*NEW* Random Roles in Goose Goose Duck

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all right so the way this works everyone is pretty simple I'm player number three which means I'm gonna get a random roll that I get to select once it gets to my turn but no one else is gonna have to know what that is who's player two who is it who is it right all right so I got the Warlock someone's a deadly swarm of locust as it sabotage your tasks are fake I could summon a deadly swarm of locusts I'm a warlock baby give her the power of magic uh editor Nico put lightning bolts like in fire sorry what's happening oh wait we got a stalker a sheriff an astral and a detective who's the Benoit be real so I am the Warlock I can summon Locus to do my bidding oh this is gonna be absolutely amazing I cannot wait to go on a murder spree as a little duck I mean a goose am I a goose or by a duck leave a comment down below hit the like button this is gonna be a lot of fun oh I cannot oh there's a sandstorm already happening I can't see a thing hello I can't see dude there was a snowstorm outside we got to be listen we got to be careful it's a snowstorm hi everyone I have inflammation what's your inflammation oh my God are we having a party no I'm not having a party I'm just gonna go I'm a little I'm gonna go I was gonna kill Nico there but dude are you kidding me okay let's see what kind of abilities like I said my Locus is oh I'm gonna summon Locust is over there I can literally summon locusts to kill people this is gonna be amazing ah I can't see anything see hello okay so zud is down just a couple more to go I think there's like seven or six more people to die this is gonna be good this is gonna be gorgeous this is gonna be great I'm wearing just a towel so um don't look at me I'm a little nervous hi Mitch how you doing oh I'm good the Box on your head what's wrong with you it's because wait how did you know it was me what do you mean how do I know it's you I have a box over my head because you have a name above you okay get inside get inside get inside this it was really scary out there it's really scary wait wait who did you see up there how are you able to see out there I'm literally close enough I can see what are you what are you what do you mean huh you couldn't see Kate no I couldn't see Kate I was way over here I just have super powers super tunnel vision through this box what do you mean Super tunnel vision weird what do you mean everything's really weirding me out Mitch is anybody around here hello I can't see anything it's so just so nasty with all that smoking hi Kate okay come here look there's a bear on the rug okay or it's a rug of bear oh you know how I feel about that how'd you do that how do you fart okay with your heart how do you how do you how are you doing that I'm sorry can you teach me oh God can you teach me how to fart okay how do you spell the word fart uh t-a-r-t huh okay okay pretty good pretty good now one of those letters on the keyboard is what does it oh oh I did it do you see this bear rug look at it it's gorgeous it's looking I you know how many bears I had to kill for this thing [Music] oh just happened I think I went on a murderous Rampage and killed everybody let's freaking go oh here we go number one number one number one I know I'm number one I'm actually number three and I'm gonna see what I get come on what am I gonna get what am I gonna get five what am I gonna get I'm about to be I'm about to be my turn oh who's player two because that's gonna be me and I'm gonna pick right now I'm picking now well it could be a morphling a Tracker you can see who's outside during a sandstorm or a sheriff I'll pick and Sheriff no no I picked right now no I'm BB that's me that was me I promise I promise no no no it's me says y'all no oh wait wait what is this first one no that's me wait a stalker what's that the heart eyes whoever is a stalker let me know what it is please please tell me right now I want to know what's doctor is an ESP or what's that ESPN what does that mean stalker I think oh oh cause they pee got it and then a bird watch that's creepy where you just leave Ghosts no Bird Watch is definitely unique in a Doda oh we have a Jester dodo oh oh we'll be okay don't worry okay Pat listen I can trust you listen I can trust you right pass of course Hey listen Pat listen listen listen you see the ducky right here it is disguised as a gun and I'm gonna protect this city okay Pat you are my Confidant as you have a spoon on the side of your hip that is also a gun listen Pat I'm gonna need you to start doing some investigative work I need you to go out there and figure out who is caught amen okay listen I have to do this task will you teach me about ancient Egypt while I do it yeah I'll watch you do the ancient Egypt thing so the number one thing about ancient Egypt that you gotta know is that it was actually ruled by cats okay cats are the number one enemy of gooses okay now gooses I gotta do some tasks okay we gotta drop coconuts Rob's coffee golf I guess is fluff grain bag and grab tools well I could have grabbed sigils since he was nearby listen I'm going to protect the city I'm gonna murder late whoever the murderer is okay this is what's gonna happen I'm gonna go do my tasks over here in the top hey guys how you doing guys listen look at me look at me I will protect you lookham's okay even though you look like some sort of elegant space duck goose thing but if you're a duck in Disguise I will take you down look them I will do it I'm gonna do my task what am I oh I gotta like clean this thing up I'm robbing him I robbed the sarcophagus am I gonna get cursed I feel like I might get cursed for that okay um there's one over here what is this what is this I gotta I gotta I got a jiggle the Coconuts all right okay all right we're gonna go over this way now oh God it's dark out here hello Deco please do not murder me on this boat please listen I will shoot you with my rubber ducky gun Nico can I trust you listen have you seen