New Objectives Update | Phasmophobia

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thank you so much for joining us today this afternoon tonight this morning wherever you are around the world i hope you're having fun and being safe out there nice to see you all good to see everyone here press the start button thank you white wraith oh jessica was like damaged lately and i looked down but no we're not oh yeah we are we're actually talking about the the uh getting the notes ready for the update that's why so she we're making sure celebrate is very detailed now she's going to tell you the good stuff they're going to go through and see what's new there's some new stuff also when we finished up we tried to start a couple games prior to this to make sure the crash would happen it didn't happen so i don't know at this point it could have been a fix i guess so it's not gonna work there we go just to make sure oh my god that all right so we're gonna try our best to get it all done and thank you all very much paul rules thank you big hash thanks for paul rouleaux pac uh nw of was it falstar has subscribed thank you so much for six months in a row did you change your name back falstar ball star that's the same one it must be because it's six months in a row thank you so much pack really appreciate it uh you changed your name on me why would you change your name on me [Laughter] just look who knows i'm gonna call you falster now thank you so much big big hashtags out there thank oh my god dark rogue thank you so much that's very generous thank you i didn't forget about uh you and your ladies uh good luck on the hunt today thank you with all new objectives or some new objectives big ass thanks to chuck grogg you're awesome thanks for being here thank you paul and pacquiao thanks for taking the time doing here nice to see you all on each side thank you all members smoking nice to see you too buddy appreciate that are you all doing hey simon how you all doing nice to see you nice to see you again if you guys enjoyed this make sure you take time hit the like button tells me you want to see more of it so kind of nice if you guys can do that smack that really good so new update occurred and i'm joined by mitz and slash emma and of course the leather lovely sunny bath so we have uh the lovely ladies of the house and uh celibate is going to actually walk us through the notes of what happened some changes yeah do you want to get them uh guessing on where not guessing but voting on where we're going to true haunts net promising halt next asylum we have asylum edgefield street house uh brown state farmhouse and grafton farmhouse so i'll leave these on a screen while she's talking you guys can vote for what please vote only once uh for these i really appreciate it go for it ladies okay new updates for us today oh okay so on the screen for our stats our sanity we all have our own color now so that's pretty awesome we're not all just the same color the updates the new objectives there is um footsteps can now be heard uh by the parabolic um mic and it can be a natural objective so if it's up there saying try and capture the sound the footsteps you have to then try and find it to trigger that one off but he may have removed that or it may be in the next update that he's removing that because he said it wasn't fun to do oh so okay about that one scratch that yeah another one is um the ghost can blow the candle out in your hand if you're in the room with it and you will hear an audible happy lovely that's pretty cool i know so the ghost is gonna blow us down another objective is you have to actively repel a ghost with a smudge stick whilst it's hunting as opposed to just randomly throwing it anywhere okay another objective is that everyone needs to escape the ghost during a hunt with no deaths i'm not quite sure what it means by that um i think so we always want to not die yeah i think we also yeah that's just basic single survive which foreign sorry good uh i'm just thinking what the other ones are here so get your average sanity below 25 well tick that one that's never an effort crucifix oh yeah the crucifix changes so before you never knew if it you'd been used or not so um you use it as normal throw it down if it gets used by the ghost uh the left arm of the crucifix disappears falls off so you end up with a slightly wonky crucifix then when the second charge has been used in it you just end up with a stick and it's no longer useful so that's cool i like that it visually has changed that so you know that it's been used so i was like two shots two shots it was always two shots but you just never knew if it had been used or not so uh another note that's worth knowing is that candles the ones from the van i guess the ones from the properties as well last between two to five minutes before they can randomly blow themselves out you know they just blow out so that's in reference to if it blows out in your hand if you've had it in your hand for ages it might just have gone out so you've got to listen out for the from the ghost i love that there you go that's it that's it that's there is another thing but i don't know if it's in this update that we're playing now or will be the next okay later but he's making the ghosts gradually faster as they're chasing you what but not too fast but it's to stop people looping around tables or counters who would do that that's horrible [ __ ] nobody does that i've only done it once after i got killed and i never did it again twice i got you [Laughter] love you guys keep it going thank you michelle i really appreciate that uh has rescribed for five months in a row thank you thank you thank you so much that is very very nice of you i appreciate all that very nice people out there taking time to do that of course uh we have also uh thank you so much to another one torson you buy a uber thank you so much a nice little bark good evening everyone have fun watch it for raccoons in a box i will watch out for the raccoons in a box during raccoons they didn't play well with me today oh my god okay so you guys all ready to go ready you're ready for this joseph thank you so much also appreciate that yeah it's really selective we'll have more for sure thank you so much for being remembered to appreciate it very very much spoken too thank you thank you quality my snacks with the 666 cheers threesome happy birthday to karine yes that's what i meant to say and here's one more thing in my head karina's now i think she's legally born right now i think she is legally born now so [Laughter] karine is now 29 years old today happy birthday crain i hope you have a very nice birthday big 29 but like you know thank you so much crain and happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday birthday to you they grow up so quick these days don't they like my snacks big hashtag thank you so much for taking time today that's awesome of you all right so yeah we did a couple in a row to make sure we wouldn't crash and it didn't crash i even selected the last one right by guessing so yeah do that you did yep yep i can't believe it i don't know if i got money because i clicked away at the end of it when we finished i did not click so fast because there's actually some stats that comes out afterwards so it'd be interesting oh yeah that's another new thing take a look at the equipment i thought i'd mention it since you didn't bother i know this is a small location right feels so good well our driver has done bugger all he's got nothing else to report your co-workers hopped on pills so it doesn't work out very good for anybody here we'll try our best right now i want to try the candle thing out so badly we'll go in with candles shall we i'm going to have one cattle for sure i want to hear on me what's going to blow me paul rulo happy birthday crane hashtag thank you you guys hear me good yes i can no perfect hear me yes ma'am oh yeah that too the b button oh steps right here ladies gents blow mine no blow me blow mine where are you show yourself are you scared wow where are we walking the first step oh right over there something yeah oh i think i heard something being thrown yeah yeah over here yeah lots of pictures too right now we have to look in here oops and there's pictures to see like we actually have the stars there for quality of pictures virtual alias thank you so much they can open doors now they can open doors now apparently they can't well they can always open them and go through them there's lockers hopefully they don't do that for each other but thank you very much it's a big hashtag sherry corville and again i don't know if it's this update or the next one um the ghost will open the locker fully so yeah what the ghost will open the locker fully to get to you so you've got to be quiet during a hunt yeah but i think he's thinking of making that just professional which you know is what we exclusively play basically what we do yeah okay corvo that's i like to see new map map all right well show yourself oh my god just went out no no just make me feel like where are you okay what do we have in our objectives because he changed right smudge ticks emotion sensor emf this one all right amanda thank you so much hyman's call sam again you want a quick pick sing a barbecue oh my god no necro big guy stick to mine that's fake you're fake it's fake fake here you want some yes please here right here my hands right here where are you going i found the bone oh damn it and i put the um [Music] how old are you there's two candles on the ground where are you still i'll i'll get to you okay okay how old are you what's going on are you here how many are you oh for goodness sake sorry what room do you love the most are where are you are you alone where are you how old are you can you speak [Music] oh my candle just went out now where are you you have to be alone for this thing right around yeah right around you how old are you are you here do you want us to get out do you want to kill us piano just went off where are you how old are you okay keep on blowing all the candles are you here should they choose the next