New Only Up World Record w/ Sarah

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all right so this is the new official only up world record we're gonna study this and we're gonna figure out how we can beat it in at least less than 15 you know less sleep I haven't even beaten it so I can beat it in less than 15. that's more like it all right let's study what he does here so he doesn't go the way you go to the right he goes insta for the the tire thing here which if you're speed running is kind of just obvious yeah all right so do you know how he does this apparently you jump whenever you hit the oh my gosh she even landed oh my God is that the water in 15 seconds I mean I think all the speedrunners kind of get there pretty fast but I don't know that just felt so much faster what's crazy is so this is his new world record so he had one the other day where he set the world record and this one he just posted two hours ago like this is like brand new world record he just broke his own world record oh my God he's already at the toilets that took me like 10 15 minutes this was literally when we did it where we raced each other this was literally the entire video it was like you just had to beat this part and yeah oh my God he just slid on that he's like no no fear at all no fear at all that's good think about how long it took us when we did the video the other day where all you had to do was get to season two to beat me right he is already there he's gonna be there in like a minute 20. it's so crazy to me that like these speedrunners are like all or nothing you know like it's no they really do especially in his case because like he is like full just risking it because like he said like a crazy record the other day like it was like one of the first ones below nine I'm pretty sure and now he's coming he has to like he's doing this yeah and look how fast he's doing it like he doesn't even take it I've seen the inside of this yet and he just he doesn't even pause for anything it's constant go like I mean it's a world record so obviously you don't have time to pause but yeah geez oh my lordy Lord he's just the great thing about this skip is this one takes you up like Five Seasons or something you get so far from the skip yeah I've never seen this no you didn't make it here but you had to do all the other stuff before this he just skipped all of it so like I think when we did this it took us I think we were at like 20 minutes in the video or something at this point he's there in two minutes oh my God that's crazy what the heck okay I'd like oh yeah we made it to this water park I almost died up here yeah dang a tube fast with this yeah he's out to be to the the carts in two minutes yeah the whole thing is eight minutes which is redonkulous okay so he does get on the cart oh my God I love this little uh I knew like in my brain I knew you were about to say something about that too I knew I'm like she's gonna comment on that right when it popped up it's so cute bro I see him and all the speedrunners they do these booze around the corners I don't know how they have this much bravery I where's the Cutie Patootie if I make it up to this point like I'm playing it so safe just trying to like actually beat it wait finish the map um but the way that they just they just like like he's getting airtime on this thing like he just they just literally gain airtime they're seriously they're trying to like minimize their runs by seconds at this point like they're getting so optimized that like like I said probably like milliseconds yeah anything you can do to save like a little a million a couple milliseconds here and there so it adds up to like two or three seconds hey that's where you died gosh and he just makes it look so easy oh my God I can never do the cube in one jump it always scares me too much I always have to do too maybe you just maybe the whole thing is that everyone's brain is so like I don't want to die but the speedrunners brains are like I don't care if I die yeah well true yeah I mean at their point I think a lot of people just want to like beat them out for them it doesn't for then though like there's no honor in just beating the map like everyone's beat the map it doesn't make it like to them it's all about speed so like you might as well just throw all caution to the wind yeah it's so funny if you look in the top left he's in a Discord call and he's the only one muted so he must have knew something was up I didn't watch and see when he muted I don't know if he's muted the whole time but like he was like hang on boys like this skin for real he like meets up the one yeah this is the one it was crazy it's sad to say I've actually fallen on this part because I I just slid down I I you've never made it this part I don't even know this part I think honestly if you made it gosh she does such okay that's it he's found like the fastest pass to get up here Jesus Christ actually takes me so long to go through that building I think honestly if you made it up to here like if you hadn't Fallen at that part you fell yesterday I think the hardest part was going to be those fence posts at like the uh I forget what the POI is called but the the haunted place down there um but that would have been the only difficult part if you would have made all the way up to here I think you would have been chilling for most of this I don't think it gets difficult again here for a while bro I think that we should do a stream of me speed running true speed right just beat the map no fear I would probably die a lot but no fear probably so oh my God even though you could just skip all of those it's just so like at this point I would just not I couldn't my brain just wouldn't let me play like this and look he doesn't even go the way you're supposed to go I think all the speedrunners do this they go like this weird way around go somewhere else yeah you go get the speed boost and then you do this weird like wrap-around style thing Jesus we have five and a half minutes it's just crazy he like I think this was one of the first almost below eight minutes times to the moon like this was like a I think it said in the title 809 before the moon what if he didn't make that oh my god dude that's so that's what's so crazy to think about imagine like a world record run that you ruined because you just didn't quite make the jump watched his old world record the one that he did like yesterday and his same thing he always has the mantle there because I remember watching yesterday and being like jeez like that would I'd be so scared that would just slow me down literally like last jumper jump [ __ ] it up at least recognized his game isn't even in English it's not worth it I'm not I didn't even I wasn't paying attention I've been too focused on the run I don't know let's see where he's um I'm gonna put his YouTube in here so hey it's a crane oh you can run in the middle of those I've been like on those I like run off to the side and like on actually on the wire and just try not to fall I don't know you just run in the middle and it didn't even matter bro oh my God wait he's so close I think right yeah I was going to say how would you know you've never made it it's an eight minute thing right yeah 809 so yeah yeah he's getting pretty close the minute out this part right here when I actually beat it I think I was an X what the heck happened to the numbers that's what season 10 was called in fortnite you didn't know that yeah you have to remember I still don't understand you actually didn't even start until chapter two though so that your skin is a chapter two skin you're slippery boy yeah hey toilets yeah no it was it's kind of funny because this part right here took me forever because like when the first time I did it anyway because like when I got to here I was so scared of falling because like there's nothing below you here if you fall you start all the way over I don't even think you can catch anything and like land in a different season which to him obviously doesn't matter because if he falls at all insane like the most like big the most biggest the like craziest thing would be if like you fell but you still got World Speed Run the World Records like you fell but you still got the world record to be run is this it is this it is this is the end an eight minute yeah about 808 if he didn't fall there he got too hyped oh you can just skip that one if you slide no no you have to complete the moon but I mean technically most of speedrunners the moon is kind of like a given because you can respawn so most of them they they split the times up so they'll put what they finish the whole map in but like the big number for them is beating the actual map because that's why you don't respawn in so like they'll do this and go through the 808 or something yeah 809 and then you put 854 or something like that for beating the whole thing but I think this might be the first below nine minute Moon completion too though um because I think it was one the other day he got like an eight minute time Jesus this below nine minutes it took me 27 minutes my first time bro why jeez all right guys if you're watching this go show the guy some love I'm gonna put his YouTube channel somewhere here so go go show them some love [Music] it's Wesley Watts [Music]
Channel: More WesleyWAT
Views: 303,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, girlfriend, chapter, chapter2, chapter3, funny
Id: Ry8I_a4Pf54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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