*NEW SERIES* I Play Vi... But With A Twist 100IQ

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welcome everybody to the new series we have just begun oh i'm beyond excited guys the off meta series okay this is something that i'm very passionate about and i love and for the off meta community out there you won't get banned if you just say guys i'm just playing off no i'm just kidding but that's that's the meme all right i am so excited for this though hello how are you doing do we dare oh god that wasn't worth it okay yep but for those who don't know vi is a massive ap scaling with her uh e so we're gonna try to abuse that and i'm not playing like off meta things where it's like oh i play ap zed whoop you do i'm playing things that actually work okay it's just they're not played that often hello everyone we're doing a massive worldwide giveaway we're not one but two winners will receive a gaming computer or cash oh yeah that's right we're giving away two computers it's super easy to enter even a yasuo main could do it you just click on the twitter link in the description which will take you to this tweet where you will then click on the give gg link all you gotta do from here is start filling out entries and the more you fill out the better chances you have it winning remember it's worldwide so anyone can enter good luck let's get to the fun part yeah yeah i'm worrying about that too vibe but oh that was not worth it our q one cool oh mama that was close wowzer uh do we have a malphite jungle we had we definitely have a malphite jungle that's not good at least level six this twitch won't have a fun time i'm not even gonna get that one all right you know what i'm getting that one oh my god i missed them both dude we're gonna cry but if you guys have any off meta recommendations that you think we should play tell me right now or forever hold your peace okay oh my gosh that scared me i thought he was getting gate what in the world this jarvan's taking one for the team right now respect you big guy i really want to hit level three oh gosh we are close but not that close at the same time we're just gonna need one more of these maybe that worked he's dead he's done diddly dead we can kill this guy no need to get too fancy he's dead that's what i'm talking about dude that was almost that was that was almost bad that was almost really bad okay um let's also go this way and go this way some more now we're going back to base we got some good poke i like that i like that let me eat you one more time walk up i double dog dare you okay oh gosh i'm a little afraid of driving too but i'm thinking for champions off the dome tryndamere would be a fun one oh gosh they have no uh they got nothing dude if i can just poke like that oh that was close dude i need to charge up my ease and just keep on doing that uh that's not good get this dude over here charge up our ease big poke off of that are we good oh heck yeah we're good oh schmony this is so strong how is this not meta is my question oh you think you're slick oh my god well i mean i have nothing so we can't really do much but get over here do we dare oh i thought i was gonna land on them bro that's some beautiful tanking right there if you ask me i'm igniting to scare them uh oh oh no one more ian i actually had him dude that would have been so sick mountbate don't do something oh my god what am i watching that was worth it that was probably not worth it more poke just like that dude the damage is adding up big time i thought he actually hit that okay well go over here there we go there we go the fact that we can stack up both of those is nasty oh there it is i freaking love this did you know this has a 90 ap ratio there's so many underground champions that nobody knows about that we need to bring to light you know what i'm saying did they recall okay i thought that was twitch yep yep uh that's what i was thinking too oh wowzer the students pissed me off yep i am thank goodness we did not go in wow um i don't think this is warty because the war poops here so we're chilling there what oh oh oh oh i i hit the twitch he's so low watch this play oh i nailed him i nailed him i nailed him there we go twitch come over here no no no no no his ulti's out my ease up in three i can kill him i can kill him i can kill him i can kill him i missed dude i missed i missed i missed i missed malphite do something you animal i have q5 let's crank no pressure yeah baby oh no no no no no no do something dude that was awesome piltover's finest blitzcrank no hook let's land some poke boom baby we have plenty more that came from big dog thank you this twitch is i think he's starting to get the point on the whole uh re actually slaps type thing hmm he's probably invisible if i can ult before this um [Music] before this thing goes through that would be huge i feel like we're trying to get are we getting ganked right now all right we see nidalee that's good oh gosh that's what i was worried about oh i was also very worried