bat make cheese [Music] are you here where are you show yourself i'm thinking that spirit box is not what we need okay have we got anything a couple of just a little bit of emf that's it not much the important thing is that supposedly when they're being hunted that's when you're supposed to use smudge sticks right when your teammates being hunted yeah how old are you where are you do you want us to leave also she can't hold down b anymore it's gone when a hunt starts they can't we kind of hold down and talk to each other more he saw that he didn't like that young gee thank you so much thank you thank you where are you oh we got three stars on those pictures so far uh my my picture my my piano uh only a two star that's disrespectful okay yeah something's weird about this ghost all the candles arrived a big spike uh to five 30 seconds ago blobby all balls oh balls or balls he's gonna kill us oh [ __ ] no who's that she took it private info thank you so much for coming booyah i remember appreciate that definitely have that goal for 75 i'll be putting up a game up for uh grabs on the discord make sure you guys are joining discord thank you so much members appreciate that very much private info big big hashtag on that woohoo yeah it went right out here oh she knocked on the window okay knock the window okay knock the window thank you this one this one here nothing that one there fed up with a candle uh all right we have nothing right sally's put a pile of stuff there [Music] this way this way this way hurry up in [Music] oh oh balls private info been watching a few years wow thank you so much you're awesome awesome so generous big hashtag thank you thank you thank you red phoenix too thank you so much pacquiao thank you i'm alone what was supposed to do oh why can't i pick up this stupid flash oh oh man this is not good okay i got another cross back at w so generous thank you so much private info too thank you red phoenix appreciate that so much i'm alone thank you for coming number two you know i'll show off some new games i think which we're going to do with that once you get to 75. all right um yeah better go fresh oh right um okay i need to take some pictures of her what else i have on me here i've got a cross and i got camera okay pack it up thank you so much recipe somewhat too both down for the count on the first run this ghost is vicious all right she's like they're slinging stuff here oh writing a book okay all right we got regular book like that that's not nice okay i'm not going to make this ghost ready so we have a spirit revenant shader i don't think it goes fast enough i'm thinking wraith oh oh my god so lucky [Laughter] oh my god dude you totally messed up that hunt [Laughter] that wasn't close when i was playing bullets amanda now it's time to call them oh my god yeah we need help really big time down by the paul rouleau thank you so much too big hashtag oh damn that was a close one i i just was in the midst of that door just in the middle that is a close one yes it is very lucky okay oh my god i don't know how lucky that was usually i get pushed in okay this this guy is like full throttle isn't he all right we can check out our pictures a ghost we got three stars for that one dead body only got two stars did i get a star for that nothing yeah it was a void one [Music] i'm gonna die in this one [Music] there has to be some orbs or something i'm missing here whoa i'm meaningfully talking to everybody else sorry keep on forgetting to talk to them talking through this what is that what is a camera like that for oh that's weird there's so much ah that buddy rabbit right across the camera all right there's nothing there i'm not seeing any orbs there just seeing flying teddy bears yeah not see anything oh balls i'm gonna die die red phoenix thank you so much that raven thank you you got this i don't know uh there's not very many place to hide with this ghost oh the crucifix is broken look at that oh man okay so we got a crucifix issue on that side oh balls time to get bill no no no no no no no no no no come on okay somehow i made that okay so he's got like three spawn points for sure yeah i got right in the book oh my god the cross is gone no i lost my light i can't see anything i lost the light oh crap what'd i do for i did throw my flight down private why i don't know okay i gotta find my light damage okay so crosstail is broken oh balls [Music] oh my god [Music] no oh my god what the hell happened here welcome to the underworld what the happened well that happened what the freak that was a race that was a wraith he saw you from downstairs that must be a wreath that was just that was that was evil i was nowhere to run to no that place is tough wow i love it we got killed i'm sorry but it's it's good i mean add that pressure to this game why don't you oh my god that was killer oh literally literally uh yeah that was it i just lost all my stuff goodbye all the stuff um i'll put all the next stuff in let me oh if you've done it already i've i've done it but there's something missing i'm just looking straight missing i need to take out a head-mounted camera i'll do that but microphone glow stick i can't believe we just died off that oh my god i think it might be glow sticks actually let me oh there we go oh you got it i did someone did i shove some sugar oh i must have missed the all button there we go all right head mount did i put one too many and flashlights we have too many of me up i'd already done it all game edged i know i just shoved like went across a list of this shoved it good yeah because i put them in them took the ones out headshot double kill triple kill ghost wins yes koala that was just insane now and i have to tell you right now i didn't expect it to be uh one two three shots like that that's pretty crazy big hashtag thank you qualify your support gaming simulation thank you so much for your support again uh thank you so much to amanda hyman thank you so much big hashtag to paul rouleau red phoenix pack and w uh again red phoenix knight raven of course paul rouleau amanda and pat kendall and private info thank you all for that and like i was mentioning too the private info thank you so much for that i appreciate it very much to you for remember that really helps out a lot thank you all members for being here by the way so we're up to 175 let's get we'll give way a game on discord afterwards and that and once we get to 75. so thank you all there's always giveaways anyways but i know a little extra got a new game howard did door thank you so much hello all thank you mr tudor how you doing all right yeah so we got our asses whipped if you missed it there's no way on that one right i'm gonna admit to it and just uh wow one after another that was a killer crucifix was awesome to see that oh yes brownstein high school asylum tiger wood street or uh brownstein farmhouse balls i'm scared they all sound scary now i'm frightened but happy spring folks love listening to you all out uh delivering mail in shorts oh well have a nice day out there everybody thank you for doing what you're doing too we appreciate it we do appreciate the mail being delivered thank you so much mary stewart thank you so much great update uh definitely tougher game that was really tough one i was i'm gonna tell you now that was tough protect the girls i did protect i mean i ran in the room and i didn't know what she was doing i tried to leave the door open as long as i could and then and i didn't want to go in where you were oh you should have just come because yeah no i i felt bad i didn't realize how close he was and then i don't feel bad no i didn't want him to take you out so here i can come on you're gonna die yeah but if we both went yeah decide which one you love more for the next update double kill what if we chant i threw myself on the ghost for you after all that time for more school yeah that was uh that was uh that was a tough one taiko would wow crap you guys want smaller don't you oh no smaller is not always better favorite fake sex stuff too it's a bit easier so both sides be calculated yes they are both sides be counted thank you so much uh was it uh me or did the wraith seem awfully fast it seemed pretty fast i don't know i didn't get to see how quick it it launched the stuff to kill me so i saw it uh when it took mitts i knew definitely it wasn't the um really fast one definitely wasn't their evidence but he sleep faster than usual once he got his eye on who he wanted yeah he was there was this stopping him so the update may be in there i don't know got my driver's uh driver what's it manager playing this now scares it's like crap out of him that's awesome thank you howard well i hope you guys are fun that's awesome don't do while you're driving okay i'm not touching pills again holy crap oh look the new board yes i didn't show you guys there you go color coded everybody sees the same thing like she sees hers red oh i froze i'm back okay that's good i'm not touching the pills right now i'm not touching the pills right now i'm shaking [Laughter] that's awesome though isn't it what we want oh [ __ ] there we go so what evidence did we get on that last one was it just writing in the end just goes running double doubles oh right here this door just opened oh not again last time we did that okay right here why can't i hear a mess because there's dmf on the ground oh gotcha if i press both buttons you hear both where am i where am i where am i well tag with streets in where are you who are you you're a nightmare in elm street there we go all right i'm gonna try not to die this time so freaking quick okay and another emf in there great cameron bring your camera in another emf just yeah kind of push it across me is that throwing a picture frame off the wall or something i think okay where am i i want to hear it oh walk around with that candle you will hear it all right uh ghost orbs confirmed to your left of you excellent oh one of these matchsticks has already been used by accident i think blow me dear how'd that happen ghost man oh it went out but it's not from that he doesn't blow up the cows