anything nefarious evil or scantly I don't know getting so close to me there's zero people dead that's all I can tell you there's zero people how do you know that oh wait are you like a Seer to the Dead no that's in random roles but there might be a random rolls Goose this is a random rules Goose game there might be one similar Nico what's your role be honest with me I'll tell you my role if you tell me yours I need inflammation tell me yours first I'll protect this city are you the sheriff can I trust you Nico I don't know stop running around me like that I don't like it tell me right now Nico get in the Hut get in this hot with me Nico there's still zero people dead that's all I can say Okay Nico I can trust you I'm the sheriff I need you to work with me I can talk to the dad oh my God my God that makes so much sense why you well I'm fluffing the there's my zero people dead I'm fluffing the pillow I'm fluffing the I'm fluffing the pillow okay zero people dead that's fine all right so we got a bunch of tasks to do you have been around me way too often wait 10 years dude hold on I'm gonna check you okay I know you're good what do you mean check so sigils and Nico have things that could check we need to talk what is happening no one's died uh okay so no one else can talk here and I'm gonna say that I thought this was a task all right everyone have a good day wait sigils where he presses this thinking it was a mix they literally thought this was the thing this guy's dumb this guy's actually dumb I mean not that I'm agreeing but your words not mine and I'm not this can I tell you something I'm starting to think it might be you no one's died yet I'm just saying it's a little such it's a little such I do like a lot of Peace you know I don't like murder that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying I'll keep my eye on you I'm keeping my eye on you how has no one died yet like what is happening in the um zyde there's a dead body why is sigils dead hold on I gotta fart look um look up look I'm farting what is yourself listen sorry I got I had Taco Bell last night uh I just walked in here and then walked in here conveniently and then welcome's walked in here conveniently what do you mean you you're testing me yeah that's the first one back here Pat you have my back right I just came out of you guys oh yeah yeah yeah I need to find someone I'll be right back I need to find someone where's Nico Nico oh hey uh just to let you know signals died he's a dead man oh yeah he's a dead man I'm trying to vote him out so like it doesn't matter yeah he I don't like this I don't like this I'll go back inside I'll go back inside this is scary this is scary what look up look up I need you to be honest with me have you seen uh killer no I have not figured out who's the killer but I have a strong Subs right now and I'm going to murder them I mean okay come over here to the important information area the boat's gone what happened over here look on just double this way it was not me it wasn't me what is happening okay okay okay okay okay okay I was with Kate and I walked away for Kate for two seconds and Lucas was following us and now is dead and then zud comes up randomly now we've got two dead bodies why do you keep sussing me you are always the one next to the bottom no I ran away and I ran this way real quick real quick before look at my face is this the face of a killer let me zoom in on it real quick let me just let me slow Zoom yeah slow zoom in on that this hallway I'll be right back Pat come here come here come here okay Pat I need your I need your I need your information come here listen I heard some information give me the information are you ready ready I heard Kate and zud talking of something about a bomb earlier okay bomb I was just walking by and I heard yeah I don't know if that's what's killing everybody but they were talking about bombs I don't got any bombs that seems like something only a bad guy would have bombs it's either Kate or zud every time I've been around their bodies it's not a Kate or is that but I was just with Kate and then I left for two seconds and look him died and then okay the sun walked in right afterwards and it was really sussy quick are you both together that's a crocodile crocodile that is a crocodile and there's a boat [Music] I'm I'm the I'm leaving what is I know what is wrong with her I don't I like anything that's happening listen you have you seen no I'm getting out of the storm I'm getting on the Storm hey Pat I'm not taking it right to the body is that listen the one person that I can trust died I'm so sad um yeah Nico come with me what's happening Nico come with me why Nico come with me follow me Nico how many how many are dead how many are dead two Perfect come on come on I need you with me at all times come on come on my buddy okay I'm coming I need to know I need an update every 10 seconds All I'm gonna say is Jimmy Two Shoes what do you guys do [Laughter] you know what the heck just happened okay there's three killers okay I wouldn't go that way I wouldn't go that way okay I wouldn't go that way okay wait that clears you don't come with us come with us we're about to end this once and for all Kate it was either between you and Zed and you just witnessed a no murder happen Nico was with me he could tell when how many people are dead uh uh um back up Kate Nico I will protect this city zud any final words wait why no any final words inside colors [Applause] you get no peace the only piece you get is my rubber ducky no no no other since day one
Channel: Biffle
Views: 170,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among us mods, Biffle among us, Ssundee among us, Modded among us, Among us mod, Mods, Modded, among us, among us breaking rules, ssundee among us, ssundee, biffle, bifflewiffle, goose goose duck, duck duck goose, among us copy, goose goose duck mod, modded among us
Id: ixx9ezusGs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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