about a flash but i think we're good is combo's coming back no i need to auto something dude one auto and i had a shield i yeah yeah i could have played that a bit better i knew he was looking for the combo though so i'm happy my brain figured that out italia i am coming for you [Music] i don't think she is all right ow oh my god that was not legal dude she just got thrown around let's go here yeah this viability i really like it are we going on this i'm just trying to land some snipes oh yeah yeah buns focus focus focus get over here oh my gosh dude we're close from knocking him out of the park but close ain't gonna cut it where's jerfman there we go there he is and they are going in let's do nothing we're okay we're okay very nice dude something i'm working on when i have auto resets if there's no need for a reset just slam it you know what i'm saying oh my gosh i missed a cannon dude how did that creep not die what i'm confused do we push here or not all right his comb is up in about three seconds oh he's pissed he is pissed oh that guy has got to be so mad okay twitch is gonna be coming back with invisibility and i gotta get the heck out of here oh my god wow rat ratatouille coming in hot i have died way too many times from exactly that i'm going all the way back what are the odds that goes around okay we have a pink ward we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling what is this a zombie skin italian don't even think about it all right wait i could have killed her okay actually no no i would have died wow i was one second away from dying there dude that would have been so bad okay item i care about is this guy and you guys should care about it too once you play this oh boy our gold get spawn a bunch of off meta off metalings with this whole uh new series we got going on let's see can i bloom can i i want we need let's get it come on thank you oh i legit did not read that i am so sorry oh gosh that was not good um how you doing how you doing i i feel bad now for the malphite oh god listen buddy i'll make it up to you all right oh good old we win the game do we do this oh my god he canceled it okay oh my god that was so slick where are you going dude that was a juicy combo yasuo came at the perfect time what's going down over here i got you i got you i got you i got you i got you bang baby we got this [Laughter] oh my gosh dude the bait and switch you gotta love it that actually was beautiful beautiful let's slap all of that slam jam even more we're out of here boys if that doesn't deserve a thumbs up i don't know what does all right me malfito walk in the parks after dark are we going oh i like that i like that a lot i could hold this guy what's the worst that could happen oh my gosh get me out of here get me out of here yo we are nasty with it yasuo is insane too i love this we're the diving kings maybe that's what we should make the series just play tower dive champs only the diving kings very nice oh my gosh yo i can feel i can feel um majes magiya's soul stealer within our grasp i want that minion too oh we did it thank you and okay wow why do i feel like i was a lot closer and gold in this one yo iq he queues we kill all right that was wow it had it had potential it had potential now we're kind of screwed i know ratatouille is going to be over here hey rat boy wait that's not rat boy that's not rap boy at all um i've opened three but three is obviously a lot different than not three oh my gosh what i tried doing something really sick okay i tried q a over here last second flashing back over here on top of them and then auto reset e yeah that literally the opposite of that happened a little smash and grab our cooldown on it he's starting to look pretty juicy too i like that i like that a lot no they're taking our bot tower yeah you can have it that was for uh yoinking your blue from earlier new dirty dog can we stop this guy somehow there's no way right he's trying to reset for drag not on our watch not on our watch okay we see jarvan oh my wait wait a minute talent you dirty dog you dirty dog oh malfito missed i did not hello uh what's his face is gonna be here soon oh my gosh ratatouille that's why i said meant die i need to line up this chicken oh my gosh this is not okay what are the odds we pulled this off huh ah okay now we're here um cannon i'm here to support you buddy i'm here to support you nice one more one more one more one more one more i need minions i need minions i need minions oh my gosh that's not good uh i'll be honest i'm not really sure where i'm going but we're going oh we got some hp back this is groovy the script baby where's my old where's the freaking rat i have my old where are you wait he's dead he's dead oh god he's dead i'm i'm stupid i'm stupid i'm stupid listen password one two three four here we go here we go you guys now know my pen to my phone let's take this red buff and peace on addy i'd be down for a red buff dude why is my eye being a little itchy [ __ ] this is good oh no contest