but i didn't hear it he put out all the candles awesome where's the lighter do you have it oh i left it in this other room i'll scrub it ems going off you must touch the candle in the other room where are you bones in this room it was this one on the table that went out in front of the lamb there's nothing for me why does he don't want to blow me yeah the bigger the bigger ones do some do something i don't want to hear this new blowy hmm i heard that i'm not hearing these blogging things at all i already hey that's it look at my candle vigil here hold on to this with that come on blow it oh is there you go not hear anything at all much activity at the moment yeah the ghost orbs seem to be coming from that wall with the pictures on behind you came up to your uh behind your nose yeah there that they so come on blow me blow me blow me come on up here we're trying our sanity it's pretty high you can't oh balls that's not funny that's not funny i know it's not chasing anybody it just freaked out on me oh that was weird they yelled at me i don't think i heard that one either [Applause] that's cool can we take a picture of the bone where is it the blue room yeah the other room oh i heard it it's going already isn't it here's a woof it goes whoa is that it everybody hear that in chat i don't know i heard something go nice where was where was the phone oh yeah i got it big footstep here it's like a whooshing sound okay do something he's definitely ashamed then show us a sign thank you angie she heard me blow it that's good oh yeah thanks angie yeah i heard it nice and clearly night raven thank you so much elise take it for get her first that you're even at least take it for dinner first g oh my god we should bring the second book and make more money i'm sorry just open [Music] mf4 give me four here yeah he seemed to be playing with bathroom door no it's it was you have f4 here now and here it's it's silly bear [Music] show yourself i'm going to go and see if we've got salt where's the other emf okay there on the ground i think show yourself shade show yourself i need more coffee or dark [Laughter] i do just looking like cup of coffee there you had one oh my god give us a sign where's the lights anyways downstairs there's lockers in the garage power going sensor on because for some reason there are no motion sensors i'm sure that's weird i thought i put one in there too show yourself stolen them should we smudge you can try negative no still no good where is he why is he not showing up where are you is it because we're all here maybe wha what i heard the bush again i didn't the candle's gone out next to game edge mf2 you're the back room right here actually no i didn't see it didn't really check her went downstairs there's nothing okay here's nothing bathroom or something we're going to check the garage yeah if the ouija is going to be anywhere it'll be in the utility room garage or um the little room show yourself show yourself shade yeah no nothing in here well that's always good yeah oh there's the key here we haven't picked that up yet i don't think that makes any difference though here's part of our objective oh that shows yeah i'll forget more for it yeah not see anything now this guy got quiet sure yourself oh ams oh i just heard that sounds like boxes fall like or anything else yeah it could be we have put a load of crap in this hallway well i don't know there's nothing out here whoa balls near the bathroom i got no emf we still haven't we still haven't got the crucifix we need to pick them up and put them down there you go i think it's a little harder to hear with the uh with the rain now yeah that's been like that for a little while i've never noticed it the sound effects are pretty awesome yeah i love that like staying in the hole right now all right i don't know what if let's let slight bear stay alone there i'm just gonna pick the crease to fix this up put them back down again i put one in the bathroom oh what's wrong with this uh ghost i don't know be careful sally oh neighbor even says ask it to give you an email give me emf give me ems ems ems ems i hope this is not a ghost federal disease right give me emf give me emf your little bum hey play my candle again oh we got you my friends your son is used 27. hey uh yours is 80. if you come out of the house sonny i think it'll hunt for gaming that's nice if he wants it what the frick i'm coming candles the whole time give me emf give me emf give me emf please not disease emf went high here oh my three the front door right here i have emf outside oh is that me you're the freaking ghost girl i know i'm gonna you might be attached to you though maybe that's what you're trying to say carol you want her come on grab her i don't have an ems thing on me i should really have one there's one in the ground over there did you even see it little white thing on the ground yeah how'd you walk through that door ah hello i don't know right there where is it right there oh yeah right there [Laughter] oh the crucifix is broken right we've got the crucifix i'll check it on the board that must be why it did that sort of weird jump thing yeah crucifix has gone carol yourself oh the crucifix is gone where's the other one hey yeah just wake up it carol you want some mix alone no problem we'll give you mitts alone oh no [ __ ] i was joking oh she's a bedroom carol she spawned in the bedroom this time or she went in there that's for sure carol hey carol how you doing the girls have no clue where they're at can you reach out and touch me i don't know you'd like to give me some emf ah thank you carol oh my god i got lucky now and again that's like two for two mishmoosh thank you special follow sunflower thank you subscriber prime you're awesome thank you summer rain thank you so much other bits appreciate that blow me blind my brother walked by my room and heard uh i'm sorry are you okay yeah she was hanging in the bedroom here i am give me emf give me emf all right well i are you happy carol uh she hanged out in that bathroom over here by the way she was right here all through it pretty much oh there she is [Music] three star pictures three stars nice [Music] i got another one with you with it it should count this is a two minute book taken so what else we have to do here we still to find the last clue right yeah we need the ems yeah sure yourself give me emf definitely let me go back carol give me emf carol do something carol i should have actually got up with emf throw something when the light flushes twice apparently that means they can't hear you oh yeah apparently do something oh don't fix it jeez don't be so pushy this is really spooky now this is a lot more spooky okay all right let's go outside right let's let's back away a new member thank you so much for that fist bump member tamara thank you thank you thank you very very much we got two of them that's really awesome we got a couple more to go but we'll get to that and we'll start doing the winner on this course thank you tamara salina thank you so much for that thank you yeah that's right thank you so much we've got a lot of support it just knocked a picture off the wall as well as we were talking okay just strange i thought i put one in there too hasn't fallen down anywhere else no no no all right well we ended up here we did a pretty good job my son is two percent celibate is 46 and 10 yeah right look at that am f5 spike nice that's all you had there thank you so much completed ready ready to go i want to see the end of the book now because we get to see it the new update with the new book you don't have really a chance to see what's what i'm curious congratulations uh leaving six six nine four there you go time in light 17 minutes time in dark seven minutes time in a ghost room eight eight minutes time inside 18 minutes and 40 seconds and total time investigate 24 beds amount of ghost fence four amount of ghost hunts one wow i was not in it for one of them i think okay i'm on a ghost interaction 67 wow yeah that's cool the last three were the same for me um yeah it's just the other time so i was in the light for 21 minutes yeah yeah so that's intriguing okay so candles do count i love the stats page me too smoking i think that's pretty cool you can actually see what's what yeah let's see the ones that are wimpy and they are stuck uh not inside the building for as long just saying 67 ghost events 67. all right let's see what we got here we got brownstein high school edgefield street house to vote for laser gents so go ahead and do so that's what our next choice is our packet w thank you so much good job team thank you so much for your support tamara thank you so much for becoming a member appreciate it i think i got that right thank you so much for that yeah bigfoot tom appreciate it very very much sunflower thank you so much for coming prime member appreciates uh was it summer rain said my brother walked by my room and all he heard was blow me blow me blow me sorry night raven thank you so much howard tindor and barry stewart thank you af buddy howard dindor thank you all for of course being here appreciate it very much and all your condonations and uh we got magates tim adams lucas bowser mimi ortiz rick a cody mr that king 1000 it's boots i think it is my god i got this wrong i'm sorry zubir i i got this right ms that's me thank you so much all for subscribing don't forget to check out these fine girls channels too and support them and very much appreciative we're gonna jump into another one and see what it looks like uh high school it is yes you are high school high school confidential thank you for voting i appreciate that very much hopefully uh they put all stuff in this time should i double check sadly there was one too many um cameron torches sorry strong fashion who put in this one yeah strong flashlight yep let me go in there and take that out what's that got it check out the point of view you can see there's stuff we didn't hear and see there inside too it's always nice check out support these girls thank you g should hide in the ghost room again no no no no no no while we're working out