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when we talk about wind turbines what images come to mind Majestic white Blades of giant turbo generators on pillars reaching into the sky cool that is until you get closer strong noise the twinkling of the blades it is unbearable to be that close what is more it is impossible to imagine a structure in a densely populated city therefore we need new inventions noiseless turbines perhaps or maybe even turbines without blades why not the good news is there already are two real projects on this the flower turbines and aeromine Technologies which of them will conquer the markets take a look those flower turbines don't resemble wind turbines at all they seem to be the perfect solution for an urban area they're unique and patented design has many advantages the turbines are very quiet and operate at a low frequency that is not perceived by the human ear what is more they are absolutely friendly to birds and animals the flower turbines are highly efficient and start spinning under wind conditions of less than one meter per second or 3.3 feet per second this threshold is three times lower than that of standard windmills also the effectiveness of tulips on the contrary increases many times if they are installed in so-called clusters the principle of operation is such that when they catch the wind they appear to blow into each other and for cities it is critical that they have an aesthetic appearance flower turbines are available in three sizes one three and six meters Demos in first customer installations can be found in the Netherlands Germany Israel Colombia and the USA for example in Rotterdam flower turbines provide energy to charge public e-bikes another installation is used by the Dutch military nonetheless the startup continues to raise funds to launch mass production for some this could be a great investment Target the aeromine Technologies company also offers its own version of the rooftop structures it should be added that such installations do not have blades at all even if you stand close to it you will not hear any noise or even vibration let's try to explain in simple terms the principle of operation of the aeromine Technologies turbine the bottom line is that the design consists of two aerodynamic profiles aerofoil when the wind passes through them areas of high and low air pressure are created the area of low pressure which is formed in the middle of the structure begins so to say sucking air into itself to use this useful energy pipelines invisible from the outside are placed inside the turbine structure in the middle of which electric generators with blades are installed thus the movement of air produces electricity it is important to note that the aeromine solution is exclusively designed for flat roofs this does not exclude their use in households or residential complexes but still the installation is more suitable for industrial facilities warehouses Logistics centers production facilities Office Centers as well as large shopping malls at the same time the size of the structure can be adapted to the technical characteristics of the roof and the requirements for appearance the project is so promising that the BASF Corporation the world's largest chemicals manufacturer has taken it upon itself to test it and according to the results of operation at a plan in Michigan it turned out that the aeromine installation is 50 percent more efficient than solar panels which are usually installed at such facilities at the same time the wind turbine occupies only 10 of the area required by photovoltaic cells although it should be noted that the most efficient and balanced solution would be the joint use of two energy sources they have the potential to fully eliminate the need for electricity for such objects after those successful tests the aeromine company is now negotiating with the BASF to install turbines at their other facilities it has also been reported that potential contracts for tens of thousands of units should be made available to other companies until the end of 2023. such Solutions are ideal for Urban Development all in all it is another tool to produce stable and clean electricity think of them as little building blocks for our green future and do not forget to subscribe to the channel so as not to miss other interesting inventions in the world of innovation [Music] ha [Music]
Channel: Innovative Techs
Views: 165,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turbine, inventions, top, top 5, wind turbines, renewable energy, wind farm, alternative energy, electricity, science, wind energy, solar power, energy storage, inventions you must have, most amazing, clean energy, green energy, new Inventions, amazing inventions, another level, tech, most, innovative techs, Innovative
Id: _nMZK38i4q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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