*NEW* Real Madrid!!!! | Formation N' Tactics | Online Seasons | EA FC 24

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he support thank you now we move Now we move Now we move Rodrigo hit him with the skill back to Vinnie Vinnie shoot what a goal yo what is going on guys welcome back to the channel also to Welcome to the channel today we're going to get right into it again but first I will prove to you this is what I've been running that Liverpool game bad connection had a go demon time it's getting a little too close but anyways probably for the past 30 some games I don't know a lot of games I've been using Real Madrid I've been trying to figure out the right tactics and this is what I have personally came up with that works personally for my play style bro okay so this what we're going to do first off kaminga has to hit the bench bro he's not that good this year they did something with his body type and honestly I was thinking about putting rudiger on the bench for aliba because they did something to rudiger's body type as well so it's kind of bad so we're going have Vinnie jelo and Rodrigo up top now if you want to which I do not recommend you can put Rodrigo in the striker position but he has the medium medium work rates and he's not really that strong and you can put Val Verde as a right wing and then bring kavinga back in into this Center CM position but that's up to you this has just been working out fine for me so you see the Midfield we have Bellingham Valverde and Modric and then you just see the back line uh only person really get subbed off here is modri for cross and when coving was in I'd bring in chat yimy but and Vasquez that's basically yet um everyone else kind of ends up playing the full 90 and whatnot but these are the tactics we're going to be on pressure on heavy touch 50 67 balance direct passing 60 whiff we're going to do five in the Box just for that my bad six in the Box just for that support for more players two on Corners two on free kicks but that's up to you and whatever your your little tactics are on corners and free kicks I just have my own so instructions we're going to have both for our Wingers of Vinnie and Rodrigo on Cut inside get in behind and get into the box for crosses that is on both of them jelu just get in behind help push that line back as much as possible Valverde we're going to have on stay back cover Center simple as that now Bellingham and Modric we're both going to have both of them on get in forward get in forward get forward but stay on the edge of the box for crosses for simle fact of Modric can do trllas and Bellingham since he's not going to be on his stronger foot we're more so going to look to recycle or try to do a finesse or even bang a long shot but usually I just use Modric and for trllas especially too because Modric a lot of times his Pace does let him down a lot of times people do catch up to him so you have to really be aware of that you know what I mean and that's why also too I made sure to put Valverde in the Midfield instead of the right winger position because kaminga was just like that you need a fast person in Midfield and Valverde was fast and he's high high he has good defensive stats so that's how it works out so we're going to have Minal and rudiger on stayback while attacking we're have Cal on basic and then we're going to have Mindy on basic as well nothing there we're not going to tell them to stay back none of that we're going to need them to make those runs in behind for overlapping runs or whatever their AI decides to do we can whip crosses into the box we can driven pass uh straight into our midfielders and whatnot just so we don't get very stuck in the buildup you have to cuz this team this year without Benzema without having a viable number nine bro it's really hard for them to build up like benzema's attacking AI with his fivar weak foot or he had fourar fourar whatever like he was just really good to help this team move move around so since you don't really have that focal point anymore you kind of need your left and right back in my opinion and how I've been playing lately and what I've been feeling with this team but yes that is the base formation now for just our defensive formation we are going to be in the 4231 this is probably the best defending formation you can use in all honesty just plug that midfield if they go out wide force them out wide and we are going to move these two though if they're out wide Force some out wide do not try to track that run we're just going to cuz if anything you're going to run to the by line and they're going to cross it so if your player switching to your CB to watch the crosses and whenever they start running to the by line if you're um second man containing triggering with your left back and right backs you should be good when it comes to defending there's no need to move anyone out of this position so we're going to stay Compact and narrow for defending with the instructions on this we're going to be on balance 40 width cuz like I said we're going to just make the pitch very congestion in the Midfield 60 death balance direct passing 50 with we're going to have six in the Box two on Corners two and free kicks Now instructions we're going to have our Striker on getting behind we're going to have Modric stay on the edge of the box for crosses now we're going to have Vinnie and Rodrigo on come back on the fence get into the box for crosses make sure these twos are out wide because you're going to need Pace out there on the wing we're going to have valde on Cut passing Lanes balance and deep lineing playmaker also cover Center I don't know why it's not on cover Center I've had to rechange tactics multiple times here been trying to work things out so for Bellingham we're going to do cut passing Lanes stay back while attacking and cover Center which he is already on we're going to have Mindy Minal and rig girl and stay back while attacking as long with cajal all these guys stay back while attacking because we are looking to defend here so for our attacking tactics we will be in the most meta formation this year I don't know this just seem like like the only way you can play this game bro and it really sucks bro it's really hard to be creative in this year so pressure on Havey touch 50 whiff 71 death to trigger that automatic press because we are attacking we're looking to get that ball back balance direct passing 