NEW Octopus Home Mini: Your Usage In Real Time, Anywhere

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I was lucky enough to be one of the customers optimasanji sent out to try their Oxford home mini prototype and following testing they've started sending out the real deal and in the short video I'm going to show you what it is and how you can easily set it up when you have a smart meter installed you'll also be given an in-home display or ihd these devices are clunky don't offer a lot of information and the data it does offer is often outdated or incorrect it also has to be plugged in which means it's often left in one room or Worse unplugged and left to gather dust in the kitchen drawer the octopus home mini aims to resolve this by offering almost real-time data which links directly into the octopus app on your phone this means you don't have to keep looking at your ihd or waiting for the half hour data to come through the next day okay now we know what it does let's get it set up in your box you'll find an octopus home mini quick start guide the octopus home mini device a USB power cable and a USB plug to get started plug in your Oxford so mini ideally somewhere close to your smart meter and within range of your home Wi-Fi the LED light will blink blue use the QR code in the quick start guide to navigate your way to the link it brings up if you don't already have the Ops percentage app installed it will ask you to download it once you've downloaded and installed the app scan the QR code again follow the in-app instructions and tap the let's get started button connect to the octopus home mini device type in your Wi-Fi password and tap connect to Wi-Fi once that's all done you're ready to go and the app should load from the usage tab note it may take up to 15 minutes for live consumption to be visible within the Optus app on initial setup you'll now be able to use electricity usage in real time this usually updates every 10 to 15 seconds or so but I've sped it up for the purposes of not losing your attention you can see at the present time we are generating more than we are using and therefore exporting our excess solar energy to the grid you can also view your usage for the last five minutes the last 30 minutes and the day so far your usage resets at midnight and previous data is visible within the octopus up to find out more you can click on the link in the video description box below which will take you to this FAQ section about the octopus home Mini whilst this device and its features are very much in their infancy it's still a massive step on from the ihd we saw before and it has a huge potential it would be good to see a widget or notification feature so I don't have to open the app each time to see my real-time usage another useful feature would be allowing the end user imeu to set certain instructions for example when the real-time consumption goes above 3 kilowatts or below -2 kilowatts it would trigger an Autumn alert which could then lead to the homeowner checking what's consuming that much or if it's generating Surplus electricity plugging in their electric car if you're an Optimus Energy customer and want to get your hands one of these octopus home minis you can contact them via email or Twitter to be added to the waiting list they'll check you have a compatible smart meter and get you out one as soon as they can if you found this video useful then please like it subscribe to the channel to keep up with new content we'll be uploading and if you enjoyed this video and you're wondering if solar and all battery storage is worth it for you I think you'll find this video useful to calculate your savings based on your household's consumption and the various different install options you might be considering sound good I'll see you there
Channel: Everything Home
Views: 7,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: energy prices, everythinghome, everything home, energy crisis, electricity prices, how to save energy, energy saving products, octopus energy, climate change, 2022, energy, octopus go, solar panels, are solar panels worth it, home mini, octopus home mini, tech, ihd, in home display
Id: XQAdeNfaT1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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