it's new that raven was rough that raven was so rough with me last time i heard it still hurts right here here and here [Laughter] oh my god that's wicked cool all right you guys uh we're all ready let's do this mm-hmm y'all ready for this don't be mean to ge cool it's okay i actually like being tortured it sounds awfully weird but it's not what i really do in real life i'm not one of those whips and chains i've actually walked in to a supper with uh with the colleagues and stuff they start talking with after a couple glass of wine how are they like the kids gone so they can use their lips and change they have a secret closet i was like oh my god i just kept quiet i'm like i need to go and move on from this night through now oh wow mental image you can't look in the same way anymore right next day they're like did i talk about that [Laughter] would you like to hear it [Laughter] oh my god some people like to kick your stuff that's fine it's just it's just you know the first time you meet their you sit down for a meal yeah yeah oh look at the doggies tall you know really good like whips and chains and handcuffs like wow dude good for you you know hurry up all of me what you do is just didn't think it was appropriate for supper types and not really approved me so it's all good that's fine too much information paul exactly oh dear violence oh no they left in a hurry violence [Music] sorry i'm stephen maestro thanks swisher i appreciate my bits appreciate you beard i did die already thank you so much good luck please thank you i'll take the spirit box if that's like thank you so much i think i heard something getting thrown in the right side on the right sorry sully i didn't look either yeah upstairs next to the toilet utility room okay i'm not sure it's hard to tell very rarely have this room with the tables and chairs in we've had it before early on though yeah very rarely you're right it has been like a long time yeah we could actually use this to walk around though really quick i don't see anything on the ground here oh i heard the door was that you that was me okay stephen stephen stephen oh no stephen stephen show yourself oh it has yeah i heard something being thrown on the floor oh emf5 we're going to book two damn that's really good you got you oh my goodness it's actually the hallway is it okay i don't know i'm just joking it's anything on the floor do you think i hear it i see it in here it's hard to tell it's always messy in this place i assume you guys are on the right side we are where are you just really close to the stairs on the right are you hearing any footsteps i'm not getting cold temperatures either here it says freezing temperatures and my my thermometer is saying 16 degrees okay six minus one there we go all right i'm gonna put the thermometer outside the window oh where are you oh 15.8 as i rounded that corner wow sorry i had the burrito today doesn't expect to be reading out on that thing oh where is it there we go yeah it's been delayed it'd be cold it's it's it feels like it delayed way too long though because especially technology today it's like pretty instantaneous right but i guess it it had to do what had to do i had a little bit of stutter there that's weird who's that rumor now can i look at your camera i crashed yeah it stopped working okay damn it disconnected car time out your equipment has been returned to you thank you i think sally's still like there are others out there in need of help i hope not she must be muted oh i'm out damn it that was that was getting a freaky one a bit it was damn it okay here's the thing though i want to see i think the server must have crashed out there oh no how about eu welcome back looks like there are others out there in need of help no there's a whole bunch of rooms that was just whatever it was it must have restarted okay okay all right well that was kind of bollocks uh should we do another school yeah we found one right yeah i found one yeah yeah all right just to make sure we can do it i don't know what happened to server is time down on us so it is what it is i thought i did something wrong i looked down and went there's something wrong i must have done something wrong yeah suddenly was just saying i was walking on the spot there you go these okay i'll let you guys walk and be right back in one second johnny way i'm late you're not late support for my best trio thank you so much be right back and get drink why does it say offline when you type the number in do you get that it did the first time it did the first time not that time though to know it's obviously having a bit of a hissy fit today okay all right let's add this stuff hey i found out what the problem was with the motion sensors and the sound sensors is that i didn't have any to put in i'd lost them when i last died and so i went down all the all buttons and and there was i didn't even think fill them up yeah got ya so i think i might have done one too many let's have a look flashlights that's the one there before yes take one of those out right so we're good for that and uh there we go hmm we didn't get the crash at the start but we got it part way through the cage no but i felt the stutter in between it was weird yeah i stopped and went oh i loaded it quick it's freaked out wow yeah all right we can get this going really quick sorry let's just part of the uh part of the fun i guess oh i start froze i'm back that's weird the same thing happened last time too [Music] power is first floor is that it turns the same thing i'll go and get the power this time here's exactly where it was last time yeah okay this time you can do the investigation this way won't crash hey guys thank you john henry how are you doing all right i'm gonna step away from my screen for a moment i'll be straight into school yeah i know what happened just stop like that phone ringing on the right side yeah and of course you know emma had to ruin it for everybody you can't even get like one word in with this girl around you just it's impossible i tried i tried to get at least one in like book i know does she let you speak sometimes too sleigh bearer no no i know it's horrible we have feelings too just joking i'm messing with you you just need to learn to play better i mean um hopped up on on loopies okay [Laughter] all right so it's a ground floor we're sure um i'm not sure yet private usually it's a tuesday thursday here in the afternoon and then friday saturday i usually stream but i had a voice issue for the last few weeks so i'm not sure the girls there sometimes the hours are not at night but we'll see thank you so much for all you don't appreciate it uh thank you so much for that i appreciate it for following i hope i got that right sorry i didn't everybody's hoping for revenant i bet you yeah oh but a long time ago yeah oh okay i thought you know [Music] it's a good thing we all have very thick skin because or else people would be crying all right oh i'll be crying later okay oh my god she's making me feel guilty but still we're still trying to find the go through parazonda have you heard or seen anything yet phone ringing become a member today we're all a family here people regret thank you so much for that really appreciate that buddy of course oh that's why i can't see what's going on here they had to flip over from the last time there we go that's correct i'm not saying anything anymore it could be really close by though i don't know i heard it again the throwing thing yeah i could be upstairs too oh it sounded like it was one of these on the left here opposite the bathrooms did you hear the power get switched off and that was me just picking the power results [Music] there has to be a room with a phone so us a sign where are you where are you show me i'm gonna try upstairs yeah show me a sign show me a sign left the doors open are you here show us a sign has some of these doors [Music] yeah that's what i thought is it like it's like it's far away though that's nice yeah she rooted slavery got one congrats i know you can do it i'll throw a camera down in front as well where no need to go to the spirit box she's got it what did it say [Music] is yeah it might be it's really hard freezing temperatures we need uh we've got spirit box some freezing temps we need fingerprints ghost orb ghost writing wraith mirror demon i have the uv ray on it and there's nothing so not gonna leave fingerprints behind us for sure got stops in here anybody inside the truck i am you wanna check my camera okay i'm looking all right i'm just looking now i don't see anything at the moment oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god balls what the freak is faster and it looks i don't know what it looks like is she chasing me over that quick oh my god don't go through walls don't go through walls whatever you do i went the wrong way okay i mean i made it boo boo don't go through the freaking walls i swear guys a little [ __ ] i'll go upstairs screw this okay are you okay yep it feels like it's a little faster it feels like a little faster i don't know it's it's just the way she came around that corner she came out of the classroom i feel like she was walking faster i don't know maybe just you know thinking about it too much and it's just not true but i don't know okay i'm going back in that classroom thank god i dropped that light down in front of me no we're just coming in with cameras and other stuff [ __ ] out of me oh what did you do i stomped her behind me was looking for something it just freaked me out a little bit i don't know why my heart jumped wow i don't know no writing a book they're right around that corner right in the corner over there [Music] that's where i heard it from not liking this at all there's something's gonna happen back i know i think i'll be you no come on show yourself i think it likes people alone do something throw something it did like someone alone because he did spear box alone too yeah that's true it's true where are you show yourself i'm living on the edge where are you did i leave the mf on the ground there somewhere let's see how fast she is yeah she's