65 in Whi we're going to have only five in the Box two on Corners two on free kicks for our instructions we're going to have justu get in behind State forward Vinnie get in behind stay forward hrio get in behind come back on the fans and if you use this formation ultimate teams you already know with that getting behind come back on the fence it's just going to make a defend in a 442 all right so our Midfield we're going to have Bellingham on basic except we're going to have him on get into the box for crosses Valverde stay back while attacking and cover Center Luca Modric get forward stay on the edge of the box for crosses now the back line we have Mindy Minal and rer all stay back while attacking with kajal stay back while attacking but overlap and also too since Modric is getting forward for personally me I just want to overlap overload the right side but make sure whatever Center mid you have going telling to get in behind put your right or left back on stay back while attacking so in all honesty Mindy should be the one doing the overlap and going forward but I have cajal on stay back while attacking so he'll grow up the pitch a little bit but like not too much for me to really get caught out by it so it works out for me I'm fine with it for our Ultra attacking if you already know bro the 442 I will repeat it time and time again is the best way to press for the ball and to stop a fiveback formation or people who want to run down the wings if you got that person who is just holding the ball and keep spreading you out wide back and forth back and forth this is the best formation to help press and get the ball back so we're going to be on pressure on heavy touch 71 width because for some reason I got to think I've said in my last video no matter how far you stretch these guys out and you might have to keep doing it further and further the team like you're your left mid and right mid will still tuck inside even though you're spread so far out or yeah just spread out in general so if you want to bro just bump it all the way up if that your opponent keeps just banging that line just bump it all the way up bro because you have nothing to lose at this point you want to use this 442 when you have nothing to lose and you got to go for goal here now we're going to do 90 depth once again if that is still not working jump it all the way to 100 that's I literally do that anytime I'm playing a possession Merchant or someone who wants to just hold the ball because they're up by one goal we're going to be on balance direct passing 60 Whi we're going to have what is that like nine people like players in a box which is just more so of support not the actual m not the actual amount of people just how many people coming up to give you support now for the instructions okay look both Strikers you know you know no get him behind Center mids one will stay back while attacking stay on the edge of box one will get forward stay on the edge of box but both of them will be covering the center left mid and right mid come back on Def fense get in behind and get into the box for crosses and then our whole back line stay back while attacking but our left and right back will be on overlap with our keeper just on basic tactics cuz keepers are terrible really bad this year but yes guys those are my real majority tactics let me go back and move coving Mindy real quick but those are my Real Madrid tactics bro I've been running a lot of games with these tactics anytime I have to change something I just literally switch between those three formations and they help me out so yeah I will be jumping into the game show you how we play see you there [Applause] SG all this one contion is a little bit better bro right back to Vinnie go green it I don't even know even have to Green it there we go yeah yeah connection is better it's still unstable but it's way better it's in the 20s in the teens not going from 32 to 40 overlapping run for Mindy we're just going to cross it into adrio shoot it oh my God what a terrible [Applause] shot Vinnie ah swu back to Modric ball roll it Rodrigo hit him H he's about to hit him with it Mindy Mindy Modric watch that go press him go press him yeah yeah yes let's go cross it into the box Vinnie ah watch mbappe just watch mbappe good Modric good uh I pressed my right stick I didn't mean to oh did a step over good second man contained for me and we're just going to clear that out the box cuz he's trying to press me let's go him with the canel swu near post green let's [Applause] go come on bro you got to do more than that you got to do more than just try to bang it to the by line bro reading that all day Vinnie ah modri ah damn it I didn't I'm an idiot why' I do that there was no support there for that it's going to cross it knew he's going to cross it good go backwards over top now we go stepovers pass it Bellingham Bellingham Bellingham we're going to take it all the way ain't no way I just caught a delay right there Vinnie driven it in mrid oh my God madridge K Hall poppy in his back pocket foruu Rodrigo shoot there's no way man there's no way kajal's there though foruu let's [Applause] go good good good good over the top back down step over pass it back RB dribble H go a rainbow flick you how about that [Applause] Mandy [Applause] Vinnie let's go that's how you work a goal that's how you work a [Applause] goal let me get that [Applause] bro G oh come on no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not after I just did that we worked this goal oh no no n n n n not after I just got the flick off over the [Applause] head let's go oh what the is that pass yeah what a delay H what was that pass bro that pass got me caught out Modric That was supposed to be a travella over the top Mindy Rodrigo bro straight back yeah he's dropped back now got cancel oh bro modri let's [Applause] go he support thank you now we move Now we move Now we move Rodrigo hit him with the skill back to Vinnie Vinnie shoot what a [Applause] goal yeah bro this game was B over I don't know what you thought was was going to go down there this this game been over but yeah guys that is it those are my Real Madrid tactics hope you have fun hope you progress peace
Channel: iVWright
Views: 10,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Madrid, Eafc24
Id: LjWL-lnqY-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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