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so and last time we played parkour simulator crazy gamers squad we freaking broke the game as you can see right the hook we are so fast at this if you're new to this game basically it's all about parkour fright and you gain more speed the more experience you get and everything like that and as you guys can see right now I got 154,000 experience you can like triple jump you can also like get on these tracks right here look at this like it is absolutely sick and there's also raises and crap so what I think we should do today is I want to try to unlock the secret area over here that is only unlocked if you can get a rebirth I don't actually know if we can even do that yet we'll find out today in this video roll the intro [Music] my crazy family and welcome back to yet another rOBLOX video thank you for stopping by every single day crazy cable squad you guys are the best as you guys know we are currently breaking the crap out of YouTube and I have you guys to think about that so thank you so much guys seriously we are getting so many subscribers there's support on the like button down below is honestly insane I haven't seen support like this ever so I just want to say you guys are insane thank you so much for the support it really means a lot to me as a youtuber that I can see that you guys like what I do so thank you thank you and if you don't roll your subscribe if you hype for this hit that like button down below but we are going to break this game even more now the first thing I wanted to do now that we see it right here is I see water you know participate in race oh poor oh did I win I don't even know what happened right there but I think we already technically 100 I mean if you look at all these people on the server though none of them come even close to the experience that we have right here I actually kind of feel like it's a bad thing to be as fast as we are yeah you can also slide but let us really workout as well when they're when you're as fast as I am you just kind of like end up flying everywhere weirdly but oh yeah here's another thing that we got to do before we go ahead and check out the Reaper thing I do want to try out one of the high level tricks right if you guys don't know every time you get like an X amount of experience a new world opens up so you can see why do you look experience required experience require right there also look at this we can go into this place once we get 25 races done so I also really want to figure out what the crap that is but what's this area be 5,000 okay I gotta find one that's a bit better because we are like our drinking right now where are the hundred K world I know there is one but I don't know oh that was 25,000 that one actually looks and picked you let's try that one out look it's right up here in a cloud Oh 28,000 actually oh this is the one we did that was so difficult okay this is really cool right there are like racist look but we are so fast that we almost oh there's a new race but we are so fast that we almost can't even complete this thing so what we have to do is we have to like glitch it out and just go straight for the trophy right here as you guys can see we get 500 experience for completing that stage right there absolutely broken dude so ever yeah we're pretty much the strongest people in parkour simulator right now let's check out what it's like to get a B birth okay tired of being too fast rebirthing resets your experience but unlocks a new area and gives you one extra experience part per step yes I'm tired of being too fast to be honest with you guys there we go look we now have 1 rebirth and we now unlock this brand new area dude wait go back what are you trying to tell me dude what the crap oh wait oh this is the rebirth area and look at how much speed we get per per thing now we can go to the great ball of China if we get body thousand experience this is an epic world dude I'm happy we checked it out I'm so happy we checked out and as you guys can see now we can actually check out the features of the game because we're not too freakin fast so as you see when you step into these things they like give you a little bit of a boost and these things make you chop look BAM right there freaking epic dude so I think what we should do let's wait for a new race to happen what is that 150 thousand experience I want to check out all these different levels in here dude I really want to check them all badly right now you know what we're gonna have to do it first of all I want to see what the crap oh this one the roebucks Wadud look at this trail we got money following us again we definitely will not win this race because we I just reset my speed right so there's no way we can win this one but I still want to participate in it because the more races we get in basically we'll be able to unlock the race world that we really want to unlock like yeah there's absolutely no way that I'm with this one but oh wait you only get a base point if you win I didn't know that dude okay you know what we gotta break this again we gotta break this again dude let's spend a thousand roll bucks and look at this yeah don't we just unlock everything it's absolutely say look at my speed are you ready look oh okay we went into the world but look look at my experience go it up and now we're inside of this new race we are like look free you can freaking ball run I'm saying this if any of you guys are new to it I know a lot of you guys saw my last video but holy crap it's epic dude and we already got 3490 look we just unlock it every wall to get dude we are unlocking every single world again absolutely insane I want to check out though Oh 60,000 speed in order to rebirth okay that's actually really freaking cool that means we can almost do it again let's check out this wide world though right alright now that we're not like too fast to check it out hey Alba oh it looks awesome dude you can't tell me this doesn't look amazing here we go and use the double jump end yes that is what I am talking about we can actually try to pop card out we were way too fast to parkour before but now we actually get the experience of the podcast simulator dude that is epic look look at this you can't tell me this is amazing doesn't it look freaking great oh now we need to wall run wait I don't have time for the race here we go we're all running dude this looks insane okay what about this one BAM right there dude what this looks this looks absolutely cool what do we get here 200 experience all right dude let's go back to the rebirth area just so we're there oh we just don't like the sewer ooh not sure for what air you know what might as well check out the sewer what oh I think we'd take this without last time - it's so cool look we are parkouring it is super dude this is way too close and now we click this and we fly over here this is actually a really cool parkour track I really like the sewer look oh this looks a big deal ok now we got a wall run again you don't touch the slide we do not want to touch that sewer water do and we got another revolt bro ok let's see if we can go to that and where is it again the rebirth area right here I definitely want to check it out dude I feel like it's actually look it's so efficient so fun the speed here it's like you can keep going around like that I'm so much faster already I got 10,000 experience dude like our speed is going up so much right now I do want to check out the reef birthplaces though so this the 