NEW QUILT PATTERN! Pam and Nicky Lintott's Hexagon Garden

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[Music] hello and welcome to the Sewing Studio today I'm really excited because we've been lucky enough to be loaned this gorgeous quilt behind me by Pam and Nikki Lino now Pam and Nikki have written lots of books about how to do quots with jelly rolls layer cakes they've got some patterns and we've got lots of these in stock and kindly given me their permission to demonstrate how you make the hexagon in this quilt so what you're going to need to make this and I'll just say at this point that the quilt measures 51 by 53 you're going to need a jelly roll or 40 strips across the width of the bolt measuring 2 and 1/2 in you're going to need half a meter of Border fabric half a meter of binding fabric and this is an absolute must it is a 60° ruler now I've used this to make the demonstration block for this video and I have to say it's a game Cher I've used other rulers I've used 60° on a straight ruler with the angles on a mat but nothing makes life as easy as one of these it's made by creative grids and I'm actually going to get one of these for myself so let's get started so all the details of how to make this Quil are in the book with all the measurements so I'm just going to start by with my book just so I can remind myself and as I say we're very lucky that they've given us permission to take the pattern from the book so first of all I'm going to make one of these hexagon block so you can see here I've made it with three different fabrics and the fabric that I've used is Chelsea Garden so I've made one of the hexagons and the quilt has 14 complete hexagons in it and then it has some half hexes and it also has some of the triangle pieces but I'll talk about how it all goes together a bit later on so the first thing I've done is I have have sewn three of the strips together and you press your seams all going in the same direction doesn't matter which way but as long as all your seams are going in One Direction and then the next thing you do is you take this wonderful ruler and you place the 6 and 1/2 in line on the edge of your strips that you've St sewn together now what I'm GNA say at this point is some machines even though they've got a quarter of an inch foot they can be fractionally different so it may be that yours comes out at 6 and a/4 or it may be that it comes out at 6 and A2 so it's always worth measuring this width before you make your cut so I'm just going to measure mine and mine is just short of six and a half so that's what I'm going to do with the ruler it is just a fraction but that's what I'm going to do but hopefully you're going to be more accurate than me and yours is going to be a perfect 6 and a half so the book says to put the ruler at the far left because we have to get as many blocks as possible from this and and then you make your cut and I'm just going to swap hands a minute just to show you so you've got your first piece but because I'm left-handed so your next piece for all you lovely right handers out there you'd put your ruler like that and you just make your cut using your right hand all the way along but because I'm left-handed I'm just going to swap it and go the other way I'll just explain that again to you so if you're right-handed you would have put your ruler to the far left made your cuts to create your triangle and then you turn your ruler around and you cut again but I'm going to have to do it the opposite way so that I've got my cutter in my left hand so line the edge of the ruler up again and I cut it I turn the ruler back so it's upside down and I go to the 6 and 1/2 line line up the edge of the ruler and I'm now going to do that all the way along for so now we've got all our pieces cut and that's good cuz we've got nine cuz that's what we need across the width and then the next thing we do is we lay them out so you'll see that they're different as in I've got a different Center here I've got a paler Center here but I've got this dark one that's going to run all the way through like I have with this one but you don't have to do that if you don't want to you can cut all your triangle shapes and then you can can join them together however you want to join them so if you did the whole jelly roll and you had them all cut then you could join different ones together it's whatever you want to do but for today I'm going to do it this way because it makes it easier to demonstrate to you so the block is going to look like this so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to join all of those together to create this block put that one there so you can see it on the other camera so I'm going to join them all together to create that block and then the three that are left over I'm going to join together to create that block so as I said earlier we press our seams going in One Direction now they've been cut into triangles you can see these seams are going the opposite way so that makes life easier cuz we're going to put these seams together and pop a pin in there and you can just see that they're going opposite so they will not nicely butt up against each other and that locks that seam and using a/4 of an inch seam and I'm using a quar of an inch foot today with a guide and then I'm going to join the other piece to the opposite side again making sure my seams are going in opposite directions so I've now got half of my hexagon done and what I like to do is I like to do it in two halves so I'm going to keep that press that in a moment and now I'm just going to do the other half so I've sewn two halves together pop those there and I'm just going to press these and then I'm going to join these two together as one and I find it's better to do that rather than keep going round but it's whatever suit shoe it's whatever you're happy with so I'm just going to the iron now and I'm going to give this a press so I'm going to set my seam first of all and then I'm going to press them all in the same direction so set your seam and press them in the same direction and now I'm going to line these two up so making sure that I've got alterate centers I'm going to line them up and sew straight down the middle and again you'll see here that I've got these seams going in the opposite directions so I'm just going to Nest those together align those seams one going one way one going the other way I'm just going back to the machine to sew that together [Applause] so now I've got this one all joined together I'm just going to give it a press and I've got the other half hexi joined together I'm going to give that a press too so here we have our hexagons finished and we've got our half hexes and in the book it says to you that you need to make 14 complete hexagons and then they're laid out together and we'll show you this closeup of how they're laid out together and then you can use the half hexes to finish the quilt off so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over to the quilt behind me to talk to you about how we finish that off using the half hexagons so I'll just give you a quick example here so we join them like this so our quilt would be coming down this way but occasionally we get a section where we need these smaller pieces so we haven't joined them all but as I say the book will give you full instruction on how to do that so let's just go to the quilt behind me and we'll talk about it some more so you can see how this has been put together that this is absolutely beautiful so your hexes we've got three complete hexes one two three and then a half hexy top and bottom and then our next column is four complete hexes so that's how you put it together you lay it out in columns and then to finish it off you've got the quarter ones in the sides so when it's all joined together together you would then trim it up and square off your sides then it's got this beautiful border which was cut at 3 and 1/2 in and finished at three and then we've got this lovely binding which matches this pink and this is cut at 2 and 1 half in and then it's been beautifully long arm quilted and it's just so soft and I love it the detail on this long arm quilting is just gorgeous and then it's got a lovely pale floraly back it is gorgeous so thank you Pam and Nikki for loaning it to us and I hope today's tutorial has inspired you all to have a go at this beautiful quilt as always have fun and I look forward to seeing you next time here in The Sewing Studio [Music]
Channel: The Sewing Studio
Views: 7,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sewing studio, patchwork, fabric, sewing machine, cornwall, sewing tutorials, quilting how to
Id: M8BOrGuX4rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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