so what I would do is draw circles around the topic in the description probably the subtopic and its description so I know that unit then the example and as I draw those circles in the 20 seconds you have to prepare kind of looking over the words remembering what you're gonna say now another thing that you're gonna know is because remember there's there's a lot for different students is you want to follow your notes with with your finger when you answer and I'm gonna mimic that with the highlighter and so you're gonna see me go through my notes but you're gonna see me choose what to say because I'm gonna be looking at the timer four to six times to adjust and finish on time and I have within my mind the breakdown of how much time should be taken for each unit of information so if you click on the link below you'll see some of that information and remember that that comes with time and training so that's why we have programs that are you know robust they have a lot of information a lot of training so that you have the Encyclopedia to succeed and to study well but we hope this video helps some of you and gets you excited to register for more help if you need it so let's go ahead and deliver that example answer now and then afterwards I want you to try and we'll do it again twice just for that strength together so here we go and we'll remember the question we're answering right using points and examples from the talk explain jean piaget x' theory about children ok so here we go in this lecture the professor discusses jean piaget z-- theory about how children learn to adjust and function in their world he says they do this in two ways the first is through assimilation that's when a child observes something they've never seen before and incorporates it into their knowledge the professor gives an example of a little boy who wants to hang a picture he's never done it before but he sees his father use a hammer and a nail to succeed at hanging a picture so the boy copies what he sees and gets the desired result the second is accommodation when a child will adjust to new information for example as in the previous example the professor explains maybe the boy copies his father but can't control the hammer if he copies how his father holds it so he'll adapt maybe hold it closer to the top to succeed and that's how the professor discusses Jean Piaget theory right so not so bad you saw me move around you didn't hear me speed up you hear me speak naturally we heard my intonation you heard what the focus was and I hope you saw me concentrate on explaining the main idea so now it's your turn with your notes following your notes with your finger doing your best ready deep breath relax center yourself I to do it get your mind trained on positive thoughts your turn ready and begin you all right how was that you know however it was I hope you found that you're working something you know you're getting at something and if we look at a rubric we're learning to kind of create an answer that's really gonna move us to the highest rating to get our dream score now as I said I want to do this twice because I want to train you that you're not repeating a question and doing it over again from memory you're repeating the same question so that you can better strengthen the habit and the skill you've learned focusing on the main point following your notes with your finger looking at the timer four to six times and adjusting so that with a new question so you've finished with this question so you feel confident that on a new question you can get your dream score and so again you know we want to do something new with YouTube there's a lot of stuff out there but you know we want to work with you through a tutorial really hope it helped one more time one more time stay strong let's really get the most out of it so what I'm gonna do is get rid of the highlighting so we can do it again and remind you that if you like this just click the link below this is how we teach the format and we're here to help so there's a lot of programs for you for the reading listening speaking and writing we even have ESL academic stuff so that you can boost your English if maybe you're getting below a 75 on the TOEFL I need to get an eighty or a hundred and above so just you know a lot there for you but going back to the question itself one more time you can always do better so for me I think managing my time I could do better because I spent a little bit extra time on the first part how to get to the point with the accommodation I'll try to even it out so you always think to yourself before you try what you can do better and train so that for this question you're strong as well as for the new question so here we go one more time my turn than yours in the lecture the professor discusses jean piaget x' theory about how children adapt and function in the world he described two ways the first is assimilation when a child observes something they've never seen before and incorporates it into their knowledge the professor the professor gives an example of a little boy wanting to hang a picture to illustrate this the boy has never done it but has seen his father do it so the boy copies what he sees his father do you know using a hammer and a nail to succeed at being able to hang the picture the second kind of way is through accommodation where a child needs to adjust to new information to succeed for example the professor talks about the boy copying his father perhaps he cannot hold the hammer the way his father does so he sees this new information that he can't control the hammer well and he adapts he changes how he holds the hammer all right now in that answer I didn't get the conclusion but it's ok would still learn a top score because conclusions aren't necessary but we always train students to have them so if I were doing this and you know I do it again I would probably get to the point a little faster with the example of assimilation so I have more space for accommodation so it kind of made the same mistake so you realize that in training it takes some repetition the other thing that I want to show you is you know just live practice and that you don't have to be perfect to get your dream score but you do need the fundamentals because one thing I'm doing is I'm looking at the timer four to six times and adjusting so even though I can't conclude I can hit all the major ideas speaking smoothly and comfortably from beginning to end I'm speaking at a pace where I can think first and speak second to choose my words wisely following my notes with my finger so I'm thinking critically but also very on point my notes are organized so I'm smooth and I know where to go and one thing I want you to do is realize again that you just need those major points to get your dream score so your turn nice and comfortable apply what you learn we can do it rounding out the tutoring session and the conversation together here we go deep breath I can do it to set your mind of positivity and begin you all right how was that did we get better did we improve if you did excellent if you didn't that means it's a little challenging we'll take some practice but one thing we can do is we can be proud together because we invested serious time and energy and effort towards our success so well done I know it's a lot but review this video you know another time another time you can jump around to what you feel you need the most help with now remember the goal of this video was to provide training for you to feel better to feel stronger to support you with what is not as prevalent out there for you which is the training because there's a lot of templates there's a lot of time management techniques but this way I think we've really built a skill together and if you want more help just click on that link below because what we'll do is on our site you'll have this video to review you'll have the PDF to download of the document we created together what you saw and you also have the question to practice isolated so you can click play go through it from beginning to end with the 20 seconds to prepare and have more help if you want from from the different programs and resources we have so it was a pleasure kind of a new thing you know having a long video together that I hope helped if it did if you survived to this don't forget to give us a thumbs up it helps keep us motivated and if you feel it helped you and if not you know feel free to leave some feedback but again I hope you found it helpful know it's a process it's all for you and to stay strong success is coming we're here to help you every step of the way as we were before to the TOEFL changes in the future and beyond so have a wonderful day study hard hope to see you on the site and until next time bye-bye
Channel: NoteFull TOEFL Mastery
Views: 105,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to study toefl speaking, toefl speaking, how to study the toefl speaking, joseph notefull toefl, TOEFL speaking, NoteFull TOEFL speaking, study TOEFL speaking NoteFull, new TOEFL speaking questions, TOEFL august changes, How, to, study, the, new, TOEFL, speaking, question 4, in, August, 1 hour, with, NoteFull, new TOEFL speaking question 4, video, tutorial, toefl speaking tutorial, How to study the NEW TOEFL speaking question 4 in 1 hour with NoteFull
Id: fD9_iW_xWww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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