quick oh my gosh she's really quick no no she's a lot quicker [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh oh that didn't work out oh screw it you got a picture it was quite far away though i think you should wait here and take a good picture of her let's wait for her i missed her oh my god i did oh god i turned around wrong okay we're good oh thank goodness she wanted you no means no any ghost orbs that makes sense of course you guys are brand new to this we're just going to run through what mary's in case you guys want to see right we've got to witness the ghost events source of nightmares are making a little more powerful doug unique strengths will be increasing chances got two stars turning the lights around in there with lower chance of attack so let's turn off all the lights the shoots embarrass let's do this let's turn on the lights let's uh let's chill this uh ghost down a bit what else we need to do paul rulo thank you so much balls point stays in there for a long time she's a shadow of herself you can't see her yeah that's too difficult okay yeah i'm gonna go into the gym background okay i think she's right behind you she is oh no oh no all right well she's pretty far away without hearing anything oh she closed the door there she shut herself out she is why okay uh oh no what the frick there's no light switch in this in this room i can't turn on lights there isn't no there's not even lights in here all right okay uh what do you need to do left uh just that go to rent witness the ghost event all right where does it well i would have thought there we go does that count does that count run oh it stopped what happened i don't know it stopped she just gave up did you did that work because i asked her to ring the phone she did um sorry okay [Music] music got a picture nice [Music] good stuff we got some decent pictures too that's good oh yes i've got three star ghost piggy banks really appeared in a room earlier she must have appeared did the one with the phone do anything yeah it's attraction i'll have an oh nice oh it shows papers for me but you did take a picture of the phone okay all right i'm not a reference but uh still all right we're good okay welcome back what else we have we have everything here boom everything's off the board i hope sandy was fantastic all right it was a mirror let's let's rock this okay hold on thank you karen i see you [Music] total time inside 16 minutes and 10 seconds i might have stayed like too long yeah 13 42 for me 15 years outside yeah because we're back out i didn't go back i had four minutes yeah i didn't come in so late and then i was stuck outside when it kept hunting you got the ghost terms you found the room and uh there you go i did yeah i did so you know stop complaining who's complaining nobody's complaining all right i'm gonna turn this off i put the stuff in this time since you guys are teaming up putting stuff in to be rich so oh that's nice uh chef kevin how you doing hello there uh beautiful jean i'm just talking gee in a beautiful cellar emma i'd like to do update good luck thank you so much to me too actually i got to tell you it actually throws out some curveballs with us and like that thank you big hashtag thank you so much to chef kevin really appreciate the 666 and uh pack and w thank you so much for that big hashtags too paul rudow and thank you very much for being here appreciate everybody's support really means a lot to me and filming uh we have grafted farmhouse and asylum for this one so grafton farm house and asylum is the key so we'll see how we're at for now so you guys gotta pick you guys pick and choose whatever you guys can just please vote once and very much appreciate thank you back she literally appeared yeah she i don't know i didn't see her before in a room nicole and she uh i know i heard the sounds and the heartbeats but we couldn't find her i turned around in circles so i don't know i do not give an a has followed me [Laughter] are you a teacher i'm just joking [Laughter] are you my one of my teachers i'm joking you on you want all thank you so much for that i appreciate the fallout appreciate we have your farmhouse i'll sell them some farmhouse farmhouse some assam grafton farm house that's far mouths from my guys a lot of farmhouses you guys want to die easily don't you it's just enough to pull in a solid mass branching okay as per angie dude happy birthday crain birthday you see i did that i love candy i put happy birthday you see huh am i not good am i the first one in it wow you guys suck i'm here here i am we've arrived for help nothing to report but it looks like whoever was here left in a hurry oh this one's got one of the new objectives an average sanity below 25 well that one will go quite quickly you won't have to work too hard on that one there we go no take care of that situation oh god hope you guys appreciate it look at that right here oh good you can find that one ghost presence with a motion sensor and uh we bring that we did yes and smudge sticks okay john jackson not joe jackson john jackson oh that's on my camera someone defense put their head cam on oh door opening to the left left hand side there's a door to open wow are they so active so early is the power on um oh it's right here i might have gone the wrong way uh this door was open here wow i never remember this story being played with before is the power on yet no because i've gone the wrong way sally's got it i think yes i always pointed it for you oh thank you there you go it was only my face store are you here where are you are you a hallway ghost is it power on yet it is celia is it really on yeah okay thank you just want to make sure oh hey so it could be a hallway ghost this door was open right here okay which i don't remember this door be open ever did you hear a stop or something with there not yet no i thought i heard something over here yeah three celsius right here and someone's playing the switch i have just turned a light on oh windows the windows just got knocked that's interesting i'm not saying that oh for celsius now look it's time yep you shouldn't believe me [ __ ] why don't you plead me of course as soon as i leave freaking thing oh look there you go yep check on revenant fingerprints that'd be a double check on revenue with it oh balls wow that was a long time it's still going for me i can hear you oh girls i'm gonna leave the area that's the uh craziness and it's not freezing so like emma's staying there and then you came in and she really didn't like it then mia walk in it's all dead i don't see anything and no fingerprints so far okay footsteps right here i definitely heard it knocked the window a couple of times me too where are you okay are you here okay so it's spirit box [Music] is quite crazy getting five again [Music] just at that table that's all it is [Music] and here too [Applause] okay throw these down sorry was the last one i could hear you repeat the last one ghost orbs then goes writing can you write this book on this camera oh thank you yeah crotch shots very nice no abs actually oh well no no no you've got a little hole you've got a hole in your seam sure yourself nothing nothing [Music] hopefully attack us slayer thank you so much for that appreciate your follow party do we only have the one book okay have you got the other one on your game mitch uh no i'll bring it with us i'll bring it in two seconds okay trying to see here there's an extra light on somewhere flashlights there's like one facing the wall suddenly's got some candles in here [Music] i can't see anything it's too much picture i got yay i'll move some of these candles that just take away a little bit sorry no one to be sorry reflect that much for candle no there's nothing going on here no right coming with you he fiddled with the door um it's not something over i think i wonder what it is writing a book numbnuts excuse me suck you writing a book he was around the corner there those two doors he messed with he seemed to be around here [Music] let's mess with this one writing a damn book [Music] the book's written in book book oh awesome i'll go get another one and put it there oh oh no like a healer from fire was with you it was right next to the track oh okay what no sorry i didn't realize both books were in the asylum already yeah i said i was bringing it in for you guys reading the book too oh nice two for two [Music] that's cool two for tuesday nice all right well what's left for us to do now just putting some motion sensors around below thank you so much for subscribing five months in a row thank you for that support that's really awesome of you guys appreciate it very very much big big hashtags up there thankful members to be here thank you all here thank you for a big time we'll be okay this thing's gonna i'm just packing a little bit i'm waiting for this thing to pop out on us yeah that's why he used motion sensor now um quick enough oh dear so is there two crucifix in here the memorial is the one i don't know one um one i think we get the other one for you i'll get a few oh i had him okay you're going for it okay that's what i'm going to give you you can see why oh balls he's stuck over there he's he's stuck over there [Music] oh i give up i hate when you flash like that yeah i like wasted a whole bunch of pictures for nothing you owe me a roll of film oh my god he's behind us he doesn't need heartbeats how come he has no heartbeats true oh he's going after sully he didn't have your heart no do you guys hear heartbeats at all i didn't hear no heartbeats interesting very interesting holy balls ball balls well our sanity should be below 25 now i think so you should hit the monitors too the sensors no we're average 40. really sleeper is the highest one okay stay in the dark turn off the lights there's two three star ghost pictures is my sanity going down a lot more right now because i have my lights off everything flashlight going on [Music] is it going down quicker okay don't stay too close over there with your flashlight off so oh boy sure is dark it really is dark let's have a look in the truck uh 38. 