dragon don't mind if we do all right i'm gonna itch my eye and hopefully it'll be better ready by the time we get to mid lane for the ultimate brawl oh yo the floor is lava last one out of it wins i mean in it i i i'm not sure what the correct wording is there i'm just gonna focus on jarvan and this guy at the same exact time oh god we're okay we're okay where are you going big dog where are you going dude this jam is wild no fruity pebbles that's good for us i missed joshua didn't skirt very nice i am actually in love with this champion dude the things you can do with the escapes you can make they're too good they're too good coming over folks just being greedy for gold you know how it is oh my gosh we packed a punch big time big time big time [Music] can we actually get this there's the combo i have flash kill the tank sometimes killing the tank and not going too hard is the proper way to do it oh i saw ratatouille nice very nice it gets even better baby oh my gosh i almost flashed on her right on top of her i'm so bad i'm so good [Laughter] get me out of here we got a depth cap coming on through coming on through what the i was what the i i was stunned dude i didn't think that would actually hit him let's go for this guy thank you very much guys if you thought my damage was a lot earlier you are now going to love it 10 times more let's get this and let's see what we got going on coming on through baby coming on through hello oh that's some big damage i see you i see you don't think i don't [Laughter] dude i think he actually would live if i didn't have ignite that's the best part about it oh my god that's too funny okay let's focus on this and get the gerb done you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying ap vibe oh that's too funny okay um how hard do we want to go here that's a driving support so we probably shouldn't worry about it too much oh god we're staying on it oh this is bad oh this is really bad yep i'm not taking that anymore no siree no siree what is going on right now dude jarvan or this guy we gotta focus the high priority targets where are you going where are you going dude hook him in we cue him out i love that rat boy might be invisible here by the way i'll save him i'll save him i'll save him i'll save you oh my god dude he knew it too is there a pink word over there [Laughter] my dad for president in the comments please that was the coolest thing i've ever seen and uh what the heck are we gonna last buy that's what i need to know is anyone here nope we're good this is something we want we got lots of gold how do we finish the sucker off that was so freaking cool they took it those monsters do we dare nash's tooth i mean i'm not opposed let's roll with this let's roll with this looks good to me looks great to me coming over over some more why hello there irelia aye aye um i want to blast a squishy in the face right now check this out one shot dude that does quite a bit let's go this way no no no no no no no no i saw him the second i see him he's dead he must have gone this way he's over here gotcha boom baby get me out of here give me out here i know we got a shield anyone got a shield for the love of god give me a shield no she cripped me she crit me are you kidding me oh i am the worst player alive and the minion respond or the inhibitor same thing they'll never know what hit em rat boy oh that's big david she's dead cowabunga this champ is nuts laura said how is it not meta you know what i'm saying smell you later wait what no dude no no listen just make this easier on all of us all right where are you going i was going to ignite him but i don't want to waste it honestly and uh there's a lot of them dead let's make twitch not like league of legends anymore you guys down for that i kill twitch bait him mid you all ready here we go here we go olton 10 we're literally going across the map for him and let's not forget about our hourglass this time because it's quite easy to do that sometimes heck yeah we did oh hello goodbye he's dead he's dead thanks for the wind wall i appreciate that you get over here team i need help oh we're good we're good we're good am i dead i'm hourglass wait no i don't no i don't no i don't we're live we're live watch this sick quadra dude that's what i'm talking about gosh why do those kills look so freaking cool yo i might be able to kill the rat let's save our punches he's gonna go invisible here he comes we charge up the queue oh geez guys let me know what you think about the new series and which off man of champs do you want to see us play alrighty and don't forget about the giveaway the double pc giveaway in the top description the more should you fill out the better chances you have it winning peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 29,987
Rating: 4.9637632 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, vi, series, off, meta
Id: iAlZji5jK-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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