NEW Thomas Sanders Vine Compilation | THOMAS SANDERS ALL Vines 2019

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did you catch the game last night well I don't want support sir oh no neither do I wait do you hear that I don't exactly the background music cut out and now it's replaced with eerie music usually that means you're in trouble that's ridiculous I don't think that means I'm in trouble what are those those are a bunch of health kits and ammo that okay I'm doing this but I really don't think I'm in trouble I don't know man Thomas Alistair Severus Sanders oh it's my desk son to a very angry mother third in your line brother 2/3 owner of the pet dog that you lost it and he's still going you really are in trouble you're telling me my dad died five years ago okay there's someone about to pass me don't stop just keep walking act natural what's natural smiling it's my owns natural don't smile why would you smile what are you smiling about oh gosh they're looking right at me well I'm not weak I can look right back I can stand my ground I definitely cannot stand my ground they're getting closer bow-bow classic we use it to ignore my surroundings all the time why not now because I could die okay out of time it's never never do something screw 2018 that may not have been my year but 2019 will be new year new know the separation of years means nothing because time is a construct oh my gosh can you shut up you're saying it's true you can you like just have like a little fun just a little bit just saying like what you're saying means it's like makes no sense this is why I don't listen to you I'm just saying get out I'm just saying new year new me I'm gonna pull you up hold on there you go here you go okay shorter now okay so it's the other way here we go let's do it take grandma somehow even shorten what the heck how do you do this okay it's I did that way I pulled it in down okay I can't okay I can't figure it out so you're gonna have to just die where'd you get that from from CBS CBS CBS pharmacy seriously hang on to those receipts you've got to stop bawling down Kasim's man I am the master of Darkness the sealer of fates the scourge from the underworld and I won't stop until all the heroes of light are just throw my gosh you are the cutest little thing what I love you you're precious and I just want to hug you I will literally kill you you know feisty when you're angry huh what is going on my backstory is tragic I wish to do the hero harm yeah you do there should be nothing about me that makes you react like [Music] [Music] No hey you me yeah you do you like sleeping in a van sure do I'll forget that because you love the couch who needs a comfy sleeping place when you can fall asleep on the couch watching TV because you were too lazy to get yourself to your room sounds great but I still don't know but wait there's more what if we told you sleeping on the couch leaves you feeling sore and provides a far less steady sleep now I'm sold the couch it really doesn't make sense thanks couch oh my back I got a way to fast hey it's BD and Virginia and you're listening to PT and Virginia after the jar those were not sound effects something horrible just happens in the studio thank you so much blood this ends now you're a dead man don't do it just y'all but I must [Music] how simple I'm gay what that means that's right I power walk everywhere and purchase huh wait wait dude was that actually you oh my gosh your face must be so messed up that is so wild is it like really early is it like late at night you're tired or something you might need to take a shower because programmed to recognize your face it could not do it I got it your face must be so messed happy Valentine's Day is this that's right it's all the clothes I borrowed from you while we've been together I was looking for this one if there's more hoodies I just thought I'd looked cuter in the brand I also really liked your dog just be sure to take care of her hey how's everybody doing tonight doing good I know he's doing really good count crack eula Jimmy knows what I'm talking about Jimmy's a friend of mine there was one time when we were um you know you just had to be there Hey Jimmy Jimmy Santa Santa hold on Santa Paws Jimmy Jimmy mrs. Fincher oh yeah I have to tell you one more time to quiet down I'm gonna mail you Thomas ah I mean mother you tells I mean you know what I mean Oh guys that's my egg Jimmy you want to get out of here I bet you're hungry for some pancake no no it was more like um pinky all right guys how we looking gotta say I was doubtful at first but you make a really mean burger your armpits stink and everyone can smell them shave the beard lumberjack videos for the punchline is a play on words isn't comedy that's the secret ingredient is hatred it's my two favorite things in one meme oh my gosh I'm so sorry my phone just sometimes like does this you just give it a second we'll pass oh I think I'm gonna make you dream about surviving a zombie apocalypse with her what why her I don't know her does it be funny okay whatever Oh Tom Hanks oh my gosh wouldn't it be funny if you like met him in a dream and like you hated you why no don't do that I want him to like me you know I'd be funny oh my gosh it would be hilarious if you had a sexy dream about your friend and then it made it super awkward when you saw him tomorrow why do you do the things you do just shut up it's funny dude there's a dish in the sink you need to wash your dishes oh yeah for sure for sure hey I'm sorry about that won't happen again because I live here too and when I get home I expect to clean sinks so please do it sure man yeah this that could be a problem I don't think you like you fully understand what's gonna happen if like you don't wash the dishes dude I said yes why are you still arguing this is he this is the first time it's even happy put yourself in my shoes all right like how would you feel if I were to do that to you yes never get this I always hate you want to go to the beach no I'm afraid of