38 because of who who's the one that's that caused the problems oh no yeah her side is going up why is her insanity going up i don't understand why hers is doing so much better i don't no i'm not sure what's she doing different can you see her little icon on the map oh it's gone down uh you should yes yeah that's right there on the top oh yeah yeah you can see the different colored dots oh she took it right she stopped john hemingway thank you so much for cheap throwy camera three pics [Laughter] thank you john thank you for the support everybody thank you thank you it means a lot thank you very much still her son he's holding him pretty high i don't understand you need to stay in there by yourself i need to stay in there and the other hunting go near the ghost area by yourself no lights on i can hear image saying something but not saying oh don't go to celebrate you're causing a lot of problems go to the uh area with myths both of you are like sane so both you need to go go to the ghost area i'll tell you i'll tell you whether or not uh he's hunting we need the lights off ribs at the ghost area okay oh he's just turned a light on in a room is your light off good all right that's yours turn it slightly better is going down 29 30. actually i'm not i have to go in there too damn it have your back why am i going so sane i understand we should be like insane with this stuff you should be insane another brain insane membrane oh look at that shadow then that was awesome take a picture when you see the ghost as well the flashlight definitely helped i think for those of you sorry there we go izzy it's best to be in that ghost area with the that area there if that's the best place to do it no lights on okay usually we don't have that kind of good sanity anyways i don't understand why it took so long onion go ahead mitz what are you ready to click off rocket try thank you so much for uh fall appreciate okay all right we have lesson let me get we need to be a little more random now welcome um i've got some jobs ready for you good morning oh sorry i hope it works out well for you oh that's not fun uh 492 reactions two ghost hunts ten ghost events yeah that's pretty cool [Music] good job all right we'll select the next job coming up to you which is grafton farmhouse brownstein high school or edgefield street house crap packet w thank you so much picking hashtags packet w thank you thank you thank you the jets appreciate it thank you that was actually a pretty good one i wish it was a little more aggressive but yeah one more question he really showed himself a lot didn't he he sure did he sure did you'd like to flash it all off worse than pv herman in the porn section of the uh video store oh god he didn't live down for a while all that money needed the visa edgefield street house i like you let's see where we're going to get here i got a whole bunch of votes for grafton farmhouse farmhouse i what we've seen peewee park however what pewd park a horror trailer i've not seen it i've not seen that i can't say i was a big fan of people here and i'll be honest you i just remember that story it is grafton yep grafton farmhouse it is and hopefully uh for revenant let's hope for revenant this would be awesome perfect place to die really quick for everybody that'd be fantastic give it to me it gives you i'm in again first uh-huh first first first your second second second and who's last well well well look who was making fun of the other people before never done it great to see you gang hey buddy it wasn't never done never died we miss you nice to see you big hashtag thank no reports of violence but keep an eye out all right i'll keep it right um go ahead uh let's we'll keep an eye out on you i don't know do you wanna try a spirit box i'll try next one uh cyber so we can have each other's actually did i do last one i got last one yeah it's your turn to sleep i'll triple if you don't pick up the damn spear box such a tyrant you know what helps a lot i think if we know where the power is that my flashlight in the back room i think i know to write at the bedroom in the back sorry the left one the left bedroom when you turn to that corner there inside the house let me see him did i lose my emf too what the freak happened i think he threw something on the floor i sure did not see what i mean thank you so much for the support thank you being here buddy hey revenant show yourself a little shite that's where he died last time right this is where he died last time yeah it is it's the same see if shut the hell up wow oh footstep upstairs upstairs near the back room in the bedroom it seemed like that's where the footstep was but i can't confirm it's in here now that was interesting i was just looking for the ouija board and the power was off so you turned it on again who turned a lamp on in a corner [Music] okay i never realized that lamp could be turned on oh yeah he's in his bedroom all right i'm coming up okay uh it's freezing temperatures nice emf five i'm joking yeah this light was turned on look at this did you know you could turn that on on the side i didn't i did not know that one turned on that looks really nice all right he's been touching everything too around this area like i'll so a camera down i've put one in the corner suddenly on the desk oh yeah the picture sorry i'm with you yeah yeah no worries so you can shove more stuff in your hands spear box smoking tequila all right did you notice there was freezing temperature in there did i miss anyone saying that oh my god i'm taking the uv just for that the lights on in the room but i can't see any orbs so far you know you're picky as frick can't have lights no broom game [ __ ] uh-huh do we even need fingerprints or am i wasting my time with this fingerprint scope goes right in okay i'm not seeing anything with fingerprints okay you see anything i turn the lights off for you uh did that just flash to you why was the camera around a bit no balls run you see this oh sugar lumps stay inside he saws [Music] okay she's following me okay she's definitely chasing me oh my god okay stay in that room don't make a word don't don't she's coming back i don't know where she is i've lost track of her she's got me i think she's got me oh oh god i don't know how my god it worked he survived thank you okay i didn't want to go in there i feel like she saw us sorry that was impressive it prefaces are you lucky i didn't know if i could out there [Music] my sanity is dropped yeah i don't see anything i don't know where the camera was anyways it works over there but okay i changed locations of the camera okay is that crucifix partially gone sort of covered by the map oh balls oh it has here on this one this one too hunter's toys kyle never hope everyone's having a great day thank you so much kyle big hashtag never got to kyle pacquiao thank you all for all support it means a lot to my family thank you you guys are absolutely awesome there's nowhere to hide in this place i'm not i'm not keen what else are we missing here you said sorry uh spirit orbs and uh fingerprints right in the book yeah i don't think i see fingerprints should just touch the door i'm double checking if you put any more cameras in no we'll do that now get some more scubas that's a pretty good spirit okay oh okay that's a good view you look so tiny down there that one's not so great balls balls balls balls well that's good no no maybe when there's corey cause they they seem to like to play with this light okay i don't know celebrities putting you in oh this door is closed last minute yeah we're looking at the new one cyber just in case something happened can you try to do fingerprints because i i left it on the ground i can't seem to see shite but maybe it's some kind of weird issue sorry let me know if it's hunting yeah i got my light on i'll keep it on v in case all right our sanity is 22 percent yeah she's here just in case uh no nothing in the book no books no fingerprints okay oh balls she's hunting though she's getting heartbeats don't think she's sauce holy balls oh my god she was right next to us she was right next to us i didn't see her in the room at all okay we need to have this door open yeah that one closed yeah thank you sorry pyrogaming thank you for your subscribers seven months in a row you're awesome thank you for that i really appreciate it he could be spawning out on the landing sometimes i didn't see her at all maybe good idea put a camera up there oh thank god she screamed at me and it showed up i could take a picture of her in time i took a picture of the book already she's right here oh god i'm out of here as she came down she was she'll put doors here god yay thank you okay oh my gosh that was uh frightening a demon too of all things amanda hyman thank you so much yeah obviously guys saying balls balls balls balls can't fill my book you got everything wow without that's okay it's not on the board okay for another one i ran around enough i think i should have taken a picture but then i but she's flashing lots of stuff the board's done everything's good yeah we're good never not coyote lover pyro gamings and amanda hyman thank you so much for packing w for all your kind donations being part of this i appreciate it rocky uh try read three wreaths i think it's i got my script thank you so much for following appreciate it do you need it as look at level 700 wow look at the amount of ghost events just one one ghost event 22 interaction three ghost hunts 13 minutes tall investigation inside 11 minutes 26 seconds booyah was really high the packet w thank you so much for that appreciate great job team all right let's get another one going there's prison ridge roadhouse or asylum ladies and gents you get to get the vote so thank you so much for your chance to do it in prison yeah never done thank you you'll see one of me nice to see everybody here i was worried about you i sent you a message i think a discord asking if you're okay good to know you're okay i thought you're just busy construction do you uh i guess i have supernaturals i've seen that before yes i have i think my friend is one like something most