New series "Little-known useful R functions #2: boom() from {boomer}"

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welcome to episode 2 of the little known useful r functions i i need to think of another name anyway today's topic is or focus is on the boom function from the boomer package which is only available on github for now maybe it will be on cran one day uh i think it would be a nice addition because what this function does is something very useful it explodes calls into um its constituent parts let's see what that means imagine that i lured it to the thai levers and i'm starting to write some very complex queries like this let's just say that i uh you know a group by uh am and then i compute some summary maybe the mean of hb whatever doesn't matter so i'm looking i execute this and i'm looking at the end result what i would like to to do is look at the intermediary results look at each step right so to do that we can use the boomer package with the boom function which explodes our call into every intermediary step so let's take a look so the first step is this call to select which will selected the three variables so that's what we see over here the second call groups okay so here we nothing really happens we just now uh have a grouped table and then i get my my summarize call so i get my mean for my first group i get my mean for the second group and then everything gets put together into this final data frame okay and you can add more stuff let's let's also group by seal and you can rerun this and you can look at every intermediary step you can do that also for you know other very simple calls or for any type of call you need let's go with something like i don't know one plus one stream and let's execute this and here we see the same we see first one plus one that's two and then we add the three there and we see the final result five so this is a another uh quite useful function and you can find it on github i will link it in the description below i don't know if this will one day end up in cran but i sure hope so because i think this is quite useful and yeah take a look at it and see you next time for another episode
Channel: Bruno Rodrigues
Views: 309
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rstats, little know useful R functions
Id: vlTUwfYmCT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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