New To Me Firewood Conveyor

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well hello everybody Welcome Back to the channel I'm going to show you my new to me conveyor in this video I uh processed just a little bit of firewood here testing it all out making sure it's going to work for me I'll run you down here it is kind of windy out here today guys so I'll try to get right into making firewood here as fast as I can but this conveyor is very very similar to my old one that used to run off my tractor PTO this one ran off tractor PTO as well took it to a buddy of mine's uh metal working shop he cut the PTO off put these Wings on here and then put this pulley on there which still runs that chain there down to the main sprocket and it runs a rubber belt onto this Predator engine from Harbor Freight and the tensioning system he put on here is that bar you just pick this up and that takes all the tension off the belt for like when you go to start the engine let it warm up I have a little piece of 2x6 board there I just prop up underneath that handle to keep the motor propped up um it's a 2 12 Predator engine from Harbor Freight with the warranty and everything I think is like a $200 engine you can see here I did have to add some weights I think there's 15 lbs of weight on here and this is just temporary I just kind of wired that up real fast um cuz the motor didn't quite have enough weight once you start putting firewood on the conveyor it would just slip the rubber belt completely and not move any wood up so I hung some weights off there and it's working really good so far far so like I said it it's pretty windy out here and I'm I'm really trying to get all this wood processed because I have a quart of firewood to go out on delivery this afternoon green firewood it's for an outdoor wood stove and then I've been selling a lot of my Greenwood to people who are trying to stock up firewood and get two three years ahead on their on their stock pile so I've been selling Greenwood just about as fast as I can make it and with this new to me conveyor I'm going to be able to make it a lot faster now so I'll get you guys set up here and uh show you this uh new to me conveyor in action [Applause] I'm not sure I'm guessing you guys saw that it started slipping the belt couldn't figure out why piece of wood jammed up down in there I put this flap on here but I don't know if a piece of wood fell off of here and went down in there or if it went all the way up swooped around and came back down I think that I seen that happen to shy over on outside with shy but uh okay so I think the belt did its job and slipped the way I wanted it to instead of breaking anything as far as I know so I'm going to try and get that wood out of there and as long as nothing's broke we'll fire everything back up and get back at it a all right guys well there was a quick little look at my uh new to me firewood conveyor we did have that jam up it slipped the rubber belt just like it's supposed to so uh that was nice I mean it's not nice to have a jam up but it's nice to know it's going to slip the belt instead of tearing stuff up so uh all in all I'm pretty happy with it I think it's going to work good for me time will tell um I'm going to run a bunch of firewood up this thing so you never know but I I think it's going to work we'll we'll see but uh I'll run you up here to the firewood bunker and uh see how much we got up here not much I mean actually there's quite a bit of firewood there but in this big bunker it don't look like much but uh yeah I'm selling green wood just about as fast as I can make it right now um which it's been a lot slower without having a conveyor around you guys seen some of my other uh my past videos I was either splitting into the tractor bucket or skid loader bucket um I have picked up a couple of these IBC totes and so I was stacking the firewood off of the Sorting table into these and then bringing them up there and dumping them into the concrete bunker and um I probably got about six cord in there and I got a phone call for four cord delivery of green firewood a guy was stocking up trying to get two to three years ahead on his firewood Supply so uh yeah he about cleaned me out in the bunker and then I've had two three four other orders for one full cord orders so I can make it a whole lot faster with this conveyor though now so that is nice all right guys I'm going to end this video here cuz I got more firewood down here I need to get all worked up and processed and uh way I can go make some more deliveries so if you guys would please go ahead and hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you would please leave me that comment down below we'll catch you guys in the next one take care guys
Channel: Don Bracht
Views: 1,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hgCLdG3HQ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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