supernatural screen looks like that too i'm mistaken i believe so am i going to present are we are we really there's a little lot of prison going on looking at chat well how you doing considering that every single one is prison prison prison prison prison prison prison one school then prisoner wow i am level 700 yep and poor as heck [Music] 481 you're catching up someday oh i've got ten thousand dollars now i should really buy some stuff how much money do you have sleeping a lot how much uh where can i see i think goodbye you see how much i've lost right from these games wow wow thank wow i did wow you can pull it out i'll put mine in no she can just stick it in she needs to stick it in for once you guys need to press start when you're ready oh sorry okay it's good [Laughter] prison it is legit distracted by the thought of going to prison she joins the 700 club mile of high club 700 club thank you so much paul thank you so much pack appreciate it 700 can't believe wow and some people are there like raven going yeah i got that like uh first two weeks [Laughter] yeah that's a okay that dies as much as everybody else yes i'm a real pro oh my god where are we at prison we are gonna leave the pills for this one oh that's a boring one a little light switcher well that's all you have to say no well it's light switching she likes to flash her lights she likes a flash she oh we have only got one of the new options so far kind of odd i'll get the power this time so we can get done within the first two days okay there it is yeah reception maybe we should draw a little thing for her viral gaming thank you so much to you does that mean that you can move around like it doesn't give you like a little move around thing keep moving characters on a bit of paper [Laughter] in yes in the place let's put people out to think uh the bone is upstairs here in front of the cooler maybe it has a a picture yeah i'll i'll double back up what's your choice did you hear a door open and close no do you hear a cell door open i think it might be that visitors really power's on area i was trying to be sarcastic by the way just in case i don't know do you uh yeah i put the power on so oh oh oh definitely the visitors so the other side though the prison side i think oh crap that's a dangerous side thanks so much power gaming really appreciate it that's really nice it's very jealous of you thank you yep it's just open yeah oh hang on it's that little office oh no hang on it's not no i think she needs us to go and double check him to see where she's at because she's please it's in here mine is seven door yeah mine's seven and then he played and yeah it's the minus seven night room over there for a second or minus points yeah points something else you see that's where the minus seven comes from you know i know but i'm actually seeing the breath this time just saying deep breaths oh my god oh i don't know i don't see anything else happening so i guess we're just gonna take the donuts and go okay next time he's lazy oh very much time to watch tv shows i do like it though can you imagine if there was a little there was a bloke though i've never looked what a driver in the van just sat there waiting for us just just just she just realizes me that's drivers and i speak on a oh hey oh no i'm going back in okay that's a good thing no nothing it's fine it's fine it's fine amanda hyman thank you so much for your confirmations really appreciate pyrogaming thank you so much i figured a way to celebrate going back to work for dreams and helping me oh get through the tough times oh get through the time thank you oh welcome back there appreciate it really appreciate it big big hashtags door opening and i think there's freezing temperatures and some kinky handcuffs are you here do you want to say it so we can read it for everything no go ahead say it say it there we go you see celebrity wants to uh it was me actually it was a special controller i could press a button and make it sound like it's that i'm joking yeah spear box i just went through it yes i know wraith mirror demon wow what like green one sally or yeah but i didn't have a camera on me oh booger i did and i only just realized what you said he's hunting oh he stopped hunting he was right by you and you didn't say anything yeah thank you well she was at your feet she was right at the courtyard again no one said [ __ ] to me until it was too late oh balls right here oh oh my gosh she's attracted to me wow phasma phobia porn edition be brought to you by pornhub oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it i don't have a camera i do i do silly bear can you stand in the hallway and see how fast she is please she sounds quite slow oh go for it don't stand the hallway no nothing if i was a raccoon i can pour the water down here and make her slip [ __ ] you can go the wrong way oh she went through walls it's more interesting that we have to be close to each other now to talk was like that before well you know we could hold button down before i'll be here i prefer it i prefer like this yeah i do too i don't see anything uh on the glass or anything i'm just gonna pop back to the truck and see if i can see anything on the helmet try try this jail cell door because she opened that room uh so sorry it's okay she was talking to me i'm talking to you another things about you silly bear oh my god good thing i'm where the tissue feeling you crushed my only feeling you want to see our cameras just tell me if it's hunting okay here's a good thing we might have time for one more and what i think we're gonna do is leave the room and come back with right now we we have to capture a picture of a ghost if you want to as one of our objectives oh my gosh i don't want cameras you guys have cameras you should be taking pictures what the hell don't give me that camera you had it oh gods i could try and fight it if you want to she's right there this way she's right there come here girl follow me oh yeah okay little too fast that's [ __ ] that was definitely a picture of her that didn't work out [Music] damn it i only got two more pictures you stay still [Music] all right i tried and unfortunately i don't think i got a picture of her at all she might kill me actually [Music] oh game that she was so close to you at the end she caught up with you then yeah she did i didn't get one bloody picture she kept on flashing let's go for another one oh no hi i'm a big fan oh thank you dylan that's really nice if you to say that that's very very nice thank you so much you guys make me feel better trust me by having you guys here every single day thank you so much that is very very nice thing to say model photographer winston got the balls come on i just got back here do you think she wants vegetation right so we can check through the window hi pick up the phone pick up the phone which one do you want to pick up come on where are you okay i think she's she's she's prison breaking there she is where are you oh my god wow i was trying to talk to her on the other side didn't know where she was there or not i couldn't see her oh my god laffy lance thank you so much for subscribing for four months and it was very nice thank you so much my name is avi again thank you so much for seven months in a row thank you both but all those pictures should have counted i don't know i guess so it looks like a proper day's work with danny you've got empty coffee and donuts let's jump out so we could do one more a smaller one because we do one last one right girl so you guys will go that do one last one ladies and gentlemen we'll do a smaller one so we'll keep it just to the smaller versions of whatever it is the ghost likes game edge i know the ghost really seems to be hooked up with yeah it's pretty interesting happy birthday inside 10 minutes okay 41 seconds at 12 minutes that's not good side six minutes everyone yeah it's all good all right it's not competition oh boy this one only has one it's just it's just interesting oh we need to leave the room anyway it's true because uh we were getting mirrors that's why i wanted to do another one hoping for a revenge i've gathered a list of other answers asking for help prison brownstone these runs are all big welcome back i've gathered a list of other hunters let's see if we can find one here that has multiple choices some people have at least a choice for their own now i can't fight usually we can fight a whole bunch of these things at the start that's what we had wasn't it and now it's like all big places or one i have no choice but to do it asking for help asylum prison grafton farm house wow yeah we've done grafton a lot today for you yeah farmhouse tanglewood and a okay well farmhouse or grafton or the farmhouse tankwood that's the only thing they have they're also going to be here for like an hour and a half to a necessary tanglewood is it tangled with some we've not done i can't remember that we have done tankwood okay i think we have is it the one in should i try again don't don't take that number screw it okay all right welcome back i think it's edge field we haven't done right um there you go edgefield street house that's what we haven't done right chad i think it is is that the one we haven't done i think that's the one right i don't think we've done that i'm looking at my notes we've not done that okay so we'll go with the uh smaller one it's just for the last one on a hurrah and i'll i'll give them a copy of the number so they know where they're going i do love that room code by the way that's so much easier than trying to connect with stuff yeah it is really a smart way of doing things yep i loaded my stuff because i'm not cheap's cake so there we go all right strong flyer has someone put that into trying to put it in you must be slavery don't you dare call me all right yeah it's unfortunate it's gonna be away with the edge wheel sorry edge fields for this one i'm done so we're gonna jump into a little bit of edge time we'll see how it is primes uh kits thank you so much for usually you guys select but this is my time let's try and get at least one back in here you never said