sharks according to the internet you're actually 10 times more likely to get attacked by sharks at your house and at the beach yeah there's no way that's correct dude you need to see a doctor that's okay I read on the internet in order to get better you just eat this lemon I'll be good it's crazy thank God I read on Twitter that you were missing you guys need to seriously stop believing everything you read on the Internet found on him yeah my roommates been you really attacking this sick he keeps eating my cereal oh and writing I hate you Kenny on the bathroom mirror oh my gosh what do I do I mean do we know for sure he did those things I would ask him first but what do I know you know I'm not a conflict specialist drain I did what you said and he said that I was pointing fingers and that maybe I was the one that broke I hate you Kenyon on the bathroom mirror what do I do I said I don't know okay leave it with me which it's not I would be like why would I ruin my own bathroom mirror please don't up to what you did but that's just me I don't know your roommate it might not work out I did what she said he dumped me Swilly temple he gave me a wedgie what do we do now I said it might not work okay my advice clearly doesn't work so don't follow my advice at all in fact doing the opposite of what I would do give him a hug give him a big ol hug yeah maybe you just need some love in his life maybe I'm not the one who needs help but it's actually him thanks Thomas I'll follow up with Thomas about the weekend is he going to murder me what is chicken for dinner tonight dolphin dancing lady strands of DNA let me ask him what channel that show was on what oh my gosh is this College formatted Wow guys come look at this Wow I know it's incredible it's a little blurry but I can see it yeah man I can't believe we've come this far as a species so this took years to capture oh yeah I never thought something that destroyed all light and goodness could be so beautiful yeah it's 12 megapixels and I will say that blast commented hurt my feelings just a bit but it was meant to okay me and my boyfriend we've just been having some trouble recently just break up with them Stacy can't decide where to eat tonight ooh have you tried breaking up with her guys this is Jeffrey break up with them we're not dating well hey there I'm the lovable character from your favorite story oh boy yeah it'd be a shame if someone were to write dark fanfiction about you what why no no no hey how have you been liking my um I'm just gonna I'm just gonna you can do this you ready ready how long's the movie oh my gosh I gotta go to the bathroom fifteen seconds do they miss anything the movie hasn't even started mother I've already had like four cut kinks today but like it's my birthday yes I was going a hundred and fifty miles per hour but it's my birthday [Music] look I'm sorry this may have been an overreaction but I'm from the future and I came back here to stop you if you're from the future did you know about this [Music] [Music] but is it though I'm John Jack for short that's a different four-letter name I'm Margaret but I go by Peggy okay I'm interested to know how you got from Margaret to Peggy I'm Richard but everybody calls me dick I'm sorry to hear that and I'm Mary but you can call me Polly yeah I mean thank you all for sharing and welcome to our first session of nonsense nicknames Anonymous we have a lot of work to do I think I have an idea for a story I think I'm gonna write a story who are you now I yes wait who are you don't you remember me I am one of your works in progress Oh oh hey hi but am I really in progress you abandoned me two years ago I'll finish writing you I promise of me it was five years ago you choose seven years ago three years ago 15 years ago like a week ago you got tired of me like real fast cry me a river so gonna finish that new story this time are you entering there's a stream hard yeah listen there's a name for people like me who were afraid of magical old hags which is witch's ya single life was tough dating life was tougher guys would stop replying or forget to call but then I met someone someone who never forgot about me day after day and that's mr. scam likely hey Bill he'll call sometimes from like a number that looks a little like mine and I'm like we have so much in common like even digits you're from the IRS businessman how many siblings do you have you know I'm not gonna push one you're commanding he's always doing something funny like he's going is this mr. Thomas Sanders like using my full name and I'm like is this mr. I I don't know he's always introducing himself differently oh you give me your social security number no you yeah I think this one's not going away anytime soon you're a talker you're a talker story times the couple had no idea how much of a pest problem they actually had surprise [Laughter] you want to order anything I'm not hungry well I'm only ordering if you are 3 2 1 are you gonna plan that eating unless you're eating it's been four days this is the last one you should take it I'm not gonna eat if you're not gonna eat the start of summer the possibilities of the day are endless is it a day ever noon okay well then maybe tomorrow and go outside and read a book or something it's tomorrow Monday or Thursday all right well then maybe next year naptime [Music] you
Channel: All Of Viners
Views: 1,881,185
Rating: 4.9052091 out of 5
Keywords: All Of Viners, Thomas Sanders, vine, vine compilation, new vines, thomas sanders vine, thomas sanders vines 2017, thomas sanders vines, thomas sanders vine compilation, thomas sanders vines 2016, vines 2019, thomas, sanders, funny vines, vines, best vines, vines 2016, thomas sanders all vines, thomas sanders story time, thomas Sanders Disney pranks, thomassanders, storytime, pokemon pranks, thomas sanders stewie, thomas sanders narrating people's lives, Thomsa sanders vines 2018
Id: mh72-Wn-M04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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