50k one I would I think there was another one I am I wrong oh there's also one up there oh my goodness 32,000 Oh temple run I want to try that one out okay let's just you know let's get Bob let's get another boost here dude let's get another freaking boost here ok I don't even care look at how fast River coming we got 12,000 experience now and we're already way too fast to control it all boss dude and we just unlocked the volcano world as well we might as well check it out why not dude might as well check out the volcano world oh gosh oh [Music] don't know if I was supposed to go this way but I guess it works I think I just thought a shortcut Oh Mike don't care that was epic now we go here oh we gotta do a long wall run here G oh you gotta jump from wall to wall that is insane I haven't actually done that before in this game and when we get to the end of this we get 350 experience that's what I'm talking about there look at how fast we're becoming now we just unlock the rainbow costs which you guys actually already saw last time and the boardwalk what dude easy easy okay let's try it why don't you remind as well look at the boardwalk oh this is one I tried we always like really confused as to what we needed to do but I think you just gotta like run and then don't jump into those I guess cuz last time that I did that it like reset me if we go over to it like a slide now all that is since ADA but you guys see that that was the coolest thing so far and there we go we just completed that one okay we need we need a little bit more over temple rain doing it we just don't like that I want to check this out ooh this is a rebirth cause on look at this we are actually in temple run the app dude this is awesome but have you guys ever play temple run the add of the app I mean it looks insane it's like down oh here we go Oh also in temple run you actually have to slide and stuff that is so cool jump over that go this way now and now we have to oh no I failed it did you guys see that you have to be really fast for that one so we have to get on that track right there which I failed to do kinda sucks but you know what we'll recover we'll make it better we don't actually need these speed boost that they keep giving us thank you okay this is not this is not easy I know it might look easy but it's actually kind of difficult dude don't okay this is embarrassing I'm gonna complete it now I'm 100% completing it out look I'm skipping everything I can and we are doing it right this time dude I don't even care nevermind we're definitely completing it now there's no problem okay let's just break this dude look blitz right there and slide all through this and jump or you know let's concentrate I don't have to hurry I gotta remember that that's why I lose this because I think I have to hurry no okay they also be being too fast again dude I have to complete it I'm sorry we have to complete the temple ran dude and then we have to take a look at the other really good cost that there is in the rebirth area the one for like 60 K or something I feel like that one's gonna be hard because the faster you get the harder it honest it's a complete stuff like it makes it a lot harder to complete things which I guess that's why they have that rebirth thing when you lose all your speedor wouldn't be possible I slide and oh yeah we're gonna do it right now this is say this is exactly like the real game dude I also feel a lot in that one I swear it's because I'm too fast ibex about to rage right now this is not pot dude I'm retching I'm racing a little bit I'm sorry I will get better freak freak frickin Frick dude I'll get this apart that always fell on let's just try to hit that there we go oh this looks awesome dude oh that's a long one too oh oh there we go we just completed it okay I gotta buy some experience boost now and we gotta unlock this 60k area from the rebirth place look at this we're getting so much experience right now there we go the Great Wall oh that's another one that I wanted to unlock dude the Great Wall of China what do we got here oh that is so sick you guys gotta admit this has to be one of the coolest simulated games out there right now and trust me I love pet simulator I love destruction simulator but this is definitely one of the most well made simulators that are played in a very long time dude it is awesome and you know what I love it oh here we go hope you got a slide no way I thought I did dude I gotta get a bit better at this game even though we are breaking it I gotta get better it's honestly difficult here we go and slide I slide it the slide I promise I did it dude what the crap okay slide it's because I'm too fast I'm telling you guys mine card what the crap is this my craft dude wait Oh beyond the rebirth world okay I definitely want to try to complete the great ball first we got to do it do you like this kind of like slow down that's the only thing if I just slow down I think we can do it pretty easily like right there I'm too fast dude here we go okay that was just rate up bail you know what I think we're gonna complete this one and then we're gonna save the other courses for another video because I want to keep having content for this game you know I don't want it like use it all in one video like I always do because we always break games so much that I almost only can make one video about it that that's or it you know here we go slide there we go dude okay now we have to whoa what happened oh that was epic dude okay you know what let's give let's give the other one a try as well we just gotta find the rebirth area again I think it's like oh yeah it's over by a wall okay which one do we want to try out all the minecart one let's try that one out and then I'll save the best one for next episode if you guys want another one okay dude we actually like in a minecart thing right oh here we go oh oh that looks awesome wait what what was I supposed to do right there did you guys see that that made no sense I like got off that thing and that I died for some reason okay let's just try again dude okay so here we go did it oh oh okay you just have to be really fast I guess no oh so close to completing that one dude these are epic race tracks though they've done such a good job of making this just epic we go oh okay okay be careful now we go and yes my car one has been completed dude okay I'm gonna save the rest for another episode of you guys wanted hit that like button down below if you enjoyed this video I love you all subscribe if you're new and I'll talk to you guys later stay crazy bye thank you for watching till the end of this video make sure you check out yesterday's video right at the most recent video of the ta channel is right here if you haven't already you can subscribe to my channel by clicking this button and if you would like to subscribe to me and my girlfriend's channel you can click this button
Channel: undefined
Views: 635,277
Rating: 4.8631177 out of 5
Keywords: crainer, mistercrainer, mister crainer, mrcrainer, mr crainer, Kid Friendly, kid videos, kid friendly gaming, crundee, Roblox, Gaming, Gameplay, Roblox Adventures, roblox roleplay, roblox video, Play Roblox, roblox simulator, roblox parkour simulator, roblox pet simulator, roblox destruction simulator, code, codes, admin command, admin commands, roleplay, role, play, how, to, guide, robux, free, hack, hacks, hacker vs pro, vs noob
Id: bQ7CuqH0s3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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