you had a field all of your own i do i went to a park i said mine did you have a flag oh my gosh i've always got to have a flag yeah i posted it and i said mine that city went oh really you don't mind fix up the rest of the place yeah it needs a billion dollars worth my luck i picked the same one [Music] you're both crazy 25 percent sanity too good yeah definitely can't use this clothes violet violent but well that's not good actually fine let's find this okay sweetie one of off again you've got the smudges careful when you you use the light around uh wow all three of them stop it what are you doing be careful with layers it's not you sonny it's just where he's got that position silly it's not you it's them okay makes you feel better she give me that finger i think so pyrogaming thank you so much i hope it's a wrap too thank you so much for that appreciate paco pacquiao nw thank you so much you're not switched over we have a net i heard something maybe upstairs still left yeah i think i heard that it might be upstairs still left to be careful possible revenant oh god i'm in the basement open up the lockers in case oh yeah there's definitely stuff being tricked around up here yeah i heard that okay just tell us when it starts hunting what to do i just turned out of power when it starts killing you please advise koala if uh someone crawls out of the tv to run very fast i will i don't we should do that with the um pms next to it oh yeah i have an emf here definitely come on in oh the bedroom all right go for it i'm near it you guys ask it oh i was trying to see if this would look like hunker go for it where are you how big is your pee pee you have a five yeah [ __ ] bedroom i guess which one's a girl's bedroom they all look like this one oh yeah door right here just opened the bathroom door just opened um no fingerprints though oh balls no balls full balls walls it's made of noise there's a book on the floor next door yeah the girls bedroom is here and the door opens right here this door here went open and closed by itself [Music] it made that exact same noise i felt so good so it's not revenant there you oh it's right here someone take a picture picture picture picture camera oh yes okay get in get it get in get in get in quick quick quick get in sorry which are you grabbing left or right left right right okay oh oh no it just stopped what happened i don't know i thought it got you oh i just joked with you sorry it was fast i think when i came back oh oh come here correct oh get back in she likes me please [ __ ] i'm stuck i got stuck i'm running for my life i don't think she was facing the wrong direction i'm not too sure i think she was facing the wrong direction when i was looking i don't know if you guys could tell me i believe she was facing down the corridor supposedly they can open up these all the way down koala thank you so much goodnight thank you for your support we're going to do this i think she's stuck upstairs oh my god i got jammed in and i got freaked out she was facing the opposite direction i think i didn't see her in the room oh yeah yeah we have a picture of her oh yeah that's good oh [ __ ] what happened i thought you were in a [ __ ] truck oh my god i wasn't expecting you she was on the she was on the bed where are you writing and amf [Music] keep the left or close left or i got right oh she has nowhere here it's a good thing where is she here she comes she's coming oh did she open her door oh there she is there she is oh her arm her leg oh i don't like this one right now where's the crucifix gone um oh water [ __ ] okay i'll go really quick ready protect me okay okay i don't see any fears shhh oh she's right here she's right here she's right there she's right about there your door your door your door your door your door your door was wide open she come right in here and kill us i know but why don't you hold it close that's what you have to do okay you forgot to turn off the water where are you you dumb ghost how old are you where are you gotta be a spirit box i don't see your fingerprints anywhere we could have ghost jobs though as well yeah just put a camera down you wanna stay here a bit sorry so i can go in the chocolate oh guys aren't you happy now loading that closet hang the hell to this oh my god is your door open slavery is your door open no you sure oh my god yeah okay cause i went out and opened your door i wasn't sure if you closed it i closed it split second after you open okay she's here that's why i got scared okay all right we're good oh good girl all right i'll go check out trucks celebrators gonna stay with the little events upstairs which are you doing buddy how old are you use me mood thank you so much party party party thank you so much big hashtags it just keeps on attacking let's see it goes doors oh i think i saw one to the left you guys see that to the left of the screen near the the frame i think i saw something fly by to the left i'm not sure did you guys see that i need your help i'm not sure if i saw that properly or not yep right there do you see it really quick right to the left of the screen right here there it goes again it just came back in yeah it is all right let's not say these two oh my god you guys okay she just threw a book right there on top too what oh no i'm joking i saw the ghost storm lightly on the left-hand side of the screen she did throw the book though right onto the bed stuff if you look around the left-hand side of the screen next to the frame every so often you'll see something fly by very lightly to keep your eyes right on to the left of that frame there that the uh picture frame on the wall why are you staring at the computer for you gotta stare at the screen i'm looking at the scum i am looking at the screen uh yeah there you go i saw it yeah okay oh i saw it yeah we had a picture of the ghost we did it oh god i don't know boy that was fun yeah i got an awesome one of her oh yeah yeah right early on we were lucky lots of interactions good job good job i did it i took a picture of it i mean the phone photo didn't work in the book it doesn't have interaction on it yes there's interaction though yeah well it's with the camera the one with the camera picture and the magazine that's the phone right there oh i see it yeah dirty water here i do pretty good those three stars reserves oh the other phone picture did you take that one i didn't but that's the one-on-one you took the other one there's an accidental one that i i took which has got the paper in it and a camera and a okay so the original one with the buzz does mine didn't okay no because that's ghost picture that was hers first i'm confused whatever we got the damn thing i want to go on national geographic okay let's do it see how what we did on that one that was a pretty good watch out i think that worked okay i thought i was revving for sure at one point wow pacquiao thank you so much nice job uh team surviving trf hey was it a rev that's what surprised me it's actually shade it threw me off a little bit yeah so time total investigation 10 minutes inside three minutes total in ghost room and 10 minutes in dark and pooped himself four times wow that's pretty good four chains of diapers that's pretty impressive oh my god well that was great i was you guys can hear now that's good i heard that yeah there we go so thank you all for being i really appreciate it thank you of course your wonderful mods happy birthday crane very very important i hope you have a wonderful evening thank you so much for being here on your birthday and we're honored you guys are absolutely stunning thank you so much both of you for being here in mods that i couldn't do without you guys thank you very very very much and thank you all for being so wonderful making the mods job so easy and being so wonderful you guys are absolutely stunning thank you dark really appreciate dark road i very much appreciate packing debbie thank you all for being here bowling's quality my snack one of my favorite names of all time smoking thank you so much sherry corville thank you so much for that too thank you for being here new members too thank you for spending time taking time we got two extra ones today so it's cool we're getting closer to this new five on that one so it'll be nice we'll try and boost that up this week so thank you so much for being all part here happy birthday korean yes very important and thank you these wonderful ladies over here uh we have uh some lovely uh silly bear and lovely mitts emma thank you thank you both don't forget to support them show them some love go and check out the channel always very much appreciative you guys can show them tons of that love is always very kind of you guys of course links are always in the description field and those will pop it up as you see right now crane just post them so thank you so much and thank you uh ladies very much yeah for being here appreciate it thank you thank you thank you paul thank you thank you everyone else yeah it's it was it's fun night thank you pack thank yous thank you all everybody for being here thank you so much for being here private for everybody and of course dark road thank you all you guys have a good night we're back on thursday i think i think that's where we're planning thursday so hopefully some major updates i don't know we'll see so it was fun though i do like this new thing we only got to see one so i don't know hopefully the other ones are in there mm-hmm so i guess he's got rotated candles being blown out so that was pretty cool thank you all you guys are the best this game engine against you guys on a flip side happy birthday curry good night everyone good night everyone
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 10,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phasmophobia, gameplay, let's play, professional levels, ghost hunting, survival horror game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Id: ItbJIo13azI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 20sec (9920 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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